Illustrator :: Saving Over Files In Right Location
Nov 8, 2013
I am working from a server, say there is folder A, B, C and D.
I open up a file from folder A, amend it etc and go to save over that (cmd-shift-s - i use this as it previews correctly rather than hitting cmd-s where it will preview only a bit of the artboard) and the save dialog box will either show folder B, C or D or will just Downloads or Documents for example - basically it will want to save anywhere other than I opened it from!
This is difficult because if I am working on 4 or 5 files making small amends and just quickly wanting to save over them and get onto the next one I have to then navigate to where the file is, even though I opened the document from there.
I have experienced this problem ever since upgrading to Mavericks!
Also, the Save box is tiny! I always have to expand it to see the folder contents etc
It doesn't work either way if I use Save (cmd-s) or Save As (cmd-shift-s). My colleague is also experiencing the same problem since upgrading to Mavericks.
I'm working on building an action in Illustrator CS5 that will do the following..Delete the layer "original artwork"Select AllCreate OutlinesSave as PDF "content.pdf" to the current working folder with specific settings in the Save PDF prompt..Up to step 4 this is pretty simple, but so far when trying to record the saving step it insists on using the directory that I'm building the action in - not the relative one based on where the current file is opened. Also, unlike the 'Save For Web JPEG' default Illustrator action, the PDF saving step doesn't retain any of the specific settings within the action.
I used to save all my slices in CS5 and it would give me the option to save for web and devices, then when I was in there it would let me choose the option at the bottom Other... then I could go in and save it as a html and images and then it would automatically make div's for me when I brought it in to dreamweaver. Where did this option go in CS6? I lost all my work transferring it back into cs5 to try it there like I used to.
These options are not here in CS6 and I cant find it.
For years I have been enabling Use Compression when saving files. I am not sure exactly what it is doing but I do know that file sizes can decrease dramatically. I have seen 100MB files got down to 10MB.
Well the other day a coworker told me to always disable that because he believes that any embedded images will be compressed and lose quality and/or have problems ripping with Nexus or Odystar.
Is that true? Illustrator Help says that the pdf information is compressed when enabling it. So are there any disadvantages?
Prior to printing my work, I save PDF versions of my files. More often than I'd like, when I print the PDF file from my computer, some of the graphics do not print correctly. For example, a portion of a curved graphic (like a swirl) might be cut off leaving a blunt straight edge. Have issues with PDF files? Is there anything I can do to control this quality issue?
all of a sudden today when i tried to save a .ai file to a .eps file illustrator is saving in triplicate. did i do something to the prefrences that i wasn't aware of? i have CS4
When I save any work I have completed to my desktop or to a server I get a response that my Illsutrator is not responding. Eventually it saves the document but it takes a very long time to do so.I have cleared my cache and mediabrowser.
In Illustrator 6, you have to check "include linked files" every time you save a document. If you don't, the next time you open it, you are looking for the missing link. Is there a way that I can set a default so that it automatically checks it each time?
I need to find a way to convert a LOT of ai files, individually, to low res pdf's. Preferably with the presets I want, not some defaults. I'm not interested in an action. I was hoping for a droplet, script, or something similar.
I did find this and it looked promising... [URL] ....
That almost worked. Ultimately, for some reason, it couldn't see the ai files sitting in the specified folder.
wall trying to export GPS coordinates. Here's the situation:
Lightroom 4.1 Camera (Canon) RAW imported from camera directly to DNG (no location info present) Location added via Map module, and additional metadata (Title, Caption, Keywords, Copyright, etc...) added Save Location not set to Private Export Metadata settings "Remove location info" is NOT checked (i.e., do not remove it)
I export to JPG and the location is not present. Flickr cannot see it, and I load it into Photoshop and examine the metadata and location is not there. I have also used some other online tools to verify it is missing, as well as Geosetter. If I set it in Geosetter, the data is then there. However, Lightroom 4.1 is just not saving it, and I have scoured all the settings looking for any other options.
This is crucial to my workflow and I'd prefer to do as much as possible inside LR and not have to use external tools.
I create a document with multiple artboards whereby every image I place in the document is linked, however the size of the document is still enormous (around 350mb). It's a big document with a lot of clipping masks on images but surely it shouldn't be so big.
I would like to know if there is some type of plug-in, etc. out there that would allow me to have all the functionality of a Distiller dialog box when I save a PDF out of Illustrator CS5. Right now, I just have what comes installed with Illustrator. It's a stripped down version of what you would find in distiller.
I'm trying to set up an action to save a batch of files I creating using the variables tool (as detailed in this video: [URL]), I'll go into the Actions window, and record myself saving the current file in .Ai format, and then stop recording. Seems pretty simple, but when I set that action to run a batch on my dataset it saves all the files without an extension. Am I missing another step where I set the file format that the action is supposed to save with? I'm confused. I've tried this using a few different file formats and they all come up the same.
I have only been using Inventor since late winter . I have create a "master" folder with an assembly, drawing, and excel cutlist. This folder also contains sub folders with the sub-assemblies and parts.
In my master assembly I created ILogic rules to change dimensions of the parts, to select different profiles and to select different sub assembly configurations (on/off). It works fine as is.
Now, the idea was to copy the whole "master" folder and rename it to a job, launch the master assembly and configure it, then save it. The issue is that, even though the master assembly is in a new folder, it still references the sub-assemblies and parts from the "master" folder. How do I write a rule to "save as" all these sub-assemblies and parts to the new location?
How can I change the default location for saving pictures for the first time in Elements 10? For some reason, the program is savings my work in the Temp folder when I need the work to be in the Picture LIbrary.
I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?
I have my photos stored on my network drive and my office computer. Initially I started editing my photos off the network drive, mainly because I hadn't realized the location I had chosen. Now I'm having trouble with my network drive going offline intermittantly, making editing a chore because I keep getting "unable to locate file" messages. My question is, can I start using the same photos, which are stored on my office computer, and not lose the edits I have already made?
Deleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
I'm in the process of moving 100+ dwg files physically, but cannot figure out how to update the drawing locations w/o recreating a Pre-Existing fully populated (names, drawing numbers, etc.) SheetSet. Here's what I want to do:
Move dwg files from one location to another & update the new physical location (Expected/Found/Relative/Full/UNC Path) in a copy of an existing dst.
I've tried moving the files, then updating the Expected Path from within the SSM, but this works on a file to file basis, and takes a long time to perform on a 100+ drawing SheetSet. I've tried using SSMPropEditor, but for some reason, the changes do not stick. The only way that I've found to accomplish this is to use the Archive function (as a folder instead of a ZIP file) from within SSM, but there has to be an easier way to do this...
Photoshop does a lot " *. TMP" files when the program is started up. These temp files, I would have moved to another location.How can I do it?
I am aware that it is possible to define which file "Photoshop Temp11309645056" to be created and how I place it at his own request, but it is not these files I ask for positioning.
Where the Hatch files are located. A user in my group is having trouble with his HATCH command. It doesn't seem to be working and it keeps telling him that the format files do not support his hatch or something like that.
Where the CUI custom files are so I can use them to update a new install of Acad 2010? My computer crashed, and I had to reinstall from scratch, so I just need to get the customization files off the old hard drive and put them somewhere to use for the new install.
IV 2010 Suite Digital Storm PC: EVGA & Intel components Win 7 Pro 64 bit
I just installed 2.8 and have downloaded the help files, but cannot figure out the destination folder/location for extracting them. I am using Windows Vista.
the location of the template folder or files. I'm not sure if it's (C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\.gimp-2.8\templates) which nothing is there. or if it's (C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0) in which case I can't find anything there either...
I have photos all over my numerous hard drives and I want to find and move them all to one central location where I can start to organize them. How is this done using Lightroom 5? Not just create a catalog but I want to actually move the file to one large hard drive.
Is it not possible to save the published files location to the DSD file?
I am trying to setup different published sets to different folders (multi-sheet and single-sheet) but have no success on changing the default file location in Publish Options.
I'd like to have all content center files i insert for a project saved in the project folder, or at the same place all my ipt iam files are located, or simply in a folder within the project folder. And NOT in the default content_centerR2012en-US that the software use.