Illustrator :: Adding New Package In Brushes Library?
Apr 8, 2013
i purchased a symbol package online and it came with these instructions URL... that i followed to a T. the problem.,. well the symbols and the brushes do not show in library for me to use. the package name showed in the library.. but when i click on it, the list is empty. how can i get them to show in the library permanently.
by the way, when i open the downloaded package using Ai, the symbols are there and i am able to open them no problem. but i can't get them to populate in the brushes, symbols library.
I've made a custom brush library and want to delete some of the brushes but there is no little garbage can icon in the lower right hand corner of the brushes pallete. How do I delete the unwanted brushes from the cusotm library? The little garbage can IS on the regular brushes pallette.
I am working with CS6 windows. I am having a problem when I made a brush, and add additional strokes to the same line.
Here is a pic of what is happening. You can see at the beginning of the arrow, there is a blue and pink link showing around the beginning of the arrow head. I added the pink and blue lines to the same line as the brush using the appearance tab.
Now if I add a dash to the the pink and blue lines, this is what happens... There is a little pink and blue line at the very tip of the arrow head. My dash options use for both the pink and blue lines.
My question is how to I get rid of this little line? What I am trying to do is.. use the black arrowhead on line with a stoke of 1 point black, and then under that have a 3 point stroke of white. In the image what is blue would be white, and what is pink would be black, and the arrowhead is correct as it is now. I had this same setup in CS4, and did not have that little line at the beginning.
In Applications/Photoshop, right clicking or ctrl+click does not give me "Show Package Contents" (it does work for Lightroom 4) - I beleive it is necessary to get to Show Package Contents in ordder to add Photoshop to the dock? Or is there another way to add Photoshop to the dock?
in LR3 custom package did not support photo info. Has this changed in LR4 - is there a way to add a caption to a jpeg file generated via the custom package?
I used to move the ABR files to the Brush folder in the Adobe PS Program files, and then they would be accessible from the brush palette in the program. In CS3, I move them to the same place and due to the different interface, I can't find how to access them. Recently however, about 20 of the 60 brush sets have appeared in a random drop down menu.
I downloaded some fills and brushes from Xara Xone, but even after reading the instructions given, I am unable to add them to Xtreme Pro 4. I unzipped and extracted the files to a folder on my flash drive. When I went to add them to Xara I could access the folder where they reside, but the files didn't come up.
I downloaded some skin brushes which add more details to the skin after smoothing it..but how can I use it used to mask the blurred layer to keep some details ?
I've been using Gimp for sometime now.It's a fantastic program, but I thought the area where it lacked the mostwas the brushes. It only came with a few basic brushes, and you often hadto download extra packs for that something extra. This in itself wasn't ahuge deal, although if you had brush sets more like those of PaintTool SAIor MyPaint, that would be really great. Those program don't have as much asGimp, but they have some really great brushes, which makes them fun to drawin.
My bigger concerns is adding your own brushes to Gimp via imported brushpacks. While you say you integrate all files, the brush manager is lacking.If I wish to add a few brush packs to see what they do, the brush listquickly becomes clogged. You can't seem to delete brushes without goingback into the brushes folder which you first put them in, and then deletethe files. This also means if you like a few brushes in a pack, but therest of it is useless to you, then you have to have everything, or nothing.
There is a lot to be desired in terms of the brushes, and I hope you canimprove these soon. I stand by Gimp, even though people often call it awatered down version of Photoshop, but Gimp 2.8 has been a hugedisappointment for me.
On a final note, when choosing a new brush, especially for the animatedtexture brushes you include, I think it would be useful if youautomatically went to the brushes native size. This saves time and energy,especially if you are testing out new brushes. MyPaint has this feature,and I have found it incredibly useful. This also means I can just click thebrush a second time to reset it to the default settings.
If you see the face iv used a smooth brush and its bringing out all these noise spots. If i try to darken a background its totally unusable. Iv never had these presets and brushes do this but the last 2 sessions iv had massive issues, Its happening on pics which i wouldnt think would have issues and have never had issues before. Lightroom 4 had none of these problems.
Are there any tutorials (a video, or with images) or any good book or readings on how to create a package design (packaging) with illustrator from start to finish? (From the beginning creating the dielines to the end product of a finished package, mockup examples.)
Illustrator does not have file>package on my MacBook Pro. Running from the cloud on a New 30 inch iMac and the latest 13 inch MacBook Pro. It has it on the iMac? Both are up to date.
I am wanting to add some new fonts to my library for writing on panels and such. I did this along time ago and didn't take notes(naturally). Where do i add them in at? I am running windows 7 now and tried adding them into the C/windows/fonts folder,but it doesn't seem to allow that.
How do I package a finished project to a client. She insisted on having three name logotypes with different effects and three monogram logotypes with different effects. The finished name logotypes are on one artboard/file, and the finished monogram logotypes are on another artboard/file.
I'm running Illustrator CS6 (version 16.0.3) 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit as part of my Design Standard CS6. I'm trying to package a file but when I go to the File menu, there is no package option. Why is it not there? And how do I get the Package feature?
Having an issue where all brushes and graduated filters are adding a warm yellow tint, no matter what the color settings are for the brush. The tint persists, even if I convert the image to B&W within Lightroom.
We rarely use 'custom' brushes, normally just using the standard ones that come with CS6 for photo-retouching.
We'd like to take a custom brush that is saved into another library, and copy it into the standard brush library, so we don't have to switch libraries to use that brush. Is there any way to accomplish this?
In order to add mpeg video files to the library, I create in the library a new video folder for the current project.During adding the files I get sometimes the message: "No storage to load BB!!"
How I can add materials to the Inventor material library. I have created and defined the material in Autodesk Simulate Mechanical and they are available in the material libraries in that program, but inaccessible in Inventor. It doubles my work load if i need to define the materials in both programs and also creates hassles if a change needs to be made to a single material.
The materials are currently saved in .mlb library files. Iventor requests a .asklib file for when trying to add a library.
First, I have not grasped the extent yet of how the new appearance library works.. we don't get crazy with colors, reflections etc.. but we do have a handful of colors that we use on the machines we use.. so instead of using the default appearance library, i made a new appearance library. All this went well, but i periodically as i need them will add colors to it.. problem is that i'm obviously doing something wrong, because my colors don't always stay in there after i restart Inventor.. and yesterday, i can't seem to keep any of the colors i setup in there to stay.. all i want to do is copy specific colors from inventors appearance library.. drag them into mine, rename them, maybe tweak the color, and then they be there for next time.. why won't they stay?
The edit pencil will come up on my library.. i've done the release edit after i'm done.. everything works in this inventor session, but if i turn inventor off and back on again.. they are gone.. only thing i have thought of remaining is that 3 users on our network share the same design styles location so we all our using same stuff, so is the file inventor uses in design styles to save to read only or something, but i read that appearances aren't saved in design styles.. How to do this and the colors stay and populate through all the existing stuff.. I have got the colors to lock into my template ipt in the doc appearances.. and i've done the save to custom library thing.. works until i restart inventor..
I am in the samill building buisness. While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment. Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?
I recently downloaded some sketch brushes off a website but when applying them to a shape like a circle, the brush doesnt follow all the way through. Like on the right side its got that separation.
I have Illustrator CC (at the moment I am using the trial version), and I have used it a few times. The only problem is that every time I have made some changes to the hotkeys/keyboard shortcuts, and added a few brushes, this disappears (like it resets back to factory settings by itself) when I re-open Illustrator.