How do I make the text go side by side when I type? Mine just pile up. I'm using the alt key and the arrows to make it go side by side right now but there has to be a easier way.
I am realitively new to Premire Pro, and have been working on a stop motion project for my HS. I want to have it to where I can have both of my stop motion sequences playing in the same frame, side by side. I have a sequence of my character doing one thing on side, and another one doing something different, and I want to mash them together to look like they happened at the same time. Like I said I am pretty new to Premire pro, and if you need more infromation, let me know, and I will try to provide.
I want to generate a single image which compares two different images side by side. Can Gimp do this?
There was a tab called "new" which enabled me to generate the white background needed to do the merging. One of those little details the author forgot to mention. They just said " Open the first image as a new layer and move it to the left" without mentioning that you had to find the "new" key and put in the white background first!
When I drag an image into gimp it appears on the new untitled background. And when I drag a second image in, it seems to replace the first image. instead I'd like the images to be side by side. How can i do this?
I just started to use Gimp a few days ago. I am trying to duplicate an image side by side, then rotate the one image....just for learning purposes. However the new box (that should have my duplicate image) Is just a blank outline of the rectangle box. I watched a video over and over trying to get this, and I just do not see any steps I am missing, yet on the video it turns out perfect. I am normally pretty good with computers, but evidently not with Gimp.
Here is the Path: file> open>select and open photo>rectangle tool>outline photo>copy>paste>open new layer>select new pasted layer. Instead of the photo duplicating itself I get a "blank outlined box".
R2013 is stating on start up that the Geotechnics module has been loaded and displays the Tab for it.But I haven't installed the Geotechnics module for 2013 yet and it doen't work.
I downloaded AutoCAD on my windows 7 home premium,but when I click on the application it says "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." I tried repairing it but that doesn't work.
I've got to plot several "half-size" sets of drawings (originally 24x36 drawings) and I am trying to minimize paper waste. I thought there was a way to set the drawings to fit multiple copies side by side but I am at a loss right now.
Civil 3D 2011 Version 2.1 Win 7 x64 SP1 Intel Core i5 3.33 GHz 4 GB RAM
I downloaded AutoCAD architecture 2014 on my windows 7 home premium, but when I click on the application it says "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." I tried repairing it but that doesn't work.
The problem I'm having with Skin Morph is that it's skewing my vertices side-to-side locally.
I'm using Skin Morph to better preserve the volume around the two joints of each finger of my hand model (See Arm1).
The two skin morph targets were created for the index finger while it was in the same position as the second image (Arm2).
I repeated this process, creating skin morph targets for the other two joints on the three other fingers and on the thumb.
The problem comes when I rotate the knuckle joint in any axis, in the third image (Arm3) I've rotated the knuckle downwards and you can see the vertices affected by the Skin Morph modifier have skewed to the left. When I turn the modifier off the vertices go back to their original position - so the problem isn't being caused by something like non-uniform scaling of my model (I reset the transforms before skinning).
The fourth image (Arm4) just shows the basic child/parent relationship that I've setup with the Bones and SplineShapes.
The fifth images show the (perhaps strange) position of the Driver Bone Matrix and the Morph Bone Matrix which could be constributing to the problem somehow.
I've uploaded the file so that you can explore my scene.
3ds Max 2013 64-bit Student Version nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Windows 7 64-bit Intel i7
I have just updated to Windows 8.1,(32 bit) and when I try running Autocad 2013 I get this message:
C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2013acad.exe
The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
what the "application event log" is or the "command-line sxstrace.exe".
I need to put two pictures side by side to merge one person into a group shot. I had it once, but, the image of the one person was too big, and I could not figure out how to put that picture back and get another one to try.
In Photoshop CS6, a very important button is missing from the toolbar — the one to show two images side-by-side or above-and-below, and multiple images in other arrangements. I need this button — it’s an important part of my. (BTW, the button is still in Illustrator CS6.)
Im having a problem editing a photo 'face' one side 'left' side is lighter than the right side because of lighting. I was wondering If I could get both sides even prefably the lighter side like the normal side.
Is this possible? Because everytime I try edit the lighter side it still remains lighter.
I have two picture files and I just want to create one file, displaying both pictures side by side. I have been reveiwing all of the functions in my Adobe Photoshop Elements Version 11 and I can't figure out how to do it.
I've just recently purchased PSP X4 since they touted that it was much faster loading and more stable (X3 was horrible about crashing). I continue to be amazed at how they (Corel) can just keep digging a hole instead of actually improving this product. I can see why they continue to lose market share.
1) I can no longer open mulitple images at the same time for side-by-side comparison. The work area now will only accommodate 1 open file at a time. 2) I miss not having the file size included in the data box that appears when you hold the cursor over a thumbnail. It was always handy when downsizing (resizing) photos for posting. 3) It is a pain now to have to go back and forth from the "EDIT" tab to the "MANAGE" tab to view full-sized photos (without having to open one at a time). They really screwed the pooch in X2 or X3 (can't remember) when they got rid of the old Organizer format. It was soooo easy to navigate; you had a screen full of thumbnails, you saw what you wanted and clicked it open....just too easy I guess!!! I was hoping they would go back to it for this version. I know in other forums, this change really rankled a lot of users. They just seem to bounce around trying different things. I wonder who the h*ll they use to test this stuff in-house.
I do like the faster speed, but don't know if I'll go for any more versions after this or not (been here since V.7 when JASC owned it). Big mistake selling if off to Corel. I've just about had it and there is some decent up and coming competition out there nowdays.
I am trying to invoke AutoCAD 2012 and am gettting the following error: CUsersatillgrenDesktopAutoCAD.exe "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail.
Computer Asus G50VT, Processor Intel Duo T9400, 4 BG Ram, 2 x 500 GB HDD, Nvidia GeForce 9800M GS 512 MMB
I just move from Win VIsta Ult. to Win 8 Pro 64bit.I installed PSP x4. The installation went fine, but when I try to start the program I get the following error:
The application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more details.
I am missing Visual C++ runtime files, but I installed VC++ runtime files 2005, 2008 and 2010 both x64 and x86. Didn't work.
I also tried to install PSP x3, same error...
I ran sxstrace.exe but it means nothing to me. See the results below:
I am sure that you must be able to do it...surely..but how can you see images side by side, so that the original is on the left and the edited on the right?
I just upgraded form PSE 9 to PSE 12 and cannot find where I can view photos side by side. Thsi is something I use all the time and would love to know if it is till there somewhere.
how to put two pictures side by side without loosing the size? I did create a new canvas and double the size but my pictures are smaller in the new canvas!! my pictures are High13.6 and wide 20.533 with a resolution 240 im working on photoshop cs3 or cs6
I was wondering if there was any quick way to save each animation frame right next to each other in one large png in Photoshop CS6? For example, lets say I have an animation which has 10 frames, each frame being 100px x 100px, I want to be able to save the first frame in the first 100 x 100 enclosure of my canvas, the next frame in the next 100px, and so on and so on for the rest of the frames, resulting in a png which is 100px x 1000px at finish, having the first frame at the very left, and the final frame at the very right.At the moment I'm moving each frame individually to the right by 100,200,300px however I need to do this for over 400 animations with varying dimensions, so it's a bit time consuming and I feel that I might lose track and enter a value wrong at some point. Any other program that might achieve this in which I'm able to import Photoshop animations that can also work.