AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design Copy Does Not Make Copy Of Content Center Parts

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to make an assembly copy as separate project using the iLogic Design Copy feature.

Everything seems fine except I do not have my involved in assemblyContet Centerparts in this copy.

I am also have no any possibility to chose the Content Center folder in the iLogic Design Copy feature as it does not showup there.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Content Center Parts To Model

Jul 21, 2013

How do you copy content center referanced parts to the model?  I would like to render my model in Showcase but the nuts and bolts are missing because they are referenced parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA And ILogic Design Copy

Nov 10, 2011

I have two questions - one simple and one more complex, in my opinion. As of now I have a user form where one can enter a variety of values, hit a button, and it writes these values to a designated excel sheet. My first question is how would I be able to allow the user to change one value and have the rest of the entered values change based on this one value. For example if someone were to change the ID # of a part then the height and width would change corresponding to that ID number and would be displayed in the user form. I'm new to VBA so my thought process is kind of trash at the moment...

My second question is whether or not it is possible to write a vba program/macro that automatically utilizes iLogic Design Copy and makes copies of an assembly and continues to copy said assembly while adding a constantly increasing suffix ie -01, -02, -03... for a given number of times.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design Copy - Unable To Change Component Names?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm finally wrapping up work on an iLogic Configurator project and have started to brainstorm the best workflow to get this "Smart Assembly" into the design group's hands. I had been anxiously awaiting the new "iLogic Design Copy" feature in IV2012, but just recently learned that users are unable to effectively rename any components with this command.

Is this really true? If we can add prefixes or suffixes, what's stopping us from changing the entire filename?  We haven't upgraded to 2012 yet, but it seems like this may be a silly and unjustifiable restriction to a command that would otherwise save our designers hours of "file-management" (ie, manually renaming parts in Explorer, component replace in assy's, replace references in idw's, etc) each week.

Long story short, it seems that every workflow I've come across has had some sort of silly limitation that makes it undesireable for my application:
My top-level assembly contains all of the rules, and changes parameter values in the referenced skeletal parts. It also swaps standard parts for other standard parts as needed.I need access to rename ALL files (idw's, top-level assembly, subassemblies, and base components) while still maintaining/updating all internal hyperlinks between them.iLogic rules must be carried over to the new copied components (the existing "Copy Assembly" command strips the assembly of all rules). In light of the iLogic Design Copy's apparent shortcomings, any better workflow?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy A Ilogic Assembly Without Suppressed Parts

Feb 13, 2012

I have a iLogic assembly with some parts and sub assembly. I need to do a copy of this " Generator " to apply   the result later in other assemblies. (something like a member of a ipart or i assembly).

Is there any way to do the copy the assembly to a new folder without the suppressed parts and subassemblies (wich are suppressed in the initial main assembly by iLogic rules)?

I tried to use "Pack and go" and "iLogic design copy", but they always bring the suppressed parts and assembly's, to the new folder and which i don't need to apply in the other assemblies.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Design Copy - Error Copying A File / Inventor Crashes

Nov 5, 2013

I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.

The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Content Center Parts Placed Into Model Reside In Local Path

Dec 5, 2011

Completed a project. Wanted to show the customer the end result and go over changes on my laptop. Copied the directory to my laptop. None of the Nuts & bolts will show up on the laptop version.  Got a new desktop computer. Same problem. My completed version doesn't show the content center items, Hence drawings & assemblies are always un-resolved. How can I get the Content center files to show up without deleting and reinserting the items.

Also how can I make the content center parts I place into the model reside in the local path.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Blocks From Design Center?

Jan 22, 2013

Can you open two dwgs and copy blocks from one design center to the other?

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AutoCad :: How To Copy Objects In Layers Across Drawings Using Design Center

Jul 8, 2012

I've tried dragging layers across drawings using the design center interface, but what I've noticed is that while the layer in question gets copied over, the layer is empty. The objects within the layer do not get copied over. How do I copy objects AND layers that I've selected across drawings using Autocad Design Center?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Parts With Custom Parts Created From Content Center

Sep 27, 2012

I am trying to replace a custom part - created from a content center part -  with a copied part with a different name.  (I am using the replace tool in an assembly.)  However, Inventor is not replacing the part with the part I pick but rather the content center version of it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Parts In BOM

Mar 9, 2012

I am just starting to make assembly parts from the content center and have found that for the most it is useful. Unfortunately I have found that when these parts are placed in the assembly and a drawing is make of the assembly the bill of material lists total inches of a structural member rather than quantity of piece parts in the quantity column. Thus a 10"  tube shows a QTY. of 100 in. rather than 10 piece parts. I have removed the check to export B_L in the function menu but that does not solve my problem. Is there a way to get this to read quantity of piece parts and not total length of material used?

Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1
Vault 2013- plain vanilla version
HP G71 notebook
celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system
Win 7 home premium

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center / Design Accelerator Doctor - ERROR

Sep 28, 2006

Everytime I try to place a #8 machine screw type II screw from the content center I get a Design Accelerator Doctor error saying: "Modeling: Failed to insert a part into assembly!".

But if I place a Type I machine screw it works fine. Also if I replace the Type I screw with the Type II (the one I have a problem with) it replaces it no problem. So basically if I want to place a #8 Type II screw I have to place a Type I and then replace it with the Type II..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center / Authored Parts

Aug 31, 2010

I'm having problem placing fittings in my piping runs from parts that I have created. When I try to place them in I come up with an error "Place Fitting can only be used on authored parts." Now as I have said I am new to inventor so I have no clue what this means. I know there is a content center that has parts used for piping runs which I have been using but it doesn't have all the parts I need so I have been making them.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Parts Display In IDW

Dec 18, 2013

I am having a problem with the display of a custom content center part in an IDW. The cc part has been added to a weldment assembly and has 2 preparation holes drilled into it within the assembly. These holes display fine when showing the whole weldment assembly in the IDW but when I add the cc part on it's own it does not show the drilled holes. I understand this is perhaps because the cc part had to be prepared with the holes and these preparations have not carried over on the IDW, is there a way to display preparations in this way for single cc parts ?

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Content Center Parts Between Assemblies

Aug 14, 2012

I'm working on some plumbing in an assembly and in the past I've inserted all the fittings and pipe into a main assembly. Then created a sub-assembly and moved all those parts into that assembly. However I cannot drag and drop the pipe fittings around in the browser window. So I'm unable to move them to a sub-assembly.

I last remember moving content center parts between assemblies in Inventor 2012 and I'm currently running 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Content Center Parts Automation?

Nov 20, 2012


You're code is definitley a great starting point, and will most likely save me a ton of time!

I am currently diving into a small project which should save a lot of time for designers in the end if it pans out. 

Issue being resolved:

We use the Vault and have a ton of machines that get re-used from time to time through the Copy Design method. There's obviously some changes that are made from job to job, but the big issue is changing a machine from an Imperial to Metric one. This is the time (and mind) consuming process I'm looking to shorten.

What I have:

Currently I have a code (few tweaks needed but it works) that is run from an upper assembly. This code then cycles through each and every sub assembly and part that exists within it. As it cycles through, it checks for hole features which are tapped, and if it finds one of these instances, changes the thread from Imperial to Metric according to a Hard Coded set of values.

Current Dilema:

What's the point of changing the holes if the designer has to go through the assembly to change the bolts and fasteners anyways?

I've practiced a bit with your code and been able to replace items, the issue is everything must be hard coded in order to do so. My question is: 

Is there a way to get the Family from the Part Occurence / Document / Anything related?

I've looked through the API, but have only found that everything related to the Content Center.... is only accessable through the Content Center, and nothing else.

For Example, yes I am able to tell if a part has come from the content center (ie. PartComponentDefinition.IsContentMember), but that's as far as it goes, just a simple Boolean.

There MUST be a way to find out some sort of Content Center information from the direct Part / other related documents. I've looked at the "Replace Content Center Part Sample" provided in the API, but this example hard codes the ContentTreeViewPath as well.

In the end, I don't quite understand the point of hard coding this path with no way to access it through the Part Document. This only creates the need for constant manual change and / or MANY rules to compensate each and every family.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Update Content Center Parts

Aug 21, 2012

I have some parts published in the Content Center. I need to modify a dimension on some parts. I can edit the family table and modify it. The new dimensions are right. But if I open an assembly which use older versions of the modified parts, when I try to update the Content Center parts, Inventor says all standard parts are up to date. When I insert the modified from the CC, I obtain the old version.

I don't have local versions of the part.

If I insert the part with option "Update standard parts when insert", I have the old version too.

I have already made these modification on other parts with no problem, what is wrong with this part ?

I use Inventor 2010 SP4.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Color To Content Center Parts

Aug 29, 2012

I am trying to add color to my content center parts.  For example I want all M10 hex head bolts to be red and all M12 hex heads to be blue. 

I have My library configured in content center and I take from the "Inventor ANSI" catalog the "Heavy Hex Bolt -Metric" and right click and copy to my library. I switch the sort back to merged view and right click  on the "Heavy Hex Bolt - Metric" and select family table. I scroll to the end of the table and insert a new column and set the "Column Name" To "Color" and set the "Column Caption" to "Color" , "Map to Inventor Property:" is set to "Member.Color"

Now going back to the family table I have to enter simple color names like, Red, Green, or Black, I cannot enter names like Water Bubbles, Particle Board, or any of the Inventor Apperance names. If you do you will recive an error on placing the part stating " Unable to create componet"

Futhermore when you click on the Material Column you get a drop down of all the different materials.

Why do I not get a similiar drop down for the colors/apperances?

What is the list of working colors names? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fractional Length For Standard Content Center Parts

Jan 17, 2013

This would be for standard, not custom cc parts.  I read that you can save a cc part file as a template with the G_L parameter set as fractions, and then use it to replace the family template in cc, but that doesn't work (or I'm doing it wrong).  It worked once, then stopped?  I know there has to be a way of doing this.

I tried exporting values from cc as custom iProps, then tried to populate description iProp with these, but that doesn't work. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Participate In Assembly Sections On Content Center Parts

Jan 22, 2013

A thing I bump in to everytime is that Content Center parts do not standard section in Assemblies and Drawings.

In the Drawings I can menage this by selecting the parts in browser or drawing views and get them sectioned or not.

In Assemblies there is the option to select "Participate in Assembly and Drawing sections" in the Document Settings.

Unfortunately this doesn't work on Content Center parts. Why not?

After searching the site, I noticed the "solution" to check the "Section All Parts" option in the Application options.

This solution is a work around. It only solves the issue when you want to section all parts.

But what if I want to section a few parts and not all?

For example, I do want to section my beams, pipes, tubes etc., but do not want to section my bolts, nuts, washers etc.

I thought that was wat the "Participate in Assembly and Drawing sections" option was for.

Currently working with Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Faces / Profiles On Content Center Parts

Jun 5, 2013

As you can see, there is an entire face of the pipe missing. When I highlight over it (2nd picture) it thinks it is there. This has happened on lots of content center parts. There has been a few issues where this has happened with some of our downloaded user content (in our custom content center) even to the point of disappearing entirely.

This has happened across multiple (identical) machines. However, it doesn't seem to be reproducible on demand.

Pertinent info:

Inventor 2014 Pro, 64-Bit, Build 170, Update 1

Graphics - NVIDIA Quadro 2000 with latest current driver (Problem presented before driver update)

12GB RAM and Xeon Quad Core

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Parts Don't Show In Part-generators

Aug 15, 2012

For some reason when I start either the bolted connection generator or the shaft generator, the content center parts don't show up if I select "modify" to change the parts. For example: I wanted to create an axle with a retaining-ring-groove. I created the axle, and under Features I selected Retaining Ring.

Then a dialog shows up with some standard dimensions, and on the right under "Position" it says "ASME B 27.7M". When I click here, an empty dialogbox shows with filter "All" activated.

It should show all retaining rings available in the content center. The strange thing however is that when I exit this function and start the ordinary "Place from Content Center" command, I can see all retaining rings that are available (see pictures).

The same thing occurs when using the bolted connection generator.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Authoring Content Center Parts - Specify Length On Insert

Dec 16, 2011

I have authored a part to the Content Center, but the part is inserted at a standardized length.  How do I author the part so that the length can be specified whem inserted, like the structural steel shapes?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Parts To Existing Content Center Family?

Jan 4, 2012

if I place from content centre > structural shapes > AS1163-1991 rectangle hollow sections - not all sections are there. For example I would like to use a 65x65x6 SHS section. The content centre only goes up to 65x65x3 SHS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Insert Content Center Parts To Specific Layer?

Apr 10, 2012

Just as it sounds, my client wants to be able to set the layers up in a drawing file so that all CC parts come in on a specific layer on the drawing.

I'm looking at the layers and the Object Defaults menus in Style Editor but not finding a way to accomplish this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pack And Go Error - Cannot Find All Content Center Parts

Sep 25, 2013

I recently did a pack and go on a top level assembly. Kept folder hierarchy. Included linked files. Included referenced files. All OK so far.

Then opened the assembly in the “Pack and go” folder I created to put it, and it cannot find all the content center parts, such as the ASME eccentric reducer and M24 bolt – see attached i.e. I had to resolve the links. I know they came over with the pack and go as they are in the “Libraries” folder.

Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create In Place Not Working With Content Center Parts?

Sep 19, 2011

I have been using Inventor 2011 and I have noticed that I can’t create a component *.IAM in place if there is a content center part that is selected. I am saving content center parts as custom.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Content Center Parts - Family Name Already Existing

Oct 7, 2011

We are using Tube and Pipe with custom valves, flanges etc published to and taken from Content Center. Quite frequently we have to mock up a vendor supplied valve until we get the final model from them (usually near the end of the project) the mocked up valves can change in design over the course of the project, which means submitting and re-submitting different versions of valve with a slightly different name each time.

To try and keep things tidy (and prevent confusion with other users) I've tried to delete existing families and replace again with the same name, but Inventor T&P/CC won't allow this, and usually get the error message about family name already existing.

How can I truly delete the family and have no trace left on CC/Vault/working folders etc? Is there a workflow I should be aware of for such a task?

Inventor Routed Systems 2011

Win 7 x64
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Win7 x64
Dell Precision T7400
Xeon X5460 @ 3.16GHz
Quadro FX 1700 512MB

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Change Size Of Custom Content Center Part

May 10, 2013

I'm looking for a way to change the size of a custom content center part via ilogic. I found a way to replace them on this forum but this is not ideal for, because that creates a new part every time i change the size of the part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Outlines Of Custom Content Center Parts In Drawing Views

Mar 13, 2013

I am working with several drawings that were created, I believe, using Inventor 2011.  I am currently using Inventor 2013.  I noticed some views do not show the outlines of custom parts created using Content Center.  And it's only some of the parts within the view.  The outlines of parts created the same way show up correctly.  The B.O.M. structures for the parts are set to Normal.  I toyed with the Drawing View Settings' Display Options with no avail.   When the Drawing View is set to Hidden Lines Removed, the part doesn't appear at all.  When I select the shaded option, the part appears, but there is still no outline. 

Along similar lines (no pun intended), sometimes the outline extends beyond the actual part location.  For example, a pipe that is 24 inches will show up in the drawing view as 72 inches.  When the shaded option is selected, the part appears correctly, but the outline extends beyond the shaded area.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Placing Content Center Parts At Assembly Origin 2012

Mar 14, 2012

I have just installed Inventor 2012 and am experiencing a bizarre problem with placing content center parts.  When I start a new assembly, and place a content center part, I would expect it to locate itself central to the assembly origin.  What actually happens is that it grounds itself wherever I click on the screen.  This doesn't happen with parts that I have created myself.

Is there a bug in the system or maybe an option that I have unknowingly switched off?

Inventor Professional 2012 SP1
Windows XP Pro 64 Edition SP2

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