GIMP :: Selecting / Recoloring Only Certain Colors?
Jul 21, 2012
Using it to design minecraft textures. The textures are quite small, each block being 32x32 pixels and arranged in a 512x512 pixel sheet. Basically, I'm making a lot of small icons. Now, what I want to do is select an area, and change just some colors within it - like changing all greys for green or all reds for blue. I cannot find how to do this, apart from using the Wand to select the parts by themselves and change - it is possible, but veeery time-consuming (due to low resolution, every pixel that goes wrong will be noticed).
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Aug 17, 2013
I have a picture of 200 or so colors. I can create a palette of it by going to indexed mode. No problem there.
My problem is when I load a different image, and if I try to recolor it to this new palette, GIMP is choosing the new colors according to the luminosity values, not what the colors actually look like.
Is there a plug-in or something that makes GIMP choose the closest-looking color?
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Feb 24, 2013
I'm trying to create images of pairs of cards from png images of a deck of playing cards, basically I would like to combine two cards into a single image, i.e. have the A clubs with the King clubs for AcKc (attached), I would like to do this for all starting hands if you're familiar with poker (AA,KK..72 etc)
Lastly, I would like to change the color of the diamonds and clubs suits from red to blue and black to green respectively, without affecting the black border.
Attached File(s) king_of_clubs2.png (256.97K)
Number of downloads: 7
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Oct 4, 2004
I want to alter a simple image from one color to another. The image is a gif image and I want to change it to color code #EF8216. Should be simple enough but when I type that in it gives me a color close to that but not that color (even though it says it is #EF8216). I have used CatchColor to test this and PhotoShop CS is not selecting the right color. I have tried using different ways of selecting the same color but none work. I need the color to match with part of my web site which is using #EF8216. When I use the bucket and save it, you can tell the diffence very easily with the naked eye.
How can I get PhotoShop to select the color I want?
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Oct 24, 2013
Where is the option to have the Eyedropper only select solid colors and not multiple colors when sampling colors? I select the Eyedropper tool and do not see any options for this in the control panel.
I only have options for Sample Size, which layers to sample from, and whether to show sampling ring.
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May 19, 2008
I have a question about selecting sections of an image to copy or edit, and the best/easiest way to do it. I've been using the Pen to draw a line around the edge of the section(s) I want to edit, than tidy up the lines, convert it to a selection, and go from there. But this can often take a very long time.
if there was a better, faster and/or easier way to do this, or if using the Pen tool is probably the best way?
I'll use
this image
as an example (for lack of a better example image). Perhaps I want to take the dark blue area of the skirt, chest and feet and edit them to a different color (maybe I want to turn them red, for instance). Obviously the image has shading so not all of the colors are exactly the same, so the Magic Wand wouldn't help much.
To edit these sections, would using the Pen tool to drag a line around the edges and convert it to a selection be the best way, or is there another better way to do this?
It may be a stupid question, but I just thought I'd ask just in case there was a simpler way for me to go about editing my images.
And if it makes any difference, I have Photoshop CS2.
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Apr 17, 2007
I can bing up the color picker right? then hover over the brush or what ever you call that over the old image on a certain color to try to get its hex value.. Now how would I do this on Illustrator?
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Apr 12, 2008
I'm attempting to recolor two shirts in a pic - one is yellow and one is black. I select the yellow shirt, Desaturate, add the new color, then Linear burn, to retain the material creases, and the result is great. However, when I do this with the black shirt, the process doesn't work. Presumably, this is because "black" has no color?
In any event, the color I want to apply comes out too dark and the shirt doesn't look real.
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Oct 26, 2011
Let's say I have a simple image with some text and a blue background, RGB (32, 45, 213)
I want to recolor the image such that the blue background changes to a green background. I want the green background to be an exact color, RGB (34, 176, 62)
How do I get about doing that?
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Nov 11, 2005
I'm a real novice to photoshop and am just trying to do something "very" basic like recolor an image. Can someone give me the steps?
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May 1, 2013
I am a novice in photoshop and I've been trying to accomplish what seems to be an easy process. I received an illustrator file of a logo that I'm trying to work has several issues that I'm trying to photoshop how to use illustrator. My major issue is recoloring parts of the image while keeping the edges smooth. It's currently brown and I just need it black. I have tried the following methods:
-Magic wand the brown part and create a new layer via copy
-using brush to simply paint over it
-using paint can to fill the selection - anti aliased, I've changed the tolerance a million times
-Use straight paint brush to trace over it, using a soft edge brush
-my hand isn't steady enough to do it
-Magic wand and create new layer then do and over lay
-Converting it to black and white
-it turns gray
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Dec 14, 2011
I have 77 png images of a sprite character and would like to recolor them with the least amount of effort.
The procedure I used so far was to recolor one sprite, for example from this to this and then applied the palette of the new image to all the others. However, during that tedious process I lost the offset information of the original images, which was reset to 0, 0.
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Jul 29, 2005
I have this GIF(attached) that I am trying to change to orange (#FF7200). The only way I can think to do it is to put a layer over the top of it with the color I want and then reduce the optacity - but this never works because it just looks brown or something. Is there a way to remove the green and replace it with Orange using this file?
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Jan 12, 2007
Colorizing a photo can be fairly simple using Adjustment layers and Hue/Saturation, what I've never been able to do though, was convert black to white within a photo. The other way around, white to black, is fairly easy to pull with decent and satisfactory results. Black to white on the other hand, seems to give a lot of trouble in maintaining proper and believable luminosity. If I have a black plastic object, for example, that I'm attempting to turn white... through all random experimentation I have done the object either becomes another 'material'... ie. metallic, or the object becomes too washed out (loses detail) to even make the eye believe the change is real and the material is still the original. I do know, though, that people are capable of creating the illusion of all sorts of material and surface through photoshop. So, if someone has an idea on how to 'colorize' and image while maintaining the original and proper reflection of light on the surface of the object,
Attempting to lighten plastic center plate using levels, loses correct material luminosity and becomes metallic
Attempting to lighten plastic center plate, using Lightness/Saturation, loses vast amount of surface detail, becomes 'flat' and washed out
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Apr 25, 2012
Is there a way to select a layer for editing other than by clicking on it in the layer panel?
I currently have a >200MB xcf file with nearly 100 different layers which I need to adjust before I merge then down a bit. I have found that you can find where the layer is in the list by holding the left mouse button down while hovering the cursor over it, but it always then disappears off the screen and it's a chore trying to find it. I have all the layers named, but it would be a lot more convenient if there was a way to select the layer through the image itself?
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Jan 20, 2012
I need to select a few characters within a larger word
I'd like to edit just those internal letters for font size and color, etc, but leave the outer letters alone.
In other graphics progs I've tried, you can usually just select those particular letters and edit but I tried that in gimp but couldn't do it
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Nov 17, 2012
I am having a hard time trying to add a logo to a picture. I open the picture, then I open the logo as a layer and it pops into the center of the photo. Problem is, I don't want it positioned in the center, so how do I select it and move it around to where I want it? Even when the layer is highlighted I can't figure out which tool will let you grab it.
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Sep 20, 2012
I select the Text tool (Gimp 2.8) and then I double click to bring up the box that allows me to choose the Font I require. When I use the up and down arrow to find the font that I require GIMP shuts down. It also happens if I don't use the button but use the slider. If I don't save any work before I select the Text tool I lose everything.
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Oct 23, 2012
We've been asked to see if we can recolour the stand mixer in this image from it's silver/grey finish to a glossy black as we haven't got a sample of the product to properly photograph here.
We;'re using Photoshop CS5.5 by the way.
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Aug 15, 2012
I am recoloring a paintball gun from blue to green. There are some parts with screws in the middle, is there a way I can select one area, and have another inverted?
This is what I have so far. You see that rectangle with the screw in the middle? There's my issue. I need to colorize the blue, but not the screw.
I know there is a tool where it everything is masked in red and it selects what isn't red, but that is too hard to use. I want to use the lasso tool.
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Sep 13, 2013
Basically if I select a color and apply it to the image it turns gray. [URL]
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Jul 1, 2013
I used select by color to select this STEELERS word logo from this image below:
Now I cut and pasted it to a youth flag football team pic in the corner. But because I captured some of the sky in the background, the yellow STEELERS logo kind of blended in at that point as seen here (I cropped out the team and am just showing the corner):
Is there a way to select this logo by color and at the same time maybe widen that selection by a few pixels to capture some of the black around the STEELERS logo so that when I transfer it to the team pic, it stands out more by essentially creating a border around it?
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Jul 11, 2012
I'm having a bit of an annoying issue regarding the text tool. I have a bunch of text layers in an invisible layer group. When I try to create new text in a layer that's outside of this layer group, it will select an existing text layer located wherever I click -- even though the selected text layer is invisible and in another layer group. I simply want to create new text on a new layer wherever I click and not worry about selecting invisible text.
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Apr 30, 2013
I've been using Gimp since 2.6 and had previously used PS CS2That version had the option to select a single orw or column (from the 'Select' menu).I rarely had the need for this, but I'm now working on a project that could use that feature, and Gimp doesn't seem to have it . . . I tried selecting it with the available selection tools, but I'm not having any success with a large image.If it matters, I'm running 2.8.4 on a Win7-64bit installation.
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Nov 13, 2011
Im having some problems with GIMP and my graphire4 tablet. Im not using the pen, only the mouse in gimp. Using Windows Vista and a Wacom Graphire4 tablet. When drawing, the pointer is offset from where I am actually pointing my mouse. This only happens while drawing or selecting/cropping on the canvas. All the menus work fine, and the mouse works perfectly in other graphic programs and windows.
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Aug 18, 2013
I'm trying to select the pencil lines only from a scanned drawing and lose the white back ground so I can set the drawing only onto other layers. How would I go about doing this?
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Apr 11, 2012
Let's say you just have a simple black line in Gimp. You then use the color select tool to select it, and you plan on then converting that Selection into a single line Path.
You select the line, but the Selection tool actually travels a loop around the line. So, when you turn that Selection into a Path, you do not have a single line, but you instead have a loop.
So my question is this: is there any mechanism for making your Selection in GIMP just a single line so that it can then be converted into a Path?
Originally, I was trying to achieve this in Inkscape (and started a thread about it in the Inkscape forum). However, it appears that, although other Vector Art programs can achieve this, Inkscape cannot. So I was thinking that I could instead use Paths in GIMP instead, but this is not possible because of the nature of Selections, as far as I can tell.
Here's an attempt to illustrate this request:
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Dec 10, 2011
I have some paths covering several shapes (Islands, to be precisely), and they've been merged into a path file and bounced over a few documents. I'd like to select the path for just one of those islands so I can move and scale it. Is there anyway to separate one closed path for the others in the same merged file?
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Jun 6, 2013
See Attached photo. I can do the color black on top yellow on the bottom half. what is the best way to do the red line that separates the yellow from the black.
Attached Images
Attached Files
NP-EMD-GP-9_Copy-1.bmp 220.58KB
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Dec 28, 2013
every time I use my Dell Printer and go into scanning and select 'scan to' and select Gimp as the image program. Gimp freezes for eternity on Gimp Startup and I HAVE to 'end process'!!! end task DOES NOT work!! how do I fix this while scanning directly into Gimp?
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Jun 16, 2012
I have many many files earlier scanned using ABBYY Fine reader in colors 300 dpi, but now using any programs I only get the images back as black and white. If I upload to one of their online processors I get it back in colors, all images are nice and colorful.
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