Photoshop :: Recoloring A PNG With Gradiant Fades In It?
Jul 29, 2005
I have this GIF(attached) that I am trying to change to orange (#FF7200). The only way I can think to do it is to put a layer over the top of it with the color I want and then reduce the optacity - but this never works because it just looks brown or something. Is there a way to remove the green and replace it with Orange using this file?
I have an image of a flag and I want the left hand portion to appear at 100% oppacity and as you view the image to the right, it slowly fades out to 0% oppacity by the time the right end of the image is reached.
I tried to create a Fathered Rectangular Marqee with Linear Gradient but I can't seem to get it to work properly. Everytime I try to do it, there is a transparent shade around the border and it goes outside the Rectangular Marqee too...
I'm attempting to recolor two shirts in a pic - one is yellow and one is black. I select the yellow shirt, Desaturate, add the new color, then Linear burn, to retain the material creases, and the result is great. However, when I do this with the black shirt, the process doesn't work. Presumably, this is because "black" has no color?
In any event, the color I want to apply comes out too dark and the shirt doesn't look real.
I've been using Photoshop for small stuff, but now I getting heavily involved with it. I'm trying to make some banners, but I have no clue how to start on the fade I want ...
Let's say I have a simple image with some text and a blue background, RGB (32, 45, 213)
I want to recolor the image such that the blue background changes to a green background. I want the green background to be an exact color, RGB (34, 176, 62)
I am a novice in photoshop and I've been trying to accomplish what seems to be an easy process. I received an illustrator file of a logo that I'm trying to work has several issues that I'm trying to photoshop how to use illustrator. My major issue is recoloring parts of the image while keeping the edges smooth. It's currently brown and I just need it black. I have tried the following methods:
-Magic wand the brown part and create a new layer via copy -using brush to simply paint over it -using paint can to fill the selection - anti aliased, I've changed the tolerance a million times
-Use straight paint brush to trace over it, using a soft edge brush -my hand isn't steady enough to do it
-Magic wand and create new layer then do and over lay
Colorizing a photo can be fairly simple using Adjustment layers and Hue/Saturation, what I've never been able to do though, was convert black to white within a photo. The other way around, white to black, is fairly easy to pull with decent and satisfactory results. Black to white on the other hand, seems to give a lot of trouble in maintaining proper and believable luminosity. If I have a black plastic object, for example, that I'm attempting to turn white... through all random experimentation I have done the object either becomes another 'material'... ie. metallic, or the object becomes too washed out (loses detail) to even make the eye believe the change is real and the material is still the original. I do know, though, that people are capable of creating the illusion of all sorts of material and surface through photoshop. So, if someone has an idea on how to 'colorize' and image while maintaining the original and proper reflection of light on the surface of the object,
Attempting to lighten plastic center plate using levels, loses correct material luminosity and becomes metallic
Attempting to lighten plastic center plate, using Lightness/Saturation, loses vast amount of surface detail, becomes 'flat' and washed out
We've been asked to see if we can recolour the stand mixer in this image from it's silver/grey finish to a glossy black as we haven't got a sample of the product to properly photograph here.
How can I make this cut out more realistic?Is there a fairly easy way to soften the edges so it fades into the background more? I spent hours on You Tube for the solution
I would like to create a custom brush that fades into the background of a picture. Is this possible and how would I go about doing this?? Any help would be much appreciated!
I used an outer glow layer style to make a curvy gradient but it fades towards the edges of the canvas. Is there any way to get rid of the fade short of making the style larger than I need and then cropping it, or is there a better way to make a gradient like this?
I'm coming from Fireworks.A technique I use often in my ui work is to combine a texture with a gradient that fades the gradients color and the pattern to transparent.
In Fireworks, this can be done on a single layer with no mask. The transparency of the gradient affects the pattern.This is not the case in Photoshop. I am wondering how I can accomplish the same thing in Photoshop, while keeping everything vector.
Is it possible to fill a shape with a gradient fill so it goes up to all edges and gradually get darker/lighter inwards? For example, If I have a star shape, can I have a gradient fill in the shape of a 'star'?
I have 77 png images of a sprite character and would like to recolor them with the least amount of effort.
The procedure I used so far was to recolor one sprite, for example from this to this and then applied the palette of the new image to all the others. However, during that tedious process I lost the offset information of the original images, which was reset to 0, 0.
Using it to design minecraft textures. The textures are quite small, each block being 32x32 pixels and arranged in a 512x512 pixel sheet. Basically, I'm making a lot of small icons. Now, what I want to do is select an area, and change just some colors within it - like changing all greys for green or all reds for blue. I cannot find how to do this, apart from using the Wand to select the parts by themselves and change - it is possible, but veeery time-consuming (due to low resolution, every pixel that goes wrong will be noticed).
I have a picture of 200 or so colors. I can create a palette of it by going to indexed mode. No problem there.
My problem is when I load a different image, and if I try to recolor it to this new palette, GIMP is choosing the new colors according to the luminosity values, not what the colors actually look like.
Is there a plug-in or something that makes GIMP choose the closest-looking color?
I'm trying to create images of pairs of cards from png images of a deck of playing cards, basically I would like to combine two cards into a single image, i.e. have the A clubs with the King clubs for AcKc (attached), I would like to do this for all starting hands if you're familiar with poker (AA,KK..72 etc)
Lastly, I would like to change the color of the diamonds and clubs suits from red to blue and black to green respectively, without affecting the black border.
Attached File(s) king_of_clubs2.png (256.97K) Number of downloads: 7
The only way I have found to remove lines in a fade was to paint over it. In the image, I find some of the colors don't change when trying to blend resulting in even more evident fades. I'm corel photopaint x6, how can I make this background smooth and without the lines?
I'm using cad 2013 and my boss needs something that appears smaller as it fades into the distance. it has occurred to me that I've always looked past the fact that autocad makes everything the same size (i.e. any circle drawn at 90mm will look the same in front view no matter how far you space them in top view). So the program doesn't give the natural "fading into the distance" effect. is there a way to make it look more realistic using a view or rendering or something that I am unaware of?
I am working as a graphic pre-press sublimation artist here in Australia. At the moment we are having issues with fades not looking good when we print them using the Onyx 10 program. We get magenta lines running though our fades, predominantly when we fade from royal to white. However! when we print using onyx 7 the fades work fine. It is not viable for us to use onyx 7 for all jobs as the colours lose a lot of vibrancy.
I cannot think of a reasonable way to replicate the white fades (ignore the red stuff and type). Perhaps there is a simple procedure that I simply do no know about?
See Attached photo. I can do the color black on top yellow on the bottom half. what is the best way to do the red line that separates the yellow from the black.
I started to get this strange error with my Photoshop when making a new document in Photoshop and got the following error: "cannot initiate Photoshop because Photoshop cannot create any more windows".
I thought the easiest thing to do would be to reinstall (Photoshop needs reinstalling extremely often unfortunately), but now when I try and open the program it just give an alert beep and closes back up. Even though I rarely use ImageReady, I opened that up to check and it does the same behavior.
Can anyone tell me what color settings I need to set in photoshop in order to avoid this from happening? It only happens once in a while and I don't know what I've done to fix it or screw it up. What happens is that when I'm in photoshop and I do a "save for web" my document jumps to image ready and when viewing '2 up' for optimization purposes and comparison, I realize that the original view is actually duller in color and does not look like the original in photoshop. The blacks are definitely not as black.
when I got my first Macintosh IICX and all of my MacPaint clip art. I don't want to get rid of the clip art because since I'm still using a black ink printer and not upgrading to a color one, the clip art looks nice in newsletters and the like.
Up until this time I had been using SuperPaint which had the New Superbits editing plug-in to refine the pictures so they had the smoother and cleaner lines instead of looking jagged. With my new computer and printer, I'm also getting Photoshop CS packaged with Adobe Creative Suite Premium, which I have never used before. Since I have not received my order yet, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether Photoshop has the capability of improving the older MacPaint clip art like SuperPaint did with the New SuperBits editing plug-in. Over the past two days, I have been trying like crazy to back-up my pictures with SuperPaint and then re-saving them with Graphic Converter. It's been so incredibly slow that I thought I would go ahead and ask you, the experts, if Photoshop can also improve the quality of my older MacPaint clip art or if I should continue to back-up my clip art like I have been doing.
I have just got back from the Elbow gig and pulled the images off the card. They load up in Bridge but don't have actual picture thumbnails. They are named correctly, ie: IMG_3483.CR2 but they won't open!? Error message says 'Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognise this type of file'
I could see them on the back of the camera.
mac users... i did a software update the other day and I noticed that there was an update for ACR. Could it have been something to do with that? And why can't I find ACR in my Applications?
I use Photoshop Elements 11. I am trying to upload photos to a website and the browse only goes to Windows/Pictures. How do I navigate to photoshop to upload pictures there?