I have PSCS5.1 just removed and re-downloaded yesterday cleaning up my computer. I have a PC and am using Windows 7. When I went to use Text for the first time since the download...on a project I'm working on I got the error :
"Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialized"
I have recently upgraded to photoshop CS3 extended (windows). The problem I'm having is the text engine will not initialize all the time. When I try to add text or modify text. I am frequently blocked because the text engine will not initialize.
whenever i tried to type text using the type tool .. it always got hang ... in turn i have to close the application ... slightly earlier ard december, there's this error msg stating something like " something is preventing your text engine from functioning." now it get slightly better but still hang when u click commit[a green tick at the top]..
Photoshop CC kept crashing so I uninstalled and reinstalled. now every time I try to add text to psd it says some prevented text engine from initializing.
Two weeks ago I upgraded to Creative Cloud's Photoshop CS6 and up to now no problems then, all of a sudden - with the final step of a website design just minutes away I got a window warning me that something has stopped the text engine from working. I was using the text tool and when I clicked on the layer the warning window appeared.
I'm working with Photoshop CS6 and I'm working with a lot of layers with Masks presently (I'm not sure if this is worth mentioning or not) and I'm trying to add text to my image but I keep getting an error message saying: "Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from initializing." How do I fix this? I just had a problem where I had to re-install the software from scratch because Photoshop wouldn't open files or create any new files, but, like I said, I've already uninstalled and reinstalled it.
when writing in a text box whenever using punctuation it always go to the beginning of the sentence. FOR EXAMPLE (?what time is it)i have tried changing the text engine option to East Asian and then restarting photoshop, but when reopening my exisitng work, the problem still remains.However when creating a new document the problem is gone, however i want to resolve the problem with my exisitng document i have been working on.
I was working on a psd-file this morning when suddenly an error message appeared - saying somthing of the text engine. I canceled the error message a few times, then saved the document, closed photoshop and reopend the application. Since that moment, I was not able to open the file anymore, Photoshop just stopped making anything. But I can open every other psd-file, but not this specific one. Always when I try to open the specific file Photoshop stopps doing anything.
I tried a lot of things like deleting the font cache, trying to open the file with an older photoshop version, tried to open it with ID, AI, FW, Gimp etc.
I'm using PS CS6 13.0.5 x64 on Snow Leopard (iMac 27" late 2012). I tried to change the text engine to Middle Eastern, but after I restart PS, the program is nearly non-responsive, and it takes forever to edit text. Changing it back to East Asian solves the problem, but then again, I want to use the Middle Eastern feature...
When I use Illustrator CS6 I don't have such problems (although I have to write backwards, since there is no support for right-to-left in Illustrator in my version)
I'm trying to label parts of an engine photo with the text feature in GIMP. However, after I have typed my text and press enter or escape, it always leaves a yellow and black hyphenated rectangular frame around the text. How do I get rid of this frame so that only the text will be left?
Using Windows 8.1 with Directx11, when I lauch Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer, I see the error message "DirectX could not be initialized. Please be sure that it is installed on your system. You can download the latest DirectX installer from:[URL] I have the latest version, Directx11, as verified by running dxdiag.
PSE 10 has been working fine since installation a few months ago. Last week, I tried opening it, but the message ' Online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall' came up. I tried to reinstall using the dvd,and the message 'Please log in as administrator' came up. Once logged in as administartor, it still won't uninstall the originl so that I can reinstall it. How should I proceed?
Just installed Elements 9 from old PC to a new one which runs with windows 8.1. Elements Organizer does not work. Message: DirectX could not be initialized. Download of directx 11.2 however still does not work.
When opening PE 11, error message : online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall appears. Reinstalls does not fix problem. What do I do next?
I just installed photoshop elements 11 on my Mac and am receiving an error when opening the organizer. It is stating that online services could not be initialized and that I need to reinstall. I tried that and it is still coming up. What do I do?
If I open the drawing and then run the publish command the Status shows "No errors". If the file is not opened and I use the add sheets button to add the exact same file, it shows an error in the Status of "Layout not initialized".
When I open a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer), CS4 opens an Adjustment Layers pallet (or Tab Group or whatever it's called) and leaves it there, even if I delete the Threshold layer. To get rid of the Tab Group, I have to manually close it. That's annoying.
CS3 let me add a Threshold layer (or any other Adjustment layer) without opening the Adjustment Layers pallet.
Is there a place I can click in CS4 to tell it to not open the Adjustment Layers pallet whenever I add an Adjustment layer?
everytime I copy nd paste, it always adds to a new layer. This can be annoying because the new layer lacks the blending effects. Ive got situations where I have tried to copy and paste a section which has been floating as a layer with effects on, and it pastes down onto a new layer looking completely different due to no effects.
Is there a way to paste back onto the same layer. Or even better, a way to disable adding a new layer each time I wanna do a new action. It is alright sometimes, but layers can get a bit crazy when I have one for each line.
I want to prevent Photoshop from auto-adding hyphens between a more-than-one-words file name, when I save an image with "Save for web & devices" option.
For example I want to save the image as "my image.jpg" and not "my-image.jpg", as Photoshop does. PS CS5, win7-32bit.
I've been trying to update iTunes for several months on my laptop PC, Windows 7, but always get a message that a program called Bonjour is stopping it. Finally decided to go to Apple store as desperate now to update my iPad 2 to OS 5. Today spent 3 hrs in Apple store with a Genius (but also PC expert), & even he was unable to get rid of an 'old' installation of Bonjour to enable iTunes update. A final conclusion was that it was linked to Photoshop. Ours is CS4.
I have been using Photoshop CS3 Extended for quiet a while without problems.Suddenly a blank registration window shows up whenever I need to use the program.Because I am unable to do anything with a blank window I cannot dispose of it and I cannot get past it to complete the startup process so I have to force quit the program.I have registered this version probably more than once so I can't imagine that to be a problem. I always use a partitioned drive with a full copy of the OS and applications installed on it.The same problem exists with that copy of Photoshop as well.
I am using an early Mac Pro with Snow Leopard.
I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled it from my original disc but the same problem still exists.How do I solve the problem of being "locked out" of the application as I am also locked out of work as well ?
Upgrading to a later version is not an option at this point.
How do I prevent PSE 9 from creating and displaying multiple copies of a given slide ? I have not asked for or made copies yet I often find multiple copies of a given slide, sometimes as many as 20 or 30. It's very annoying when trying to edit slides.
Did Adobe change the Brushes engine from CS3 to CS4?
Is Adobe taking "illustrators" in mind during the PS development?
We need better and realistic natural media controls, like watercolours (what about Moxi?),impasto, etc.; a colour wheel could be better than the actual color palettes, some palette to put a selection of brushes.
Could we hope that the "artistic" side of Photoshop will be improved soon?
I'm currently evaluating Videostudio Pro X6. I've installed the program to drive F:. I've set my working directory within the program to drive G:. I have the Windows environment variables for the system temp folders set to G: as well. However, I've noticed that when the program is running it's using several hundred megabytes on drive C:. Upon exiting, the space is restored. Where are these temporary files being written to? Is there any way to prevent this behavior?
Was running the latest version of Photoshop CS5 and added a second quad graphics card and 4 more monitors. Now PS will not start and I get the error message "could not initialize photoshop because of a problem using the adobe color engine."Computer has 2 NVIDIA Quadro4 NVS 420 graphics boards with 8 Samsung SyncMaster 1920x1080 monitors. If I disable 4 of the monitors CS5 starts normally. I do not have to remove the added graphics card. When I extend the desktop again to all 8 monitors I get the error above.