Illustrator :: Does Not Have File Package On MacBook Pro
Jul 25, 2013
Illustrator does not have file>package on my MacBook Pro. Running from the cloud on a New 30 inch iMac and the latest 13 inch MacBook Pro. It has it on the iMac? Both are up to date.
I'm running Illustrator CS6 (version 16.0.3) 64-bit on Windows 7 64-bit as part of my Design Standard CS6. I'm trying to package a file but when I go to the File menu, there is no package option. Why is it not there? And how do I get the Package feature?
I bought a macbook pro and the student suite about 3 months ago. They work fine together (better than the couple windows-adobe), but i've got a problem. Today colors of my macbook suddenly changes when i create a new web-profile file on Illustrator. I inspect my mac wtih the utility colorsync, and this was the result:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/RedBlueYelllow.icc Etichetta 'pseq': Il profilo richiesto non è presente. Non può essere riparato. /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/Smokey.icc Etichetta 'pseq': Il profilo richiesto non è presente. Non può essere riparato. /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/TealMagentaGold.icc Etichetta 'pseq': Il profilo richiesto non è presente. Non può essere riparato. /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/TotalInkPreview.icc Etichetta 'pseq': Il profilo richiesto non è presente. Non può essere riparato.
Every time I try to package out a file in InDesign its gets about 3/4s of the way through and then shows the "Cannot copy necessary font(s)" dialog box. I have read on certain discussions it may be a font issue. When I remove ALL fonts from my computer font library and use only preset Adobe fonts, Arial Regular for example, it works fine, then as soon as I use a font say, Helvetica Neue Light, I get the error. I have only recently upgraded to CC and all of the existing fonts in my library have always worked fine and never been a problem when packaging... However due to the tests with different fonts, it seems to be a font issue and not a links/filename issue like other people have had.
Are there any tutorials (a video, or with images) or any good book or readings on how to create a package design (packaging) with illustrator from start to finish? (From the beginning creating the dielines to the end product of a finished package, mockup examples.)
i purchased a symbol package online and it came with these instructions URL... that i followed to a T. the problem.,. well the symbols and the brushes do not show in library for me to use. the package name showed in the library.. but when i click on it, the list is empty. how can i get them to show in the library permanently.
by the way, when i open the downloaded package using Ai, the symbols are there and i am able to open them no problem. but i can't get them to populate in the brushes, symbols library.
How do I package a finished project to a client. She insisted on having three name logotypes with different effects and three monogram logotypes with different effects. The finished name logotypes are on one artboard/file, and the finished monogram logotypes are on another artboard/file.
I just downloaded the LR4.x -> LR 5 installer from this website, but I can't install it. Each time I try to extract the installer, it fails. I downloaded it 5 times, using 3 different browsers... It does not fail exactly at the same moment (12%, 32%, 23%) but il fails anyway.
I also tried to open the package with winzip, and extract the file manually. Same thing, files can't be extracted as they seem to be corrupted.
I am running Snow Leopard with 8G ram on a 2009 Macbook Pro and CS6. Everytime I go to save or do a save as I just get the spinning beach ball and have to force quit PS. I do get the message PS not responding. I have reset the prefrences, have uninsalled and reinstalled CS6 but the same thing happens. I had no problems with CS5. I am running PS 13.0.4x64 bit.
I just installed CS6 Design and Web Premium on my MacBook Pro running OS10.6.8. InDesign opened fine, but in the dock Illustrator and Photoshop have diagonal lines through them. I tried opening Illustrator and got this message: "You can't open the application Adobe Illustrator CS6 because it is not supported on this type of Mac." My MacBook Pro is 3-4 years old--a 2 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM, Model Identifier: MacBook Pro1,1. I double checked the OS required by CS6 and it's 10.6.8.
in LR3 custom package did not support photo info. Has this changed in LR4 - is there a way to add a caption to a jpeg file generated via the custom package?
I can use the font scrolling in illustrator, this works on a desktop mac. but can't seem to get it to work. tried unchecking enable missing glyph protection. and still doesn't work. What can I do to fix it, i know this works on mac but somehow my laptop wont work.
I am having trouble with a file that was originally created in Ai CS6 on an iMac.
When I open the file in CS6 on my 15" Retina Macbook Pro, objects that are mathmatically aligned to the pixel grid do not render properly.
See the screen shot to see what I mean.
The files still renders properly when view on the iMac and new objects in the document are also aligned to the grid, at least from the stand point of how it's render.
I'm having problems trying to launch Illustrator CC on my MacBook. It keeps unexpectedly quiting when trying to open. Below is the link to the error message I am receiving.
I installed a clean, fresh version on my Mac. (No previous versions were ever installed). When I open Photoshop for the first time, everything runs fine: I can open files and edit as usual. As soon as I close it and re-open many things happen:
a) I can go to open a file, but with Window>Application Frame unchecked, I cannot see the open file. b) All other palletes go awry. I cannot change the open palletes and or edit anything. c) If I check Window>Application Frame, everything is back to normal. No problems here.
I've built a project up with several smaller project file components. It's an easier way to create a video than editing one big project.
Opening the overall project and running it on screen is not a problem. However, when I try to create a smart package of the composite project, I get a consistent error message rejecting the process because of the existence of the component vsp's.
Is there a way to avoid the error and create a smart package from a project file that has smaller component project files?
Cs2 has a picture package program that you can format a photo 1-5x7 +2-4x6 8 wallets and Manny more on to a 8.5x11 sheet of photo paper does cs4 have that same app.
I saw in one of the vids prior to CS4's release that thew picture package feature was changing, but I can't seem to locate it anyplace...I checked help, but it says to go to file/automate/picture package... picture package doesn't appear in my menus...
I recently upgraded to cs4 and found under Automate there was no Picture Package that I was use to using in cs3. In my cs4 install cd there was a goodies directory that had certain plugins like contact sheet but no picture package. Is it possible to get the Picture Package plugin to work with cs4 on Windows?
When I preflight and package my InDesign CC file for the printer the fonts are synced front CC fonts, but don't go into the Font File. Instead there is a document named AdobeFnt16.lst.
How does my printer get access to the fonts? In the preflight they show "protected" and don't collect in the font folder.
I just upgraded to CS6, and just realized that the 'picture package' feature is no longer supported (it was an optional addon in CS5)... I use it constantly to run sports photo packages--it is perfect for the output volume requirements I have. Is there some other feature I havent found yet that can accomplish this?