Illustrator :: Setting Acrobat To Print As Image?

Aug 1, 2013

In the past, I've encountered the transparency issue where I've gotten the "ghosting" or discolored box around images when printing from PDFs created in Illustrator. I've always solved the issue by checking the option "print as image" in Acrobat. I noticed, however, that the colors are much less vibrant and almost "muddy" when this option is checked.
Is there another/better technique to remove the "ghosting" effect when printing in order to preserve better coloring?

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Illustrator :: Can't Print From Acrobat

Jan 22, 2014

I just upgraded my iMac to Mavericks, and am now having trouble printing from CS5. The message I get is "Can't print the illustration. The Color Management settings are inconsistent." I hadn't made any color management changes, so I assume this is related to the upgrade. I checked AI, PS, ID, and Acrobat, and all the settings are North American General Purpose 2. I opened Bridge, and it has the same color setting, and says that all CS apps are synchronized using the same color settings.

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Illustrator :: Edit Image Outside Acrobat Pro XI

Feb 27, 2014

I´m having trouble editing images from Acrobat Pro XI in Illustrator CS6. AI is inconsistent in how it saves the new image, sometimes it´s no problem, Acrobat updates the new image and it´s fine. Other times (could be the same image, only seconds later and without changing any settings) it wants me to save the new image on disk...?!

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Fatal Error When Print To Acrobat Converter

Nov 16, 2011

I get "Fatal Error: Unhandled c000000dh Exception at 24079af3h" every time when I print to pdf with Acrobat 9 in AutoCAD 2012. However, the Acrobat converter is working properly in other applications. It only happens in ACad 2012.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Acrobat Standard X Processing Very Slowly To Print Desktop File

Jul 4, 2011

I have both ACad 2002 and 2012, (both 32-bit) installed. I have plenty of RAM.

I'm converting a .dwg file to a .pdf and plotting to the desktop to either send out the pdf file or print to myself.

My problem is that it takes "what seems like forever" to plot a .pdf file to the desktop using 2012.

My situation is:

1. In 2002, using the Adobe pdf driver it takes 6.7 seconds from the time I press plot until the pdf file appears on my desktop.

2. In 2012, using the same 2000 formated file opened in 2012 it takes 37 seconds for the file to appear on my desktop.

3. In 2012, using a .pc3 driver, the same file, qsaved and formatted to 2012 takes 34 seconds to appear on the desktop.

Acrobat was installed on my computer prior to ACad 2012 but I've uninstalled/reinstalled Acrobat and I get the same result as above.

Is there anyway to speed Acrobat up? I defrag'd, cleaned the registry but I get the same results.

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Illustrator :: How To Save Print Setting

Jun 13, 2013

The Print setting in Photoshop remember everything for the file once reopened like 'type of paper, color profile, etc.', but not in Illustrator. It doesn't save the information about the Printing Preferences set with the printer for the printed file.
I don't have CS6 yet, but I'd love ask if this can be done in CS6?

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Lightroom :: 3.6 Shuts Down With Acrobat Error When Hitting Print Button

Aug 9, 2012

How do I fix the issue of the shutting down? I had been printing and then it wouldn't let me. i have updated everything and still won't work. I have windows 7 and lightroom 3.6.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: HP Designjet 1055cm And Acrobat X - Cannot Change Page Size

Mar 15, 2011

Printing pdf's to an HP Designjet 1055 using the new Acrobat X version. I can't change the page size from 8.5x11and nothing comes out at the 1055. Works fine to our Xerox 6204 printers. Looks like I could be going back to Acrobat 9.4...

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Lightroom :: Setting Print Size To A3 Or Bigger Using 5 For Printing At Print Shop?

Feb 28, 2014

I have just bought and installed Lightroom 5 and need to set my print size to A3 and in the future even bigger. I do not have the facility at home and need to have them sized correctly for the print shop so they do not have to waste time resizing them. I am at a loss how to do this. I cant find any settings for this size print. A3 is roughly 42 x 29.7 cm.

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Illustrator :: How To Give Image For Print And Not Web

Jun 1, 2012

So, I have designed a logo for a web site and the site owner wants it for a business card and letterhead.  Saving an image for web is easy and I understand all that but how do I prepare a file for a printer?  I'm guessing this is just nipping in to the local print shop on the high street.

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Photoshop :: From PS To Illustrator, Image On Print = Pixelated

Dec 18, 2007

I have a photo which was originally approx 150mm x 90mm

I had to resize this to nearly half its original size and it looked decent. I then saved the image as a tiff and placed it in illustrator. It still looked decent in Illustrator until i printed. when it was printed it turned out a little pixelated.

Why is it that when resizing (shorter than original) images pixelate and how can i eliminate this. Also what can i do so to avoid the problem when printing in illustrator.

I mean I always replicate most artwork via vectors in illustrator but photos as you all know can only be transferred across

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Illustrator :: Print Image Area Shifted In CS6

Oct 3, 2012

I'm on a Mac working in Illustrator CS6. I went to print out of the print dialog box and after I printed, I noticed that the margins are larger on one side that the other. I re-opened the print dialog box and double clicked in the area that shows the artwork prior to print, to re center the artwork in the window, and noticed that there two dotted lines in thw window. One being the artwork, and the other is the image printable area.

Well when I double clicked on the dialog box to re-center the artwork in the prinatble area, the art works centers, but the printer image area is offset, or nudged upward. When I print the margins are larger on one side and not centered. Heres the million dollar question,"How do I re-center the image area for printing so when I print, the artwork is centered?" I'm not printing boarderless. I will try to include a pic if needed.

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Illustrator :: Make Repeat Print Using JPEG Image?

May 28, 2013

I was given an image of a painting by my boss and told to isolate the figure, then use said figure in a standard step-repeat print.
like that :
.    .    .    .
   .     .    .
.    .    .    .
the image itself is a high resolution because it needs to be, so not surprisingly it keeps making illustrator crash. the print needs to happen, and it needs to become a swatch so I can apply it to tee shirts, hats etc. so far this has been completely impossible.

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Illustrator :: Transparent PSD Image / Changes Color Of Vector Background After Print

Jan 11, 2013

URL....I have a green vector background in illustrator and then I placed psd image over it and created PDF for press and under Color bitmap images I selected no compression.After viewing image in Acrobat all seems ok, I even checked with picker, but after I send this to printer (xerox in thsi case) I end up with this: Both .psd and .ai are in CMYK color space. For this particular case I could use mask to cover up that transparent space but my original project has shadows which I cannot mask by vector :S.
how to set color profiles or whatever is neccessary to avoid this issue. One thing I was using was, opening PDF in Photoshop and flatening all. Problem is that sometimes I need vector files and cut lines for cutter. Don't want to have bitmap, if I can have a vector? Also when I flaten image I do get same CMYK values in photoshop (with picker) than I have in Illustrator on vector object, but when I print this they don't match at all.

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Photoshop :: Setting Print Size

Aug 10, 2012

Here's a quick tip where you can set the magnification of  "View > Print Size" to reflect the actual physical size of your document.
1.  Measure the horizontal viewable size of your monitor or laptop screen.  For example: 13.75 inches. 
2.  Note your horizontal resolution. 1366 pixels for instance. 
3.  Divide pixels into inches to get your screen resolution per inch.  1366/13.75 = 99.3 pixels/in  
4   In Photoshop's Preferences > Units & Rulers, enter this value under New Document Preset Resolutions shown in the screenshot.  Save and close.
After that,when you select Print Size,the document and even the onscreen rulers will reflect actual size. Now with Open GL graphics cards being fairly common,the odd magnification needed for those results won't appear jagged.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Setting The Scale Of Print

Apr 9, 2012

Is there a way to print out the exact scale just like using manual printing or I just can use 

// a 1 inch: 2 units scaleacPlSetVdr.SetStdScale(acPlSet, 0.5);// a 2 inches: 1 unit scaleacPlSetVdr.SetStdScale(acPlSet, 2);

 By the way, setting for example (acPlSetVdr.SetStdScale(acPlSet, 2.04);

I get eInvalidInput error.

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Lightroom :: Setting LR To Print To Different Sizes?

Jul 24, 2013

I have a picture package I want to create. This needs to be the same image on different sized outputs. But you can only create a print package with one custom file size. Is there a way of setting LR to print to different sizes?
I know I can select page size as master size, and print with different sized cells on each page, but I actually want the page size to be different.
For example
page 1 = 8x10 page size, with 8x10 cell
page 2 = 8x12 page size with 8x12 cell
page 3 = 8x6 page size with 8x6 cell
page 4 = 8x6 page size with 2 of 4x6 cells.
I single image, printed on 4 different size pages...
Could you modify the LRtemplate file? Its the global settings bit that concerns me, I dont want a global setting of
_globalSettings = {customFileHeight = 576,customFileWidth = 432,I could do with these file dimensions different for each print.
Can it be done?? has it been done??
even if itspeople pointing me towards different software.
PS - I'm using LR4 but LR5 doesnt have this option either.

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Photoshop :: Setting Print Copy Count In CS6

Sep 13, 2012

The issue I'm having involves setting the number of copies to print in Photoshop's print dialog. Most applications I've worked with will set the dm Copies of the DEVMODE to this value and send a single page to be printed. Photoshop, however, is setting dm Copies to "1" (even if the default DEVMODE provide by my driver has dmCopies set to another value) and sending several identical pages to the driver. Obviously this can slow down printing dramatically when the copy count is in the hundreds.
I've observed the same behavior from Photoshop when printing with 3rd party drivers, so it doesn't seem isolated to the drivers I maintain.

My question is, does Photoshop always send multiple copies of an image as individual pages, or is it trying to set the copy count through an interface I don't support? If it is using a different interface to set the copy count what interface is it using?

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Illustrator :: Files Don't Show Up In Acrobat File List When Trying To Combine Files Into Single Pdf?

Sep 24, 2013

Illustrator files don't show up in Acrobat file list when trying to combine files into a single pdf

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Illustrator :: CS4 View Doesn't Match View Of Same File In Acrobat

Apr 11, 2013

The problem seems to happen ins CS5 and CS6 as well. We have a complex piece of artwork for a foil blister and we use a paragraph of text that has 3 transforms applied to which effectively step and repeat the paragraph of text in a repeat pattern across the artwork. This setup very precisely as it needs to be 100% accurate for print purposes as several units are printed side by side and the repeat runs across the units. Everything is setup correctly in Illustrator and then we re-save as a PDF with 'Preserve Illustrator Editing Capabilities' on.
We genearally save as a PDF 1.6 but we have tried all the combinations now. The file still looks perfect in Illustrator but when the PDF is opened in Acrobat (any version) the step and repeat (transform) on the paragraph of text is now no longer in alignment on onside of the artwork but still OK on one side. No matter what we do we can't fix this problem andit's recreatable each time. Also it's not file specific as we can build a new file and it will also exhibit the problem. We're only talking about a tiny jump here - <0.2mm but this means the artwork is out of spec.

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Photoshop :: Print Setting On a Printer Dialog Is Not Responding

Oct 14, 2012

Print setting on  a printer dialog is not responding. Now I  have a new printer driver (Epsom stylus Photo R800)I cannot set paper size.This is a recurring problem. I have been trying to relaunch app holding control+ option+shift without effect.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Pen Setting For Custom Color?

Jan 23, 2012

I receive drawings from a company that uses a custom color of 0,0,255 in their drawings and it plots out blue even on monochrome. How can I make a pen setting so this plots out black?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Setting Up Old Hiplot Pen Plotter

Dec 6, 2000

I just got Autocad 2000i as an upgrade from 13 and 14. I have a summagraphics HiPlot 7200.It was set as a windows system printer on the old autocad versions, 2000i will not accept the widows driver (which works great on the old systems) and i have to use hpgl emulation wich sucks on 2000i

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Setting Up Printer Format

Oct 2, 2012

I have to set up my drawing on the model page so that I can save it as a PDF and then transfer it into adobe illustrator. My scale is 1:1, and when I put it on the model page I'm doing a 1/8" : 1' scale. It should fit on the page no problem, its only a 9" model plan on 1/4 scale, so it should be 4.5" on the page. However, it's too big for the page.

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AutoCad :: Setting Line Weight And Type For Print?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm doing some building drawings for Uni using AutoCAD 2010 and what is the best way (and process) to set line weights and types (dash, dot) for printing. What I’m currently doing doesn’t seem to be working and seems a bit inefficient.

The way I am doing it at the moment is that I have put all the various drawing elements on different layers with varying colours. I am then going through each layer in the layers dialog box and setting the line weight and line type as required.When in paper space or plotted the lines all come out solid/continuous and with same weight. (Note: I have used LTSCALE so that the dashes are viewable in model space). So here are the questions: Does the line weight and line type you set in the layer properties equal what should be printed? At the moment it does not for me. It is best to create all your layers and individually edit each layer for line weight and type, or is there a quicker way to assign line properties? I think I read that you could assign different properties to colours, but not sure what this means.

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Lightroom :: Setting Brightness Slider On Print Module?

Nov 28, 2013

Let's say that I have three stops difference between the luminance of my computer screen and the paper white under the lamp in my room. Which setting should I use for the brightness slider on the print module?

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Illustrator :: Create Acrobat Layers From Top-Level Layers

Oct 5, 2012

Why in the heck do Macs show layers in a PDF that are HIDDEN at the time of saving if "Create Acrobat Layers from Top-Level Layers" is checked is checked  -BUT-  PC's don't??
I just proofed a business card with my boss accidentily showing him some type on a layer that was hidden. He approved it. Now I have to make a bunch of type set up in very tight margins work in production.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 2013 Crashes Setting Up Kip 5000 Printer

Apr 23, 2012

AutoCAD 2013 crashes during the plot configuration for our printer. When I select Custom Properties for our Kip 5000 Series Printer I get an Unhandled Exception popup. When I click continue I get a message that "AutoCAD Applicaiton has encountered a problem and needs to close", the program crashes.  AutoCAD 2013 will not let us select the kip 5000.pc3 file we used for Autocad 2012.

How can I set my printer up if it keeps crashing the program. Is there a new driver for 2013, if so where do I find it. Is it from AutoCad or the printer company Kip America (who have yet to reply to my email).

I have attached the error message

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Photoshop Elements :: Create Digital File For Print With CMYK Setting?

Mar 25, 2014

How can i create a digital file for print with a CMYK setting?

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Illustrator :: Automatically Print Data Set While Avoiding Print Dialog Box?

Aug 13, 2013

My company is exporting Postcards in Illustrator CS6. What we do is have a large data set imported into the Variables applet and use the Actions applet to record and export action and play it through the whole data set. We later combine the PDF files and print them as a batch.
My question is: Is there a way to create an action that will automatically print the data set while avoiding the print dialog box? It will make the process simple and move faster.
Also, what are your was of creating postcards? Catalogs?
How do people create a catalog with over 60 pages and keep the file size low?

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Lightroom :: Why Print Will Not Print Full Image

Mar 14, 2014

Was printing 4x6" from LR 5.3 fine. To an Epson 3880.  Then went to Page Settings (MAC) changed paper size to 8.5x11". The preview responded with a larger page. I scaled the image up to 8x10 via lightroom cell size. But when I printed to the Letter size paper, LR printed only a close to 4x6" top left corner. This was not a full image like the 4x6. It was just a corner.
Exported to PS and printed fine.Can not figure why the print will not print the full image?

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