Illustrator :: How To Create A Graffiti Style Digital Stencil
Dec 29, 2012
I am attempting to create a street art style stencil graphic to put on a t-shirt using Illustrator (note, not an actual stencil for spray painting, just the visual effect of one). I was able to make something similar in photoshop, but pixelation issues lead me to attempt a vector style graphic. The overlying "stencil" image is a complex vector object and the underlying "paint" layer is a series of semi-transparent paint splatter vector groups to get a more textured effect. I am doing it this way because, I have not been able to find any graffiti style brushes that work the same way as those in photoshop. The problem I am having is that when I attempt to make a clipping mask of these objects to be left with just the desired "paint" areas, there is a message about the complexity of this operation, and the result is total disappearance of all the objects, except for their paths. better way to get a vector graffiti stencil effect with texture?
I have had a request for a wallpaper similar to this dont worry this is just a mock up but I cant find a graffiti font that makes it stand out. preferably a solid face font. the job is very specific to have graffiti font. So if you know any that are not on let me know. She has browsed the web looking and is not happy with any.
Maybe 2.8 has this option already, ive already downloaded just not installed it. i plan on doing it when ive finished this little personal project im working on.
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problem is, the alpha is no longer the alpha. what i ideally would like, is to combine the alpha with which ever combination of the channels i decide to use. then paste that back into my original file as the bump map.... so far not having luck
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