Illustrator :: Saving To PDF - Color Loss

Jan 6, 2014

I am experiencing color loss when I save my .ai file to .pdf.
Is there a way to export a 170mb .ai file as jpeg?

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Photoshop :: Saving To JPG - Resaving The JPG - Quality Loss?

Apr 16, 2007

This is just something that i have been wondering...

Basically, I saved a copy of of a PSD to a JPG (max quality)

Then I opened the saved JPG and removed a few guide lines and re-saved the file still at max quality.

My questions is, did data loss, or re-compression occur during this "re-save" process? Is the re-saved file now of lower quality than the originally saved JPG?

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Photoshop :: Avoiding Quality Loss While Saving JPEG In CS2

Oct 15, 2007

I used CS2 to edit my photos but I notice that when i flatten the image and save it, the images saved has some quality loss in it. It really has started to annoy me and I cnt edit my images. Please tell me a way to reduce this quality loss. I have to save the images in JPEG as I have to post them on the internet.

and i hv also noticed that sme colors change when i save the the saved image is a bit darker than what i see in photoshop...

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Photoshop :: Loss Of Color From Screenshots

Apr 10, 2013

When I take a screenshot and paste it into photoshop I am losing a lot of color.  Here I took a rainbow gradient and placed consecutive screenshots side by side. 

The first bit is the original, then the first screenshot, then a screenshot of that, and so on. I've been looking for answers and found a few people with similar problems, but I seem to have all of the settings correct according to those solutions.  I am using Win7 x64, I have the latest drivers for my video card (GeForce GTX580), the image is set to RGB, and my working space is sRGB IEC61966-2.1.

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Photoshop :: Color Quality Loss

Dec 5, 2005

Whenever I try to save a picture (see guitar picture on website) to my hardisk, and open it in photoshop, the color quality substancially degrades. the black guitar from the website seems to turn to brownish black. how come? but when i open w/o using photoshop (within windows only), the color seems fine. just like the original from the website ....

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GIMP :: Color Loss When Pasting?

Jun 15, 2011

When i'm attempting to paste an image from one window to another, i'm losing an incredible amount of colors in the transfer.

The target image is a gif (of the animated variety) while the copied image is a png (although i've also tried w/ bmp's). You can check out the attachment to see what i mean.

I guess my question is primarily "whats causing this?" w/ a secondary "is there a work around?"

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Illustrator :: Color Saving File To PDF And JPEG

Apr 17, 2013

When I have a file in Illustrator that I want to save as or export as a PDF or JPEG whenever I save it the colours shift and the quality drops.Most noticiably black boxes goes to a muddy brown when saved to JPEGS, but I have also noticed tones in Photographs change quite a lot when saving as PDF.
I have tried to tweek every type of setting there is. higher resoulution, compression, sampling, down sampling, PDF preset, print quality etc.but nothing seems to sort it out. PDF's arent as much as a problem as the JPEG but the only way I have managed to get a PDF up to a reasonable standard is by wacking everything up so there is no compression or downsampling which makes ginat files I cant email....
Im sure the problem probably lies within the combination of each of these together but I cant seem to find out what that is. Also brown in the seat base has gone more orange and the whole picture has generaly lost quality.

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Illustrator :: CS6 Workspace Not Saving Color Book

Sep 21, 2012

When I add color books to my color space, it never saves it, I always have to go back everytime I open illustrator to the Window>Color Books> XXX and add it to my workspace again, it didn't do this on my CS 5.5 but now CS 6 won't let it stay.

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Illustrator :: Saving Color Groups As ASE Swatch Libraries

Jul 9, 2013

Is there a way to save an lllustrator color group as an ASE swatch library? When I try to do this, the entire library, including all the default swatches, are saved, when all I want are the particular swatches I've added to a new colour group. I want to be able to save swatch libraries for various clients, then be able to access them in InDesign and Photoshop as well. Or alternatively, is there a way to remove unwanted swatches from a swatch library once it's been saved? (Using CS6 on a Mac running 10.8.4)

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Illustrator Scripting :: Saving Extendscript Syntax Color Pref?

Apr 4, 2012

is there a way to save extendscript color pref? I am trying to make it so I don't have to update them every time I change machines.
seems like they should be saved in defs.xml (under Contents > SharedSupport > Required), but this file doesn't seem to update after I make my changes.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Loss Of Eyedropper Option In Color Selection Menu?

Jun 12, 2012

Running CS5 on a MacPro 10.6.8
A few days ago, I suddenly cannot find the eyedropper to select color, either in type or color functions.  When I click the color boxes, it now opens up the color menu with the usual sliders, crayons, specturms, etc, but no eyedropper.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Loss Of Color In Materials Palette For Scanned Document

Dec 6, 2012

I scanned a document into PSP X5 and I am trying to use the materials palette to highlight (in red) certain spots on the document. The palette defaults to grey shades only. I reset the workspace to factory defaults and even tried the SHIFT-START - without luck. However, if I open any color images, the palette shows full color options. if this is a problem with how I scanned the document into PSP X5?

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Illustrator :: Shrinking Image Without Loss Of Detail?

Aug 5, 2012

Level: Newbie   OS: Windows 7 64bit   IA: CS6
I am having trouble shrinking this compass I made.
I have the box ticked in the preferences that says to scale strokes and effects.
I made the original image 420X420 the one below is 380X380
The second image is 190X190. As you can see the increments become pushed together. I actually want this image to look exactly like the first picture at an icon size of roughly 64X64.
Is there a way I can keep the look of this compass but make it icon size?

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Illustrator :: How To Convert The File Without Data Loss

May 25, 2012

I received files from a freelance designer in Illustrator CS5 format, but my company only has CS4.  Although she saved the files for CS4, I still have problems with data loss, for example all the text is broken up into separate text blocks, the layers are lost, the items are all in a clipping masks, objects are randomly grouped together, etc.  is there any way to convert the file without data loss?

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Illustrator :: Data Loss With Opening CS6 Files From Client In The Clouds?

Aug 22, 2013

Installed all recent updates . . Files from cloud version from client . . .
Opened in CS6 with the Error Message "The file "------" was generated by a newer version of Ilustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur"
Rebuilt all pertinent files connected to the program, cleaned out Mac running OS X 10.7.5
Baselined everything . . . still file opens with data missing (colored box defining white type in two areas on product)

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Photoshop :: Saving For The Web - Color

Nov 15, 2003

when I save an image for the Web, I notice a significant difference in the color of the saved image and the one I originally designed in Photoshop.

The saved image seems faded, washed out, while the one I made in Photoshop looks crisp, clean, and very colorful.

I have spent a great deal of time fiddling with the tools and setting in the Save for Web dialogue box, but I can't seem to overcome this problem.

I would appreciate any suggestions or advice anyone has. Have you experienced this problem and figured out how to solve it?

NOTE: I wanted to add that I just recently installed a new scanner, and it was only after installing the scanner that I started to get the following warning message whenever I open Photoshop:

The monitor profile "" appears to be defective. Please rerun your monitor calibration software.

I thought I should mention this, because the Adobe website recommends that I reset my monitor calibration using an application called Adobe Gamma. Anyone know where I can get this Adobe Gamma program?

Also, I have never had to set my monitor calibration settings.

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Photoshop :: Color Changes When Saving From PSD To JPEG?

Apr 5, 2012

I've run into a problem that I'm sure has been a popular one for many. I recently edited a photo of mine in Photoshop CS5 and when I save it to JPEG format and open it, the color is completely different. I've searched the web but for me solutions hasn't worked such as using sRGB and changing the working spaces to adobe RGB (1998). Both of which hasn't worked.

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VideoStudio :: Saving Transition Color

Jan 18, 2013

I am making a slideshow using Video Studio X4 and want to change and save the color in the transition from one picture to the next. I can change the color but have not figured out how to save it and possibly make the new color the default.

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Photoshop :: Color Change When Saving

Jul 27, 2007

Suspect that there may be a horribly complex solution to this invoving diving into Preferences, hiring monitor colour calibratrion gear etc, etc. Anyway here goes...

When I save files the appearance of the colour in the original pic changes when I view it in the 'Save for Web' window and it outputs the file in the preview colour.

The Save For Web Preset window shows '[Unnamed]' however changing it to 'Original' or one of the other settings (ie 'JPEG High') makes no difference. Much headscratching going on.....

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Photoshop :: TIFFs Not Saving In Color

Jul 28, 2006

I'm trying to save a bunch of drawings as TIFFs. Some of them save in color, others do not. why some are not saving in color?

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Photoshop :: Saving Color Screenshot

Dec 23, 2003

I've tried to show you the difference in color with this screenshot, but saving the screenshot changed the color too, so if you input the hex code you'll see that the colors you get are different than what was actually in the screenshot. Point is, Photoshop is tinting my images greener than I want. It does it when I use Save As and Save For Web.

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Photoshop :: Color Shift When Saving For Web

Sep 12, 2005

I imagine this is something you get kind of often, but I searched around and couldn't find anything that I understood. I suspect I'm just not sure what to search for...

I have experience with Photoshop in general, but not at all with color profiles.

I take my own photos and have been printing them for a while, after editing them in Photoshop. I have my Proof set to Working CMYK. However, whenever I try to Save For Web these same images, they come out looking similarly to if I had changed the Proof to Monitor RGB.

How can I save my images to JPG without experiencing this color shift? I don't want to change my proof to Monitor RGB and re-level if I can possibly avoid it.

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Photoshop :: Shape Color Is Changed Upon Saving

Dec 3, 2012

I'm currently working on a vector in the trial version of Photoshop CS6 that I acquired this Friday(?), and I'm running into a troublesome dilemma every time I re-open the file to work on at a later date. I find that some layers -- not all, but maybe five or six -- have changed their color to whichever color is in my palette, or whatever was in my palette the last time I opened Photoshop.

Is there a setting I'm missing, or is this a current glitch in this version of CS6? And in case you're wondering, yes, I have tried saving with all shape layers locked before I close; it made no difference.

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Photoshop :: Color Changing When Saving Photo -

Oct 27, 2008

the color makes all the difference in the world to weather you want to buy the coin or not. We use a Nikon to take the pics - Pics come out great, the colors looks like actual coin when viewing in photoshop and in the XP viewer and when we ever have to print the pic. Here's the problem, when we go to save for web its changes the color drastically. A penny that once had a red tone to it now has a brown tone. I've read all over the place for ways to fix it and we've tried them all. Changing the monitor color profile, converting the profile, etc. I understand that everyone's monitors are different and everyone is gonna see it differently anyways, but it would be nice if the pic would like the same on our computer vs the website. It seems like when we first starting do this several yrs ago we didnt have this problem. Has things changed within the program and/or the web to have made these changes happen? Is this something we are gonna have to deal with? We dont have the time to adjust every single picture to make sure the save to web looks right.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Color Profiles When Saving For Web

Feb 26, 2004

how to preserve color profiles when saving for web as a jpeg...

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Photoshop :: Loosing Color When Saving Or Slicing

Oct 4, 2004

I created my layout with Photoshop CS. I brought the file in Image Ready to slice it but my bright mustard/gold yellow wasn't the same anymore. It was more of a greenish yellow. I tried to bring it back in Photoshop and the colours were perfect again. When I did Save for Web, same thing happened to my colours. I never had any problems before with other layout. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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GIMP :: Getting / Saving A Color Palette From Indexed GIF

May 17, 2012

I have a great picture of Jet Jaguar. I'm interested in pixel art, so I reduced the colors to an indexed 16 colors.
I want to save the 16 colors in this pic to a palette for later, but how? I've been looking in vain through the menus for a way to save this color map as a palette. Maybe there's a script or plugin somewhere, but it is hard for me to believe there isn't a built-in way to do this.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Color Channel / When Saving Oil Paint Files

Jan 27, 2013

When I save an OIL PAINT file created in Photoshop CS6, it saves with red and blue shapes over the image. Before saving, the image looks fine. I'm running windows 8. Is it me or a CS6 bug?

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Photoshop :: How To Create 16 Color Effect When Saving GIF Animation

Nov 19, 2011

How do I create an 16 color effect, when saving my gif animation (save for web and devices) it has an option to lower the number of colors from 256. I normally use the 8 or 16 colors as it gives a great effect to .gif images.

what you get is a Gothic type washed out effect, when you lower the number of colors, when saving a .gif . The overall aim is to have a .gif that starts at 16 colors and at the end turns into 256 colors. How can I achieve this effect.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Exporting Graphic Saving Spot Color

Sep 24, 2013

I am using CorelDRAW X6.  I am trying to export a graphic that includes several spot colors.  The spot colors are from a library that a printer provided me.  It is in the same location as my pantone library, and summa spot color library.  

When I export as a pdf or eps to send to the printer it converts the spot color to rgb.  If I have a pantone color or summa color in the file they stay as a spot but this new spot library does not.  If I have these spot colors in a gradient they will stay as spot colors.

When exporting I have the color management checked to use document color settings, output colors as Native, and I have embed the color profile.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Saving A Color Palette

Apr 7, 2012

Just upgraded to x6 and is there a way to save my cmyk palette in x4 and paste it into x6.

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