I complete my drawing, now I want to align the entire drawing to the artboard. Great! How do I do that without messing up all my layers? If I group the objects to align them to the artboard, then they move to one layer, and do not move back to their original layers when ungrouped. I don't want that.
Suddenly, when I have an object or a grouped set of objects & try to align to artboard, it doesn't work. I want to center align horizontally, but it places the object near the right edge of the artboard. Same things vertically: instead of centered it places it near the top of the page. Now my object is in the top right corner of the artboard. When I try it again, it moves it farther into the corner, incermentally less. What obscure preference did i accidentally activate?
how can I align a group of objects to the center of the artboard or elsewhere. Rt now it aligns each object in the group to the center, but I need the group as a whole to be centered.
Simple solution to aligning selected items to the artboard. I was going to create an action but then realized it would be more convenient for me to include it in my script file....I have a script to align objects with each other but they dont align to the artboard.
I have been using CS6 for about a month now, and all of sudden I started having an issue with alignment (and sometimes with distribute evenly command). Basically, anytime I try to use align center or edge (horizontally or vertically) with any object(s) and guideline, objects as well as guideline that I selected disappear from the artboard (white space) -- so I zoom out to get the entire workspace (gray area) view, I find objects ending up somewhere way beyond the white space and the guideline at the very top of the workspace if I used align center horizontally, or the guideline being at the very left of the workspace if I used align center vertically. I made sure that align to: selection is selected, but it appears that it yields same results whether I choose align to artboad, or align to key objects. I use CS6 on my computer at home, but I haven't had any issue with this yet.
How do I get the screen to refresh properly when drawing a line larger than the art board when the screen scrolls? Everything turns white in CS6, CS5 and CS4.
1.) I dragged out vertical and horizontal guides from the rulers and then created a new art board. The new art board now has the horizontal guides carried over from the first art board. How can I have separate guides on each of my art boards? I am using art board rulers.
2.) Is there a way to layout vertical and horizontal guides on an art board and copy them over to a new blank art board?
I have modeled a building that's a typical shoe box (rectangular shape building).
When I searched the address in Google earth, the true north of the site is not perpendicular to the building: it's angled.
When I chose "Acquire from Google earth" at the Site level, it gave me exactly what I saw in Google earth.
My question is:
I have finished the model of the building in Revit which doesn't align with what I acquired from Google earth. How do you align the model to the Google earth image? Do you have to literally rotate the entire building to align the Google earth image?
Also is there a difference between Google earth and Google earth pro for this task?
Occasionally paragraph allignment works opposite for left & right align, usually on Illustrator documents with Russian type.
In additon on center align text I set my cursor to input a period at the end of a sentence, and the period instead gets added to the beginning.
In character palette language is set to English USA, this is point text.
I created a new point text and this is happening, if I paste text from another document alignment works fine, font is Arial black but happens with all fonts.
Just recently I got a chance to try out Autocad 2012. I modeled up an assembly. I then wblocked my individual details into separate files for detailing. I used the new drawing view tool to create my isometric views. The issue I am having is the outer most edges of my views is not being shown all the time. If I zoom in the edges appear, but when you zoom out to view the entire drawing, the edges are no longer visible. It is like the border around the view that the drawing view tool creates is not offset far enough. How to use the new drawing view tool?
I'm working on a drawing that was created by somebody else where certain lines have an elevation that is not 0. This means lenght calculations etc. dont work. Is there a way I can select all and make all elevations 0?
So I have this drawing, which has been annihilated by many different people. One area of concern (among many) is the drawing units...some objects are in inches, some in Millimeters, some in feet, etc...
Is there a way to change the entire drawing to inches, so if I select an object...any object, properties will have it in inches. Or, if I get area of an object, it will read in square inches?
I have a number of lines that will not fillet because they are non-coplaner. Is there a way to globally edit all the lines in a drawing to set the Z coordinate to zero rather than having to choose each line?
Drawing started in LDD a few years ago. It was on a local coordinate system of 1000,1000.
The drawing has since been migrated to C3D2012. Now we have data in UTM coordinates that we need to match to the old data. Actually, we want to shift/rotate the entire original set of data to match the new UTM data, so we can continue in UTM for all future data collection.
So, I went through and turned all layers on, Thawed them and unlocked them. I made sure all points were visable, etc. Then I tried to move the original data (I also tried the align command, etc., with the same results) and found a glitch. After I moved the data, I found that there was some points and survey figures as well as a cooridore, that had not moved. The vast majority of the drawing had moved as expected, but the afore mentioned data would not move.
I'm experiencing problems with selecting objects. Usually, when I double clicked multi line text, I could edit it, now I get a text: "select an MTEXT object:", which basically means I have to select it again.
Another example of this is quick selection tool. Usually I selected the objects, then went to quick select pop up screen and under "Apply to:" I selected "Current selection". Now, there's only "Entire drawing" option and if i want current selection, I have to re-select it again.
I checked all the selection options and stuff. I attached some screenshots.
So I have a survey of a roadway that was created 15 years ago and was converted into autocad civil 3d 2012. No problems there, however, I am going through the survey and rotating the COGO points (ie Traffic Signs, Utility Poles) and the text to be parallel to the roadway. I am in UCS World and have no problems rotating the points and text to what I want. THe problem starts when I rotate the drawing using UCS 3P so that I am looking at a portion of the roadway that is parallel to my computer screen. Now the text and orientation of the signs etc are no longer parallel to the roadway and did not rotate when I rotated the entire project.
Now I was under the impression the points were to rotate automatically to what I set them as, ie parallel to the roadway. I'm sure this is an easy fix or I am not understanding something.
I am using the ALIGN command to overlay two groups of blocks, I'm then using some VBA code to export the coordinates of the blocks to an excel sheet to make comparisons.
The issue I'm having is when I use the ALIGN command the coordinates exported are different to those in the drawing (but only for those moved using the ALIGN command).
I don't get this issue when I use the move, rotate and mirror commands, only ALIGN. What may be causing this?
Currently I am using 2010 Map 3d, for water main base plans.
I use Micro Survey to process my field work. From there I open in Cad, import layers from our GIS data base for property, buildings, addresses, etc.
The only thing I have done different is from another project was copy and paste some utility layers.
Now my drawing turns any plines with width into hollow lines, and if align something my drawing will zoom to extents, also text mask does not work and i tried turning text to Mtext and it will not let me select yes for background mask.
I have a big artboard with a simulation of a webpage, and a smaller artboard within it, where I'm designing the artwork, so that I know how the big picture will look. In the end, I intend to export the contents of the small artboard. The problem is that whenever I click by accident on the small artboard, my view of the web page gets off-centre.So in short, If I could just lock the small artboard, that would solve this annoyance. For now, I have two options: either delete the artboard and set it back in the end (it's got to be perfeclty positioned though) or, quite practically, just create a custom view with a shortcut that I can use instead of the "Actual size" one (Cmd+1).
I have a AI CS6 file with 16 artboards. I need to 'save for web" a jpg of each artboard. Is there a way to automate this, by setting up an action - or is there any way to do this? I'll be having to do it frequently.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I'm designing some business cards, which have an 1/8" bleed, along with elements that hang outside of the border of the card. Is there a way in Illustrator CS3 that I can say, "hide everything outside of the Artboard" so I can see what the finished product will look like?
I know I could print them out or output to PDF and see it without the non-Artboard items, but these approaches seem clumsy and labor intensive. I'd like it if I could have some sort of "cropped view"--where everything not on the Artboard is hidden--to work in.
I'm finding that when i add a second artboard to an existing ai, then save and close, it has disappeared on reopening.
I have both pieces of artwork (one for each page), but 1 of the artboards will have disappeared. Irritatingly the remaining artboard sits between the 2 pieces of artwork - in the wrong position for both!!!
I am struggling with the "sAIArtSet->MatchingArtSet()" in restricting it to find the artset from the selected artboard only.
One way is to iterate through the found art set and compare art's artboard index with the index of the selected artboard. Wanted to know if there is some internal SDK suite which does this iteration in a more optimized way ?
I am trying to invert the entire page. All of my artwork and words are black and the page white. I want to turn the page black and everything else white.
I was playing around with Illy tonight as I haven't been using it nealry as much as of late or even since all the recent updates.
Any way, it seems to me that I somehow managed to Duplicate a Document...
If you use Photoshop you'll know just what I mean... I'm talking about making an Exact Duplication of all the layers... of everything. You know simply: Image > Duplicate
I was playing around with different things and next thing I knew I had Two Document Windows open even though I'm about 99.9% certain that I didn't open a 2nd Doc and that I didn't make the exact same shape twice with same colors etc.
Of course... I could quite possibly have drifted off into some dual universe... (yes, that's the best i can come up with at 3am).
Is there now a (hidden) way to make a Duplicate in Illy just like in Ps?