When working in my GIMP 2.8 the default left dock had various tools at the top and Font tools at the bottom.
Somehow I changed the bottom to Airbrush tools. I tried resetting tool defaults. No luck I still have only the airbrush tools at the bottom of the left dock.
I'm using Gimp 2.6.8 on Windows and, somehow, the Tool Options separated into a new window a week or so ago. I tried docking it back to the Toolbox, but nothing is working.
I googled and found that this is normally fixed by dragging Tool Options onto the Toolbox, but there is nowhere for me to do that. Is there some trick or maybe this is just a bug or something? Nothing seems to work and the separate Tool Options window is incredibly annoying.
I can't get the Tool Options dialogue box to re-dock to the toolbar. I've looked at a few other threads, but they haven't worked. I'll attach screencaps if I need to.
I have a problem docking the windows. The tool options window somehow detached itself and I just can't figure out how to dock it again.
There are a couple of very light colored lines which are used for docking. I don't see any lines on the "Tool Options" window or any other window for that matter.
I just loaded Gimp 2.8 from 'ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp' with the idea of using the 'all-in-one' new arrangement. I am using Mint 13 Maya and the new gimp interface is not yet in the repository.
That said, having opened the 'new' gimp I see the docks arrangement is a bit different. Whereas there used to be two docks one on either side of the drawing area, now the right hand dock is split screen.
The problem is that just for say the colour wheel it uses loads of screen space. I know I can toggle between 'all-in-one' and multi-mode but they both have a split screen for the docks on the right.
I don't see any obvious way to move the colour wheel dock back to where it has been under the toolbox and brushes docks.
Maybe this is a fixed arrangement in 2.8, if so I will have to go back to my Mint 13 native version.
I can't figure out how to restore the default dock (may not be the correct terminology). This has the tools up top, and then, depending on what tool is selected, some settings on the bottom.
I've been in the windows tab trying to locate the dock and can't. Hitting "tab" on the keyboard opens another singular dock. I would like the original multifunction one that comes on install.
I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it remembered my dock settings.
How to dock some tabs (tool options, layers, colors...) in the toolbox? or dock the toolbox in a multitab tool window with tool options, layers, colors.. ? would be nice to have only TWO windows: one for the image (without pollution), one "service" window !
This was possible in 2.6, but not (for me) in 2.7.4.
I saw it once & it appeared (by accident) on the left side tool box. All of the properties of the text - i.e. size etc was shown on the tool box. How do I make that happen again ? I am brand new to Gimp.
Sometimes Iwould close by mistake a tool dock by clicking alt-F4 a little toofast, while the dock has the focus, but I thought it was the image(and I wanted to close this image). Then the dock configuration (whichtools were set there, which tabs,size and position of the dock andtabs, etc.) is lost. So of course, I can always recreate the dock,reposition/resize it, set the right tools inside. But that's boring.
would therebe an option right now to prevent the tool docks from closing by theusual window-close event (so you could close them by the dock menuexplicitely, but not by quick shortcut for instance)?
I'm new here but an occasional Gimp user since v2.6. I have recently installed the latest version on my new tablet and I was configuring the layout of the docks and realised that there's no way to save different layouts so I could try alternative dock positions to find what suits best to my workflow, or maybe have different ones for depending on what I'm working on.
The only way I could think to achieve this could be to exchange Gimps preferences file, but where is that stored? BTW it would be a nice feature to add in future releases.
I'm a consistent yet still newbie user who uses GIMP in lieu of other photo editing programs. how to get my Toolbox and Tool Options to seam back together? I somehow pulled them apart, and when I click on 'Lock Tab to Dock' it does nothing, they're still separate.
My layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
Often I will have a complicated path that took a long time to make, only to lose it by selecting another tool. How can I restore a path after this happens? The undo function does not restore paths.
Also, is there a way so transform (scale, rotate, etc) a path? I know I could turn it onto a selection first, but I usually need to edit the path itself afterwards.
I mainly use GIMP to create or alter memes for Facebook. The default fontfor text in 2.8 is Sans, just as in previous versions. However the type isnot Sans, but something similar to Courier (old typewriter type). Is theresome way to correct this fault and restore Sans as the actual font?
i play around with a gimp-image. i want to "ERASE" the text in the balls.
Well i guess that this is a bit tricky - since the background of the circles/balls is somewhat different and has sometimes multiple "(!!!) background-colors. So if we try to get the original - color of the circles then this is somewhat tricky.
I am new to pse8. I am opening pictures I have on my computer and for some reason its not allowing me to edit them. I just have the hand icon. I can click on any of the tools on the left tool bar and they do not work. I open several different images and it wont let me crop or use any of the edit tools.
I have a square image where I want to erase everything left of a line from bottom left corner to top right corner, so it will be transparent. How's that done easiest?
After using these instructions (below) for making the background transparent for my logo, their is still a bit of white around a small section. Is their a way to remove the left over white?
- use select by color tool, with treshold of 0, no feathering and no antialiasing. Click on the background. This will select only pure white pixels in the background
- grow the selection by 2 pixels. The selection now includes the background, and the border pixels (anti-aliasing)
- use Color/Color to alpha with white (it will only applies to background and logo border)
When I use the quick selection tool to remove something, I am always left with a shadow counture of the area that I want to get rid of. I guess I have to make another kind of setting or something, but I cannot find any that works. Photoshop CS6 W7.
I have been working with the perseptive tool for a couple of hours now. I've watched 3 or 4 videos, and read writting directions but I can't for the lift of me figure out what's going on. I am using the perspective grid and selection tool. I can get my objects onto the left plane only. When I try to select for the right plain (2) or the horizontal grid (3) it keeps moving my shape back onto the left plane. I've tried using the icon to select the areas and I have tried using keyboard shortcuts. What am I doing wrong?
Can the add, delete, convert indicators be moved from the right side of the pen curser to the left of the curser for right handed users? The indicators are obscured by the pen when using the pen in the right hand on the Wacom Cintiq. Option preference for right or left hand is desired.
I've been using PS and PSE since 2003 so I'm not what you'd call a new PSE user. I upgraded to PSE9 a few years ago but now I can't get the clone stamp to work correctly. I keep getting black spots on the distracting elements that I want to remove. I've gone through Scott Kelby's PSE9 book a million times but still can't get the tool to work correctly.All I get are the black spots. I'm working on photo submissions and time is running out. Here's what I'm doing.
1) First I select the Clone Stamp tool and then the brush size I want to use (usually around size 45)
2) Then, I sample the area just to the left of the distracting element that I want to remove. (I use Alt + left click)
3) Then I run the tool over the distracting element and left click. But instead of getting my sampled area clone, I get a black spot.
I thought that maybe I was using too big of a brush but that's not the case. So, what the heck am I doing wrong or is there some kind of an update or tool that will allow me to remove distracting elements more easily?
When I start a new project and I start editing the photo (i.e. drawing on it with the paintbrush) I encounter a problem when I try to select certain colors and delete. So lets say I have three colors in my image. I do a little drawing and editing on my image and then I want each separate color to be a separate layer. So I select two of the colors and delete them. Any things that isn't that third color or where the two colors I deleted used to be now has these "editing lines" is what I want to call them. You can see faint lines where I had made slight changes to the image with lets say the paintbrush. HOW DO I GET RID OF THOSE LINES?
I have an image on a web page, see imageA, but the image is originally chopped at the left (see original image B). I'd like the imageA to stretch most of the way across the white space. I've enlarged it and tried to crop, but it eliminates what I'd like to be shown, which is what appears in imageA.