Illustrator :: How To Keep Pen And Brush Setting As Per Layer
Dec 21, 2013
is there anyway to keep the pen and brush setting remember as per layer , let say i have 2 layers of different stroke setting , after i draw 1 to another , it always revert to 1pt stroke width automatically .
i want to keep all the setting : transparency , color , stroke width to be remembered in layer . Therefore, i dont need to change again or remember whenever i draw in between layers.
I'm having a problem changing brush settings back to basic, having pencil tool selected. Still I can draw basic line after I've clicked basic, but the line selection doesn't show. That occured after I chose the brush to be "Charcoal pencil". I still can change the brush to be anything else from the library (like different kind of calligraphics, inked, decorative brushed, even image brushed) but not back to basic. The width-settings are to uniform.
There are a few things I just don't get about brush settings. Sometimes it seems my brushes go all wonky.
When I change the settings for 1 brush... say I add some jitter to a smooth brush - then suddenly the other brushes get the same jitter applied to them.
How can I set the brushes so that each brush has a different setting that doesn't change when I change any other brush settings?
p.s. I also don't get why Adobe has you lock a brush by UNlocking it? Seems to me it should be the other way around?
How can I make Illustrator's layer-panel remember the opened/closed sublayers? I have a file with hundreds of layers, and it's a pain in the *** to do the sorting and opening/closing certain sublayers each time I open the file. Why isn't it remembering how I have set it up?
I''m trying to set my brush up so that it will Mark on one point of the brush.I want my brush so that it will only draw within the area within the circle, Is there a way for me to set that up in photoshop.
How can I set the standard brush in GIMP? If I start GIMP, it chooses a fat brush at first and i have to change it always to a thin brush. How can I tell GIMP, that it uses the thin brush at the beginning?
I am reading some drawing tutorials for Photoshop and they talk about a setting of the brush called "flow". Is there a corresponding setting in GIMP and where it is?
Edit: After some additional searching I found that the option is called "incremental", but I also found that it doesn't work as described in the docs - it is not limited to the opacity set for the tool.
I'm having a problem with the Blob Brush tool where I can't change the basic brush to something else. Whenever I pick a brush I want and I try draw with the Blob Brush tool, the brush I picked reverts back to the basic brush. Here are screenshots:
I pick a brush that I like first
But when I start drawing with the Blob Brush tool, it reverts back to the basic brush automatically
Am I doing something wrong or is the Blob Brush tool only capable of using the basic brush?
I do Colorscheme's on aircraft for realflight g3 simulator. I am trying to figure out how to save a design on say a wing and be able to go back after saving and closing the file and be able to move it around and adjust it to look correct,without having to completeley redo the whole thing, I am thinking i can save the layers,
I am trying to create sort of a rounded box, except with one corner only. I am quite new to photoshop and am running into trouble creating the top left corner, (the only corner I want to show). I have created the background set as transparent, then used the rounded rectangle to create a round corner, then created another layer and another rounded rectangle over the first one, so now I have a thin line, with a rounded corner.
The problem is, the middle section is still white, so I have to manually use the eraser tool to erase that layer to get the transparent background to show through instead of the white background.
I am sure there is a better way to do this. How can I set an entire layer to be transparent ?
I'm brand new to CS3 and working with the trial version and trying do something as simple as setting a color for a layer (i.e. black or red). When I select the foreground or background icon I get the color picker then select the color and click ok... nothing changes.
I'm using PS CS4 and I've been using actions for years now. However, about a year or two ago they started acting oddly. All my custom actions follow a similar flow: open file, size file, make transparent, add layer style, export to PNG, and, finally, close the file.
Once upon a time, the last time I recall it working flawlessly was in CS 2, I had to do nothing other than start the action on a directory of files. Now I have to click OK when the Layer Styles window pops up. Here is the exported action file. After clicking on a directory that may contain up to a 1,000 files; it gets tiresome and finger sore.
I've been adding text to layers for a few months with no problem. I use the text tool all I get is a 'dot' with a line that extends as I type. It does create a layer and the layer is named by whatever I typed but there isn't anything there.I've gotten the outline to show, but it's empty. the font size might be too small to see. I have a 25 inch background and set the font to 72 but still nothing.
I have a layer with some blurred spots. I want them to glow. I have a colored background (light brown). For some reason, when I set my layer to Color Dodge it does nothing.
But when I make a group and set it to Color Dodge, then put my layer inside that, it glows like freakin crazy. Can anyone explain why this is? Should it work both ways? Is there some magic to groups?
I am looking to see if I missed a setting somewhere. I have hunted extensively, but the ability to set a view to a specific layer seems to be unavailable. What I woudl liek to be able to do is define the layer that the viewport is inserted on when I bring a view into a sheet using the sheetset manager. I love this system, but it does slow me down in that regard. If there is a setting or preference that I can switch to make that happen or am I going to have to write something to do it for me.
In the hatch dialogue there is a setting to target the hatch to a specific layer. How does one set the default to ALWAYS be "Use Current"?
Attached jpg shows the target layer as ffbrg, but I want that to ALWAYS read "Use Current" when creating a NEW hartch. In other words, I am happily working in a specific layer creating all these hatches and then realize LATER that all the hatches were in different layers causing great confusiion and havoc.
As soon as you set a color for a layer listed in the layer window, you can't undo that. The "no color" selection in the context menu does nothing. Looks like a bug.
And btw. on page [URL] ...... the link "User Groups" points to [URL] .... which isn't delivering anything ("No data received").
Is there any way of setting up an automated process/es? What I want to try to achieve is to move a layer incrementally along an axis,by say a few pixels at a time,whilst saving the frame generated,up to say 20 frames or more ?
Difficult to explain this in the title hense I haven't found an answer with a google search.
What it is, is that I have an image (a stud of an earring) that needs to be repeativly added to each image by hand at the moment I leave the image of the stud open and cut and paste it.
There must be an easier way to do this?
I was thinking I could turn it into a brush? I found the clone pattern but in the way I am using it, it doesn't work as I can't see is what my brush is to get it to line up.
I was working in Photoshop CS6 and I must of accidentally clicked on something. My layers palette went from showing me a picture of what was in each layer to only showing a brush in every layer. Now I can't see which layer is what.
I've tried Googling a fix but I can't find anything. Here is what it now looks like. I want each layer to show me what is actually on that layer.
I'm working with Layers, and wondering if it's possible to use a brush to reveal the layer beneath. If so, how would I do it? I'm thinking of an effect a bit like when you have a window that's all steamed up, and you run your finger across it.
I'm creating a document with this background color #3399ff, and this color font #b4fff8. Neither of which sticks.They change slightly as soon as I close the color picker box. what I need to check?
I have been using CS6 for a while now. CS 6 decided that I can't use my black brush on a white layer mask. At all. I can use the white one on a black mask, but not the black one I. I restarted the computer, but I am annoyed.