GIMP :: Selecting Only Pencil Lines In Scanned Drawing?
Aug 18, 2013
I'm trying to select the pencil lines only from a scanned drawing and lose the white back ground so I can set the drawing only onto other layers. How would I go about doing this?
In any case, I have a drawing I did with a pencil, and then I scanned it. Now, I want to scan it, and then paint over it. I have figured out how to paint over the scan, but I am not producing the result I want.
I have attached my scanned image, and the painting. My issue is, I want to have a digital feel to my painting; that is, I want to get rid of the penciling. I am wondering how to accomplish this. I am hoping that I won't have to manually ink the picture.
I am starting with a scanned pencil drawing, which often has very broken, rough lines, no matter how dark or clean I try to draw. I am looking to turn these lines into clean, solid lines, of one uniform color, for use in another program which relies on completed loops and no breaks in lines.
I've tried tools such as Trace Contour, but this isn't doing quite what I'm looking for. I'm very new to Photoshop, so I'm hoping there is something I am missing. Something like the magnetic lasso would work wonders, if only I could brush that line instead of making a selection.
I can't draw with it like this. It's basically what the title says, when I draw a blue line shows up until I release the mouse button and then my stroke appears.
I like to brush over penciled drawings, now the problem i have is that the pencils tend to not show up as clearly after being overpainted. Can i copy the pencil drawing off the background, and after brushing the other layers fix it onto them, so the pencil lines show up clearly? if yes, how would i have to do this?
Im having some problems with GIMP and my graphire4 tablet. Im not using the pen, only the mouse in gimp. Using Windows Vista and a Wacom Graphire4 tablet. When drawing, the pointer is offset from where I am actually pointing my mouse. This only happens while drawing or selecting/cropping on the canvas. All the menus work fine, and the mouse works perfectly in other graphic programs and windows.
I switched from MSPaint over to Paint.NET at the behest of members of my main forum,, as they find it much easier to use when editing maps.
One feature that MSPaint has that Paint.NET doesn't that would make it extremely convenient is the ability to use the pencil tool to draw short straight lines in any of the 8 main directions by holding SHIFT when drawing. While it is fairly easy to assign hotkeys on MSPaint and while Paint.NET already has them for pencil/line tools, it is often more convenient to be able to do seamlessly, especially when I'm editing many lines at once (like coasts and whanot).
I checked through the first 20 pages or so in this board and didn't find anything similar.
I hooked up a VisTablet drawing tablet and am using Photoshop CS2. With the mouse, I can draw curves, zigzags, whatever, but with the pen, I only get straight lines. Is there an option or a preference that makes this do this? How can I undo it if there is one?
I need to draw a thin white line across an image, infact several lines in different places. The lines need to be permanent. I want to key in the number of pixels for the the thickness of the line and if possible key in the position of the line. I know I can use a new grid line to position a grid line, but how do I then turn that grid line into a permanent line where I can decide the width and colour? I'm trying to refrain from the long way round of zooming up to 1600% and physically using the rectangular marquee tool then filling the rectangal with colour.
I'm in a trial Photoshop Elements 12 til my copy arrives from I want to get into photo to pencil drawing. There is no problem importing the photo subject. After watching repeated you-tube how to I can't seem to get a layer.
I must of bought the wrong version for photos to pencil drawings.
I scanned a lined image into photoshop, and now I want the lines to have opacity so that I may color underneath them, but I am clueless on how to do this. I have photoshop 7, and the link to my image is below. Code:
I am having trouble trying to find a way to take a scanned line art picture and smooth out the lines in photoshop. The original artwork was done on paper with a black marker. The lines are pretty ruff though. I want to smooth out all the lines without using the pen tool to path out all the lines and refill.
I would like to take a basic sketch drawing and use it for a tshirt design. I've scanned the image and cleaned up all the speckles and dust. The only problem I'm still encountering is that the lines are not even. It was traced in sharpie before I scanned it so the lines are crisp and smooth, but not even.
Example: Open GIMP New File, 50x50 px, RGB, 72ppi Paint Bucket, Lasso, Magic Wand, all work. Pencil, Paintbrush - nothing.
If I open an image, I can select it, duplicate it, color pick, paint bucket and all of the functions in the dropdown menus seem to work, but no drawing or painting.
I made a new template, and my Pencil and PaintBrush would not work. When I tried to draw something, nothing appeared. The icon was there, but no drawing area. I tried to ajust it with the [ and ]. Nothing changed.
Basically, I opened 2.8 this morning and started working on something, but for some reason everything I do can be undone with ctrl+z except for the pencil tool. It doesn't even feature in the undo history, so I have to just use the eraser tool instead. Is this a bug, or is there some setting I need to play with? Because I LIKE the pencil tool :/ and I don't want to have to stop using it.
I have a bunch of images that look like and I want to 'restore' them like
Unfortunately that took an inordinate amount of pixel-fiddling to do and I have over 80 more of them.
Even more unfortunately, that was an 'easy' image compared to some of the others:
Another easier one
I know basically nothing about image processing and my current workflow looks like: irfanview: convert to grayscale ms photo editor: adjust contrast ms paint
The pencil tool normally doesn't do antialiasing. However, when I stroke along a path with the pencil tool, the result is antialiased anyway. How can I fix this?
I want to copy a black and white photo which was printed (old original 'wet' method) on matte paper. When I scan it the scanned image has thin white vertical stripes through all the dark areas of the photo. I have located a method of removing them using Photoshop (using layers etc) but cannot duplicate those 'instructions' using PSP X2.
how I can remove these thin stripes (they make the photo look like everyone one is wearing pin striped clothing).
On a new transparent layer, I have drawn a straight line with the pencil tool. I select the Box Selection tool to select the whole line that I just drawn. I switch to the Move tool and made sure to move just the selection.
At this point, I would think that I would be able to move the line but only the box that is shown by the Box Selection tool moves. The line doesn't move at all. However, when I tell the Move tool to move the selected layer, the whole canvas moves, including the line. Why can't I just select just the line and move it?
How can I reduce the size of the Pencil tool to as little as 1 or 2 pixels? I want to draw fairly fine shadows, and have figured out that creating shadows requires smudging or blurring gradients of black-to-grey, but the default options in the Brushes toolbox are far, far too large.
Edit -> Stroke Path (stroke with a paint tool -> Pencil)
At the top and bottom of the ellipse the outline is discontinued.
With View -> Zoom: 800% the stepsize for the applied pencil can be counted. I count a gap of 8 pixels, but I found no way to configure the stepsize.I'd like to have the pencil applied each pixel along the path.
Using Debian testing - Gimp 2.6.11 and when I create a graphic I try to use airbrush, brush or pencil and I can't get them onto the graphic. The colour tester does get onto the graphic and works.
for the others the cursor vanishes and only the arrows on the ruler top and side move about. The cursor is behind the graphic? Moves out from under when I move off the graphic.
Basically, I have drawn a logo on paper and I have scanned it in 1600 dpi, so it is a fairly big and detailed image, im just wandering how to go about making into an accurate drawn logo without using a tablet, a quick and easy way with a good outcome.