Was wondering if others could share thier tips/ tricks for shrinking file sizes.I have one in particular Which is not working well. It seems there are BIM objects in it, Is there a command to remove some of the "intelligent" features from the file? Or, what would be your usual courese of action to get the file size down?
I've got a number of images that are 300dpi which I need to save for the web. I've been able to take one image and change the dpi to 72 and then go into Image Ready and shrink the size some more. I've tried to automate the process but after I run a batch I actually get the files back double their original size. What might I be doing wrong here? I'm using PS 7 and, while in no way a professional, I can get by... except for this bit obviously! So, what's the best way to automate the process of turning my files into nice, lean web-ready images?
After closing and re-opening my drawing, my annotative mtext is moving, and shrinking. When I click on the text, the properties say annotative is set to NO. I reset it to YES and fix it, but once I close it and re-open its screwed up again, and annotation is set back to NO.
When I am doing my plan and profiles I have come across a couple of instances where when I am ready to plot or just switching over to the layout tab that the bottom bands of my profile have shrunk. Is thereanything that i can do to stop this or to easily restore them back to normal size? Could this be a Civil 3D 2010 issue or more likely an issue with the template that we had built for our company.
We have a drawing that has been exploded purged, overkilled, audited and we still cannot decrease the size of it. Theres no blocks, theres no 3d, its a very simple drawing but I feear its corrupted. I've tried copy/blocking the information out of it but that just makes it crash. I cant attach it its too big! (16 meg)
I have a DWG with 334 layers, Many have been Pasted in. I would like to reduce the file size of 30Mb and reduce the layer count. Can you produce 3 or 4 different DAG. by combining layers and save as a different DWG?
A drawing is almost (20 MB). It is big I don't know why? It works normal in MODEL space. But when I switch to PAPER space, or to save, print, close and open the file, it shows very slow reaction.I made reset to the scale, checking LTScale, deleted all unnecessary objects, purge several times, UCS dynamic off, AUDIT, checking Xref's, texts are type (shx), No layers filters.The drawing has only one layout in few viewports. (isavepercent) to 0.BWhat can I do more to reduce the file size en make it faster?
I have a huge file that I am working with. I keep getting fatal errors. I am trying to make the file size smaller. Within the file there are 1836 layers, I am trying to reduce that number greatly. There are also lots and lots of blocks. I have heard that it is possible to make all of the objects on one layer and also compress layers.
I seem to be having an issue with some mtext with a a particular annotation scale set.
Every time i open this .dwg all my 1:5000 mtext paper defined widths are shrinking. I can honestly say i am not doing anything as it just open this way! But all my other annotative text scale are fine?
I want to insert a spring in an assembly, and for that i will make a spring with the coil command. if i will squeese it between surfaces, will it resemble a spring? will the bindings come closer (i hope they are called bindings, otherwise tell me how they are called)?
No matter what, when I crop an image, even just the tiniest amount off of the edges my files are shrinking drastically. If I don't touch the file with cropping, it doesn't shrink when I save. So it's not a compression issue that I know of. An example would be of a 6 or 7 mb file shrinking down to anywhere from 900 something kb to 1.5 mb. I do these files for a photographer and for enlargements bigger than 8x10 that just won't work, so he has to re-do them, and he doesn't get this issue like I do. Is it possibly a setting in CS5? I've been banging my head over this for a few days because it's driving him crazy.
I'm just doing simple edits, curves in the studio and actions outdoors. Batch saving---if you think it could possibly something involved in that. (which I don't because it happens even when I don't batch save.)
how do i get the effect of a super big head ( not by liquify ) with a small body of a person in a complicated background? i do know selection methods using extract tool, but i need to maintain the resolution whilst upsizing the head, and if i downsize the body, there's no background to go with.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS, and I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem I'm having with resizing images.
I'm wanting to resize an image from 485x391 to 100x81, but when I try to do that, the image quality is completely degraded and it goes blurry where the finer details are.
I am having trouble shrinking this compass I made.
I have the box ticked in the preferences that says to scale strokes and effects.
I made the original image 420X420 the one below is 380X380
The second image is 190X190. As you can see the increments become pushed together. I actually want this image to look exactly like the first picture at an icon size of roughly 64X64.
Is there a way I can keep the look of this compass but make it icon size?
Every time I reduce the size (height & length) of a picture in Photoshop, I get a lot more pixels everywhere. And when I mean a lot, it's really so dirty that I cannot use it !
I don't understand because i've got some pictures from a Canon 40D that are really good quality, about 3800px X 2500px, it says its about 28cm large. If I reduce to 14cm, so half the size, I almost don't recognize the people on the picture if it's a group picture: a face is just composed of a few pixels. But when I send the pictures to a professional to print them on a 10cm postcard, it's perfect as the original, no "pixel-distortion".
I've tried many ways to shrink the picture: image size, free transform, I've tried tiff, jpeg... It's always the same. - Do you know a good way to shrink pictures without having the "pixelisation" problem, is there some settings to take care off ? Even maybe another software that would do the trick?
I become desperate because I'm working on a Dvd cover and the quality is so poor it would be better with my cellphone and it was shoot with a Canon 40D. I had this problem over and over with pictures from different origins and it's annoying when I have to work on small printout.
is there a function in photoshop cs3 that will reduce the file size of a photo without affecting the physical size of it, i know macromedia fireworks can but thats no help to me unfortunately...
My picture’s original size was 108.2 MB in tiff. After I developed my photo in Lightroom and exported the new image, the file decrease to 50MB in tiff. Why did Lightroom decrease the file size to more than half the original size? Is there a way to increase the exportation file size to that I may develop a large size print?
Why is the image on the screen small the the actual file size. As an example I have an image thats 5.7x5.7 @72DPI. My canvas says 100% but the image on screen is about 3x3.
Can someone please explain to me about file sizes and image dimensions. I have to put together a collage which is 165mm high by 258mm wide. If I click file new and choose default resolution (72) then the file size is ok, if I type in 300 dpi the image becomes huge.
If i chosse 300 dpi then the images I was going to use seem tiny on such a vast workspace - Im confused why does the canvas become so large when changing resolution?
 When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).  Can you advise me which is the correct file size?  If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?
 and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?  [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] . Thank you very much.
I am currently working for pepsi factory with huge machines in their factory building. My problem is that these drawings are very big and not loading quite well even in high performance systems. My current drawing size is about 120MB, without any hrefs.
Drawing size on an A4 at different scales,The A4 can have a drawing size up to 29.7x21 meters when printing with a scale of 1/100 while it can have up to 14.8x105 meters when printing with a scale of 1/500.
Does this mean that we need to have different title blocks each time we print in an A4 paper size with different scale?
Problem: I need to be able to control the size of toolbars (ICON size) via the worspace.
More Details: There is a department in our company that has a very specific function they need to perform in our ACAD drawings.
I created ONE toolbar that has the commands they need and set this toolbar to be the only thing that is displayed in their workspace.
Since it is just one toolbar I thought it would be good for the tool bar to use the large icon setting. But I only need to it to change when when using this one workspace.Other workspaces need to use small icons.
Is there a way to control the icon sizes when switching between workspaces?
As an engineering company we have started to convert hundreds of our drawings from AutoCAD to PDF using a batch utility.
However every file that is converted into a PDF file is opened by a PDF Viewer. We want to prevent this.
I opened my *.pc3 file and removed the check from the appropriate box. See below
I press OK, then save the file and close. However when I reopen the file, I see the box for Openining in PDF Viewer has been rechecked. No matter what I do, I cannot permanently remove the check from this box.
When I have 2 files open, one minimized and the other visible on the screen, when I quit the file showing on the screen and then open the one that was minimized, it comes up w/a blank black screen. There is no way I have found to get the info in the file to display.
Then, if I save the blank screenof previously minimized file, close it then reopen it the info is back on screen with changes made to the file intact.