AutoCAD LT :: Text Turned Into Blocks And Group Not Working?
Nov 30, 2011
LT2011 I was working on a drawing, save and closed program. When I got back from a meeting and re-opened the drawing it had converted some of my text into blocks. Question is how do I get it back to text or am I screwed?? Also since I first bought the program I've never been able to get it to work, tried both drop down menu and also short cut button neither works.
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Sep 22, 2011
I just called up a drawing I haven't worked on in a while. All the text is annotative with 2 scales, 1/8 & 1/4 and worked just fine. Now I see both scales at once, I can't get "grips" on it, it won't edit, and when I list it, it comes up as object type block "*uxxx", not text. If I explode it, it becomes text again, but as two separate notes of different sizes, and both remain visible, even though the anno scale is set for 1/8. Drawings that reference this also show both scales at once.
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Apr 10, 2013
it happened suddenly. if i zoom right in and go into shows the text . it's able to be read when i convert to curves, but then i cant edit it.
the words are just long black rectangles.
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Apr 9, 2012
I can't get the select other function to work. When doing a measurement, if I right click on an item, then click "select other", nothing happens. This also is the case when applying constraints. In application options, the select other timer is set to 2.0 sec., it is not set to off.
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Aug 15, 2011
My script in VBA works perfect. Now i try to do the same with NET, but nothing happens. Here is the
Public Function CreateSelectionSet(ByVal SelectionSet As AcadSelectionSet, _
ByVal FilterCode As Integer, _ ByVal FilterValue As String) As Boolean
Dim iFilterCode(0) As Integer Dim vFilterValue(0) As Object
iFilterCode(0) = FilterCode vFilterValue(0) = FilterValue
[Code] .....
I can select something, but nothing happens... Where is the error?
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Mar 13, 2013
Are there any ways to group dynamic blocks in AutoCAD 2013?
In AutoCAD 2010, my boss made this block (we call it “Item Num Tag”) by grouping three dynamic blocks with “Group command”. Each block consists of numerical numbers 0 to 9 and a visibility parameter. The grouped block let us choose the visibility of numbers for each dynamic block to create number tags. (The tag looks like “1.00”, “1.01”, etc)
However, when the grouped block is opened in AutoCAD 2013, visibility parameter for the grouped block is missing; the grouped block turned into a single block, no visibility parameter shows up.
So I recreated a block with visibility parameter in AutoCAD 2013 and made 4 copies of the block. Then group these 4 blocks. After grouping the blocks, the groped block turned into a single block without visibility parameter. I am not sure what I did wrong...
If grouping dynamic blocks is impossible, are there any other way to make a number tag like this?
I have attached the block file and it shows how the “Item Num Tag” looks like.
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May 3, 2012
The layer is turned off but the table is still turned on!
I’m wondering how come the layer in which the table exist is turned off while the table is still turned one!
The screenshot and the file are attached.
Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.
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Jul 11, 2013
I have a dblock I built that has quit of few User Parameters. I know I can put the order I want them to display but is there a way to break them up by a blank line, or maybe subtitle a group of user parameters?
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Jul 17, 2013
I having real difficulty finding a lisp that will find and replace blocks. There are plenty out there and AutoCAD 2013 and lower has a Find and Replace Blocks. However, the frustrating catch is I can seem to find a routine that will allow me to replace only those blocks that I select with a selection set of my choosing. The built in function replaces all of them and will not let you exclude some. We have PID drawings that we want to replace valves on, but not all valves. We don't want to rename. We don't need to BEDIT the existing block.
1) Pick group of blocks
2) specify a new block that will replace all instances of old block
3) replace inserted block with different block. Leaving others alone.
I'm thinking this should be easy, but my search has failed. The blocks in question are not dynamic or attributed either.
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Jun 9, 2005
ACLT2000 on a Windows XP machine.
In the last day, one of our users has lost his ability to Group. Whether he selects objects and then pulls down "Group" from the tools menu or vice versa, the objects do not group. The command line text doesn't give any errors or other indication of what is happening.
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Apr 15, 2011
I found a lisp to get block attribute data to a other block. See attachment. I can only apply it to one block. I like to apply it to selected blocks or blocks in a group. Is this possible?
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Oct 1, 2011
I have been working on a drawing with 3 different dynamic blocks for several weeks and everything has been working perfectly. However, all of a sudden this afternoon, the text in all 3 dynamic blocks disappeared and will not display on the screen in paper or model space, and does not print.
As best I recall, I was creating a polyline viewport when this text disappeared.
I cannot turn the text on in these dynamic blocks. The text in on layer 0 which is on, and is unlocked and unfrozen. Additionally I have turned on, unlocked and unfroze all layers in the dwg and this does not work. I have also checked the text layer in the block editor and it is on layer 0.
When I click on any of the blocks, all the information appears to be correct, ie: door numbers, text style, etc. The text, however, just does not appear. Also I have never set any invisible text parameters and when I open the block editor, nothing in the invisible text area is selected or select-able.
Previous versions of this drawing, which I saved yesterday, display all block text perfectly. Perhaps there is a setting I accidentally hit which caused this problem?
I have tried repeatedly turning on all the layers, unfreezing, unlocking, changing parameters in the Style menu. I closed Autocad and turned the computer completely off and back on again.
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Oct 4, 2012
I want to create some symbols which includes text. For example, I have a square with an "F" centered within the square. The problem I am having is when I insert the block into a drawing and rotate it, the "F" also rotates. Is there any way to make it so the "F" is always horizontal no matter how I rotate the block?
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May 15, 2011
How to make text vertical not turned on it's side, but like this.
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Feb 9, 2013
whether Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 is fully compliant or not with Metadata Working Group Guidelines?
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Nov 30, 2012
I have placed a text on a dwg file and placed a polyline around the same text.
But now I want to make both the text and the polyline as a Group, so that once we select text, the polyline should automatically be selected and vice-versa.
The attachment shows the Group, the Polyline and the Text.
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Apr 8, 2013
I am creating an image, mostly text and color. I want to create words with letters that have been turned cw and ccw, alternating. After that, I plan to flood fill the words. Unfortunately, I get some white inside where I flood filled.
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May 2, 2013
I have my title blocks, detail titles, bugs and other attributable blocks set up in 2007 and am using them in 2009. When I double click on the block to open the dialogue box in vs 2013 I don't know what to do with the dialogue box that comes up. I am an average user and set up these original attributable blocks, but I feel confident to modify them through 2009. But I don't know what to do with this dialogue box. I just want to be able to fill in the text I want in each field.
I've attached a pdf showing the two dialogue boxes I get, one with 2009 and one with 2013.
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Apr 30, 2012
I have been working for a new company who likes to use blocks extensively. My question is this, is it possible to quickly change the layer of the components of a block? That is, the lines, arcs, etc of the block. Or, is the only way to explode the block, change the layer and remake the block?
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Nov 28, 2012
How to create a group? I want to create a unnamed group for a text and box
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Sep 4, 2013
I converted a DXF file to a Corel Designer file. This DXF file also has some dimensions which turned into paragraph text. This paragraph text is turned by 90 degrees. The font size is rather small, so I increased it by some points. As the paragraph text frames were now too small, I tried to increase their size. However, the text frames always jump back to their original size.
I experimented a little bit and noticed that this is only, if the text is turned by 90 or 270 degrees. If the text frame is not turned or turned by 180 degrees, you can change the size of the text frame. Additionally this problem arises only, if the option "Expand and shrink paragraph text frames to fit text" is activated (in Tools | Options | Workspace | Text). Sometimes some text frames were adapted automatically, when I changed this option. However, I do not know when which text frame was changed.
Corel Designer X6, service pack 1
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Aug 29, 2011
I know this is located in other locations but I can't seem to make it work with my block.
I would like the cross and the text N to rotate independantly of the arrow while the N stays with the thick line. That's the easy part. How can I make the N move along the rotation path and keep the text aligned horizontally? I read something about linked action and move, but I can't make it work.
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Feb 27, 2013
Dynamic blocks not working on one new office computer with AutoCAD 2013 - The problem seems mainly with the stretch feature. some features like flip and visibility states seem to work. The blocks are good, they work on other machines and on saved files from that computer.
We have tried doing a repair with the disk and updating with service pack 1.1.
Other computer have AutoCAD MEP 2013, but these are not MEP features.
I read an older post (2007) regarding the blocks not working due to the shortcut menus in drawing area no checked in the options, but that does not seem to be the issue.
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Aug 24, 2012
I have a itemized list in a mtext group and I want to change the text style in the main headings. When I select the heading line it says all style will be changed.
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Mar 19, 2013
One of my designers running 2012 AutoCAD and 2012 CADWorx, can no longer select individual parts of a GROUP by shift selecting the unwanted elements.
I have tried to modify..
but to no success.
Also fiddled with her Options file, still nothing+
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Oct 4, 2013
I cleaned up my block and I am trying to use a field to reference a polyline for it's overall distance. The distance changes with my lookup action. After rotating and going back and forth from "On" - "Off" - "Both Off", then back to "On", the red polyline doesn't stretch back on it's original plane.
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Oct 28, 2013
I'm new to dynamic blocks. In my first attempt to create a simple dynamic block with various visibility states in which each would have it's own attribute, the only attribute that works is the attribute in the first visibility state listed. I have read all the postings I could find here in the group on this subject and have made the following changes suggested here to the block:
1. All attributes have distinct tags and prompts. (I even erased all the originial attributes and created new with original tags.)
2. All attributes are locked in position.
3. I REGEN after selecting a different visibility state.
None of these changes has had any effect. Still, then only attribute that opens an attribute edit dialogue box is the "W" attribute in the first visibility state listed.
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Apr 15, 2013
how to explode group when group name not found
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Dec 5, 2011
I've made a dynamic block that consists of two lots of attributed text and has the alignment function in it but the alignment part doesn't work when looking through a viewport into modelspace ie i can move it by grapping the alignment grip point - it won't move at all. If i'm in the model tab the block works fine exactly how i made it. I'm the only person in my offie with 2011lt so i don't know if it is my computer or if it is a setting in 2011lt. It works fine in 2011 full and a few other versions around here aswell.
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May 17, 2012
I have a routine that looks for an MText date stamp and replace the old date with a new date. The problem is some MText strings appear encrypted. Below is an example:
{\H1.121x;\C1; \LFY 2011-12\l \H0.6252x;04-30-11} This is what I should get when I extract the string (as shown in Property window)
(1 . "\pxi-2.1818,l4.3636,ql,t4.3636;{\fSymbol|b1|i0|c2") is what I get when I extract the group code.
I'm running AutoCAD 2012 on Windows 7.
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Feb 28, 2014
I am using Illustrator CC. I have created a compound shape and then used it as a mask to clip an image to the shape so that the vector image is the background to the shape I created. Now, I have text over parts of the shape and I would like to cut the text out of the compound shape. I.e. A hole through the object in the shape of the text. Also, I should probably note that the object that I want to cut the text out of is considered a "Clip Group" in the Layers panel.
I have tried a number of different options that I have found on forums, etc but none seem to work. So far I have tried:
1. Converting the type to an outline and then selecting the Clip Group and the type and then making a compound path. The result: An error starting "Can't make a compound path. A compound path cannot combine a clipping mask with an ordinary path."
2. Selecting the type and the Clip Group and then using Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel. Result: An error stating "The filter produced no results. Please select two intersecting paths."
3. Selected the type and set the transparency to 0% in the Transparency panel then selected the type and the Clip Group and then tried Difference and also Exclusion. Result: Nothing but transparent type.
I am attaching a picture of the object and the text I want to cut from it and also the Layers panel.
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