I have been having a problem with white boxes appearing in my drawing only when I go to print. I searched this problem before and found a solution but of course can't remember what it was and can't seem to find the solution again. Wished I'd saved the url. From what I remember, it was something to do with bitmap effects. For me the boxes are appearing where I have guassian blurs for others it's drop shadows. I know I can convert the whole drawing to bitmap but that changes the look of my graphic slightly and don't want to do that.
I've received two orders of CDs for a client, and in the printed artwork there are some flaws that have me wondering what to do to avoid this.
Files were submitted in PDF format with text converted to curves. I believe the artwork is then imported into AI at the other end before going to print.
Along the edge of an object with a drop shadow, there is a fine white line showing. On the two products with identical artwork, the line shows on different edges, but appears to be where the drop shadow ends.
In other spots, there is what I would call "scratches", where, within an image there is a fine white line. This is not an edge or overlap, so I'm at a loss for this.
In another place, one character in a word essentially did not print. So I'm wondering what my "best practice" would be to avoid this. Should I "flatten" everything when I'm done, essentially converting the entire page to a single 300DPI bitmap?
Should I include text in the flattened bitmap, or is it best to leave as curves? My gut says leaving as curves preserves maximum resolution, but does it matter if it is not being scaled?
I've never before had issues with getting artwork printed from PDFs. In most cases, I imagine the print is created directly from my submitted PDF.
Recently I got a new printer ( Canon LBP5000 - color laser ) and I have a problem when printing from Photoshop ( CS ). When I print a picture, white comes out beige, and all the colors are off a bit. When I save that same picture and print it from another program everything comes out ok. I have attached pictures to illustrate the problem. The first one is the image file printed.
The second one is a photo of a sheet of paper with two printed images on it. The top one was printed from Photoshop, and the bottom one from some image viewer program.
I am getting these white lines around my aerials that are turning black when i print them to PDF. I need my graphics guy to turn it into an exibit but these lines are getting in the way.
I am having an issue with some product renderings I am doing. 3DS Max seems to be placing random (sometimes not random) white boxes in my renderings like missing info. I can reboot Max and they will shift the next time I render. The models are fairly simple polys with a PS Layered .
System: Windows 7 64, 12GB Ram, ATI Fire Pro v7800, Intel Xeon X5355 @ 2.66GHz
On Mavericks. I'm getting white blank dialog boxes in Photoshop CC. Doesn't happen right away. It lets me work for a limited time then I get the blank boxes and can only Force Quit. I don't use Suitcase but I do have a Wacom. iMac.
Our company plotted some PDFs using Publish, DWG to PDF and all the text came out fine but when our customer views the text in Bluebeam some of it is replaced by little white squares. It also prints out on their end with the little squares.
While drafting floor plans; lines, fillet, Radius, Snap lines, there are small white boxes showing there is an angle or radius. They are getting in the way of drafting, slowing down my program and genuinely annoying. Do you know how to prevent them from appearing? Also, and I believe related, there are blue boxes appearing on all my right angles for reasons beyond me. How can I also prevent these from appearing?
I'm using Illustrator CS6. When I save a pdf file and try to print photos become a garbled mess (as if data was lost) and png logos and rotated photos display white boxes around them. Which setting should I change to fix this issue?
I am getting these white "ghost" boxes with every copy, move or mirror command. They can be individually deleted but that takes too long. The more there are the slower each command takes, to the point a copy can take over a minute. If I save and close then when I reopen they are gone -- until I execute a command. This is unique to a single file I recieved from a friend using a PC based Autocad; I use Autocad for Mac. I had no trouble with his file until I did a "Save As" and used it as a base for a new file. Now, every file that is a copy of it, even any file in which I x-ref it, has the same problem. All of my original, older files are fine. There is simply too much work in these (now) five files to start over. See attached.
Recently I am having problems with a line being printed at the end of an image print. Not sure what is happening, but this is happening every time now.
Printed some rectangle that are 7.5 x 14.5 inches wide on the corel page on the monitor, but they did not actually print 7.5, they were about 1/4 inch smaller! the 14.5 dimension was fine. got to measuring other images I have printed and some are perfect, some are off.
When I print the same file out of X6 & X4 the color is much different. I know this has to do with color management but now sure how to correct. The color coming from X4 is much better.
I have several documents made in older CorelDraw versions. Problem- When I tried to add new pages to the existing document, the Document Grid appeared only in the new page. And these cannot be removed. Worse, it is printed everytime. There is no way for me to remove it.
PS: These problem did not appear in new documents created in CorelDraw x6. It occurs in CorelDraw x6 when using older version files.
We are longtime users of CorelDraw, but recently we have been having lots of problems with printing.
When printing out a page for production, the letters at the end of one piece of text did not show up when printed.The wording was not converted to curves or anything; just plain text split into two lines.
On other occasions, pieces of artwork will not appear when printed. Sometimes it is consistent on multiple computers; other times only one computer will print the errors.
Is this a bug in X5? Is it fixed in X6, or are there still issues of art and text randomly vanishing? Could the printers be at fault?
I have the Guidebook, that is COOL! but does Corel sell a printed content manual? I would love to have that PDF content manual as a printed book. I know it would be 414 pages but it would be cool.
I am printing to a Brother laser printer and a Kodak inkjet using logos in a size I have never used before. None of the content is postscript, none of it should have halftone, and none of it is bitmap-based. I have resized simple CDR and AI vector line art logos for clothing care from large size (about 4") down to 0.25" for a project I am working on. Uniform fill in black is used and some of the logos have outlines and some do not. When I print the tiny logos on the laser printer, even with a DPI or 600 or 1200, some (not all) of the lines have a noticeable saw tooth appearance under magnification, instead of smooth. Fonts that are around 5-point print with clean lines. When I print on the inkjet printer with the same DPI settings, the logos appear smooth under magnification. There may be a hint of a saw tooth, but it is barely noticeable. Font that are around 5-point print with clean lines. Perhaps I went beyond the capabilities of the laser printer, but I question that because the fonts print cleanly with much finer lines than in the logos. Note that I did notice a 45 degree halftone appearance in laser printed text with a uniform fill that was much larger than the logos, even though it is not postscript. This did not occur with the inkjet.
how I can make these logos have crisp solid lines in the tiny size I am using? I'm not printing separations. I haven't found any settings in CorelDraw X5 to fix this.
I just printed of the design for my first t-shirt. There are faint horizontal lines, about 1/2 inch apart, thru an ellipse with a green-blue fountain fill that are not part of the design. Is this my printer, or is there something in the program that I am (not?) doing?
Tried the same image printed using corel and Photoshop. same setup: let software handle color, color off in printer, same profiles and settings otherwise. the corel print is a bit darker and some colors are slightly different than the same image printed thru Photoshop.
I usually print designs created in corel as there is added text and graphic elements. Can't print those using PS. just odd there is noticeable color variations.
I have printed off the colour swatch within Versaworks, but when I use the colours (which have been imported from versaworks) in corel they do not print out the same colour. The media is the same. I have tried deleting the colours and readding them in but this does not seem to make any difference.
I am a relatively new user of Corel Draw. When using the variable data print feature, the images seen in the print preview look correct, but when the page is printed the same data is output in all 4 images. This does not happen every time. I suspect there is something going wrong with the print merge data buffer. I have not been able to reproduce the error. I have created a detailed script to for others to follow when running this job.
I have been able to do a text wrap which works great. However, I need to be able to move the boxes along with the paragraph if, say, I change the beginning and causing the entire thing to shift.
So far when I enter anything and the boxes are just inserted with text wrap the words move together but leave the boxes where they are. I can move the boxes along after words by just pushing the down arrow but that means I have to go through and move each one which is time consuming and frustrating.
Is there anyway to perhaps insert the box directly into the paragraph so that it is all one thing?
My wife is starting a label company - we design the labels in corelx5 then print & cut them out on our printer - but I'm wondering how to autoduplicate the names into each of the labels on the page (a page has maybe 100 labels that would have the persons name in them - same name in each label). Rather than copy things over & over how can I set things up so that I type the name into the first label and it fills all the rest of the labels on the sheet with the same name automatically ?
Do I need a macro for this ? (I'm green to macros)
know of a macro available that will search a document for any form of white fill (rgb, cmy,cmyk,greyscale, etc) and if it finds any of those colors, it will automatically change those white fills to a Pantone White Spot Color?
I'm aware on the Oberon Color Replacer, but I'd like a macro that is more simple and will do all of this with a click of a button or keyboard shortcut.
When I open a file, that I previously edited, some text boxes are moved from intended position (I use Corel Draw X6) It looks like this:
When I saved file previously, they were positioned correctly:
I keep text as text boxes, not curves - so I can correct it later, if needed / I have this problem many times. I tried to tweak Options - (Workspace and Document) - Save, but it doesn't seem to work. Besides, I tweak options like "Use graphic objects compression", "Save blends and extrudes with the file" without understanding what are they for...
Noticed the mis-alignment that occurs in some of Corel's dialog boxes? For example in the New Document dislogs (both Draw and Photo Paint). The Draw dialog looks like this on my machine:
Notice how the labels are out of line with the dialog controls - e.g. the label "Preview Mode" is much higher than the drop-down list it belongs to - way out of alignment. Also, notice how the 'Height' and 'Width' spinners cut off the second 'm'. It's the same situation with Photo Paint too.I mention this because in the Scott Georgeson Video Tutorials, his New Document dialog boxes are not misaligned
Here's the situation. I have a block that will be inserted showing a piece of angle iron that is used for a stiffener. We have various sizes that will need to be used. Instead of typing in the angle size each time it's inserted can I have a list of all the angle sizes and then a pick box or radial dial or something to be selected and that is what is put in the block?
currently getting by with v11 on winXP..Having a recent problem which I hope one of you can identify. I undoubtedly caused this problem myself by while trying to set up multiple monitors with different screen resolutions, dpi's, font viewing sizes, etc... but now I don't know exactly what setting caused it or how to get back to normal.
Here's the problem - two dialog boxes are displaying very skewed as shown in the screen-shots below. It's only these two dialogs I seem to have trouble with. It's like their popup windows are wrong proportions. No settings I change in my monitor setups seem to correct the situation.