Paint Shop Pro :: Recoloring PNG Sprites

Dec 14, 2011

I have 77 png images of a sprite character and would like to recolor them with the least amount of effort.

The procedure I used so far was to recolor one sprite, for example from this to this and then applied the palette of the new image to all the others. However, during that tedious process I lost the offset information of the original images, which was reset to 0, 0.

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Paint.NET :: Stuck Recoloring Black And White Train Photo

Jun 6, 2013

See Attached photo. I can do the color black on top yellow on the bottom half. what is the best way to do the red line that separates the yellow from the black.
Attached Images 

Attached Files

NP-EMD-GP-9_Copy-1.bmp   220.58KB

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Photoshop :: Generator And CSS Sprites

Oct 5, 2013

if one decides to follow the Generator workflow, how would it be best to still take advantage of css sprites ? The new Generator workflow certainly has great potential for an improved workflow offering obvious time savings. I know the entire picture has not yet been filled with Reflow still being developed, but currently, what would be a great way to achieve the advantages of this workflow while still using css sprites ?
I guess a separate layer or file, would have to be created entirely for the sprites and used in Dreamweaver separately ? one can still include the sprite layer in the .psd file but simply not give that layer a file extension ? as far as i know Reflow does not support positioning images with css, the way one will in Dreamweaver for css sprites.
Google specifically recommends css sprites. Even if one adjusts the quality with the Generator output, you still end up with a bunch of images, each of which would be a request to the server. Seems that this method as compared to slicing, would potentially end up with even more images and hence a slower loading page.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Exporting Frames From Animation Shop

Dec 24, 2011

Just came upon an error I had not seen before. Though PSP no longer supports Animation Shop, up until PSP X4, the user has been able to export frames back to PSP from Animation Shop. Now, this no longer works! There's still some communication there, because an error message - which, incidentally, makes absolutely no sense at all - is generated in PSP X4:

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Paint Shop Pro :: Will Animation Shop Run On Windows 7 Next To X4?

Oct 28, 2011

I installed PSP X4 today on a new PC with Windows 7 and noticed that it has no Animation Shop. Can I install Animation Shop to this machine? Will it work without PSP 9 or does it need certain dlls from PSP 9 ? I really want to be able to use Animation Shop again.

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Photoshop :: Recoloring

Apr 12, 2008

I'm attempting to recolor two shirts in a pic - one is yellow and one is black. I select the yellow shirt, Desaturate, add the new color, then Linear burn, to retain the material creases, and the result is great. However, when I do this with the black shirt, the process doesn't work. Presumably, this is because "black" has no color?

In any event, the color I want to apply comes out too dark and the shirt doesn't look real.

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Photoshop :: How To Do Exact Recoloring

Oct 26, 2011

Let's say I have a simple image with some text and a blue background, RGB (32, 45, 213)

I want to recolor the image such that the blue background changes to a green background. I want the green background to be an exact color, RGB (34, 176, 62)

How do I get about doing that?

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Photoshop :: Recoloring An Image

Nov 11, 2005

I'm a real novice to photoshop and am just trying to do something "very" basic like recolor an image. Can someone give me the steps?

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Photoshop :: Edges Not Smooth After Recoloring

May 1, 2013

I am a novice in photoshop and I've been trying to accomplish what seems to be an easy process. I received an illustrator file of a logo that I'm trying to work has several issues that I'm trying to photoshop how to use illustrator. My major issue is recoloring parts of the image while keeping the edges smooth. It's currently brown and I just need it black. I have tried the following methods:
-Magic wand the brown part and create a new layer via copy
   -using brush to simply paint over it
   -using paint can to fill the selection - anti aliased, I've changed the tolerance a million times
-Use straight paint brush to trace over it, using a soft edge brush
    -my hand isn't steady enough to do it
-Magic wand and create new layer then do and over lay
-Converting it to black and white
    -it turns gray

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Photoshop :: Recoloring A PNG With Gradiant Fades In It?

Jul 29, 2005

I have this GIF(attached) that I am trying to change to orange (#FF7200). The only way I can think to do it is to put a layer over the top of it with the color I want and then reduce the optacity - but this never works because it just looks brown or something. Is there a way to remove the green and replace it with Orange using this file?

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Photoshop :: Photo ReColoring, Luminosity &

Jan 12, 2007

Colorizing a photo can be fairly simple using Adjustment layers and Hue/Saturation, what I've never been able to do though, was convert black to white within a photo. The other way around, white to black, is fairly easy to pull with decent and satisfactory results. Black to white on the other hand, seems to give a lot of trouble in maintaining proper and believable luminosity. If I have a black plastic object, for example, that I'm attempting to turn white... through all random experimentation I have done the object either becomes another 'material'... ie. metallic, or the object becomes too washed out (loses detail) to even make the eye believe the change is real and the material is still the original. I do know, though, that people are capable of creating the illusion of all sorts of material and surface through photoshop. So, if someone has an idea on how to 'colorize' and image while maintaining the original and proper reflection of light on the surface of the object,

Attempting to lighten plastic center plate using levels, loses correct material luminosity and becomes metallic

Attempting to lighten plastic center plate, using Lightness/Saturation, loses vast amount of surface detail, becomes 'flat' and washed out

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GIMP :: Selecting / Recoloring Only Certain Colors?

Jul 21, 2012

Using it to design minecraft textures. The textures are quite small, each block being 32x32 pixels and arranged in a 512x512 pixel sheet. Basically, I'm making a lot of small icons. Now, what I want to do is select an area, and change just some colors within it - like changing all greys for green or all reds for blue. I cannot find how to do this, apart from using the Wand to select the parts by themselves and change - it is possible, but veeery time-consuming (due to low resolution, every pixel that goes wrong will be noticed).

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GIMP :: Recoloring An Image To Palette

Aug 17, 2013

I have a picture of 200 or so colors. I can create a palette of it by going to indexed mode. No problem there.

My problem is when I load a different image, and if I try to recolor it to this new palette, GIMP is choosing the new colors according to the luminosity values, not what the colors actually look like.

Is there a plug-in or something that makes GIMP choose the closest-looking color?

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GIMP :: Combining And Recoloring PNGs

Feb 24, 2013

I'm trying to create images of pairs of cards from png images of a deck of playing cards, basically I would like to combine two cards into a single image, i.e. have the A clubs with the King clubs for AcKc (attached), I would like to do this for all starting hands if you're familiar with poker (AA,KK..72 etc)

Lastly, I would like to change the color of the diamonds and clubs suits from red to blue and black to green respectively, without affecting the black border.

Attached File(s) king_of_clubs2.png (256.97K)
Number of downloads: 7

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Print Layout Similar To That In Paint Shop Pro?

Sep 25, 2012

Is there a Print Layout in X5 similar to that in Paint Shop Pro? 

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Photoshop :: Recoloring Image From Silver To Black?

Oct 23, 2012

We've been asked to see if we can recolour the stand mixer in this image from it's silver/grey finish to a glossy black as we haven't got a sample of the product to properly photograph here.

We;'re using Photoshop CS5.5 by the way.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Paint Brush And Eraser Stopped Working

Apr 9, 2011

My program worked just great, then all of a sudden the paint brush and eraser will not do a thing.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Create Paint Drips In Design

Aug 20, 2011

if is possible to create the paint drips in the attached design. I really want to learn how to create urban designs, is corel paint shop x3 suitable for that?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change Color Of Paint Brush In X3?

May 15, 2012

I want to use the paint brush for editing a photo I have, but the only color available is black. No matter where I've looked in PSP, there was no option to change the color of the paint brush. I've read online that you need to change the pallet to material pallet, then go to "Foreground & Stroke Properties" and set the color box to the color I want, but the only colors I get are different hues of black and gray.

Even in Paint it's just a matter of clicking the desired color to use different colors. Why isn't it so simple in PSP?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 With Nik HDR

Oct 14, 2013

Ok, either I am totally loosing it, or it just ain't happening.

I cannot get the Nik HDR module to work with my PSP X5

It's installed, it shows up in my Effects menu, but it only imports one of the photos I have opened in my edit tab.

What am I missing??

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Paint Shop Pro :: Change DPI Value

Jan 30, 2012

Using PSPP X3 Ultimate.

I have some Tif files and jpeg files that are 600dpi and 400dpi. I scanned these images with my Canon CanoScan LiDE 700F scanner. Can i use my version of PSPP X3 Ultimate to change the dpi value? Is this stuck? I wanted to be able to get the 600 and 400 dpi image files (I have some 300dpi's too) down to the 100-250 range if I needed to. I see there are different export options and compression in PSPPX3Ultimate, but I'm not sure if this will do what I want.

I want to export as Tif and Jpeg again.

Are there any good third party photo and or video editors that I can batch edit this with? It's ok to mention pay programs and I'd prefer good quality freeware if there is such a thing. I am sure that my Corel program can do the trick though. I just don't know how and don't want to rescan multiple dpi's every single time. I only need the archives and then get the smaller dpi when needed.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X5 Won't Load?

Nov 2, 2012

I was using a trial version of paint shop pro x5 and still had 11 days left of my trial when it suddenly stopped working. When I click on the icon to start paint shop pro it starts up and then freezes every time when it is loading in the spot that says "initializing color swatches".

I haven't changed anything on my computer- it just suddenly stopped working. I uninstalled it and tried reinstalling it, I also tried restoring it.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Ultimate X3 Won't Run

Jun 26, 2011

I installed PaintShop Pro Ultimate X3 several months ago. It worked fine initially, but then stopped running and gave me an error message pertaining to a language error. In an effort to fix the problem, I have completely uninstalled the application and removed all of its registry entries. I then reinstalled the program, which appeared to be successful, however, now it simply will not run and gives no error message whatsoever. When you click the desktop icon, it tries to load momentarily, then does nothing more.

I have removed my virus protection and my User Account Control.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Upgrading From X3 To X5?

Jun 12, 2013

What is the best method to upgrade from X3 to X5...should I remove X3 first for example?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Not Enough Memory In Pro X3

Oct 13, 2013

During preparing a collage, when I try to save the project, I receive the the message that I don't have enough memory.I am using windows 7 and as far as I know, I don't have memory problems. I am working a lot with VideoStudio x4 without any problems.

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Paint Shop Pro :: How To Add Plug-ins

Jun 11, 2011

I would like to add some Plugins to PSPPX3, I read/understand i should add the Plug-ins path at Preferences>File Location>Plug-ins - But there is no such option or Preferences>Workspace>Plug-ins - Same story

There was also no Plug-ins map or Workspace map in: C:Program FilesCorelCorel PaintShop Photo ProX3PSPClassicLanguagesNL

I installed PSPPX3 today, and i updated it and downloaded patch 1-4. How / where to install plugins?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X4 Always Says JPEG Is At 72 Dpi

Sep 21, 2011

When I open a jpeg in X4 it always says it is at 72 dpi. Even when I resize it so it is at 220, when I open it again and look under image information it always says 72 dpi. If I open the same image in any other editor, including X3 it reports the correct dpi. This coupled with the extreme compression is making X4 useless to me unfortunately.

I'm not prepared to sit and do the math to try and figure out what it is really at.

I have reset the number under preferences/general program preferences/units and it doesn't respond to that either.

For me, this version is problematic and not worth taking the time to learn. I need to be able to depend on and trust the information I'm getting from my software.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Key Differences Between X2 And X4?

Sep 19, 2011

I normally upgrade every other version. I currently use X2 on a Windows XP computer. My primary uses are photo editing. My key interests are:

- processing 16 bit per color files

- use of layers and blends

- stereo photography (combining and aligning stereo pairs)

- use of various tools such as cloning and healing.

- Color management and Printing

Reviewing the product page, I haven't really found anything that shows a list of upgraded or added features. Most of the things mentioned appear to be in X2 already. Looking at the thread calling for future features, it appears that the things missing are still missing. X2 is serving me well, but there has to be some reason to upgrade?

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Paint Shop Pro :: X6 - Using Workspaces From X5

Oct 7, 2013

I have a trial version of PSP X6. I'd like to move and use my workspaces from X5. I've tried everything I can think to do: point to the X5 workspaces folders, copying the X5 workspaces to the X6 folder, adding the X5 folders in the File Locations Preferences, etc.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Nik Effects Pro From X5 To X6?

Oct 25, 2013

I was wondering if I was able to get the Nik Effects that came with X5 into the new X6 download?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Tag Raw Files

Jul 5, 2011

I understand you cant tag Raw Files . But tags have been put on some raw files on one particular date, the tags are incorrect tags but when i try and remve tags it says the software doesnt support it.

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