InDesign :: CS6 Crashes When Exporting To PDF?

Mar 5, 2014

I am running MAC OSX version 10.8.5 and every time i am trying to export a pdf from inDesign CS6 is chrashing. And i am doing the same loop again and again with the same results. The inDesign file is large (<8gb) and most of the items inside are embended. Thought i did this procedure several times in the past and everything was working fine.

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InDesign :: CC Crashes When Saving As IDML

Feb 2, 2014

InDesign CC 9.2 x64  crashes when saving as .idml. I have tried reinstalling but the problem persists.

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Photoshop :: Exporting From PS To Illustrator/indesign

Dec 8, 2005

I need help with using graphics. If you make a document in photoshop (please note: it's not a photo, but a scanned drawing) and then making some alterations on it... (adding text etc...) Then when I try to put this document in Illustrator or InDesign, the resolution and quality is horrible...

Please help. I've tried to save as a .jpeg, .gif, .tiff... I've tried to create a bitmap out of it (which was the worst method ever!)

How do I transfer photoshop documents to Illustrator and InDesign with great resolution and quality?

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InDesign :: Exporting PDF With Spot Colour?

Apr 14, 2014

Im having trouble exporting a pdf with a spot colour from ID. Just one part of my logo is showing as thicker once its exported. I can place in the exact same artwork but using a CYMK colour and the thick shape doesnt show. Im placing an ai. file.

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InDesign :: Crashing When Exporting To PDF - Can't Decipher Cause

Feb 4, 2014

I created a document in InDesign CS6, and each time I try to export the document to a PDF (of any compression, smallest file size, print quality, etc) InDesign crashes. I have zero errors in my preflight and no extraneous fonts.

I have restarted both my computer and ID and it is not responding differently.

I copied the crash report: [URL] ........
Thread 22 shows the crash, but I am not certain what it is inducating and how to solve it, any pointers?
Thread 21:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x917758e2 __psynch_cvwait + 10
1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a13f280 _pthread_cond_wait + 833
2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a1c5089 pthread_cond_wait$UNIX2003 + 71
3   MultiProcessor Support                  0x22767eac boost::condition_variable::wait(boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex>&) + 140
4   MultiProcessor Support                  0x2274b513 ThreadFunctor::operator()() + 99
5   MultiProcessor Support                  0x2274b25a boost::detail::thread_data<ThreadFunctor>::run() + 22
6   MultiProcessor Support                  0x22767547 thread_proxy + 167
7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a13a5b7 _pthread_start + 344
8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x9a124dce thread_start + 34


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InDesign :: Lost Objects When Exporting To Pdf?

Feb 4, 2014

I am losing objects when I export to pdf from InDesign. Even if I make a simple file with one object, if it is over a certain size it will not export? This has just started recently, it also happens in Illustrator. I am using a mac.

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InDesign :: Exporting Files From Pages?

Apr 1, 2014

I just downloaded InDesign. I have been getting away with using Pages on my Mac but I need bleeds and crop marks now and thus need InDesign. I have produced a brochure on Pages and it's ready to go. In the past I was able to use Adobe Reader or some other export to produce crop-marks for print ready material but it has all changed so I am forced to us InDesign. I will (eventually) train on this properly, but in the meantime I have time sensitive material. Is there a way to export my Pages document to InDesign? I tried to do a .pdf but the import into InDesign came up really bad (pixeled etc.) OR am I doomed to redo the whole project?

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InDesign :: CS6 Crashes Moving Pages Between Documents?

Feb 7, 2014

I have on several occasions experienced a crash (more specifically "InDesign has stopped working and needs to close" - that's a crash I think) when moving pages between different InDesign documents (some were converted from CS3, but saved as CS6 files first).  It seems to happen only betwixt select files.  I have avoided a crash by moving even numbers of pages - but not always.  Perhaps I am unaware of some document/spread shuffle setting?

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Photoshop :: Exporting Or Saving For InDesign After Creating In CS2

Jan 8, 2012

I have created a design mainly using dingbat fonts in Photoshop CS2 and want to save it (I think as a TIFF) for use in InDesign CS5. I have tried but when I 'place' to TIFF image in InDesign the quality looks terrible . The document has been created as 600dpi, A5 so 21cm x 14.8cm and I have the color set for CMYK.

When I'm saving the file I'm offered TIFF options, including image compression, for which I have chosen JPG and Maximum quality 12, I've attached a screenshot of the TIFF options.

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InDesign :: CS6 ID Not Exporting Correct Document Size To PDF

Apr 17, 2014

I created a 6.25 in wide doc in ID, exported it to PDF. PDF printed doc at 5.5 in wide. I sent PDF file to coworker, who printed it to several other printers in office: same wrong-sized results. Packaged and emailed original ID doc to our local printer, who opened my original ID file and--without making any changes to it--exported to PDF and got a perfect 6.25 size! She had no idea why it didn't convert properly on my software, since it worked perfectly for her.
So, it's my software, and it's a recurring problem: I've created other PDF docs in the last few months that printed incorrectly. That's professionally embarrassing, especially since I make quite a few PDF docs for work.

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InDesign :: Exporting To PDF And Maintain Page Size?

Nov 5, 2013

I have a 5 section book which I need to print. I usually export to a PDF then re import into a single indesign document. Then use print booklet to print the book. My problem is that I need bleed on my pages so I have set my page size to O/S A4 (32*22.5) When I export to PDF the pages end up A4. How can I export so the page size remains the same?

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InDesign :: CS6 Crashes When Changing Layout From Portrait To Landscape

Mar 19, 2014

I've got A4 document and when trying to switch from portrait to landscape it just crashes. Is there any other way to do this than from File/Document Setup?

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InDesign :: Animated Text Not Working In SWF Preview Or Exporting SWF File

Apr 3, 2014

I am animating text so that it appears after a 3 second delay on page load. However, it does not seem to work at all. It worked for a paragraph of text, but it won't work for text that seems to be surrounded by other objects. I tried moving the animated object to the top-most layer, but that did not work.
Animating seems to be quite buggy in InDesign?

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Maya :: 2010 64 Bit Always Crashes When Exporting?

May 14, 2013

maya 2010 64bit (win7 64bit) always crashes (with an fatal error) when i´m exporting an fbx-file from selecton. i´m using the with the program delivered fbx-exporter.

what can i do to use the adviced fbx-export - function?

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Lightroom :: 5 Crashes When Exporting Slideshow

Aug 2, 2013

I'm trying to export my pics and a video from my collection to a slideshow and every time i do it it we have a work-around? i've tried different resolutions to no avail so far.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Crashes When Exporting To JPG

Mar 17, 2011

We have X5 installed on four computers at work and on two of the machines (including mine) X5 will crash everytime (100%) when trying to export to jpg. It does not even get as far as a dialog box its just crashes straight away. I it does this everytime on two comuters without fail.

Is there a way of viewing an error report? Or what would I have to do to file one?

I can export to other formats just fine, it only seems to be JPG....

I am running windows 7 and X5 SP2

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Crashes When Exporting To Any Bitmap

Jul 27, 2011

I've got Service Pack 3 which is the latest and greatest and am still finding that I cannot export to any bitmap format even in PhotoPaint. I can save as a .cpt file in PhotoPaint. Sometimes I send out .jpeg proofs and doesn't matter whether it is X5 Draw or PhotoPaint, it crashes. 

I do not have this problem when I export the same thing from X4 Draw or PhotoPaint.

I am running XP on a virtualized Windows environment via Parallels desktop for Mac. I have plenty of RAM and hard drive space so it may be because I am not running Windows 7?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashes When Exporting CDR Files To Bitmap Formats?

Nov 2, 2013

For some reason, my X6 crashes whenever I attempt to export an image to JPEG. What settings (if any) need to be changed?

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Lightroom :: 4.1 Constantly Crashes When Exporting Or Importing Catalogs?

Apr 17, 2012

running win7 pro..had to move to this to support canon 5dmkiii raw files...tried everything to figure it out but just dies

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InDesign :: Can't Export To PDF

Mar 14, 2014

I'm using InDesign CS5, and have a document that doesn't export to PDF. It is the only document that fails to do so. I don't receive any error messages, it just doesn't do anything after I select all of my export options. If I remove a specific linked document from the file, it exports fine, so I assume it has something to do with that one linked file

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InDesign :: How To Set Something To Overprint

Apr 18, 2014

I have an indesign document with logo in it that I want to set to overprint. I have the logo selected, but the overprint fill box in the attributes panel is greyed out and I cannot select it. How can I get the logo to be set to overprint?

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InDesign :: Animated GIF From CS5

Feb 16, 2011

I am trying to animate 4 pages (of text and graphics) so they appear 1 at a time in an never ending loop in InDesign so I can export and create and animated GIF for a web banner.
The only way I have managed to do it so far is to group the text and graphics on each page, copy pages 2, 3, 4 onto page 1. Layer them on top of each other, animate them to appear 1 at a time by delaying the timing a second for each.But I can't get it to work as a loop.

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InDesign :: Why Can't Save A Doc As A PDF

Mar 25, 2014

Why can't I save a doc as a pdf?

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InDesign :: Upgrading To ID6 From 5.5?

Feb 12, 2014

how do I upgrade or where do I go to upgrade from ID 5.5 to 6 student version?

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InDesign :: How To Get More Fonts

Mar 24, 2014

How do you get more fonts for InDesign? What are some good websites for fonts?

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InDesign :: IDD CS6 Not Compatible With IDD CS8

Feb 13, 2014

I have a CS6 file (created and last saved by IDD CS6), but my InDesign has been updated to CS8, and when I try to open the CS6 file, I'm told it was last saved as CS9--which I don't have yet--and it can't be opened. How could the file have converted to a version of ID that I do not have? The properties information for the file specifies that it is CS6.

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InDesign :: Different Odd And Even Pages?

Apr 1, 2014

InDesign CS4
Have a 100 page document as several chapters in a book.
How do you apply a Master Page to all of the odd numbered pages?
Or, simply, how do you apply different headers and footers for odd versus even pages; through the whole document and across chapters.

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Photoshop :: Printing InDesign

Oct 2, 2006

I'm used to printing in Photoshop and somewhat with RIP.

My designer just created a PDF portfolio where many images are specific crop, and specific lay outs, and some bleed over the page etc.

She said there are great advantages to printing from IN design, in that you can later go back to the master file in Photoshop with layers and re- insert it etc, as well as other advantages, primarily, of course, you dont have to re-configure the whole layout as single PS files.

Of course, I would have to buy In Design and deal with learning curve, and not have the RIP option.

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InDesign :: How To Create Interactive PDF

Feb 10, 2014

I am trying trying to create an interactive pdf with Adobe InDesign CC. I want to have labeled buttons, that you can click on and it will take you to another page. One the resulting interactive pdf, the button functionality works correctly, but the label/type is not showing up at all.

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InDesign :: Unable To Set Bounding Box

Sep 12, 2008

I´m trying to reduce scale on a group of objects;a map, some lines with arrows and shade and also text blocks. When I´m trying to reduce the size of the group the message "unable to set bounding box" pops up and its impossible to continue scaling. It has happened with different files and objects, always the same message.

I´m using Indesign CS3 5.03 on Xp professional

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InDesign :: CC Crashing When Relinking?

Feb 12, 2014

I have been using Indesign CC for a month or two now and for some reason it just started crashing when I try and relink a file in a publication I'm working on. It has worked fine up until this point. I have already tried reinstalling the program and I've even tried dragging/dropping the links instead of relinking through the LINKS box.

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