Illustrator :: Shrinking Image Without Loss Of Detail?
Aug 5, 2012
Level: Newbie OS: Windows 7 64bit IA: CS6
I am having trouble shrinking this compass I made.
I have the box ticked in the preferences that says to scale strokes and effects.
I made the original image 420X420 the one below is 380X380
The second image is 190X190. As you can see the increments become pushed together. I actually want this image to look exactly like the first picture at an icon size of roughly 64X64.
Is there a way I can keep the look of this compass but make it icon size?
i am trying to use it to design button badges on my new laptop. I have photoshop on my old laptop and have lots of psd files that I have been trying to use with GIMP.
I am finding that GIMP is shrinking my images when I import them to different images and when I come to print them on A4 they are smaller than they should be, and so useless to me in making my badges...
Printing the original image from GIMP gives me it in it's intended size though. How can I stop this from happening?
It happend when I import into an A4 - as I need to fit approximately 40 badge images per sheet.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I'm having with resizing images.
I'm wanting to resize an image from 485x391 to 100x81, but when I try to do that, the image quality is completely degraded and it goes blurry where the finer details are.
I created a collage type image in CS3 . It had 4 layers with a tiff size of 60mbs. as a psd file it was about 20mb. when i saved it as a jpeg it shrunk to below 1 mb. I can't print the jpeg larger than larger than a 5 x 7. what am i doing wrong? why would the jpeg shrink so much?
Windows Explorer and some software bundled with digital cameras [Canon and Panasonic] warn when rotating a picture that there may be loss of image quality. Presumably it must re-compress the jpg image file?
In order to avoid that problem, I have been rotating image files in PS7, since no such warning comes up there.
Is there loss of image quality by rotating or cropping in PS7? I usually save jpg files at quality level 10.
Paint.NET informs me that my photographic images are 2592 x 1944 pixels with a 72 pixels/inch (28.35 pixels/cm) resolution measuring 36 x 27 inches (91.44 x 68.58 cm). Why is it that printed copies at 15 x 10 centimetres using the File>Print facility directly in Paint.NET are far superior to those using Image>Resize before printing (without saving the resized image)? Is there any means by which I can intervene to resize the image myself without losing the original quality?
exporting pictures with a PNG watermark to the exact ratio of 1:1 is impossible! that mean loss of resolution and quality of the watermark...I believe this is a BASIC function.Also the border distance trim for the image watermark, have too big steps.
I am trying to take a handprint such as the one below and change the color of the handprint to say a light pink (or any color) but I want to keep most of the detail of the fine lines that make this handprint unique. The lines could even just come out as white as below. The main thing is to change the overall color while maintaining the fine details. I have been trying to accomplish this for over a week now in Photoshop Elements 11 and I have been unsuccessful as anything I do just totally color fills the image, which does not keep any details of the handprint.
I'm editing digi photos about 6mb in size and dragging/copying them into another file (template) which is much smaller. When the photo appers in the new file it's huge. So I use the free transform tool to get the image down to the size and position I want and all is good.
I lose the focus of my subject (close up of Rolex-Omega watch's). Now the original shot is perfect and most of the time I dont have a problem in that the focus remains perfect after reducing the image down. Have I clicked on something that I shouldn't? I cannot work it out, the photo's are all in a batch, the first 4 were perfect and the 5th, just not having it, even after re-taking the picture.
When I use the polyagonal lassoo (or whatever it's called), select copy, then paste the selected image onto a new blank file, the selection changes from colour to black and white-
I received files from a freelance designer in Illustrator CS5 format, but my company only has CS4. Although she saved the files for CS4, I still have problems with data loss, for example all the text is broken up into separate text blocks, the layers are lost, the items are all in a clipping masks, objects are randomly grouped together, etc. is there any way to convert the file without data loss?
Installed all recent updates . . Files from cloud version from client . . .
Opened in CS6 with the Error Message "The file "------" was generated by a newer version of Ilustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur"
Rebuilt all pertinent files connected to the program, cleaned out Mac running OS X 10.7.5 Baselined everything . . . still file opens with data missing (colored box defining white type in two areas on product)
Till X3 Photo-Paint opened and saved transparent PNGs as a seperate image with attached mask.Example:I have an image and load a B/W mask into it.
When I save this as PNG and reload it in X3, Photo-Paint displays again exactly what I have just saved:
However when I open this same PNG in X6, the image and mask get merged into a single object:
It's in effect doing automatically a "create object from selection" function and discards then the background.Why? I can't work with the full background image anymore, because the transparent parts are missing, and the mask is also gone. Is there no way to open the full PNG, without any merging and deleting of masks, just the way X3 was doing it?Also, the only way to save a transparent PNG in X6 is to check "save only selected objects"? When I don't check this, but still check "transparency" in the PNG export dialogue, then the mask won't be saved nonetheless.
Usually we talk about the details of the image is mostly lightness or grayscale detail, but there's another image detail type-saturation detail which we can take for use in the image manipulation,the usage of saturation detail depends on our careful observation and blend mode knowledge which give us more control of the image correction.
Im creating some textures for a Maya project I'm doing. The images I have right now are .psd's at 1024,1024. Im finding out now that the res might not be high enough to produce good results in maya.
So I want to double the texture file to 2048,2048. But I dont want to lose any of the current detial or have it start to wash out and/or become pixelated. Is there a,filter, tool, plugin, or anything that could atleast aid me in keeping some of the detail? Thanks for all the replies.
In lr4.1 before Importing images, I'd like to see more info (camera, lens, focal length, f-stop, exposure time etc.) about the images besides just the file name before making the selection to import.
In the library module I just push the i key and it loops through two sets of info and a non-display. Why can't I do this in the Import module? If yes: how? What options do I set and where? If no: Is there a plugin to do so or who do I ask to add this to the next release?
When I wish to select a detail within an image and right click to make the selection Photoshop CC automatically selects the inverse of the image, including the entire canvas. The edges of the canvas are not always visible when working in close-up. This has resulted in some close calls when appling color or airbrushing.
No matter what, when I crop an image, even just the tiniest amount off of the edges my files are shrinking drastically. If I don't touch the file with cropping, it doesn't shrink when I save. So it's not a compression issue that I know of. An example would be of a 6 or 7 mb file shrinking down to anywhere from 900 something kb to 1.5 mb. I do these files for a photographer and for enlargements bigger than 8x10 that just won't work, so he has to re-do them, and he doesn't get this issue like I do. Is it possibly a setting in CS5? I've been banging my head over this for a few days because it's driving him crazy.
I'm just doing simple edits, curves in the studio and actions outdoors. Batch saving---if you think it could possibly something involved in that. (which I don't because it happens even when I don't batch save.)
I seem to be having an issue with some mtext with a a particular annotation scale set.
Every time i open this .dwg all my 1:5000 mtext paper defined widths are shrinking. I can honestly say i am not doing anything as it just open this way! But all my other annotative text scale are fine?
how do i get the effect of a super big head ( not by liquify ) with a small body of a person in a complicated background? i do know selection methods using extract tool, but i need to maintain the resolution whilst upsizing the head, and if i downsize the body, there's no background to go with.
I've got a number of images that are 300dpi which I need to save for the web. I've been able to take one image and change the dpi to 72 and then go into Image Ready and shrink the size some more. I've tried to automate the process but after I run a batch I actually get the files back double their original size. What might I be doing wrong here? I'm using PS 7 and, while in no way a professional, I can get by... except for this bit obviously! So, what's the best way to automate the process of turning my files into nice, lean web-ready images?
Was wondering if others could share thier tips/ tricks for shrinking file sizes.I have one in particular Which is not working well. It seems there are BIM objects in it, Is there a command to remove some of the "intelligent" features from the file? Or, what would be your usual courese of action to get the file size down?
Every time I reduce the size (height & length) of a picture in Photoshop, I get a lot more pixels everywhere. And when I mean a lot, it's really so dirty that I cannot use it !
I don't understand because i've got some pictures from a Canon 40D that are really good quality, about 3800px X 2500px, it says its about 28cm large. If I reduce to 14cm, so half the size, I almost don't recognize the people on the picture if it's a group picture: a face is just composed of a few pixels. But when I send the pictures to a professional to print them on a 10cm postcard, it's perfect as the original, no "pixel-distortion".
I've tried many ways to shrink the picture: image size, free transform, I've tried tiff, jpeg... It's always the same. - Do you know a good way to shrink pictures without having the "pixelisation" problem, is there some settings to take care off ? Even maybe another software that would do the trick?
I become desperate because I'm working on a Dvd cover and the quality is so poor it would be better with my cellphone and it was shoot with a Canon 40D. I had this problem over and over with pictures from different origins and it's annoying when I have to work on small printout.
After closing and re-opening my drawing, my annotative mtext is moving, and shrinking. When I click on the text, the properties say annotative is set to NO. I reset it to YES and fix it, but once I close it and re-open its screwed up again, and annotation is set back to NO.
I want to insert a spring in an assembly, and for that i will make a spring with the coil command. if i will squeese it between surfaces, will it resemble a spring? will the bindings come closer (i hope they are called bindings, otherwise tell me how they are called)?
When I am doing my plan and profiles I have come across a couple of instances where when I am ready to plot or just switching over to the layout tab that the bottom bands of my profile have shrunk. Is thereanything that i can do to stop this or to easily restore them back to normal size? Could this be a Civil 3D 2010 issue or more likely an issue with the template that we had built for our company.