while I was selecting the area that i want to pick up, selection process ends middle of the selection and ps ties the last point to starting point automatically/out of my control. What is the reason. Also when selection closed and tied to first point, can I back to last point again. ctrl+z does not work after selection path closed?
Photoshop 10. How do I adjust my selection after using polygonal lasso tool to refine my lines before I commit? I know I can use delete or backspace but sometimes I get cought up trying to finish my selection and with so many points made, that doesn't seem like a cool things to do. I just want to go to one area of the selection and move it a bit.
I'm in the process of selecting the head and shoulders of a person and got about 2/3 rds of the way around which took me a long time when somehow the end of the line I was working shot across and made connection to the beginning point which ended my selection process. Maybe I clicked too fast or something but it happened and now I'm left with part of a head and shoulders selected.
I've tried working with the plus and minus to try eliminate the line that shot across but I'm not having any luck, maybe it can't be done.
When I try to add or subtract it won't let me intersect the original selection line, I mean I can use a place on the line to anchor my starting point butwhen i come back to the original selection line at some other point, it's not showing the the little circle indicator that tells me I've completed the selection.
When I'm using the polygonal lasso tool to cut something out it tends to suddenly hook up back to the beginning point without me telling it to do so and therefore ruining the remainder of the job.
I noticed that it only does this when I'm moving back on myself (for example going round the edge of something curved etc)
This had been bugging me for ages and I can't believe the photoshop people would have let something this annoying slip through the cracks.
Is there a fix for this or something obvious I am missing?
I'm having a bit of trouble with a simple ps command. I'm not sure of the proper term, so I'll try to be as specific as possible. I'm trying to add those "cuts" in my layouts. I know this isn't a very good description, so with permission, here's an example H E R E of what I'm talking about. If you look at the very very top of the layout where it's sort of "cut" or "caved in". I've tried using the selection tool, but it doesn't come out right. I'm also trying to add an outerglow to the layout after I "cut" it...but it's no activated. What am I doing wrong?
If I make a box with my polygonal lasso tool, it turns into an egg shape. It was working fine, closed Photoshop (7), and when I opened it again it was doing this..
I've searched everywhere for this, anyone know what's up?
After installing Mavericks I´m having so much trouble with the lasso tool and white menus in photoshop that it is really breaking my production speed and causing a lot of problems for me. Especially the Polygonal Lasso Tool, how its auto completing when painting with a tablet.  I´ve upgraded to Mavericks, and I wish I never did that. Because these problems never occurred in Mountain Lion. I´ve tried going back 3-4 steps on the tablet drivers - but no luck. I tried reinstalling photoshop and I've tried pretty much anything I can think of but nothing works. I desperately need to fix this and I have a long line of architectural illustrations coming up and it takes me a lot more time working with masks if I cant do it with a tablet...
I have Adobe CS4 for macs. Just today, every time I enclose an area with my polygonal lasso tool, it stopped closing the area and instead gives me the message "No pixels are more than 50% selected.
The selected edges will not be visible." I must have accidentally pressed something by mistake that makes the lasso tool not work anymore but I don't know what. Do I need to reset Photoshop? Any ways to reset it? I tried holding option,command shift but it still did not reset my Photoshop to its original settings.I also rebooted my computer several times with no success.
I'm using a new install of Photoshop CS6 (via creative cloud) on a new iMac and getting superb performance aside from constant issues with the polygonal lasso tool.
All the other variants of the tool work fine without fault, but when using the polygonal selection , either the first 'point' won't register or subsequent 2nd or 3rd points won't register, causing photoshop to hang for a second then fill the marquee incorrectly.
I'm using a magic mouse and also tested it with a USB Logitech but still getting the same issue. Â 3.4ghz Intel Core i7 Quad core iMac 16GB Ram OS & Photoshop on a SSD Scratch Disk 1TB internal HD
I have a brand new intel core2 duo with 4gig of Ram. The pc is fine, because I've had this problem with previous versions of PS as well on other machines. What basically happens, is I've usually got a image, I'll use the poly-selection tool to get a basic outline and 20-30 seconds into tracing around, the photoshop screen will blink and ... refresh?.. but the image I'm working on is all white, but the selection tool is still functional.. but you can't see what you're selecting any longer. The image returns after you get frustrated and click away to "complete" the selection. Then you're left with the wrong parts selected and have to start over. I design logos and graphics for a few companies and record labels,
in my line of work i depend a lot on the polygonal lasso tool for cutting out even the most detailed of photos. but sometimes the polygonal lasso's 'rope' icon gets in the way of my cutting path making the procedure rather difficult at times. i know there is a way of removing that 'rope', but i just don't know how.
Recently, my freehand lasso tool in CS2 has been, by default, adding to the first selection I make without me asking it to. Usually you would have to hold shift down to do this, but it is doing it automatically. How do I stop this?
Caps lock is not on.
I would prefer it to be back to normal because I often deselect using the lasso tool by clicking out of a faulty selection I have made.
I have a Window xp 64 os with 8GB of ram and plenty of disk space. When I use the lasso tool, after two or three clicks, the menus blank out, another few clicks, and the image goes blank (makes it difficult to finish the selection). As far as I know, everything is up to date.
I've recently been working with a large, simple drawing in which I am trying to separate the different shapes into their own layers. I've been using the polygonal lasso tool, and my plan is to select the desired shapes and "right-click > layer via copy." However, twice already has the lasso selection closed by itself before I could complete the selection.
I am using Adobe Photoshop CS3 on a Dell Windows Vista platform.
I use CS6, and today I followed a tutorial on how to make a robot on a picture and at first everything went ok but when I was almost done and tried to make a selection with the lasso tool I all of a sudden got an error message that says "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." And when I press OK my selection is not there. I had no problem when I started the project but now it won't work. Â And now I get this error messages every time I try to make a selection and it doesn't matter if I use the pen, marque or whatever.
Here’s the problem: Polygon Lasso decides to close the selection FOR NO REASON AT RANDOM.  Let me clarify that I am an advanced Photoshop user (certified expert by Adobe). I know all Photoshop tools inside and out and this is DEFINITELY not user error. Photoshop CC is glitching and it needs to be fixed. Thing is, this only started for me very recently; within the last few weeks. (Kinda close to when I updated to Mavericks on my mac but I’m not sure that has anything to do with it)   To re-iterate, this is NOT a double-clicking issue or anything done wrong by me. Making lots of small lassos joined by the shift key is also NOT a solution. Switching to the pen tool is also NOT a solution because my workflow depends on the speed of the lasso tool.
I find that CS6 frequently feezes when I try to use the lasso tool to add to (or subtract from) and existing, complex, selection. Any fix for this? am running the most recent CS6 on a MacBook Pro with 8GB of RAM and ~250GB of free hard disk space.
The lasso selection tool in PSE9 is malfunctioning. When I draw a selection, I immediately get a message saying: "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." Â This is the kind of message I would normally get when I select wrong numbers for feathering. But now the message comes up when I use the lasso tool to try to select an area. When I hit cancel the message, the selection disappears. But the pulldown menu shows that I can "deselect." When I do that, and start all over, I get the same problem. Â I quit and restarted PSE9 to try to fix this but it didn't work. Then I restarted my Mac computer, but that didn't fix it either
I've been using Photoshop for more than 10 years now, more extensively in the last couple of years. I am a perfectionist, efficient and work very fast. Â I don't understand why Photoshop programmers are not listening to their users and considering requested features to perfect Photoshop...but concentrating more on, like adding yet another set of filters or more polygon shapes we don't need ! Â One of the most important tools in Photoshop, for me at least, is the LASSO SELECTION tool. I generally have at least 15 layers for a project, you can probably guess that the SELECTION tool is my best friend. Â The most frustrating thing using Photoshop is : the mouse double-click to close the SELECTION. You have no idea how many hundreds of times for the last 10 years I've cursed the Mother-F out of Photoshop...and time wasted on re-selecting again... Â Don't advise me to modify my mouse double-click speed, or using the pen tool to select and reconverting to work path...those are not THE SOLUTION and you know it ! I've hoped for years now, for a new feature in every new version of PS preferences to disable the selection double-click.
let's say you are rendering a huge picture with polygonal tool, but then make a small mistake on accident fromt one point to another. is there anyway to go back to the previos point before clicking.
Where is the polygonal capture tool on PSE 11? It was on PSE 9. If it does no longer exist on PSE 11, how can I get a similar capture as with the polygonal one.
Is there any way to "carry on" a lasso selection once you have released it? Â What do I do if I make a mistake with the lasso tool right at the end of a big lasso? How to I delete the little bit it messed up and carry on where I left off with the selection? Â Also, how do I "add" to a lasso selection? Say I have made a magnetic lasso selection and it selects my t shirt ok but cuts across the neck line of my t shirt (thus cutting off my head) because it cant tell the difference between the background and head. How do I then use the manual lasso to cut around my head and join the two pieces together into one selection?
When I select an area of my image using magnetic lasso tool, instead of selecting the area I've drawn around - the selection shrinks and it'll merely select a small section of image.