CorelCAD :: Exporting To Other File Formats STP And IGES?
Sep 23, 2013I am having trouble with machinists who are unable to use my .dwg files. If I could export to .iges or .stp my pool of machinists grows significantly.
View 4 RepliesI am having trouble with machinists who are unable to use my .dwg files. If I could export to .iges or .stp my pool of machinists grows significantly.
View 4 Repliesthe maya 2014 Version I am running is not able to export and import IGES formats.
OBJ and FBX is working though.
how to fix this?
How do I get a premiere CC project to a web-friendly viewing format?
View 6 Replies View RelatedFor some reason, my X6 crashes whenever I attempt to export an image to JPEG. What settings (if any) need to be changed?
View 12 Replies View RelatedWe are creating property set data and attaching it to polylines in autocad 2011. export the drawing to the older format (2007) and maintain the property data connection. We don't have and old version anymore so I can't test.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was given an iges file of a 3d structure that needs to be layed out in 2d. I was able to import the iges file into inventor and then output a dwg file. I then tried to import this dwg file into autocad to draw the 2d layout, but I am unable to copy it into autocad in the correct orientation. I have the correct orientation when i produce the dwg files from inventor. how can i import them into a single dwg file at the correct orientation?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have attached a file that i need to convert to .iges for my cnc operator and i cant do it with my autocad or spin fire
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a problem converting a file into STP or IGES formats. Inventor 2011 keep crashing. I managed to do shrinkwrap which is 38MB in size. I am converting this 38MB file into other formats for customer suitability.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to import an IGES file made in solidworks, I was able to import IGES till yesterday by clicking the IGES button on the ribbon in insert tab but today the dialogue box is not popping and I dont know how to do it using command line, I have used Filedia1 but the other dialogue boxes are ok but just the IGES simply quit working, how to turn this dialogue box on again,
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working with Inventor Professional 2012 eduactional institution version here at school. I am trying to conver a DWG of a 747 to a IGES or STEP file, but when I go to do so the option export "cad format" is faded out and I cannot choose it. Is this b/c it is an educational version, or am I missing something?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an IGES file that, when opened in Inventor, comes in as a single part. In the model tree of the part are 126 Solid Bodies, each with a "Base" in it. The parts are all solids, or appear to be. Is there a way to open this file so Inventor makes each "Body" a separate .ipt file, and the IGES file a .iam file (as it can with a .stp file)? I can't attach the file, as it's 36+Mb....
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an IGES-file 270 MB large, i can open it in a lot of 3D programs, but when i want to open the file in Inventor 2012 the circle-icon keeps on spinning. But no result.
Why can't Inventor handle large IGES-files? How can i solve this?
I'm trying to import a simple IGES file into vanilla Autocad. I found the IGESIMPORT command and I can get the geometry to import. The issue I am having is that the geometry is importing as splines. Even if the geometry is a straight line, it is imported as a spline. Perfect arcs also import as splines and I can't find a way to convert them.
In Autocad Mechanical, I can use the IGESIN command and the geometry imports as regular lines and arcs. I'm working with a customer that doesn't have access to Autocad Mechanical and trying to find a solution for them with vanilla Autocad.
I am using inventor 2013. I currently have a IGES file that doesn't show the surfaces on my inventor drawings. The include all surfaces feature is check but still doesnt show all the surfaces. I just recently imported a IGES file as a soild part but i do not rememeber how i did it. Once I clicked on the IGES file to open and then click options. What do I fill out on the option dialog box that the IGES file imports as a solid part and shows all surfaces on my inventor drawings.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to import the iges file in autocad mechanical 2011? [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy company outputs IGES files and we always use the settings "Surfaces" and "144-Trimmed", however, the default for Sufrace Type is "143-Bounded" so we have to open up the options dialog box and change to "144-Trimmed" every time. How can I set Inventor's Default to "144-Trimmed" so I never have to mess with it again?
View 6 Replies View Relatedi have imported a IGES file from Catia to Softimage 2012, i am not able to export it to 3dsmax 2012, if i do this through fbx, obj or other formats mesh is tearing,
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have imported an IGES file in Inventor and I need to dimension and detaill the piece in a 2D drawing. The thread and hole wizard does not recognize the holes in the workpiece as holes. Also I sectional view does not display hatched areas of the workpiece even though I have the display option checked on. Is there any sort of feature recognition within Inventor that I can use to import all geometry so that inventor understands?
I am working with 2011 Pro and have about 1500 hours on the program so far.
I was considering redrawing the workpiece by creating a part within an assembly and overlaying the two pieces on top another and using refernece geometry but this might not be the most ideal method.
I"m a newbie to Draw. I normally use Inkscape or AI.
I am trying to communicate with a print shop. I can only speak with customer service, not the art dep't. No matter what file I send, the message from the art department is that they need a vector file. I have sent .svg, .ai, and .cdr, ensuring that the entire area is included and that nothing is rasterized. Everything is paths/curves.
I'm using the latest Draw and AI. I"m trying to find out what version of Draw they are using.
I'm at a loss as to why these files aren't opening as vectored art. I have even suggested that they ungroup and look at it again.
I am a illustrator who needs to save files in different formats. Like 1 with a watermark, one small one for the website, another one for shop, a pdf file for the prints, etc. Is there a way to do all those things at once? Cause it really takes a lot of time.
I make my illustrations in Photoshop, but if it's necessary to only do those thing in another adobe program, than that's no problem.
Supported file formats in CS6?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded a trial version of Photoshop CS6 and noticed that I had an extremely reduced choice of file extensions at the moment I wanted to save my work. In fact, I wanted to save it in .tga, but the option disappeared from the list. The PSD file I want to save only has 4 layers, 3 of which use an alpha channel; the 4th being a plain black background.
And the weirdest thing is that when I create a new, empty file, I can save it as a .tga image, along with a lot of other extensions that disappeared for the other image. Like, I can't even save my first pic in BMP. I only can use PNG, JPG, CIN, IFF, TIFF, and 2 or 3 others. Oh and by the way, it's the x64 version. But it does the same thing with the x32 one. I tried already.
My latest problem is file formats! I have two cameras, one of which produces .AVI video format. I have found that Corel does not "read" this format - or am I wrong? I am working from a card reader. I have succeeded in using the latter files in VS but only by converting to MP3. I don't want to part with this very handy camera so am I missing something in that perhaps I can change some setting to enable Corel to recognise .AVI files? I don't want to have to use the editing suite which came with my Traveller camera. I have found it is easy to load via Picasa - which accepts many formats - but it's when I come to insert media file to the VS library that the trouble starts - obviously because the files are .AVI.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am now almost at completion for my Blurb book via LR4, one point I am unsure of is that I shoot in RAW so most of my photo's in the book are DNG with a few JPEGS will I be able to download to Blurb when I wish to publish the finished book
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am interested in adding some other file formats to the newly added Generator feature in Photoshop CC, but where to start after looking at the installed scripts. I am also not the most experienced with this, so my lack of knowledge is probalby also blocking me
What I want to do:
- add TGA formats in 32 and 24 bit format based on the existence of an alpha channel
- change where the image assets are saved to be in the same directory as the psd, not one directory lower in [filename] - assets folder.
Have not had any luck adding TGA formats, again, unclear how to do this. Can see things happening in convert.js, however when trying to add a TGA entry to this, it fails (and deletes the assets folder)
there are several file formats missing in the save as menu in CC save for web gives you the opportunities but takes tripple the time...add file formats in the save as menu!
View 12 Replies View RelatedWith Photoshop CS6 Extended when i go to save image as jpeg it shows as file name.iff, if save as png it shows file name.pxe and save file as pdf it shows file name.pcx. All formats seem to show another format.I have done all the updates. On a mac as well.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 50 inch 1080p TV and a media player that can play almost any format. I have VideoStudio X3 and a decent core2 PC running XP. I have a few 1 hour each video files that I captured from my sony SD camcorder few years back using Firewire. These video files are like 25GB each and not high def.
Now I have edited some of these video files but I am not sure what is the best format to use when creating video file to watch it on my HDTV. I don't need to burn disks or re-edit the files once I am done editing one time.
I have tried custom MPEG2 with 8000 bit rate and 100% quality and it looks okay but grainy on my HDTV. I tried avchd/Blu-ray and they look much smoother on HDTV however they are a bit soft and dull in colors and not as sharp as custom mpeg2.
There are so many formats like DVD mpeg2/AVCHD/HDV/Blu-ray with mpeg2 or h.264 and videostudio help did not do a good job explaining them So I would hope experts here would guide me what best quality format should I pick for these SD videos so that they look nice on my HDTV. Would picking aspect ration to 16:9 make any difference for these sd video?
I am sure when I buy an HD camcorder I would have better options to keep picture quality great.
I am finding some difficulties to deal with vector files in PSP.
a) When reading=> I saved several .SVG files from Inkscape software and PSP isn’t able to open the files (I could open them through GIMP). The “SVG import” dialog box opens in PSP, but when I click in “ok” a message mentions “this is not a valid SVG file”. What could be happening? What is the better/compatible vector file format that PSP is able to handle?
b) When writing=> I created a vector logo with text and drop shadow in layer style. I would like to send it to other people that don’t have PSP. So, is there any vector file format which PSP is able to write/save? I tried to save it in .WMF and .EMF, but the output isn’t good (the definition isn’t good, the shadow doesn't appear, when I insert the logo in Word the text character changed to japonese character).
I had a time where I shot some home videos on my old Sony DV camera (type2 DV 29.97fps) and also some on my other digital cameras of various models which recorded in mjpeg (20fps), h.263(30fps), mpeg4sp (29.97fps), and even a few .asp. I want to combine all these in chronological order on DVD. But I worried about which format to choose when rendering such a mixture, since I've heard that type 2 DV should be lower filed first. Will that mess up the way the other files are rendered? I was wondering if i should render the DV out to DVD compliant mpeg2 first and then add in the others in another project.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently upgraded to Creative Suite CS4 from Photoshop CS3. Previously, all my images, when viewing them in Windows Explorer, were defined by a specific icon and file type. For example, GIF images were associated with a specific GIF icon and JPEG images were associated with a specific JPEG icon, etc. Now with CS4 they all are listed as Adobe Photoshop Images with the same PS icon. I cannot tell when browsing what type of image file they are.
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