Photoshop :: When Using The Polygonal Tool How Do You Undo A Mistake
Jun 22, 2006
let's say you are rendering a huge picture with polygonal tool, but then make a small mistake on accident fromt one point to another. is there anyway to go back to the previos point before clicking.
I have a brand new intel core2 duo with 4gig of Ram. The pc is fine, because I've had this problem with previous versions of PS as well on other machines. What basically happens, is I've usually got a image, I'll use the poly-selection tool to get a basic outline and 20-30 seconds into tracing around, the photoshop screen will blink and ... refresh?.. but the image I'm working on is all white, but the selection tool is still functional.. but you can't see what you're selecting any longer. The image returns after you get frustrated and click away to "complete" the selection. Then you're left with the wrong parts selected and have to start over. I design logos and graphics for a few companies and record labels,
When I'm using the polygonal lasso tool to cut something out it tends to suddenly hook up back to the beginning point without me telling it to do so and therefore ruining the remainder of the job.
I noticed that it only does this when I'm moving back on myself (for example going round the edge of something curved etc)
This had been bugging me for ages and I can't believe the photoshop people would have let something this annoying slip through the cracks.
Is there a fix for this or something obvious I am missing?
I'm having a bit of trouble with a simple ps command. I'm not sure of the proper term, so I'll try to be as specific as possible. I'm trying to add those "cuts" in my layouts. I know this isn't a very good description, so with permission, here's an example H E R E of what I'm talking about. If you look at the very very top of the layout where it's sort of "cut" or "caved in". I've tried using the selection tool, but it doesn't come out right. I'm also trying to add an outerglow to the layout after I "cut" it...but it's no activated. What am I doing wrong?
while I was selecting the area that i want to pick up, selection process ends middle of the selection and ps ties the last point to starting point automatically/out of my control. What is the reason. Also when selection closed and tied to first point, can I back to last point again. ctrl+z does not work after selection path closed?
Where is the polygonal capture tool on PSE 11? It was on PSE 9. If it does no longer exist on PSE 11, how can I get a similar capture as with the polygonal one.
If I make a box with my polygonal lasso tool, it turns into an egg shape. It was working fine, closed Photoshop (7), and when I opened it again it was doing this..
I've searched everywhere for this, anyone know what's up?
After installing Mavericks I´m having so much trouble with the lasso tool and white menus in photoshop that it is really breaking my production speed and causing a lot of problems for me. Especially the Polygonal Lasso Tool, how its auto completing when painting with a tablet.  I´ve upgraded to Mavericks, and I wish I never did that. Because these problems never occurred in Mountain Lion. I´ve tried going back 3-4 steps on the tablet drivers - but no luck. I tried reinstalling photoshop and I've tried pretty much anything I can think of but nothing works. I desperately need to fix this and I have a long line of architectural illustrations coming up and it takes me a lot more time working with masks if I cant do it with a tablet...
I have Adobe CS4 for macs. Just today, every time I enclose an area with my polygonal lasso tool, it stopped closing the area and instead gives me the message "No pixels are more than 50% selected.
The selected edges will not be visible." I must have accidentally pressed something by mistake that makes the lasso tool not work anymore but I don't know what. Do I need to reset Photoshop? Any ways to reset it? I tried holding option,command shift but it still did not reset my Photoshop to its original settings.I also rebooted my computer several times with no success.
Photoshop 10. How do I adjust my selection after using polygonal lasso tool to refine my lines before I commit? I know I can use delete or backspace but sometimes I get cought up trying to finish my selection and with so many points made, that doesn't seem like a cool things to do. I just want to go to one area of the selection and move it a bit.
I'm using a new install of Photoshop CS6 (via creative cloud) on a new iMac and getting superb performance aside from constant issues with the polygonal lasso tool.
All the other variants of the tool work fine without fault, but when using the polygonal selection , either the first 'point' won't register or subsequent 2nd or 3rd points won't register, causing photoshop to hang for a second then fill the marquee incorrectly.
I'm using a magic mouse and also tested it with a USB Logitech but still getting the same issue. Â 3.4ghz Intel Core i7 Quad core iMac 16GB Ram OS & Photoshop on a SSD Scratch Disk 1TB internal HD
I'm in the process of selecting the head and shoulders of a person and got about 2/3 rds of the way around which took me a long time when somehow the end of the line I was working shot across and made connection to the beginning point which ended my selection process. Maybe I clicked too fast or something but it happened and now I'm left with part of a head and shoulders selected.
I've tried working with the plus and minus to try eliminate the line that shot across but I'm not having any luck, maybe it can't be done.
When I try to add or subtract it won't let me intersect the original selection line, I mean I can use a place on the line to anchor my starting point butwhen i come back to the original selection line at some other point, it's not showing the the little circle indicator that tells me I've completed the selection.
With all that adobe has done with this version, but not only that has changed. Lets say that im drawing a path with the pen tool and I get it wrong putting the last segnment and press Ctrl+Z to Undo, the path breaks and you have to go back and click on the last point again to keep drawing..... Â Another thing that im experimenting is that the intuos3 in illustrator 6 the selection even with the double click on the side of the pencil is getting stuck for a brief moment when i stop pressing the pen in the tablet surface.
Sometimes Iwould close by mistake a tool dock by clicking alt-F4 a little toofast, while the dock has the focus, but I thought it was the image(and I wanted to close this image). Then the dock configuration (whichtools were set there, which tabs,size and position of the dock andtabs, etc.) is lost. So of course, I can always recreate the dock,reposition/resize it, set the right tools inside. But that's boring.
would therebe an option right now to prevent the tool docks from closing by theusual window-close event (so you could close them by the dock menuexplicitely, but not by quick shortcut for instance)?
I am using LR4 german on a Windows 7 (64bit) machine. No preceeding LR installation (except LR4 beta), but all files have been newly imported after clearing the LR4beta catalog.Option 'Export Lightroom hierarchy' is switched off. Â If I assign a keyword then it's ancestor is exported, too even though it has the flag 'Include On Export' unchecked.Example: my keyword hierarchy looks like this (tags in all capitals have flag 'Include On Export' unchecked!
EUROPE - GERMANY - - BAVARIA - - - Munich  Now I assign Munich to a photo - only Munich! the Keyword Tag preview window shows only Munich (option 'will export')but when I sync Metadata to the file, also BAVARIA is written to the file.  This is true for all keywords that are a leaf in the keyword tree. Only the next level ancestor is exported by mistake. I assume this is because unchecking flag 'Include On Export' implicitly unchecks the 'Export Containing Keywords' option, too.  Of course my keyword 'Munich' has the option ''Export Containing Keywords' checked because it it the default setting and this seems to override the 'Include On Export' = SPACE setting of the ancestor keyword which I consider to be an error.It is virtually impossible to change each and every keyword in a large Controlley Vocabulary list.
I think it'd be so cool to be able to replay your entire undo history of a picture, so you can see and show others how you proceeded on a picture you made. That way, it's never necessary to capture screen video for like 10 hours and stuff..
So first you'd need to add an option to save the undo history (so that you always keep the history from when you started). Then you'd need an option to playback the undo history.
I have a problem understanding how undo marks are added to the undo stack.In the code below a fan of lines are draw in a random location.If you run MTest a few times, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove the fans one at a time.
If you run MMulti to draw 10 fans, the AutoCAD Undo command will remove all the fans in a single step.I want to be able to remove the fans one at a time.I thought that a StartTransaction / Commit pair would act as markers for the undo stack, but this isn't working.
Tested on AutoCAD 2010 VS 2008 <CommandMethod("MMult")> _  Sub testmult()        Dim i As Integer        For i = 1 To 10            Call testdraw()        Next  End Sub [code]....
in my line of work i depend a lot on the polygonal lasso tool for cutting out even the most detailed of photos. but sometimes the polygonal lasso's 'rope' icon gets in the way of my cutting path making the procedure rather difficult at times. i know there is a way of removing that 'rope', but i just don't know how.
I've recently been working with a large, simple drawing in which I am trying to separate the different shapes into their own layers. I've been using the polygonal lasso tool, and my plan is to select the desired shapes and "right-click > layer via copy." However, twice already has the lasso selection closed by itself before I could complete the selection.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3 on a Dell Windows Vista platform.
I dont work with polygonal VPs or clipped VPs often but sometimes I have to. I recently dicovered in working with 2013 AutoCad that when I create a polygonal VP or clip a VP and place it on defpoints or even a no plot layer, the VP outline still prints???? I'm miffed
I have a pdf xref with a polygonal clip applied. I'd like to change the shape of the clipping area and need to add vertexes to do so.Â
How can I add a vertex to a polygonal pdf clipping?
Usually I can just select a vertex and pressing crtl will cycle through add vertex, remove vertex, and if it's a line segment, change to an arc. When I select the vertex of a polygonal vp clip I can't do this.Â
When I use the SSM and use the "Place on Sheet" command to create the Viewport from the MS View DWG file, it comes in only as a rectangular Viewport. I tried to see if there's a way to draw a Polyline and select it as a MS View but I don't think that's possible.
Any way to do this without breaking the link between the View DWG and the Sheet DWG?
I brought a normal 4 sided viewport into my layout, but needed to clip and make a viewport with 6 sides. I have also tried to redraw this by using a polygonal viewport. When I go to plot the page, parts or all of the viewport boundaries are on. It doesn't matter if I go to layer control and turn the layer off or freeze or select the non-plotting icon.
Is there a possibility to copy a polygonal shape from one file to another via copy & paste with different projection systems (and with preserving/ converting the correct coordinates)? Or is there a method to convert it before the operation? I want to transform MGI-AT.AUT-Central/GK to AT-LCC.