Illustrator :: Printing PDF - PNG Logos And Rotated Photos Display White Boxes Around
Jul 30, 2013
I'm using Illustrator CS6. When I save a pdf file and try to print photos become a garbled mess (as if data was lost) and png logos and rotated photos display white boxes around them. Which setting should I change to fix this issue?Â
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Sep 10, 2012
For some reason with CS5.1 on my mac, when I save files in Illustrator they are saving as white boxes, not images of the artwork?
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Apr 7, 2011
Rotated text.cdr
How can I stop new text boxes being rotated? When I make a new text box (or start typing artistic text) using the text tool, the box (or artistic text) is rotated 90° clockwise. The tabs also show on the left hand ruler instead of the top one. I have looked at all the options in the Tools menu but there does not seem to a way of changing this. I have attached a CorelDraw file as an example.
I am using CorelDraw from Graphics Suite 4. My PC is running Windows XP Pro, Service Pack build 2600.
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May 23, 2009
I have some coloured logos on white backgrounds How do I have the logos as white on a coloured background. I want them to look a little like this bar I found.
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Oct 6, 2012
I should have spoke up sooner because I thought this would get fixed pretty quickly but I just upgraded to CS6 and it's still broken. I use Photoshop to generate color separations for screen printing. We do simulated spot process which means we print the prodomient colors of the image rather than gambling that CMYK will work. We print white because garments are often any color you can imagine. So I use the DCS.eps format alot. I place this linked in Illustrator. Up untill CS3 this worked fine. I skipped 4, but upgraded to 5. Five doesn't display the white channel. (These files are Multichannel mode, each channel is a Spot channel. saved as dcs/eps) I have not tried output. It may print fine.
The thing is I end up with a client perched on my shoulder like a buzzard and if the white parts of the design or the white channel/screen isn't their to support the top/upper colors I look like I don't know what I'm doing, or I left the white out, etc. I've been in both offset printing and screen printing and T&T (trinkets and trash) for a long time. Messing up paper is one thing. Messing up an Under Armor or Nike or you name it garment is a whole different ballgame so they are pretty tense when it comes to what they see. I already have to explain that it looks pixelated and rough because it's an 8 bit preview but will print sharp.
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Jun 30, 2011
I'm very new to corel and i just finished designing a poster but i need to add logos. the problem i'm having is that they're in jpeg and they have a white background. i need to remove the white background. i've tried the magic wand and then going to mask and invert. the problem with this is that i can still see quite a bit of white around the logo. An easier way or do i need to go in and clean up the edges in photo paint's cut out lab? i can do this but it just seems like a lot of work and i have to work with about 15 logos.
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Mar 14, 2013
Can I move in Video Studio objects like photos/logos in a fully custom, controlled professional way ?
I mean seriously speaking even youtube tutorials from people having popular tutorial channels look quite amateur so not sure if Corel video studio is any good for making for example nice looking serious marketing clips.
In particular I want to achieve pretty basic effect with sliding transparent title bar and then title appearing (for example current speaker name) and then slide off.
It's the basic thing you see on TV all the time in talk shows or news channels.
Do I need to literally for example create white rectangular jpg first to use it as a background bar for subtitles? And then for example apply transparency, animate it and then shpw/animate text on top?I know there are attributes like Enter from right etc, but it's so simple and template like Powerpoint. I mean, I don't expect rolling in and out animation but at least more control over movement direction, position and timing.I think the newest Path feature from X6 looks like something I would be after but is there anything for that in X5? It seams very basic feature.
if I want to keep it tidy and apply the same animation for each title/text do just copy the set of clips with effects or there are ways of saving the 'template' so it is equally precise and the same every time throughout the movie.
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Feb 11, 2013
When I try to import from My Documents, the drop down file format on the right no longer has "ALL FILES" as an option. Therefore, I am unable to import photos, logos, etc.
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Sep 7, 2011
I downloaded to resize pics, images, or logos and to create window stickers. However, I am completely new to it all! After playing with it and using it for a few days, I've done a few things with gradients paintbrush and text.
1)When I am placing graphics AND text on a new creation, for some reason I can only add the text FIRST and not AFTER I add any graphics. (So, if I mess up after getting my graphics on there and realize I need my text moved, I gotta start ALL over!
2) Is there any instruction book on the program out there anywhere??? anywhere??? maybe a book for Dummies???
3) How do I resize photo's?? How do I work with layers?
4) WHERE is the align tool? (or align object tool.....whatever it's called) I need a simple way to CENTER text and pics.....
The program has been useful to me from what I have learned by hitting the wrong buttons by mistake (lol) but I'm sure there are MUCH better ways to do things than what I've been doing......
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Apr 23, 2012
Although automatic rotating is on, the HP plotter DesignJet 500 plus uses the paper wasting method.
In the layout preview of Civil 3D 2012 the result looks good, but I need one meter of the paper roll for this plot.
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Sep 25, 2013
For my business card design I have white text overlapping an area of very white grey- causing readability issues (insufficient contrast). It looks great apart from this one problem, so I still want to keep my white text and light background and fix it by separating the text and background with a darker drop shadow..
First, I added a black drop shadow to the text- but this was not enough to increase readability (text still looked faded on background as drop shadow was too subtle at 85% opacity, 0.04" blur) so I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow (100% opacity, 0.02" blur + 18% opacity, 0.02" blur). This produced a heavier drop shadow effect for my text as desired but, for some reason, the text came out slightly grey in print (offset run). It seems the drop shadow somehow got printed over the text itself to some extent- turning the white text somewhat grey (and so not looking as clean as intended).
How could this dropshadow bleed into the text happen? Is it to do with the fact I added a drop shadow to my drop shadow? I would have thought that, even then, the text should entirely overlap all of the drop shadow as the text is the top layer in the group.
What can I do to ensure that drop shadow does not print over text in any way in future? Do I have to stick to only one layer of dropshadow-or is there something else I'm missing?
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May 15, 2012
I'm working in Civil 3D 2012 and when I print to a .PDF with rotated views, the .PDF file is very large compared to file with non-rotated views. how to control the file size?
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Dec 11, 2011
I x them out and they just keep coming back. i don't even know what they are called so i can't figure out how to turn them off.
Screen Shot 2011-12-11 at 2.09.01 PM.jpg
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Feb 12, 2014
I've opened an older InDesign document (I don't know with which version it was created) and found odd little number/letter "coordinates" [Example: 21W(13)] displayed beneath each and every text box in the document. They are the same color as the layer they inhabit, they don't disappear when I turn off invisibles, they move with the text box, they don't appear under image boxes, and the numbers are all different but the "W" always follows the first number. After some experimenting I learned that the number in parens refers to character count. I can't figure out what the "number/W" signifies. I've searched all over the web for information about this and found nothing. I've checked preferences, palettes, settings, views, etc. and also found nothing. I've worked in InDesign since its inception and have never seen such a thing. The styles in the document are all messed up, I'm wondering if these numbers are causing the problem. Can they be shut off? What are they? Does this have something to do with InCopy?
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Jun 17, 2013
I have been having a problem with white boxes appearing in my drawing only when I go to print. I searched this problem before and found a solution but of course can't remember what it was and can't seem to find the solution again. Wished I'd saved the url. From what I remember, it was something to do with bitmap effects. For me the boxes are appearing where I have guassian blurs for others it's drop shadows. I know I can convert the whole drawing to bitmap but that changes the look of my graphic slightly and don't want to do that.
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Apr 7, 2012
currently getting by with v11 on winXP..Having a recent problem which I hope one of you can identify. I undoubtedly caused this problem myself by while trying to set up multiple monitors with different screen resolutions, dpi's, font viewing sizes, etc... but now I don't know exactly what setting caused it or how to get back to normal.
Here's the problem - two dialog boxes are displaying very skewed as shown in the screen-shots below. It's only these two dialogs I seem to have trouble with. It's like their popup windows are wrong proportions. No settings I change in my monitor setups seem to correct the situation.
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Sep 19, 2013
I am getting these white lines around my aerials that are turning black when i print them to PDF. I need my graphics guy to turn it into an exibit but these lines are getting in the way.
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May 2, 2011
I am having an issue with some product renderings I am doing. 3DS Max seems to be placing random (sometimes not random) white boxes in my renderings like missing info. I can reboot Max and they will shift the next time I render. The models are fairly simple polys with a PS Layered .
System: Windows 7 64, 12GB Ram, ATI Fire Pro v7800, Intel Xeon X5355 @ 2.66GHz
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May 15, 2012
AutoCAD 2013 cannot display cyrillic characters in autolisp dialog boxes. These .dcl files were created a few years ago, but they displayed cyrillic characters correctly in all previous versions 2012 including. Now I see some strange symbols and the autolisp routine is useless!
Bug observed on 2 computers with the same result.
My OS is Windows 7 64-bit professional (bulgarian)
Office 2010 (64-bit)
Product Design Suite Professional 2013 (64-bit, of course)
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Feb 4, 2013
I have found that if I straighten a photo in Lightroom and then export it, it will not print correctly. The photo will print with the edges of the photo not straight with the borders of the paper. The angle the photo is printed askew is the same angle that I used to straighten the photo.
This is only apparent on prints with borders, but I assume it is happening on borderless prints as well.
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Feb 16, 2012
I have an issue when using the DWG to PDF plotter built into AutoCAD 2011. It started when I would generate PDFs from AutoCAD and then try printing them to our office printer for a hard copy. I kept getting the "flattening" bar popping up which caused a set of 20 drawings to take 30 mins to print. Where other PDF generators the drawings shoot out of the printer ASAP. And in a busy office likes mine, tying up a printer for that long is kind of frowned upon. But they didn't solve my flattening issue. I tweaked the "Merge Control" as most of the posts mention along with turning off "layers in PDF" as well. My PDFs are still flattening. All my drawings are 3D information.
And now I've noticed after changing the "Merge Control" and "Layer Display" in my pc3 file, it is putting black boxes on text that have a background mask...not a wipeout. I know there have been issues in the past with PDFs and wipeouts...but in my case it's the background mask function. I've even tried using a 255,255,255 colour for my background mask colour (instead of my default "background colour") and that didn't work. And the other weird thing is that it's not blacking out all text with background masks. On one drawing it'll be blacked out and in the next, the exact same piece of text will be fine. It's even only blacking out portions of lines of text. Completely random!
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Nov 16, 2013
On Mavericks. I'm getting white blank dialog boxes in Photoshop CC. Doesn't happen right away. It lets me work for a limited time then I get the blank boxes and can only Force Quit. I don't use Suitcase but I do have a Wacom. iMac.
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Apr 23, 2013
Our company plotted some PDFs using Publish, DWG to PDF and all the text came out fine but when our customer views the text in Bluebeam some of it is replaced by little white squares. It also prints out on their end with the little squares.
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Feb 25, 2013
I have LR 4.3 in Windows 7, i donloaded from Canon 60D but all i get id grey boxes in grey boxes but in PSE-11 I get photos, WHAT GIVES? i am not computer literate so keep it simple.
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Jun 27, 2013
While drafting floor plans; lines, fillet, Radius, Snap lines, there are small white boxes showing there is an angle or radius. They are getting in the way of drafting, slowing down my program and genuinely annoying. Do you know how to prevent them from appearing? Also, and I believe related, there are blue boxes appearing on all my right angles for reasons beyond me. How can I also prevent these from appearing?
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Mar 11, 2014
I don't work in Illustrator but i'm trying to figure out how to deal with an .eps file i have. It contains 3 variations of a logo stacked on top of each other, but i only want to use one of them (by placing it inside print files that are being set up in Indesign). Am i missing something simple here? I'm using CS6 versions of the software.
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Sep 6, 2013
Ok so I am fairly new to illustrators but I have trained and used Photoshop for years and I have never had this problem. I am creating a logo in Illustrator and when I save it for web and upload it into facebook the image is completely pixelate. I have the document set for RGB at 72 PPI. I am using a web safe color and on screen in illustrator my image loogs perfectly clear. I have tried to save the document is several different file formats and nothing seems to work. I have watched several tutorials and read many documents and set up my document formats to match and it has not fixed the issue.Â
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Feb 14, 2014
outlining company logos so that i can create dxf files that i can then cut out of metal on our lazer.
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Jun 8, 2013
I am getting these white "ghost" boxes with every copy, move or mirror command. They can be individually deleted but that takes too long. The more there are the slower each command takes, to the point a copy can take over a minute. If I save and close then when I reopen they are gone -- until I execute a command. This is unique to a single file I recieved  from a friend using a PC based Autocad; I use Autocad for Mac. I had no trouble with his file until I did a "Save As" and used it as a base for a new file. Now, every file that is a copy of it, even any file in which I x-ref it, has the same problem. All of my original, older files are fine. There is simply too much work in these (now) five files to start over. See attached.
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Feb 22, 2014
I just installed LR4.4 onto my Toshiba lap top, and when I try to import photos all I see are grey boxes.
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Feb 4, 2012
I was using lightroom3 today when all of the suddenly some of my pictures (far away from all) got like a coloured box on top of them.. I have attached a photo since it's a little hard to explain. notice that a very small part of all of the pictures is still as normal and the colour box seems to somewhat match the colours of the specific photos.. This is not a recently uploaded catalog and it has always worked fine. The weird thing is that even the original photos in My Documents look the same when previewed in the folder.. However- The exact photos look perfectly normal when opened with Microsoft's Picture Manager.
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