Illustrator SDK :: How To Make Duplicate Copy Of Current Document
Mar 11, 2011How to make a duplicate copy of current document?
so that i can do the modification with duplicate document without changing the status of original document.
How to make a duplicate copy of current document?
so that i can do the modification with duplicate document without changing the status of original document.
OS: Windows 8 64 bit Illy: CS6
I was playing around with Illy tonight as I haven't been using it nealry as much as of late or even since all the recent updates.
Any way, it seems to me that I somehow managed to Duplicate a Document...
If you use Photoshop you'll know just what I mean... I'm talking about making an Exact Duplication of all the layers... of everything. You know simply: Image > Duplicate
I was playing around with different things and next thing I knew I had Two Document Windows open even though I'm about 99.9% certain that I didn't open a 2nd Doc and that I didn't make the exact same shape twice with same colors etc.
Of course... I could quite possibly have drifted off into some dual universe... Â (yes, that's the best i can come up with at 3am).
Is there now a (hidden) way to make a Duplicate in Illy just like in Ps?
I'd like to create a script that checks the current document's color profile and checks it against a string, for example "sRGB IEC61966-2.1". My studio has a script that performs various functions to make sure that all the layers are visible/unlocked, checks for stray points, etc., and we'd like to add a check to the color profile because we handle a large number of files and this setting is overlooked a lot.
It's alright if this value isn't writable through script (we can just pop up an alert letting the user know that they need to change it), but I can't find where to actually read this setting! We're currently working on Macs and with JavaScript, but any nudge in the right direction.
So, I use many of the same brushes. If I copy a path from a file that uses a certian brush to another file that uses the same brush, I get a duplicate of the brush in the brush panel.
Can I stop this from happening?
I have an Illustrator document with one layer (named Layer 1).In that layer are lines, rectangles and text.Is it possible (in script) to: make 3 additional layers named NL, EN and GEselect and cut all the text in Layer 1paste that text in the same place in the layers NL, EN and GEÂ
(Step 2: select all text items and Ctrl-X)
(Step 3: select proper layer and Paste in Place in that layer)
I know this can be done with an action (I did that allready) but the reason I want to script this is because I have to combine this with another script which takes care of colorizing stuff.
Is there a way to write a script to copy a selected/chosen artboard (and it's contents) to another opened document, placing it in exactly the same place on the global x/y coordinates? I'm either unable to find this feature built in to Illustrator, or it's simply missing.Â
View 35 Replies View RelatedThe goal is to copy a text object from one illustrator(CS6) document to another maintaining live type and having a graphic style applied from the appearance panel. When an effect like an arch is applied it is converting the text to outlines during the copy and paste, however a straight fill will not. The type of font (TrueType, OpenType, Postscript) does not seem to affect the problem.
Alternatively I have been able to take the desired appearance, create a graphic style from it, apply that to a path and transfer the graphic style to the new document via copy/paste, then apply it to live type on the new document. Obviously this is not ideal.
Open a new document in AI (CS5/CS6), and then draw some arts (rectangles), given an original point (such as 0,0), now I want to all arts in current layer rotate 30 degree around the origin. How to realize it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to copy a specific area (Artboard area) and paste it to new document by using JSX.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to create an object/group in Illustrator and then copy it across one document in multiple places (multiple art boards, etc.) - allowing the designer to then update the original and seeing the changes cascade to all copies?
I know this can be done using InDesign by linking an Illustrator file and making subsequent updates to that Illustrator file. But I do not want to use InDesign, I want to use Illustrator. What I want is much like creating Symbols in Flash, updating one will cascade throughout the file.Â
I already have a document created in CS6, now I want to make the background color bleed to the edges of the document.
Is it a problem that I started the document already and now want to make it bleed to the edges?
I made a drawing by hand, now I want to use it in a laser machine... I need hairlines (in dutch haarlijnen) 0,5 thick and sharp? How do i transform this picture into a sharp document?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am trying to duplicate a layer to another open document.
The problem is that it is not visible at all at the new document once the duplication procedure is complete.
Although the layers panel depicts the duplicated layer plus the usual backg. layer, in the document/canvas itself i do not see the layer which by the way is an icon.
I'm designing some screens for an retina display iPad and I just want the illustrator document on my 27" thunderbold monitor (at 109 ppi) to have the same physical dimensions as the physical iPad screen (7.75" x 5.81"). Maybe its so obvious that no one talks about how to do it. I do feel a little embarassed that I haven't figured this out.
Regardless of whenther I enter the doucment dimensions in inches or in pixels the resulting document is never the same pysicial size as the iPad's screen. And since Illustrator deals in vectors it doesn't have any notion of PPI that I can use to bring inches and pixels into alignement so that what I see on my monitor is the same physical size as what's in the iPad.
All i want is the AI document displayed on my monitor to be the exact same size as my iPad's screen.Â
when I expand the document window in the client area of the user interface, the window expands completely to cover the whole screen, including the surrounding panels, menus, etc. The only thing shown is the full document window. I'm not sure if this is something that can be configured in the preferences or not. I've tried all the interface settings and nothing works.
View 1 Replies View RelatedPhotoshop 13.1.1 x64. Mac Pro 3.33 6-core running OSX 10.6.8, 48Gb RAM. Working on a large-ish .PSD file (650 Mb) and saving to a network drive (a Drobo connected to a server) which is our usual routine and has been for years.
Problem – When I save the document and close it, the saved file (in the correct target location) shows the correct modified time and date stamp but if you open that file up again a lot of work is missing. In this instance, about the last half hours work (since the previous time I saved it). However, if you then go to File > Open Recent and choose the file name, the document opens with all the missing up-to-date work in it.
Clearly, File > Open Recent is opening a temporary document somewhere and not the saved file in the target location.
My concern is why isn't the saved file (with correct modified time and date) up-to-date? Suddenly we are having to double check every PS file we work on and save and that is not practical.
I have 3 similar but different documents. I made the edits to one of those and now I need to bring that over to the other 2 files. I know I can copy and paste the areas I need to the other 2 files but when you do that, everything merges into a single layer. How do I do this and keep those items in their own sublayers as well?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am having an issue with saving our own dwg file in inventor 2014 & 2014.
When I open a new one of our dwg template files and try to say I get an error that says
"the current operation requires data from document 'xxx' but it cannot be found"
This doesnt happen when trying to save an inventor dwg template file and it has only happened since releases 2013 & 2014. If I open one of our files that was created before release 2013 I can save these with no problem.
I was hoping the issue would resolve itself when upgrading to 2014, but It hasnt, so it must be in a setting that I migrated across.
We have other users using 2013 and are not experiencing the same problem. In fact if they save one of our template files on their machine I am then able to open and save it on my machine!
In After Effects CC/CS6 how do u copy a scene and unlink it from the orginal source? It doesn't matter if I copy or duplicate a scene, it will also change it in the original..I have some text I want to change in the copied/duplicate scene, the rest I want it to be the same.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEverytime I try to run 3ds max design I get this error messenge
" An error has occurred and the application will now close. Do you want to attempt to save a copy of the current scene? "
It happens during the lunch screen after loading all the plugins. I searched a lot and tried everything, from updating the video drivers to changing the video card used, to changing the graphics sittings to reinstalling it, still nothing changed the messege shows and the app closes.
I've got a drawing from a client, I've created a layer and I'm adding MTEXT to the drawing. Rather than creating a new MTEXT every time, I copy and paste the previous one and edit.
It works for a bit then out of the blue, it will give me that error after there's about 16 copy/pastes.
_pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored.
I don't understand what _ArchTick is or how I can get around this error?
modeling a car in 3ds max on youtube : URL....
in this video he uses holding shift and drag the edge to duplicate/copy the shape but when i want for example create a box,convert to editable poly and select edge and holding shift and drag it not working for me.i remove the face and use only the edges and it works but on that video  he has 3d shape and not remove the face! i have 3ds max 2013.
I am trying to make an assembly copy as separate project using the iLogic Design Copy feature.
Everything seems fine except I do not have my involved in assemblyContet Centerparts in this copy.
I am also have no any possibility to chose the Content Center folder in the iLogic Design Copy feature as it does not showup there.
Quite often I'll paint up a frame, having forgotten to switch 'current frame' to 'sequence'. Is there any way to copy and apply a current frame's paintups to the sequence after the fact?
smoke 2013 EXT1
iMac i7 3.4Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB
MAC OS X 10.8.3
Promise R6
a way to duplicate a layer behind a layer, rahter than in front of a layer? Maybe through an action script? I have tried a few times without luck. ...basically, I do a lot of architectural photo composites. When I am placing trees, I often duplicate layers, and scale, and tint to fill in area. But when I duplicate the layer allways goes in front, rather than behind. Since I can only scale down to keep my resolution crisp, I then have to manually drag that layer down the list, so it is behind the layer that was duplicated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to make a duplicate of this image: [URL]......
But I don't know how to make it...So I need a tutorial for that... If you still don't know what I want to do, I want to make a sword like that image there.
i want to make the curves reall realistic like eletricity u know the bleu color with white in it
so i want the waves to begin at an image as AC current then go tru the text like DC current and again go out of the text as AC current but with the color of electricity
i have an image written on it ALL ELECTRONICS REPAIR now i want the curves go tru the (ALL)
Right now, i am workin on my ultimate workspace for photoshop, but I have one more interest. I wanted to see if it was possible for me to use the window> Arrage>new window for feature and have it save as a permanent dock for my photoshop workspace. That way, when I open up a image on photoshop, I don't have to worry about going to window on my application bar and starting this feature.
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I'm using Architectural Desktop 2.0
How can I copy text from a word document into video studio pro x4 to save me having to type it all again ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to make the mouse pointer tilt according to the current ucs?
'Tilt' meaning a deviation in the direction of the crosshairs.