CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashes When Exporting CDR Files To Bitmap Formats?
Nov 2, 2013For some reason, my X6 crashes whenever I attempt to export an image to JPEG. What settings (if any) need to be changed?
View 12 RepliesFor some reason, my X6 crashes whenever I attempt to export an image to JPEG. What settings (if any) need to be changed?
View 12 RepliesI've got Service Pack 3 which is the latest and greatest and am still finding that I cannot export to any bitmap format even in PhotoPaint. I can save as a .cpt file in PhotoPaint. Sometimes I send out .jpeg proofs and doesn't matter whether it is X5 Draw or PhotoPaint, it crashes.
I do not have this problem when I export the same thing from X4 Draw or PhotoPaint.
I am running XP on a virtualized Windows environment via Parallels desktop for Mac. I have plenty of RAM and hard drive space so it may be because I am not running Windows 7?
One of our tech writers has a handful of screenshots (mostly JPEGs and TIFFs) that he wants to use in a manual. However, the customer requires that the graphics provided to them be in .cgm format.
Despite all of my attempts (using CorelDraw X5) to import the bitmaps and then save as or export to .cgm, the customer says the files are "blank" and unusable. When I try and open the .cgm files I created using a web-based file viewer, the graphics show up as completely black. I have opened known good .cgm files with this same viewer, and the graphics show up as expected.
I have tried all of the different options avaialble to me (to the best of my knowledge; to call me a novice with Corel would be an understatement), with no success. Am I missing something? Or is there some other way I should try and accomplish this?
Latest version installed (16.2)
If I draw a shape (or select an already existing shape) and choose "Bitmap Fill" or "Full Color Pattern" CDX6 freezes and then after several seconds throws the "CorelDRAW X6 has stopped working" error at me with the only options to "Check online for a solution..." or "Close the program"
Prior to the 16.2 update CDX6 would freeze in the above circumstances but eventually come out of it and apply the fill (program wouldn't have to be closed).
All other fills work as expected. This is a Win7 32-bit system.
The problem details are:
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: CorelDrw.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 50b295cf Fault Module Name: CdrGfx.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 50b29664 Exception c0000005 Exception Offset: 000ac375 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
I have a problem with exporting bitmaps (for icons)., The resulting image is totally distorted compared to the original document. I define document size to 16x16 pixels with a 72 dpi resolution. I would like to have the exported bmp image to be an exact copy of the illustration, thus having unchecked the anti aliasing function and every object is designed to match the pixel size. The same happens if I try to convert the graphic to a bitmap, see screenshots below. I have attached the original cdr file.
I exported a graphic as a 600 dpi bitmap. However the saved image is 600.125 dpi. Why the non-whole number size? And how can I export to a whole number? I get either or
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter using Powertrace to trace a bitmap, I zoom in to the outline and can only see one line.
However when I export as a DXF, my cam program always says it is removing overlapping outlines. Thing is there are quite a few double outlines left (very close to each other but not exactly parallel). Because these remaining outlines did not cross, my cam program did not remove them.
Because of the remaining double outlines, the cam program basically doubles up on the cut path.
If I trace manually with the bezier tool and shape tool, I don't have this problem. It's only when tracing with Powertrace.
We have X5 installed on four computers at work and on two of the machines (including mine) X5 will crash everytime (100%) when trying to export to jpg. It does not even get as far as a dialog box its just crashes straight away. I it does this everytime on two comuters without fail.
Is there a way of viewing an error report? Or what would I have to do to file one?
I can export to other formats just fine, it only seems to be JPG....
I am running windows 7 and X5 SP2
I get .ai files from customers that have drop shadows made with the "lens" effect. I want to convert them to a bitmap image with no lens effect, but if I get rid of the lens effect and then save as a bitmap image the color changes.
How can I convert objects, that have drop shadows as a "lens", to a bitmap image and have the color of the drop shadow stay the same as it was with the lens effect?
How do I get a premiere CC project to a web-friendly viewing format?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am currently using this method, creating a 1-bit bitmap from a grayscale "distress" texture bitmap, choosing transparent fill or outline depending on which area i need trasparent and powerclip it in text or other vector object.
Is there a way to achieve the same distress effect with transparency with FILL ? pattern fill maybe? eg can i save in some format this bitmap to use it maybe as a pattern in pattern fill and retain transparency ?
sample file (X4)
I am having trouble with machinists who are unable to use my .dwg files. If I could export to .iges or .stp my pool of machinists grows significantly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWe are creating property set data and attaching it to polylines in autocad 2011. export the drawing to the older format (2007) and maintain the property data connection. We don't have and old version anymore so I can't test.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to export on a regular basis parts of a X6 file to eps. The files are huge an can contain all sorts of filter. They are all powerclips, some with shadows and transparency and symbols containing JPG's.
When i export the first part of it most at the time it works well, exporting the second set I am ending up with only half the data. If I copy and past into a new document and try from there I might get lucky or some other parts are missing, if I reduce the size by 50 percent same thing.
When I export my CDR file to EPS, which I've done thousands of time, it seems to export, but when I try to open it, I get an error "The an unknown format and cannot be opened". When I look at the file profile in my documents, I can see that it says "0 KB"
I can open up older EPS files from my documents fine, but not able to do that now.
When I open a file the program crashes. It doesn't matter what file, they all cause the program to crash. It seems that X6 just cannot create the work environment unless it starts from scratch.
The solution I have found is to start a new document first and THEN open the file I want. After that, everything is fine. I can open any files I want all day with no crashes. Kind of weird, but what the least it works. By the way, my files are typically small (less than 2MB) composed of a few jpegs, some text, and some simple vector shapes.
I am using the 64 bit version of X6 on a 64 bit pc running Windows professional with 8GB ram.
When I export an Eps file to my other program, the color is off quite a bit, and sometimes changes the color completely. How do I fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedProblems with corrupt files when exporting to an EPS.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm having a hard time exporting my designs to jpeg files. I use the export command, but after I hit ok, it doesn't save? I used Google chrome on windows 7 ultimate platform, with 8 gigs of ram with 500 mb of hard drive space.
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe best way to export Corel Draw files to a format that other non-Corel users can easily manipulate? I have had trouble saving as or exporting to other vector formats in the past. I use very large files with imported jpg graphics, etc.
Also, do any of the effects/actions (drop shadows, power clipping, grouping) that we use in Corel affect the ability of other users to at least open and manipulate the file? Even if it's not exactly the same in the converted file, what is the most convenient way to allow another artist to view & manipulate Ai or EPS exported from Corel Draw? (Specifically X6 if that applies)
I am attempting to export one of my files (3 color vector file) to an eps file from Corel x6. I am using the Pantone Solid Coated color palette. When I export the file as an EPS for my client the colors are all turning black or shades of very dark black. I downloaded the ghostscript file but no luck. I have all the updates for Corel X6 as well.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to use CorelDRAW X3to plot directly with my vinyl plotter without the need of exporting files etc... I recently trialled a program called CoCut by Eurosystems and it worked great but Im not real keen on shelling that much money on the program.
How to prevent other programs importing PLT files from Corel making all lines between nodes straight. It seems to only export the node location and not the info on curves or straight lines which means the other program simply fill in between the nodes with straight lines.
CORELDRAW 12 crashes on opening files.. I get the crash wisdard saying it is unstable..
it worked a few hours ago... this is my work computer. i use program to make silk screens
I am running windows 7
Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: CorelDRW.exe Application Version: Application Timestamp: 3fced9b6 Fault Module Name: CdrSty.dll Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 3fceecf3 Exception c0000005 Exception Offset: 000091c1 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: 9779 Additional Information 2: 9779cefde9fcb36e63d4c28219879671 Additional Information 3: 537f Additional Information 4: 537f578d5c430251a71245316ee5988f
is it the CdrSty.dll file i need to reinstall. where to find and how to install
i did find a ziped copy of CdrSty.dll but do not know where to place it..
yes i put in the orignial disk and try to repair it severial times..( said it installed all i needed)
unistalled the program and reinstalled it vie: the original disk several times and still no go.
I am fairly inexperienced using Corel. I work with Corel in a technical capacity for my job. We use it to transform DXF (AutoCAD) files into image files that can then be imported into another very specialized program for weaving.
The problem I am having is this. I would like to be able to export image files from corel that have a specified height, in pixels, larger than 10,000. In the woven program, the pixels of the incoming drawing have a real, physical representation. Namely, the number of pixels wide and high in the drawing translates directly into the number of yarns wide and high in a woven cloth repeat (weft (pick count) and warp (end count) for those who are familiar). We have some designs that require the length be longer than the 10,000 limit, and until recently we have been working around this by resizing ("scaling") the image without keeping the aspect ratio in the woven image editing program. This does ok, but when the lines and curves in the drawing get "stretched," they become very uneven and this is frustrating.
We cannot use jpg file formats because when the lines and curves of a dxf file are converted to an image and then exported from corel as a jpg, the lines do not remain smooth and complete. In other words, they become a series of standalone dots. This severely complicates working with the image in other steps. Currently, our standard is to use .tif files, and .bmp files also seem to work. However, neither seems to allow the exportation of images in excess of 10,000 pixels long.
Is there a different way we could be creating these images in order to get the type of accuracy we are looking for? DXF files have to be successfully made into image files that maintain the proportions set out in AutoCAD and which also are longer than 10,000 pixels.
Corel X5 has a real crash problem when exporting any type of PDF save for X1/X3. Hence, the files are enormous and can't be sent by email or put on the web.
I am using Corel X5 Home and student ( with last sp update) on Windows 7, On a brand new HP Pavillion.
I have CorelDraw16 loaded on a W7Pro 64 bit system it has all the latest updates, I use it to run my Roland vinyl cutter. I am trying to convert some drawings to a DXF format so they can be cut on a CNC Plasma Table as well. It is my understanding CD16 by default saves DXF files as "Splines" you have several options for what years of Autocad to save them as.
The two tables I have tried to upload my DXF (R11, R13,AC 2005 or AC 2008) files are a Koiki Aronson and a Retro Plasma System. Neither one could open the files. Further research shows that some CNC machine controllers prefers "Polylines" over the "Splines".
I have found an add on utility (Leonard CNC Pro Software) that will export the DXF file as a Polyline, Polyarc, Line/Arc or a Line only. I have other options such as toolpath directions ect.
I hightlite the table in the viewport than right click to get the menu . Then export it and bring up the export dialog box. It keeps saving the file as a bitmap and not a csv file. I did get it to work once when I exported it the first time as a csv file. Now the second time trying to export it , it is coming up as a bitmap file. What am I doing wrong.
View 4 Replies View Relatedexporting my CorelDrawX6 files as a high quality jpg for large scale printing purposes. In X4 it was very easy - just export as usual to the highest quality cmyk jpg and open in Photo Paint... now when I export this way it takes forever to bring up the preview page and most of the time it ends up being blank. Sometimes even crashes. I have played with all options in the filter dialog menu that I can find but nothing works. Thought it might be a file size problem but never had that problem in X4 and anything under 200dpi will not be high enough quality.
View 11 Replies View RelatedWhen we export a DES to WMF with embedded bitmaps in the source document and using the VB macro call ExportEx(), the bitmaps are saved as .BMP files. We would prefer to have the embedded bitmaps saved as JPG files.
And I am not a VB programmer so a few sample code lines would say a lot.
I"m a newbie to Draw. I normally use Inkscape or AI.
I am trying to communicate with a print shop. I can only speak with customer service, not the art dep't. No matter what file I send, the message from the art department is that they need a vector file. I have sent .svg, .ai, and .cdr, ensuring that the entire area is included and that nothing is rasterized. Everything is paths/curves.
I'm using the latest Draw and AI. I"m trying to find out what version of Draw they are using.
I'm at a loss as to why these files aren't opening as vectored art. I have even suggested that they ungroup and look at it again.
I don't find "All Formats" on the open dialog.
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