Sometimes Iwould close by mistake a tool dock by clicking alt-F4 a little toofast, while the dock has the focus, but I thought it was the image(and I wanted to close this image). Then the dock configuration (whichtools were set there, which tabs,size and position of the dock andtabs, etc.) is lost. So of course, I can always recreate the dock,reposition/resize it, set the right tools inside. But that's boring.
would therebe an option right now to prevent the tool docks from closing by theusual window-close event (so you could close them by the dock menuexplicitely, but not by quick shortcut for instance)?
Could not open '/usr/share/gimp/2.0/brushes/brush.gih' for writing: Permission denied.
Although I have successfully done this in the past ,for some reason it is now preventing me from saving them in the 'brushes' folder. Incidentally although the brushes I previously produced do NOT appear in this folder (despite having show all files ticked) they do appear in the gimp dialogue and I can use them.
Im using uberstudent (Linux)
I've checked gimp's 'preferences' to see if I have inadvertantly blocked access but cant see anything relevant..
I keep getting the following error message in Gimp:
Calling error for procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution': Procedure 'gimp-image-set-resolution' has been called with value '-1.#IND00' for argument 'yresolution' (#3, type gdouble). This value is out of range.
I just loaded Gimp 2.8 from 'ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp' with the idea of using the 'all-in-one' new arrangement. I am using Mint 13 Maya and the new gimp interface is not yet in the repository.
That said, having opened the 'new' gimp I see the docks arrangement is a bit different. Whereas there used to be two docks one on either side of the drawing area, now the right hand dock is split screen.
The problem is that just for say the colour wheel it uses loads of screen space. I know I can toggle between 'all-in-one' and multi-mode but they both have a split screen for the docks on the right.
I don't see any obvious way to move the colour wheel dock back to where it has been under the toolbox and brushes docks.
Maybe this is a fixed arrangement in 2.8, if so I will have to go back to my Mint 13 native version.
I can't figure out how to restore the default dock (may not be the correct terminology). This has the tools up top, and then, depending on what tool is selected, some settings on the bottom.
I've been in the windows tab trying to locate the dock and can't. Hitting "tab" on the keyboard opens another singular dock. I would like the original multifunction one that comes on install.
I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it remembered my dock settings.
How to dock some tabs (tool options, layers, colors...) in the toolbox? or dock the toolbox in a multitab tool window with tool options, layers, colors.. ? would be nice to have only TWO windows: one for the image (without pollution), one "service" window !
This was possible in 2.6, but not (for me) in 2.7.4.
I saw it once & it appeared (by accident) on the left side tool box. All of the properties of the text - i.e. size etc was shown on the tool box. How do I make that happen again ? I am brand new to Gimp.
I'm using Gimp 2.6.8 on Windows and, somehow, the Tool Options separated into a new window a week or so ago. I tried docking it back to the Toolbox, but nothing is working.
I googled and found that this is normally fixed by dragging Tool Options onto the Toolbox, but there is nowhere for me to do that. Is there some trick or maybe this is just a bug or something? Nothing seems to work and the separate Tool Options window is incredibly annoying.
I'm new here but an occasional Gimp user since v2.6. I have recently installed the latest version on my new tablet and I was configuring the layout of the docks and realised that there's no way to save different layouts so I could try alternative dock positions to find what suits best to my workflow, or maybe have different ones for depending on what I'm working on.
The only way I could think to achieve this could be to exchange Gimps preferences file, but where is that stored? BTW it would be a nice feature to add in future releases.
I'm a consistent yet still newbie user who uses GIMP in lieu of other photo editing programs. how to get my Toolbox and Tool Options to seam back together? I somehow pulled them apart, and when I click on 'Lock Tab to Dock' it does nothing, they're still separate.
When working in my GIMP 2.8 the default left dock had various tools at the top and Font tools at the bottom.
Somehow I changed the bottom to Airbrush tools. I tried resetting tool defaults. No luck I still have only the airbrush tools at the bottom of the left dock.
My layers dock has gone missing. According to the list in my 'Windows' tab, it claims to be open. I have looked all over the screen. I have switched on and off again etc. I have even deliberately thrown other docks off the screen to see if they come back to normal screen area if I close and reopen Gimp- and they do. so it isn't lost off screen.
I have unistalled and re-insalled and it has not come back.
1. Go to Windows>recently closed docks - Mine says 'empty'
2. File>create docks - I don't have this option- mine choices are 'new', 'create', 'open', 'open as layers', ''open location', 'open recent'... then a few which pertain to having an image open that you're working on... then 'quit'.
3. I went to Youtube and the tutorials on how to make your Gimp like Photoshop and how to get back closed windows also haven't worked.
I can't get the Tool Options dialogue box to re-dock to the toolbar. I've looked at a few other threads, but they haven't worked. I'll attach screencaps if I need to.
I have a problem docking the windows. The tool options window somehow detached itself and I just can't figure out how to dock it again.
There are a couple of very light colored lines which are used for docking. I don't see any lines on the "Tool Options" window or any other window for that matter.
let's say you are rendering a huge picture with polygonal tool, but then make a small mistake on accident fromt one point to another. is there anyway to go back to the previos point before clicking.
I am using LR4 german on a Windows 7 (64bit) machine. No preceeding LR installation (except LR4 beta), but all files have been newly imported after clearing the LR4beta catalog.Option 'Export Lightroom hierarchy' is switched off.
If I assign a keyword then it's ancestor is exported, too even though it has the flag 'Include On Export' unchecked.Example: my keyword hierarchy looks like this (tags in all capitals have flag 'Include On Export' unchecked!
Now I assign Munich to a photo - only Munich! the Keyword Tag preview window shows only Munich (option 'will export')but when I sync Metadata to the file, also BAVARIA is written to the file.
This is true for all keywords that are a leaf in the keyword tree. Only the next level ancestor is exported by mistake. I assume this is because unchecking flag 'Include On Export' implicitly unchecks the 'Export Containing Keywords' option, too.
Of course my keyword 'Munich' has the option ''Export Containing Keywords' checked because it it the default setting and this seems to override the 'Include On Export' = SPACE setting of the ancestor keyword which I consider to be an error.It is virtually impossible to change each and every keyword in a large Controlley Vocabulary list.
Gimp refuses to open after closing all projects and reopening gimp! it always freezes INSTANTLY on the start-up screen! it doesn't matter how many times I force close Gimp and restart Gimp! it always freezes 1 second after opening!
When you release the mouse button, the selection is closed by connecting the current pointer location to the start location with a straight line."
I remember this used to be the behavior, but for a long time it only closes for me if I move the pointer very close to the start point, otherwise it just holds on and keeps selecting more every time I click. VERY annoying! At times, if I click very close to the starting point several times, but not close enough, the entire selection changes shape, destroying the selection I just drew.
I started using GIMP on a PC a couple of months ago after developing skills in PS over the years on my Macs at home and at work.
I like GIMP and it's stable nature along with everything else... in addition to allot of standard photo editing and graphics creation, I recently used it for some of the animation filters, which are nice.
The only problem I'm having is that when I create a path, or multiple paths, and have them in the paths palette, after I save and close the file that contains the paths, the next time I open that file my paths are gone... completely disappeared.
Can we have a new option "Do not confirm closing if unsaved image wasexported/overwrited" ?(Edit > Preference > Evironment > Saving Images > Do not confirm closing ifunsaved image was exported/overwrited )
when dealing non-xcf files, afterexport/overwrite the files I can close them without clicking the confirming dialog, it will save so much working time.
I'm currently evaluating Videostudio Pro X6. I've installed the program to drive F:. I've set my working directory within the program to drive G:. I have the Windows environment variables for the system temp folders set to G: as well. However, I've noticed that when the program is running it's using several hundred megabytes on drive C:. Upon exiting, the space is restored. Where are these temporary files being written to? Is there any way to prevent this behavior?
When I open a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer), CS4 opens an Adjustment Layers pallet (or Tab Group or whatever it's called) and leaves it there, even if I delete the Threshold layer. To get rid of the Tab Group, I have to manually close it. That's annoying.
CS3 let me add a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer) without opening the Adjustment Layers pallet.
Is there a place I can click in CS4 to tell it to not open the Adjustment Layers pallet whenever I add an Adjustment layer?
everytime I copy nd paste, it always adds to a new layer. This can be annoying because the new layer lacks the blending effects. Ive got situations where I have tried to copy and paste a section which has been floating as a layer with effects on, and it pastes down onto a new layer looking completely different due to no effects.
Is there a way to paste back onto the same layer. Or even better, a way to disable adding a new layer each time I wanna do a new action. It is alright sometimes, but layers can get a bit crazy when I have one for each line.
I want to prevent Photoshop from auto-adding hyphens between a more-than-one-words file name, when I save an image with "Save for web & devices" option.
For example I want to save the image as "my image.jpg" and not "my-image.jpg", as Photoshop does. PS CS5, win7-32bit.
I have a rack and a sprocket, in inventor, is there any command which can prevent the interference between both all the times.
my actual problem is while driving the motion constraints, sometimes, no pin of rack is in contact with sprocket, so i want to delete the motion constraints and want to rotate the sprocket to move rack, just as actualy it happens. Is t here any way to do so?
I would like to know how to prevent the position of a gradient from being shifted when I crop it with one of the pathfinder tools. For example, I have a gradient that is centered on a panel that I want to crop, however when I crop it the gradient-center is shifted up!
I tried expanding the appearance of the gradient, however that is not a viable solution since it just turns the gradient into a set number of concentric circles.