New File, 50x50 px, RGB, 72ppi
Paint Bucket, Lasso, Magic Wand, all work. Pencil, Paintbrush - nothing.
If I open an image, I can select it, duplicate it, color pick, paint bucket and all of the functions in the dropdown menus seem to work, but no drawing or painting.
I made a new template, and my Pencil and PaintBrush would not work. When I tried to draw something, nothing appeared. The icon was there, but no drawing area. I tried to ajust it with the [ and ]. Nothing changed.
I can't draw with it like this. It's basically what the title says, when I draw a blue line shows up until I release the mouse button and then my stroke appears.
On a new transparent layer, I have drawn a straight line with the pencil tool. I select the Box Selection tool to select the whole line that I just drawn. I switch to the Move tool and made sure to move just the selection.
At this point, I would think that I would be able to move the line but only the box that is shown by the Box Selection tool moves. The line doesn't move at all. However, when I tell the Move tool to move the selected layer, the whole canvas moves, including the line. Why can't I just select just the line and move it?
Basically, I was working on a drawing in GIMP, and the paintbrush tool would not work on a transparent layer. I had one layer under it, which was white and had my drawing. The brush would work on that layer, but not the transparent layer above it. I tried with my Wacom Tablet and my mouse pad and neither worked. What else was peculiar was that I could use the Pencil Tool on the transparent layer.
I have a skull on layer skull and bones on layer bones which is set to display under layer skull. I want to add a layer mask and paintbrush out the bones that are inside the skull area.
Basically, I opened 2.8 this morning and started working on something, but for some reason everything I do can be undone with ctrl+z except for the pencil tool. It doesn't even feature in the undo history, so I have to just use the eraser tool instead. Is this a bug, or is there some setting I need to play with? Because I LIKE the pencil tool :/ and I don't want to have to stop using it.
I have a bunch of images that look like and I want to 'restore' them like
Unfortunately that took an inordinate amount of pixel-fiddling to do and I have over 80 more of them.
Even more unfortunately, that was an 'easy' image compared to some of the others:
Another easier one
I know basically nothing about image processing and my current workflow looks like: irfanview: convert to grayscale ms photo editor: adjust contrast ms paint
The pencil tool normally doesn't do antialiasing. However, when I stroke along a path with the pencil tool, the result is antialiased anyway. How can I fix this?
I like to brush over penciled drawings, now the problem i have is that the pencils tend to not show up as clearly after being overpainted. Can i copy the pencil drawing off the background, and after brushing the other layers fix it onto them, so the pencil lines show up clearly? if yes, how would i have to do this?
I'm trying to select the pencil lines only from a scanned drawing and lose the white back ground so I can set the drawing only onto other layers. How would I go about doing this?
How can I reduce the size of the Pencil tool to as little as 1 or 2 pixels? I want to draw fairly fine shadows, and have figured out that creating shadows requires smudging or blurring gradients of black-to-grey, but the default options in the Brushes toolbox are far, far too large.
Edit -> Stroke Path (stroke with a paint tool -> Pencil)
At the top and bottom of the ellipse the outline is discontinued.
With View -> Zoom: 800% the stepsize for the applied pencil can be counted. I count a gap of 8 pixels, but I found no way to configure the stepsize.I'd like to have the pencil applied each pixel along the path.
Using Debian testing - Gimp 2.6.11 and when I create a graphic I try to use airbrush, brush or pencil and I can't get them onto the graphic. The colour tester does get onto the graphic and works.
for the others the cursor vanishes and only the arrows on the ruler top and side move about. The cursor is behind the graphic? Moves out from under when I move off the graphic.
In any case, I have a drawing I did with a pencil, and then I scanned it. Now, I want to scan it, and then paint over it. I have figured out how to paint over the scan, but I am not producing the result I want.
I have attached my scanned image, and the painting. My issue is, I want to have a digital feel to my painting; that is, I want to get rid of the penciling. I am wondering how to accomplish this. I am hoping that I won't have to manually ink the picture.
you can see what i mean in the following picture examples.
Selecting a brush (any 1 pixel) brush
shows my selection . Drawing a straight line
Zooming in to the line (600%) you can see i can draw a marquee through half of it ...
No matter what 1 single pixel brush i use this will happen... no matter which computer i use cs6 on and different copies of the installation. Anyway have any insight into this? frankly... it's somewhat limiting that i can't use the brush for stroking a shape if i need a pixel line and yet soft curves that a pencil won't get you.
I seem to cannot find NOTHING on Google, I need the color notation for the pencil lead color... a standard pencil lead color... what is the notation for that color!!!
i did notice a lag (almostac ceptable, passable) using the brush tool , painting black and white on the maskes..i tried different video card from nvidia to ati , but did not find a real solution..the only solution is set the opengl off or set to basic,
I'm trying to paint on an image and when I mouse over where I want to paint I get the "prohibited" symbol and can't paint. I opened other .jpgs and was able to paint with no problem. Is there a type of file that you can't use the paintbrush tool on?
When I use the paintbrush tool, If I try to click "basic" and the straight line it simply does not do it no matter what, it reverts to 3pt round. Can you not use the basic setting on the paintbrush? Only the pencil?
If I attempt to use the paintbrush after I add an object, even if I merge it with the background, I cannot use the paintbrush. It becomes invisible on the screen. If I click on the screen I will see a single brush stroke which freezes. The program becomes unuseable. I have been using CorelDraw since Version 4.
When attempting to edit a photo (on PS CS3), the cursor for the paintbrush and clone stamp tools does not display on the image - it'll come up when the mouse isn't directly over it (ie around the borders, & workspace etc, but not on the image itself). All other tools the cursor will display (eg marque and crop etc). Is anyone able to offer any help on the subject?
If there's a way to change the tool that Paint.net opens with to be something besides the paintbrush. My first few actions after opening the program are, invariably:
1. try to make a selection. 2. undo the black line I've just put through the middle of whatever photo I was editing. 3. choose the rectangle select tool.
Would LOVE an option to be able to specify the "on launch" default tool, and I can imagine others would like this as well.
Whenever I draw an integral sign (using paintbrush tool) for those math savvy people know that the symbol is an elongated "S".
I am writing a document using the paintbrush tool because I want to convert hand written notes into PDF using illustrator because there are alot of scientific illustrations.
When I write math notes and write the integral sign the following appears in the image below. It is like half of the end of the elongated ends become "half-filled" instead of one nice vector stroke (see image below). How do I stop it from doing that ?
I've been a Photoshop user for close to 15 years. I have ver. CS2 and a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual core CPU 4200+ 2.21GHz CPU /1GB RAM (6 years old along with the version CS2 running WinXP SP3) I plan on upgrading this year my hardware, OS (to WIn 7 64-bit) and the Adobe Production Premium suite to CS6 (After upgrading to CS5.5 since I am ineligible for the upgrade from CS2. )
One of the things that has always bothered me in Photoshop CS2 was when I set a paintbrush or a blur brush to 300 pixels wide and I'm working even on a small 4x6" 300dpi canvas If I make a brushstroke it takes seconds to make a rendered stroke. I plan on doing digital paintings with a Wacom tablet 8x10, 11x14, 16x20" in size with Photoshop CS6.
I read that as of 2008 CS 3 Photoshop will use the GPU for rendering/processing some effects. Is this true for PaintBrush and blur tools?Granted we are talking about a 6 year old mid-level CPU and now new technology but I would like to know along with using 8 GB RAM Will this 300 pixel-wide brush lag totally change with a Ivy Bridge Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge 3.4GHz Quad-Core?
Is there a significant difference when using Photoshop with a Ivy Bridge Intel Core i7-3770K Ivy Bridge 3.5GHz Quad-Core since both chips are multicore which Photoshop does usI'm trying to choose my new build and figure out what CPU to get since they are $110. difference. Is is night and day with most of the CPU intensive stuff on Photoshop?