GIMP :: Make Options Go To Left Side?
Mar 15, 2013How to make the options go to the left side???
View 2 RepliesHow to make the options go to the left side???
View 2 RepliesHow to make a banner that shakes/blurs from side to side?
The link above is an image of what I'm talking about. (The black banner that says Diamonds aren't forever)
Im having a problem editing a photo 'face' one side 'left' side is lighter than the right side because of lighting. I was wondering If I could get both sides even prefably the lighter side like the normal side.
Is this possible? Because everytime I try edit the lighter side it still remains lighter.
If I select a "New" document in CS5 I find that I am only able to paint or fill in in grey scale. This is new. In the Color options panel the grey scale slider is ticked and all other options are greyed out.
How do I remove the tick by the side of the grey scale slider and make the other options available for selection as normal. I note that if I open a previously opened document all options are available it just seems to be new blank documents.
How do I make the text go side by side when I type? Mine just pile up. I'm using the alt key and the arrows to make it go side by side right now but there has to be a easier way.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have 3 pictures that I would like to put sid by side or maybe overlap a bit to make one. How do I do this
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am realitively new to Premire Pro, and have been working on a stop motion project for my HS. I want to have it to where I can have both of my stop motion sequences playing in the same frame, side by side. I have a sequence of my character doing one thing on side, and another one doing something different, and I want to mash them together to look like they happened at the same time. Like I said I am pretty new to Premire pro, and if you need more infromation, let me know, and I will try to provide.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI must have hit the wrong key somewhere along the line. Until yesterday,, the ruler on the top and the left side of the canvas was in inches.. now it is in ???? Starts on the left with 0 and ends on the right with 3400 !
How can I get back to inches?
how do i get the left side of my menu bar in photoshop elements 6, to show the edit, file, view, find, window and help buttons. Only the camera and little house show up. The only thing that shows is a tiny arrow which is barely visible. All was okay the first time I installed to another computer (which has since crashed). The reinstalling of photoshop the second time is causing the above problem.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a photo that I want to crop a little off the top and left side. However, the size of the photo must be 8 x 12. I set the aspect ratio to 8 x 12. Then on the photo, I move the line on the top and left to where I want it. The aspect ratio then goes back to original size. What am I missing?
I am using LR3 on a mac
My untabbed documents always snap to left side of the screen. I can't center them in the screen. How do I fix this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I put the label only on the right OR the left side of the alignment?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have managed to great a canvas size for A4 paper and managed to put 4 different photos spaced roughly equally around the page. The problem comes when printing, when the page is printed I get a 1cm margin down the left side of the paper every time even though the preview print does not show this 1cm margin.
View 6 Replies View RelatedConstantly surfing back to the same locations. I cant find a way to add shortcuts to that large white spoace along the left side, which would be uber usefull. Is that possible?
View 3 Replies View Relatedem just stated learning maya, on my left hand side toolbox only half of the toolbar is showingand i cant find layout shortcuts what should i do
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've used Elements for years and just got 11. There are only 8 tools shown on the tool bar (and not move tool). How to I see all the tools on the left side of the screen? Resolution is better than recommended.
View 5 Replies View RelatedPreviously shown folders from Pictures (iMac / Mavericks) on left side, no longer show up. When selecting Import, they show up on the lower right side. LR5 will not let me select from library so that I can work with the folders.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to generate a single image which compares two different images side by side. Can Gimp do this?
There was a tab called "new" which enabled me to generate the white background needed to do the merging. One of those little details the author forgot to mention. They just said " Open the first image as a new layer and move it to the left" without mentioning that you had to find the "new" key and put in the white background first!
How to put 2 animation GIFs n running them side by side ? btw, i already hv tat 2 GIFs in hand.
View 1 Replies View Relatedmay i know how to put 2 animation GIFs n running them side by side ? btw, i already hv tat 2 GIFs in hand.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm on CS6 on a year old iMac. Plenty of RAM and memory. For some reason all of a sudden, the tools on the left hand side of the screen won't work. All I get is the hand. What I hit or what happened. I've re-started PS, the computer and reset Bridge. How to reverse what happened?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to get the browser back along the left side of the screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you lock your properties menu to the left or right side of your drawing. And have it minimize when you scroll on and off it.
View 2 Replies View Relatedsuddenly the menu at the left side and the print at the top is really tiny! i tried changing the win7 resolution - then it was too big. it was fine last week!
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy lr4 doesn't have a folders panel on the left hand side. Is the software defective or is it hidden?I just lost all my images!
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhat setting, the end mp4 video will always have black vertical margins. I never have this problem when generating videos with Quicktime using the same source.
The source dimension is 4256x2832, and specifying this as output size will also create the bars.
I did something on the screen and removed the tool bar on the left side of the screen. How to get it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWonder if can Can Image stretch from left or right or top or bottom side instead of diagonal ?
Reason is picture or tiff not correct length to the object of build.
I did scale to right length on "X" but the "Y" is off so how ?
I know that in Photoshop have stretch all side whatever I want but not in autocad 2011
I attached a photo of the project i am working on. Im trying to figure out how to create the roof on the left hand side of the taller area. It should be a arched roof just like the others except it is also rounded.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhile working in Lightroom today when I scroll down on the left side panel in grid view in the Library module the last item is Collections and the Publisher box is no longer there?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I drag an image into gimp it appears on the new untitled background. And when I drag a second image in, it seems to replace the first image. instead I'd like the images to be side by side. How can i do this?
View 1 Replies View Related