Illustrator :: Dimensions And Coordinates Keep Changing?

Nov 13, 2012

Random objects on my artboard tend to change dimensions and/or coordinates on its own. The difference is by a few thousandth of a decimal. I'm not sure when this happens but it's usually happening to objects I'm not working on in the moment. And once and a while an object would refuse to comply when I try to readjust the dimension or coordinates.
Why this keeps happening and what I can do to stop it?
FYI: I am using CS5 on a Macbook Pro.

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Illustrator :: Copying To Photoshop - Dimensions Changing

Jan 24, 2014

Having a really annoying issue that I've noticed since the latest CC update. If I have, let's say, a square of 100 x 100 mm in Illustrator and I copy it and switch to Photoshop, create a new document using the clipboard as the preset, it gets the mm dimensions wrong. My understanding is this should be consistent and not effected by things like DPI/PPI and I've ever had the problem before. It's effecting everyone in our studio and we're all running the Mac version of CC.

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AutoCad :: Importing Coordinates (or Dimensions) From MS Excel 2007

Mar 26, 2011

I am designing a RCC Dam and the shape of the dam is constant and will not change, but the dimensions of this shape are very likely to change depending upon hydraulic analysis.

I have written a program (irrelevant, but I am using MathCad 14) that performs a stability analysis of a RCC Dam (based on elevations from the hydraulic analysis) and then exports the dam dimensions and coordinates to Excel.

I am attempting to then take those coordinates (or dimensions) from Excel to create a 2-D dimensioned drawing of the Dam in AutoCAD.

I have successfully linked the Excel spreadsheet containing these coordinates and dimensions to AutoCad tables in my drawing, but I am having trouble getting AutoCAD to update my drawing as these tables update with different coordinates and dimensions.

I would like to have a drawing that is fully dimensioned (as the shape of the dam will not change), but that will update coordinates and dimensions as I pump out different dam dimensions from my stability analysis.

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Photoshop :: Way To Enter Exact Position Coordinates ( X / Y) And Dimensions For Objects

Aug 25, 2012

Is there any way to enter exact position coordinates ( x, y) and dimensions for objects in P'shop? For example, putting a photo in an exact position and sizing it by other than dragging handles with the mouse?

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AutoCad :: Changing Coordinates Within Model Space

Jun 19, 2012

I'm having a small problem with some drawings that have been sent to me for setting out on site. Basically I have 3 separate sets of drawings from architects and engineers, all of the same building but all using a different co-ordinate system. I know that the engineers is using the correct grid for my setting out but unfortunately I only have it in pdf. so I can't copy and paste layers from the other drawings into it.

Is there a way that I can alter the co-ordinates of the other 2 drawings in model space to shift them to the correct grid system?

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AutoCad :: Changing Coordinates Of Existing Drawing

Nov 30, 2011

I have a drawing at AutoCad and i want to change its coordinate like that

X'= X
Y'= -Z
Z'= Y

I know how to do it with the points (export their coordinates in a text and then transform the text and then import again at an Autocad) . But thus i loose all the line, arcs, etc .

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AutoCad :: Changing From National Grid Coordinates To Local Coords

Jun 19, 2013

My father in law is a civil engineer but works everything out on paper. I'm convinced there is a better way (using autocad). I'm competent with computers but never used autocad in my life and I'm not a civil engineer.Before starting setting out on site, he is given the proposed layout, based on 'National Grid Co-ordinates' (in the UK).

Currently he's working on a carpark which is a nice grid but on a different axis to the national grid coords. To make things easier, he picks a coordinate and labels it Easting 100.000 & Northing 100.000. From there he converts the coordinates given to values relative to this 100,100 coordinate. He does this on paper.

Could this be done using AutoCad (2011)?

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AutoCAD LT :: Updating Drawings - Dimensions Changing

Jul 19, 2012

I am currently updating company drawings from one template to another. I am using the copy and paste method. What I am noticing is that when I copy the part and the dimension from the original drawing ( all in 3 place dimensioning) to the new template Autocad is changing the dimensions to 4 place dimensions. First question is why is this happening and second question is can it be stopped?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scaling Without Changing Dimensions

Mar 26, 2012

I've completed a drawing, with dimensions and everything and I have to reduce it to 1:2 scale to fit my drawing frame. How do I do this without changing the dimensions? Every time I reduce it the dimensions halve as well!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: DIA Dimensions Changing To Decimal

May 3, 2012

When I save to acad my Dia dimensions are changing to a 4 place decimal. My radius dims stay the same.

INV 2009 SP 2.

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AutoCad 2D :: Dimensions Not Changing Size / Scale?

Mar 15, 2013

I've just recently changed jobs and so I'm working on a new (to me) system with Autocad Mechanical 2013. I had been working with Mechanical 2010.

One (of the many) issues that is bothering me, is that I can't seem to scale resize individual dimension. Normally, I'd create the dimensions and then if I needed to tweak the fit, I'd go into the Properties pallet and change the overall scale under Fit. Not really a good standard of practice, I know...

But when I do that on my current system, the dimension doesn't change at all.

On top of that, I have a weird refresh problem. If I grab a dim by the grip and move/stretch it, it doesn't actually show the new position unless I Regen. Is that a setting or maybe just a slow reaction by my computer?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Changing Scale In Paperspace

Aug 27, 2010

Modeling 1:1 in MS, dimensioning in PS different scaled viewports.  Plotted from PS, did further work both in MS/PS and notice dimension readings have scaled up by 99.98% and 100% to what they were in hard copy.  Changed dims in properties but for some reason they have reverted back to the percentage increase?  For example I have a 5745mm truss span that is now a 574.5 meter spanning truss!!??  Haven’t altered dimstyle at all or any scalings.  Laid another dimension again in PS along side the exaggerated one using same endpoints in order to check things and it’s fine.

Would like to know what has caused the dims to scale up in PS and, how to undo the problem, hoping not to have to re-dimension.

Attached is the dwg. and yes, I have dimensioned in MS but there was a reason.  It’s PS that’s causing the grief.

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AutoCAD LT :: Exploded Dimensions In 2014 Changing Appearance?

Oct 31, 2013

We recently added one license of LT 2014, and the Explode command works differently than before with dimensions.

Using the standard filled arrowhead, the arrows now explode into unfilled triangles.  In past versions it's always exploded into the filled arrowhead, just like it was when created. 

Can't find any option to alter the way Explode works. 

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Photoshop :: Changing Image Size On Images Of Different Dimensions

Jul 28, 2004

I have to process a couple of thousand photos. What I need to do is get PS to resize the canvas so that Height=Width, no matter which is the larger. In the area where it increases the canvas size, it should then have white space.

So that for a 10x5 landscape picture, it resizes to be 10x10 canvas, for a 5x10 portrait picture, it resizes to be 10x10 canvas, etc.

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Paint.NET :: Way Of Restoring Border Without Changing 1600x2400 Dimensions

Nov 26, 2013

I made this in and specifically the border in the "effect"  "Borders N' Shapes.' I was using the 'move selected pixels' tool to get my text centered just right and then after I would make the adjustment, a big rectangle (basically right around the entire image) would show up on the screen, and I would use "deselect" to get rid of it, but the corners got permanently messed up. I tried to do a new border wit "Borders N' Shapes' but it didn't work. 
I even--I know, not the brightest thing, but I tried using the rectangle tool and getting as close to the inside of the borders, cropping and selecting, and then re-sizing it to my original 1600x2400 but crashed when I tried that.
I'd really rather do it the right way anyway. I can go back and basically re-set everything, but I have changed fonts and font sizes and like I said I have the spacing just the way I want it, so it would be a fair amount of work to go through again.
any way of restoring the border without changing the 1600x2400 dimensions? I had a 3 pixel light gray border. You'll see how it's goofy on the left upper and lower corners.And how do I avoid those rectangles that show up (that I used the deslect to get rid of) when I use the move selected pixels tool to adjust individual text in the layers?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Joining Polylines Without Changing Dimensions

Feb 11, 2013

I'm having a bit of trouble getting my polygon closed without changing the dimensions of the polygon.The drawing attached or at URL....

However I do not know the radius of the angles A, B and C. I know that all the lines have to be the dimensions marked.

Can Autocad automatically bend the angle say, at A without changing the dimensions in order to complete the polygon? I tried this URL.... but found it wasn't what I wanted.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dimensions Keep Changing In Paper Space

May 10, 2013

I am on ACAD 2012 overlaying dimensions in paperspace to objects in model space..The dimensions keep changing to an incorrect number..Can't identify when it is happening yet. The dimensions are always larger

If I change dim style and back again the correct dimension appears. I can then matchprop to get the other dimensions to appear correctly. But twenty minutes later they are all changed again

I turned of Annotative scale for dimension features and use overall scale of 1.

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AutoCad 2D :: Changing Dimensions Style With Window Select

Jun 16, 2011

Using 2012. On pre-07 versions I've used, I could change the style of all dimensions in a drawing by selecting all entities (or using window selection) and then selecting the new dimension style from the combo box, regardless of what layers or entities were selected. Any dimension within that selection gets changed to the new style selected. In 2012, if I select any entity that isn't a dimension, no dimensions styles appear in the combo box, and so this method doesn't work.

Is there some new setting preventing this from working?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Scale Drawing With Dimension Lines Without Changing Dimensions?

Jul 4, 2013

How to scale drawing with dimension lines without changing dimensions in dimension lines? I got drawing with correct dimension lines but geometry is wrong.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Paper Space Dimensions Changing On Opening File

Jun 11, 2013

I am on ACAD 2012

I am using paper space dimensions and have a problem that they keep changing

I have attached a drawing demonstrating my problem. The square is 12' x 12''. Everytime the file is opened DIM SCALE LINEAR is multiplied increasing all dimensions by the multiplier. It does this each time the file is opened.

You can right click  remove overrides on the dimension to get it to appear correctly (I don;t have any overides the software is overiding on open.

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Illustrator :: How To Stop Changing Stroke Weights When Changing Size Of Object In CS5 On Windows 7

Mar 20, 2013

I'm not sure what I did to make this happen or how to change it back, but for some reason when I change the size of an object/line it changes the stroke weight as well. (For example, if I drew an ellipse with stroke weight 2 pt, and then increased the size the stroke weight would be 2.856 pt or some such number instead of 2 pt.) How to change this back?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Translate Point Coordinates From Paperspace To World Coordinates In Modelspace

Jun 18, 2012

i am trying to translate a Point coordinates from Paperspce to world coordinates in model space.The code i used in Land2006 worked OK but now in Civil3d 2012 it doesn't!

Private Sub GetPlais_Click()
Dim tmpnt1 As Variant, tmpnt2 As Variant, tmpPnt1 As Variant
Dim lole(0 To 2) As Double, upri(0 To 2) As Double
Dim returnobj As AcadObject

On Error GoTo Eline
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity returnobj, tmpPnt1, "ÅðÝëåîå ôï ViewPort ðïõ èá äçìéïõñãçèåß ï êÜíáâïò!"
If TypeOf returnobj Is IAcadPViewport Then

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AutoCad :: Converting Northing And Easting Meters Coordinates To Map Coordinates

Aug 21, 2013

I'm a GIS analyst trying to learn Cad. I'd like to place a single point in autocad model space at a specific Northing/Easting position. After reading several forum threads I don't think CAD allows me to change the coordinate system of model space from map coords to northing easting coords, as we can in GIS.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Manually Set X Y Coordinates

Oct 26, 2012

Sometimes I can manually set the x & y coordinates, and sometimes I can't: I change the number from say 54.0001 to 54, and Illustrator changes it back to 54.0001. Or, more commonly, it will not allow me to specify a float when the coordinate is an integer ( 54 -> 54.1 ).
The layours/shapes are not locked and I disabled all snapping options (snap to grid, snap to point, snap to guide).Why does it decide to work sometimes and not others?
Also, why, even when I have all the snaps enabled, does Illustrator insist on setting coordinates to a float that is JUST off of what it should snap to? Say I have a Guide and the left side of Shape A at x-coord 60; Illustrator absolutely refuses to align the right side of Shape B to x-coord 60 when dragging. Instead it decides 59.9897 is better. Both shapes are simple, are solid/filled, and have no stroke or effect/filter.
Even if I select Shape A and Shape B (Shape B is a copy of Shape A) and use the align palette (specifying Shape A is the key object), it will still set the x-coord of Shape B to 59.9897 instead of 60. WHY?
I noticed Illustrator setting erroneous/illogical xy coords since CS3 (it might have existed earlier), but I've always been able to force the x-coord manually to be the position I want; until now.

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Illustrator :: Disable X And Y Coordinates Box In CS6?

Mar 16, 2014

I can't find in Preferences how to disable the annoying thing. There is no such thing like Show Transformation Values control!

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Revit :: Coordinates To Real World Projection Coordinates?

Aug 15, 2012

The coordinates that we can apply in Revit (project/shared) aren't exactly the same to have real world projection coordinates (WGS84)??
If not how can we convert the revit shared coordinates to real world projection coordinates?

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Illustrator :: Coordinates Of Anchor Points

Sep 12, 2013

I want to get the coordinates of anchor points in every path layer. Can illustrator itself offer me a list of corrdinates X/Y?

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Illustrator :: How To Export Coordinates Of Objects To CSV Or Excel

Jan 17, 2014

I did some work with ai and want to export the coordinates of my objects to csv or excel. Is this possible and if yes how?

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Illustrator :: Change Coordinates To Bottom Left

Oct 7, 2010

Is it possible to flip the ruler in Y so that 0 is the bottom instead of the top?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Changing String Of Text / Multitext / Dimensions To Another String

Nov 16, 2012

i failed to find one which would change string of a text to other for all types of objects. I mean it was usually either only multitext, or only text, dimensions or attributes.creating one which would change in abt 200 drawings:








in attributes, text, multittext, leaders, multileaders, dimensions..... at the same moment?

It is meant to be used in ScriptPro (by loading lisp in script).

If not possible, then can also open each file and run the lisp in each of them - still would save lot of time.

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Illustrator :: Save X Y Coordinates To File When Object Is Selected?

Jun 22, 2013

we need to be able to collect (save to a list) a series of x,y coordinates as each object in an AI file is selected. Can this be done by creating a script of some kind that runs concurrently with Illustrator? Is this something that can be done via Action Scripts?

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