Illustrator :: Cut Text From Clip Group?

Feb 28, 2014

I am using Illustrator CC.  I have created a compound shape and then used it as a mask to clip an image to the shape so that the vector image is the background to the shape I created.  Now, I have text over parts of the shape and I would like to cut the text out of the compound shape.  I.e. A hole through the object in the shape of the text.  Also, I should probably note that the object that I want to cut the text out of is considered a "Clip Group" in the Layers panel.
I have tried a number of different options that I have found on forums, etc but none seem to work.  So far I have tried:
1. Converting the type to an outline and then selecting the Clip Group and the type  and then making a compound path.  The result: An error starting "Can't make a compound path.  A compound path cannot combine a clipping mask with an ordinary path."
2. Selecting the type and the Clip Group and then using Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel.  Result: An error stating "The filter produced no results.  Please select two intersecting paths."
3. Selected the type and set the transparency to 0% in the Transparency panel then selected the type and the Clip Group and then tried Difference and also Exclusion.  Result: Nothing but transparent type.
I am attaching a picture of the object and the text I want to cut from it and also the Layers panel. 

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Illustrator :: How To Work With The Clip Group

Apr 8, 2013

Have a file that is one big clip group with sub clip groups. This is not a regular Illustrator file that  has different things on different layers.Need to modify elements in this clip group, like move items, select and modify items, colors etc.

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Illustrator :: How To Stroke Text As Group With Effects

Sep 8, 2012

So, created text -- added warp effect. What I'd normally do is just then expand -- then unite -- then stroke it. But -- I'm sure there's a way where I could keep that text and effect editable while adding a stroke to look as if I united so the stroke follows the group and not the individual letters.

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Illustrator :: How To Change Color By Selecting All Text Characters Or All Group Elements

Feb 19, 2014

I'm having a problem with Adobe Illustrator CC 17.1.0 with colors, types and groups.
If I select a text or a group and try to change its color, the Fill color stays correct a the panel, but the text or the group maintains the old color, like the screenshot below.
The only way to change color its is selecting all text characters or all group's elements.

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Photoshop :: Clip Image Into Text

Feb 9, 2003

Using the tutorial on page 2 of Animated Text in PS (using 6.0), I am not getting the desired result. Ctr/Alt click on the line between the text and image layer only results in dancing ants around text. It does not cut the image as in your example.

If the cursur is place low I get: Group with previous (in history); if it is placed evenly on the line I get Load selection.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Group Text And Polyline?

Nov 30, 2012

I have placed a text on a dwg file and placed a polyline around the same text.

But now I want to make both the text and the polyline as a Group, so that once we select text, the polyline should automatically be selected and vice-versa.

The attachment shows the Group, the Polyline and the Text.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Group Text And Rectangle

Jun 13, 2012

I made a red rectangle and then positioned white text over it. I'd like to repeat that a dozen or so times in the image, just changing the text.

I assume I need to 'group' the text and rectangle so that I can move them together (I don't want to have to repeat the tricky positioning every time). And then just edit the text - but so far it's eluded me!

I'm using PSP8 but hopefully the approach is similar in later versions.

Even better, any script I could download that would make this sort of 'boxed label' simpler?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Creating Text Inside A Power Clip

Sep 27, 2012

I am completely baffled by what is happening to my text. I am using a Windows 7, 64 bit computer and CorelDraw X6, and am trying to create a 3" round button graphic. About two weeks ago, I created a photo button and wanted to put white text on top of the button. This worked fine, and I sent the proof to the client.

They wanted to change the text and so I went in to change the text to what they wanted. That's when things went weird... Now, when I retype the text to insert it on the round path, I position it and then when I click off the text, the text is no longer white, but rather it has an orange outline and no fill! 

I look at the color boxes and yes, the fill is white with no outline. I am no expert by far, but have been using Corel for many years. I do notice that whenever Windows does their little "updates" my computer gets wonky and they did about two of those updates in the last two weeks.

Today, I did a system restore back to 9/12/12, but it is still happening.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Create Unnamed Group For Text And Box

Nov 28, 2012

How to create a group? I want to create a unnamed group for a text and box

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AutoCAD LT :: Text Turned Into Blocks And Group Not Working?

Nov 30, 2011

 LT2011  I was working on a drawing, save and closed program. When I got back from a meeting and re-opened the drawing it had converted some of my text into blocks. Question is how do I get it back to text or am I screwed?? Also since I first bought the program I've never been able to get it to work, tried both drop down menu and also short cut button neither works.

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Xara :: How To Group Rectangle Filled With Color To Some Text

May 6, 2012

I am brand new to web design and I have Web Designer 6.0. I've looked at video instructions and can not figure this out. I am trying to group a simple rectangle filled with color to some text that will make the rectangle in the background, the text in front, and be one object. It says choose both objects and then group them, but I can choose the rectangle or the text, but not both. I know this is a simple thing to do, but I'm brand new and can't figure it out.

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Illustrator :: Why Won't Layers Group

Mar 16, 2013

As you can see in the example images of the monkey, each part of him is organized in different layer groups. Head, body, arms, and feet. The first image shows that his entire right arm is grouped but cannot be selected as a whole. Instead, only a path from the arm is selected.

The second image shows that the entire left arm is grouped and IS able to be selected as a whole. They're both set up the same way, so what's different between the two?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Group Selection Set Unable To Select Individual Elements Within Group

Mar 19, 2013

One of my designers running 2012 AutoCAD and 2012 CADWorx, can no longer select individual parts of a GROUP by shift selecting the unwanted elements.

I have tried to modify..


but to no success.

Also fiddled with her Options file, still nothing+

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Maya Modeling :: Chairs And Some Glasses On Table / Group Them And Instance That Group Hundred Of Times?

Nov 29, 2011

I have table, several chairs and some glasses and plates on table. I want to group them and instance that group, hundred of times. Problem is that I do not have materials implemented and I will not until client is satisfied with arrangement. I have problems later, even using many scripts I found, to add material to all instances. Only way is to select one by one.

Other thing is that there might be new objects added into set, so best way would be to add to master group and that will be added in instances of that group automatically, but that does not work with Maya.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2010 / How To Explode Group When Group Name Not Found

Apr 15, 2013

how to explode group when group name not found

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AutoCad 2D :: Maintaining Text Orientation With Copy-clip / Paste Into Different UCS

Oct 5, 2011

When I copyclip a dimension from one drawing with UCS set to world/north, then paste into another drawing with UCS rotated in Z (south for example), the text remains oriented to north. The original drawing doesn't have to be set to world, just something different from the paste orientation.

Is there a way to have the text orient itself to the current UCS at paste?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: More Than One Text Height Or Style In MText Group

Aug 24, 2012

I have a itemized list in a mtext group and I want to change the text style in the main headings. When I select the heading line it says all style will be changed.

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Illustrator :: How To Clip A Shape Out Of The Edge

Jan 1, 2014

I have a stroke of a circle, and I want to clip a shape out of the edge:
When I use the parallelogram as the mask, I get this:
When in fact, I want the inversion of that:
I mimicked that by just making the parallelogram white, but how would I do that using clipping masks?

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Illustrator :: Clip Or Cut Lines In Letterforms

Jul 2, 2012

I would like to do some stylized typography with horizontal lines inside the letterforms' shapes...this is a common effect.
I can't find one method that will work for me, other than divide, and that leaves me with a lot of hair-pulling tedious selecting all the unwanted bits and deleting them!
clipping paths won't be useful, because I can't get it to clip the stuff inside!
I know this has got to be an easy thing to do, but I'm in the weeds over the procedure..

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Illustrator :: Convert Layer Into Group?

Jun 3, 2013

I've many layers with sub-layers in it. The problem: All layers (containing sub-layers) are shown opened in the layer pallette on document opening. How can I convert a layer into a simple group preserving the name? Are there a (semi-)automatic approach to convert all sub-layers into groups?

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Illustrator :: How To Add Gradient To A Swatch Group

Mar 21, 2013

Using CS6 on a MacBookPro

I'm creating a swatch group in my swatches panel and I can click and drag any color in the swatches panel to my new folder. But it won't let me click and drag the custom gradients into this folder. How do I  add my new gradient swatches to the swatch group folder in the swatches panel?

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Illustrator :: Placed Image Keeps Changing To Group?

Sep 21, 2013

When I go to File and then Place, I pick an image, choose to have it as a bounding box and then click OK. Quite correctly the chosen image displays as a placed image, linking to an external Illustrator file.
HOWEVER, when I close the file and reopen it, it magically changes to a Group layer, meaning there is no link anymore.

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Illustrator :: Resize Group Of Objects?

Dec 27, 2013

I'm looking for a way to select multiple objects (all identical) and resize them all at once without also changing their positions.
Said another way, I'd like to resize a group of identical objects but instead of there being a single center/anchor point in the middle of the bounding box, I'd like each object within the group to retain it's center/anchor point (so multiple anchor points) and resize based on those positions.

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Illustrator :: Expanding The Radius Of A Group?

Mar 4, 2014

I made a circle. Moved it up about 300px then used the rotation tool to > move the center point to intersect with the art board's center point > alt clicked and set a 45* rotation. Then duplicated around.
I moved to AE and created a simple rotation animation. However, I need to exspand the the radius of those objects or create more space between them.
Is this possible without rebuilding it from scratch in Ai CS5? Is there a way of exspanding the radius in Ai?

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Illustrator :: Outlining A Group Of Objects?

Apr 30, 2013

I would like to outline a grouped object with a single stroke line and not have each object outlined individually.  It is a complex image with some clipping masks and effects applied.

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Illustrator :: How To Transform Group Objects

Sep 2, 2013

I've came across a thought, how to transform a grouped object. like in Photoshop when we use the distort transformation, we can manipulate the corner points for a particular occasion. Here in the example I have 3 rectangles one smaller than another, and I I have grouped them. Now I'm trying to figure out a way how to adjust the shape into the grey one. I have used the free distort tool, but does no justice. because there is no preview so I cannot see how it adjusts. I'm only after the equivalent of the distortion like in Photoshop.

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Illustrator :: Curving A Group Of Objects?

Jul 16, 2012

In my image, the top rectangle has been curved to its finished shape (bottom). I did this before, with actually several objects together. They all curve with the rectangle.
I tried to do this again, using all kinds of Transform tools (shear) and Effect tools, and everything I could find, but nothing worked. I thought maybe Shear might work if I could pin down the middle of the rectangle and shear both sides of the rectangle upward, but this doesn't work. I think I'll start taking notes when I find something that works !
How do I do this simple curving of single object or group of objects?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Reusable Layer For Logo And Text Over Group Photo

Jun 10, 2012

I've been doing some group photos for my work and would like to overlay our logo and text, but be able to use it again for other shots and change the text when needed. Something like class photos where all I would change would be the text.

Can I create a transparent PSP image that can then be overlaid any future photos?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: 3-Point Callout Tool With Vertical Text Without Breaking Group Apart?

May 13, 2013

I use this program for a long time, but never before I have had to use this tool in this way. Could the text be arranged as shown in the figure without breaking Callout Group Apart, and if so, how?

CorelDRAW X6

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Lightroom :: Batch Import Text To IPTC Fields For Group Of Images?

Jan 8, 2012

I have the descriptive text for several hundred images in an excel sheet. There are five separate fields (excel columns) - Image filename; Title (Headline); Description (Caption); Keywords; Location how I can import this information into a lightroom catalog and match them up with the relevant images ? I can export the excel informaton into an xml file but would need to know the relevant field names.

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Illustrator :: Why Does CS6 Create Gradients Through Clip Groups

Sep 7, 2012

I jumped to CS6 from CS3 and am a bit confused. I create graphics for stock imagery and it is important to minize the amount of shapes. I created my first image with CS6 that has several gradients and my file is enormous because when I viewed it with "Overprint view" it showed that all gradients consisted of several paths contained in a clip group.

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