Illustrator :: Clip Or Cut Lines In Letterforms

Jul 2, 2012

I would like to do some stylized typography with horizontal lines inside the letterforms' shapes...this is a common effect.
I can't find one method that will work for me, other than divide, and that leaves me with a lot of hair-pulling tedious selecting all the unwanted bits and deleting them!
clipping paths won't be useful, because I can't get it to clip the stuff inside!
I know this has got to be an easy thing to do, but I'm in the weeds over the procedure..

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Premiere Pro :: What Do Zigzag Lines Mean On Clip

Mar 30, 2014

What do the zig zag lines mean on a clip in Premiere pro? And how do I fix it as I can't see a video image for that clip?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Clip Grid Lines But Still Show Information?

Feb 29, 2012

I need to clip the grid lines at a certain station, but still show the information beyond. The Engineers here got quite comfortable doing that with Land Desktop, and we haven't found a solution to do this with Civil.

I know about clipping the grid (under Profile View Properties), but the ditch (for example) clips to that same station. I need to show the information to the start/end of the survery without grid lines.

Right now, our solution is to draw line over top of the grid lines, and make those lines print white. Therefore, covering up the grid lines underneath.

Using Civil 2011 and running Windows 7.

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Photoshop :: Can Photoshop CS Give Smooth Lines To Older MacPaint Clip Art?

Jun 7, 2004

when I got my first Macintosh IICX and all of my MacPaint clip art. I don't want to get rid of the clip art because since I'm still using a black ink printer and not upgrading to a color one, the clip art looks nice in newsletters and the like.

Up until this time I had been using SuperPaint which had the New Superbits editing plug-in to refine the pictures so they had the smoother and cleaner lines instead of looking jagged. With my new computer and printer, I'm also getting Photoshop CS packaged with Adobe Creative Suite Premium, which I have never used before. Since I have not received my order yet, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether Photoshop has the capability of improving the older MacPaint clip art like SuperPaint did with the New SuperBits editing plug-in. Over the past two days, I have been trying like crazy to back-up my pictures with SuperPaint and then re-saving them with Graphic Converter. It's been so incredibly slow that I thought I would go ahead and ask you, the experts, if Photoshop can also improve the quality of my older MacPaint clip art or if I should continue to back-up my clip art like I have been doing.

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Illustrator :: Transform Dashed Lines Into Separate (small) Lines?

Jul 22, 2010

I need to transform a lot of dashed (single) lines into separate lines... Who can tell me how to do this in a few clicks. I don't need an outline of the dashed line. So the black dashes I need, the white in between the dashes I want to loose.
See the example. I need the second lines.

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Illustrator :: How To Clip A Shape Out Of The Edge

Jan 1, 2014

I have a stroke of a circle, and I want to clip a shape out of the edge:
When I use the parallelogram as the mask, I get this:
When in fact, I want the inversion of that:
I mimicked that by just making the parallelogram white, but how would I do that using clipping masks?

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Illustrator :: Cut Text From Clip Group?

Feb 28, 2014

I am using Illustrator CC.  I have created a compound shape and then used it as a mask to clip an image to the shape so that the vector image is the background to the shape I created.  Now, I have text over parts of the shape and I would like to cut the text out of the compound shape.  I.e. A hole through the object in the shape of the text.  Also, I should probably note that the object that I want to cut the text out of is considered a "Clip Group" in the Layers panel.
I have tried a number of different options that I have found on forums, etc but none seem to work.  So far I have tried:
1. Converting the type to an outline and then selecting the Clip Group and the type  and then making a compound path.  The result: An error starting "Can't make a compound path.  A compound path cannot combine a clipping mask with an ordinary path."
2. Selecting the type and the Clip Group and then using Minus Front in the Pathfinder panel.  Result: An error stating "The filter produced no results.  Please select two intersecting paths."
3. Selected the type and set the transparency to 0% in the Transparency panel then selected the type and the Clip Group and then tried Difference and also Exclusion.  Result: Nothing but transparent type.
I am attaching a picture of the object and the text I want to cut from it and also the Layers panel. 

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Illustrator :: How To Work With The Clip Group

Apr 8, 2013

Have a file that is one big clip group with sub clip groups. This is not a regular Illustrator file that  has different things on different layers.Need to modify elements in this clip group, like move items, select and modify items, colors etc.

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Illustrator :: Why Does CS6 Create Gradients Through Clip Groups

Sep 7, 2012

I jumped to CS6 from CS3 and am a bit confused. I create graphics for stock imagery and it is important to minize the amount of shapes. I created my first image with CS6 that has several gradients and my file is enormous because when I viewed it with "Overprint view" it showed that all gradients consisted of several paths contained in a clip group.

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Illustrator :: Changing The Clip Board Size?

Oct 9, 2013

So I have this multipage document I am working on and I needed more pages so I added the artboards I need however then now go beyond the clip board size (see picture below), how do I change that?

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VideoStudio :: Selecting Clip Goes To Front Of Clip?

Oct 11, 2011

When I select a clip, it then goes to the start of the clip, how can I sop this happening and the clip stays in the same position when selected.

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Premiere Pro :: Turn 15 Fps Clip Into 30 Fps Clip Through Adobe?

Mar 27, 2014

Not sure if this is possible, but is there any way to turn a 15 fps clip into a 30 fps clip?

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Illustrator :: How To Import SVG Files With Nested Clip Path Properties

Oct 21, 2012

I'm having serious issues in Illustrator CS5 trying to import SVG files with nested clip-path properties.

Illutrator seems to create unnecessary groups, and messes up with group parents, effectively screwing things up.
Here is a minimal example :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "" [<!ENTITY ns_svg ""><!ENTITY ns_xlink "">]>
<svg version="1.1" id="main" overflow="visible" xmlns="&ns_svg;" xmlns:xlink="">
  <g id="piece-1">
    <g clip-path="url(#cpform)" id="form1">
      <g clip-path="url(#cplogo)" id="logo1">
                    <rect fill="#FF0000" x="10" y="10" width="1000" height="1000" />

Such a valid SVG file displays fine in Chrome, IE, Opera, Firefox, but Illustrator fails loading it properly, because it creates two groups between "main" and "piece-1" (which is in itself not too bad), and sets piece-1 as a brother of another unnecesarry group from which piece-2 will descend. piece-2 and piece-1 are then clipped with piece-1 clip-path, which is just plain wrong and screws display.

Note that you can move piece-2 to the root of the document, which restores the display. But save this fixed file, and open it again : it"s back to its broken state.
Does anoyone know if this is fixed in CS6 ? If there is a workaround ?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Making Objects Into A Compound Path Then Clip?

Jul 24, 2013

I'm trying to set up a script that will grab a group of objects and turn them into a compound path, then apply a clipping mask to the compound path and the next group in the layer.

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Illustrator :: Save For Web As PNG With Clip To Artboard Selected - Tiny (one Pixel Tall)

Feb 25, 2013

I'm having some issues with my file when trying to Save For Web. A band of transparency appears above my image even though I have everything cropped to the artboard, and the artboard is exactly the size I want the final image to be. If I uncheck "Clip to Artboard" the band of transparency disappears from the top, but reappears on the right side. It seems as if the artboard area is calculated differently in the Save For Web screen; its slightly off. I've included some images so you can see the issue.

Trying to save for web as a .png with "Clip To Artboard" selected; a tiny (one pixel tall?) band of transparency on the top of the image.

Trying to save for web as a .png without "Clip To Artboard" selected; the image seems to shift and the band of transparency appears on the right size. Also some of the pieces of the image appear on the bottom outside of the artboard.
I made sure to crop each element of my image to fit exactly on the artboard. Previously, I had made sure to use a clipping mask exactly the size of the artboard and still had these issues. I would like my .png to not have a band of transparency. It has the same issue when I change it to .jpg, but instead has a white matte band. What am I doing wrong, or is this just an issue with Illustrator?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Put CFX Clip On Top Of The First Clip

Nov 22, 2012

1. I put a clip in a timeline , then i put a cfx clip on top of the first clip. Add axis clip to cfx clip, set transparancy to 100% (fully transparent) , when hit render , this cfx is still calculated.

2. if i have stack of cfx clips, the clips are solid (no matte or transparancy ). one clip is on top of the other. In the top layer , i add a axis fx and cut a very small hole. We can see even a very small hole ( that will exposed small part of the bg ) will trigger smoke to render both of the clip full frame. Actually i only will see small part of the BG so i'm expecting smoke to render only that visible pixel. How to control this ? In some case i will waste my time waiting smoke to render part that i don't need.

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Photoshop :: Make Straight Lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curves?

Aug 17, 2003

how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...

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Illustrator :: Even Distribution Of Lines

Dec 10, 2013

I want to create charts, and in Corel Draw I could draw a line and then hit duplicate and it would produce evenly spaced identical ines. Is there some function on Illustrator that does this?

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Illustrator :: Disappearing Lines In PDF

Nov 13, 2012

Customer supplied me with a "print-ready" PDF and it's in my dropbox folder: [URL]
The map streets supposedly have lines adjacent to the names, but the PDF doesn't show them on my Mac, Acro Pro XI as well as Ily CS6 when I open the PDF.
She created the PDF using Ily CS4 and saved as PDF. Can't see the lines. I asked her to save as .eps... again the lines are 'disappearing.'
When I open her PDF using Ily CS6, I get an error message "An unknown shading type was encountered." Not sure if this has anything to do with the 'disappearing' lines or what.

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Illustrator :: Jagged Lines In CS5?

Sep 20, 2013

How do you get rid of jagged lines in objects and text when you rotate them.
Anti aliasing is checked already and im not stuck on pixel preview.
When i burn a screen it comes out in my image

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Illustrator :: Combining Lines From 2 To 1

Jun 17, 2013

I have a stencil for Thermal Pads and I need to print it from an epilog zing printer. There are outlines of boxes, some with curved edges and some without. The boxes orinially started with spacing between them, but we need to illiminate the spacing so that we can fit more stenciles on one piece of material. The problem is that when I print the stencil the laser will cut out edges that touch twice, which causes the material to burn from the laser. Is there a way to combine these lines in a way that isn't just grouping or joining them as the laser will still recognize two lines not just one as it appears to look like once joined.

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Illustrator :: Getting Lines Between Colors

May 17, 2012

I dropped a raster image into Illustrator (AI) and with Live Trace, turned it into a vector image that looks excellent on my monitor. However, when I load the vector file into a PDF and then open the PDF, I see small, light gray hairlines between the colors.
I'm making a product label for a client. He wants a particular photograph (JPEG) for the background. The printing house wants vector images in CMYK.I'm fairly new to AI and probably not using "approved methods" although I took what I thought were logic steps to achieve my desired end.
I took the RGB JPEG, converted it to a .tiff in CMYK. I also tried converting the JPEG to .bmp and .esp - all in CMYK, before moving to AI. I Also tried placing the JPEG directly into AI.
I dropped those images into Illustrator separately and did Live Traces on each. At this stage, each attempt gave me excellent vector images in CMYK, but went wonky when I transfer to PDF.
Oddly, when I make a hard copy of that PDF on a hi rez digital printer (2400 dpi), the lines do not appear. However, I am still very concerned about those lines, because I will be sending a job off to be done on four-color offset printing. I'm sure the printer will freak out if he sees those lines and I am even more concerned that those lines may show up in the four-colour print process.
A local graphics person I spoke with suggested I would find my solution in Pathfinder, but I tinkered with that feature quite a bit and could not resolve the problem. Although, I wonder yet if that may be where I might find the solution, because when I hit Expand the blue path lines seem to correspond with the troublesome gray lines.
Someone else told me to hit Expand and then turn off Stroke. I believe I did that correctly, but there was no difference. I also saw no difference when I applied the maximum value for the Stroke. Other attempts at finding a remedy included Resample deselected, then Resample with a resolution of 300,

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Illustrator :: Add Effects To Lines?

Apr 5, 2013

I have a map of Manhattan that has been boiled down to just vector lines of the roads. I'm trying to add effects to the lines to kind of stylize the map.  I'm trying to create effects similar to the this example that I found online.  The photo below was probably NOT created in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Set Of Lines

Sep 29, 2012

I want to create a set of lines.
If, for example, I create a line which I want to duplicate, I hit Cmd + Shift + M and I select the distance, then I hit Cmd + D to duplicate. There's no problem here.
But if I want to duplicate the line progressively, in which I want to add 1 cm each time I hit Cmd + D, is it possible?
For example, I create a line, duplicate it 1 cm horizontally, and then I want the third one to be 2 cm from the second, the fourth to be 3 cm from the third, and so on.
| |  |   |    |     |      |       |        |         |          |            |
I can do it manually, it's just very time consuming.

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Illustrator :: Cannot See Selected Lines In CC

Nov 7, 2013

I'm just trying to do the same job I've been doing for years but have a sudden problem seeing which lines I've selected. I suspect I've switched something on or off somewhere. I select a single line and it is highlighted. I tselect more than one and there's just a great box which also encompasses lines I was not selecting. The individual lines are not highlighted (as they used to be) so I can't see what really has been selected.

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Photoshop :: Illustrator Lines And Gradients

Jan 9, 2004

the darker part of the ear where the black line starts and ends .. i want to make gradient............ is that possible .. or is there a technique to create that effect?

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Illustrator :: Transparent Lines When Going From AI To Photoshop

Jan 6, 2013

I open an AI file into Photoshop and get these thin gaps (see image.) Usually, I can just re-do it and it's fine, but sometimes the problem persists. It hasn't happened enough for me to do a full scientific-method investigation.

CS5 on both apps. Mac OS 10.6.8

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Illustrator :: How To Align To Lines That Are Curved

Mar 11, 2013

How would I match up line 1 to the second line with the perfect curve towards it?

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Illustrator :: How To Distort 5 Straight Lines

Sep 22, 2012

I'm attempting to follow this video tutorial: [URL] ...

I'm at the 17:38 mark. I've tried the suggested keyboard commands and they don't work.

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Illustrator :: How To Get Halftones Lines To Print

Dec 7, 2012

how I can get halftone lines to print? No matter what options I chose in the print dialog box > output, NOTHING works. It just prints out the gradient.

Running CS6  on Mac 10.7.5

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Illustrator :: Thin Lines In PDF File

Oct 3, 2012

The same problem in Illustrator CS6 (but it appears from a few version of CS back).
I have document in an Illustrator. The document is generally for print, I don't using them to making website, so without using Slice tool.

I need have separation pdf so first I print the document to postrscript usind pdf ppd. Always the same settings:
1. General - only media size
2. Marks and Bleed - none (i mean all off)
3. Output - mode: Separations (host-based), and rest like is: emulsion: Up, Image: Positive, Printer Resolution: 71lpi/600dpi
4. Graphic - none
5. Color Managment - none
6. Advanced - none
7. Summary - none

After printing I have a separation, pdf file. Always appears vertical and horizontal thin white lines, like document was preparing for website and sliced. Can I use some settings to avoid this situation? I tried a various setting but the lines always appears..

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