Illustrator :: Align Stroke Options Available But Not Selectable?
Jan 1, 2013
When trying to change the stoke alignment on an object, even with the options available to clicked on, I am unable to.
The panel looks like this but when I click on any other alignment It reselects "align stroke to center"
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Mar 26, 2013
Why is it that on some objects the option to aline the stroke outside is grayed out.
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Sep 12, 2012
When increasing the width of a stroke around a shape the stroke is not centered... WHY DOES IT DO THIS??? Even if I use the controls in the stroke window to change this it sill plays up.
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a bent path, standard 90 degree corner. Illustrator CC is not allowing me to align the stroke to the inside of the path/corner. The inside and outside options are grayed out when this path is selected.
Of course, I can create a shape and then all three options for path alignment are usable. But if I cut a gap into the path of that shape it instantly reverts to a center aligned stroke. I can create what I need manually. But this is a time addition.
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Jan 27, 2014
If I simply draw a line and want to align the stroke to one side (instead of the centre) how do I do this?
1) Giving a path offset effect.
I played with this, but didn't got me any result. I mean by giving the offset different values, I didn't saw the stroke moving to one side.
2) Creating a new brush for this.
3) Something by using an invisible rectangle.
At this moment, not one method have worked for me
What I basically want is to create those 'lineal' lines in the wing below. I already made an outline of the ribs and control of alignment of strokes gives me more options and flexibility to draw this.
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Apr 25, 2013
I've converted the type to outlines but the choices to align the stroke to the outside and inside stay grayed out.
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Feb 11, 2013
I'm trying to add a stroke that's aligned to the outside of my path. It appears to be offsetting the stroke *and* moving anchor points at the same time. It does the same kind of thing when I align the stroke to the inside. It is fine when i align the stroke to center. The one that is offset to the top-left is the align-inside one.
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Jun 24, 2013
I have a problem with my brush and pencil tool. Whenever I want to draw an object without a stroke and just a fill, it immediately assigns me a stroke in either the colour my fill is, or, if I'm using a gradient, in black. It doesn't have that problem with the pen tool though. I also checked in my presettings and my Transform plaette that the "Align to Pixel Grid" option is unchecked. Also, the "New Art has basic appearance" is unchecked.
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Dec 27, 2012
I am detailing a drawing with typical hole dimensions on a piece of steel angle. The drawing is setup such that the fabricator will have two options for each end of the steel angle. I have created two parts with the two options per end and have placed them outside of the page for reference.
I would like to reference each end of each piece, so that there are four pairs of views on the page (the two legs of the angle at each of the four ends), aligned in a grid. I have determined the best way to do this is with detail views. (Using breaks causes the break sign to appear huge, given the large gap I want between views. Using cropped views does not make it obvious that each end is a cutaway.)
My issue now is aligning the eight views. I know of the align options (horizontal, vertical, and in position), but they align to the "origin" of each detail, which is the center. With the angles being the same size, this works fine horizontally, but vertically, the pieces will never line up exactly, which is crucial to at least lining up the two legs of a single angle. The best I seem to be able to do is get the detail sizes as close to exact as possible so the centers come close to lining up. Even creating a projected view from a detail treats the cutaway end as part of the geometry, making it look a bit ridiculous.
way to precisely line up the views? I have done extensive searching and am confident that there is no inherent way to align based on a point or edge (seems like a deficiency on Autodesk's part), but is there a way to move the origin of a detail or something like that?
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Apr 30, 2013
Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.
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Sep 12, 2013
Is there a way or an option I am missing to convert my regular paths to a path stroked with a brush profile,while maintining the proper stroke width?
For instance, I have a regular line with a stroke of 5 and then add a brush profile, which then converts the original stroke to whatever the brush was made at.
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Mar 12, 2014
I have an imported svg file that I've saved to Illustrator 17.1. I can't seem to change the layer colors (they're all the same light blue) - the only options that come up in the Layer Options dialog are checkboxes for Lock and Show. Oddly, duplicating a layer seems to give the new layer a different color, but again I can't set the color of that layer myself.
Really want to be able to do this, as I use layer colors to track their status (red = not even close to done, yellow = in progress, green = done in MY eyes, blue = done in the CUSTOMER's eyes).
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Jan 4, 2013
I have a shape with a black stroke and green fill. I have a white line segment over it. How do I get it so that the end of the line segment doesn't show over the black stroke of the object? If I try to put the line segment behind the object, then the object fill hides it completely.
I'm new to illustrator and I've tried to search for an answer but I don't know the best way to accomplish what I want to do. Seems like some combination of transparency or knockout groups and I've read a bit about this and can't figure out what I need to do.
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Mar 24, 2014
I need an outline on a stroke that i drew but when i apply object>path>outline stroke i keep getting my initial stroke applied as well. I only need the outline, not the initial stroke. I use Illustrator CC.
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Jan 3, 2013
I'm thinking that I learned this once in a tutorial but is this possible? I know you can use the SAVE FOR WEB and make a link but can you also do something else to just make the text IN the graphic so that it's selectable or still becomes visible to search engines or searches? I made a graphic in Illustrator but really want the text to be selectable on the site still....
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Apr 9, 2013
I'm trying to figure out a way to automate a simple, yet repetative process I do countless times a day. Ideally, I'd like to tie it to a keystroke to speed up my workflow.
I work on line art and colorways for footwear, so the way I'm coloring these shapes and strokes break apart the different materials and pieces of the shoe.
While coloring line art, I work with Pantone spot colors as fills for closed path objects. I then have to manually apply that same color to the stroke, set the stroke to 0.5px weight, convert that spot stroke color to CMYK, and add 15% to the K value.
I found some code in an older post for applying the actively selected object's fill color to the stroke, but I'm having but I'm having trouble with the next step of figuring out how to take that spot stroke color and convert it to a CMYK build that I can then add 15% black to. Is this something that's even possible? I've spent about an hour playing with the script and have only had luck matching the fill color or turning the stroke white.
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Jul 2, 2012
Working on a poster in Illustrator. Have added area type, using the type tool. Now I'd like to increase the size of one line. I can't select or edit any of the type with the type tool. I moved the type to a new layer, saved, closed Illustrator, restarted my Mac (OS X 10.7.4). Looked in preferences, in case there's an issue there. No luck.
By the way, I also don't see handles when in the selection tool any more. Don't know if that's related.
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Aug 2, 2013
I have an image that has a black stroke around it. I'm wanting to make that transparent and add a stroke to the outside of the black stroke, so it will basically be an invisible space there. Is that possible or is there an easier way?
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May 30, 2013
I have done a completely clean install of Creative Cloud CS6 on my mac on Mountain Lion. First time opening Illustrator, and I cannot center two vector objects on each other. Rather, when I click to center them (vertically or horizontally) it actually pushes them further apart! It also appears to be arbitrarily selecting another object on my art board when I select these two (there is no grouping overlap, it makes no sense). I've looked around before, and have 'align to selection' checked, and 'snap to grid/snap to point' unchecked in the 'view' dropdown. Going to try to trash my preferences, but this is literally the first time I've opened it, so I can't see how that would be an issue!
I use this tool CONSTANTLY in what I do, so this is really troubling.
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Mar 11, 2013
How would I match up line 1 to the second line with the perfect curve towards it?
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May 5, 2013
Look at the photo I provided.
The rectangle will not to the circle correctly or evenly. This has been happening too much recently and I move on and find a way around it. I've had enough though.
I've turned off and on Snap to point, Snap to grid, Smart guides. Everytime I drag the rectangles edges to the circles, they magically somehow snap back to the original spot or further than I wanted it.
Nothing fixes it. I'm extremely furious! Why is the edge of my circle able to be there but not the edge of the rectangle? I've even tried to increase and decrease the shapes. Still, nothing.
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Aug 5, 2012
Let's say I've cut a circle in half, and then placed both halves on either side of the art board. Is there a way I can align them back right next to each other so that they appear as a circle once again?
None of the tools in the "align" window allow me to do that.
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Oct 1, 2012
Ok, this is probably a stupid question, but how do I align the type of different sizes. The F's don't align.
I realize this is probably designed in the typeface.
Here's a screen shot: [URL]
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Mar 23, 2014
Align To Pixel Grid a bit more thoroughly. I understand how to use it - to turn it on & off, but I'm a bit confused about the "why & when" of using it. F.I. I'm creating a picturebook with text. So when I export / or save for web, I'll be turning the vector art and text as an image. My understanding is that using ATPG will eliminate the jagginess of the text that would occur, when it becomes an image, if I did not use ATPG.And conversely, if I don't use ATPG, the text will be jaggy when exported to jpg or png. Is this correct?
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Mar 24, 2014
I hope I'm just overlooking something! Is there a way to specifiy whether align to key object moves vertically down or up (or horizontally left or right.) Sometimes the objects move up and other times they move down, ect, ect...
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Jun 18, 2013
in the left is my outlined shapes zoomed right in on a corner all perfectly alligned (3 shapes in total next one is ontop of another perfectly inline) then next is the preview zoomed in as you can see not perfectly inline and next is my full image so you get an idea.
My probelm is when scaling like i've done here it causes the shapes to come out of line and then causes the overall image to look bad. But when i made the original pic it was fine its just when i resize this happens but as you can see the outline is fine?
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Feb 27, 2014
How do I align objects 1/8" apart. Illustrator wants to round .125" up to .13" I have a die cut to make and it's throwing off my alignment
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Sep 26, 2013
I have a path that's coming out from an arbitrary angle, and I want a star at the end of the line, but perfectly centered so that the line bisects one of its inner arrows, if that makes sense.
I've made a separate star and a separate path, but I can't seem to hand-align it correctly.
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Sep 12, 2013
I cannot add multiple strokes to a font. The program only allows me to align the strokes to the center. While on shapes it allows me to align the stroke inside, outside, and center. .
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Mar 17, 2014
I have been putting together some inserts for a sales presentation folder in Illustrator CS6. I am having trouble trying to figure out possibly how to make my text align as presentable as possible. If you view the image you can see that my text on the right is not aligned with each other line consistently.
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Aug 4, 2012
I complete my drawing, now I want to align the entire drawing to the artboard. Great! How do I do that without messing up all my layers? If I group the objects to align them to the artboard, then they move to one layer, and do not move back to their original layers when ungrouped. I don't want that.
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