Photoshop :: How To Make Engine Flare?

Nov 4, 2004

I'm working on a graphic for a website that has a space-ish theme. The image is one of several ships in a fire-fight.

The hardest part of this image(the one I cant figure out how to do) is to make engine flares for the ships coming out the rears.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Spheres Using Lens Flare

Nov 29, 2003

how to make spheres using lens flare and stuff, how do make spheres of different colors?

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Make Jet Engine Fan Blades

Oct 26, 2012

I am working on making a jet engine. Best way to make jet engine fan blades? so many curves in different directions. I have tried to make contour with polyline, but no luck getting a surface.

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Photoshop :: Text Engine

Mar 28, 2008

I have recently upgraded to photoshop CS3 extended (windows). The problem I'm having is the text engine will not initialize all the time. When I try to add text or modify text. I am frequently blocked because the text engine will not initialize.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Text Engine Not

Jan 28, 2008

whenever i tried to type text using the type tool .. it always got hang ... in turn i have to close the application ... slightly earlier ard december, there's this error msg stating something like " something is preventing your text engine from functioning." now it get slightly better but still hang when u click commit[a green tick at the top]..

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Photoshop :: Text Engine Won't Initialize In CS5

Feb 6, 2013

I had no problems with CS5 until today.  I downloaded a trial version of In Design.  Now, the text engine in CS5 won't initialize.  What can I do?

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Photoshop :: CC Text Engine Initialization

Oct 12, 2013

Photoshop CC kept crashing so I uninstalled and reinstalled. now every time I try to add text to psd it says some prevented text engine from initializing.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Text Engine Not Working?

Feb 14, 2013

Two weeks ago I upgraded to Creative Cloud's Photoshop CS6 and up to now no problems then, all of a sudden  - with the final step of a website design just minutes away I got a window warning me that something has stopped the text engine from working.
I was using the text tool and when I clicked on the layer the warning window appeared.

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Photoshop :: How Do I Activate Text Engine?

Feb 15, 2008

I cannot type text. i get a message saying :
could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialized.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare

Jul 3, 2003

how can i make a lens flare on a page so i can save the lens flare as a .png and use in flash.

when i do a lens flare on a transparent bg. it says "selected area is empty".

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare

Aug 22, 2007

lens flare filter in photoshop 7.0.

How do you add lens flare to a transparent layer and still be able to see it the lens flare itself? I want to create lens flare on a transparent layer so that I can move around on top of my background.

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Photoshop :: Create The Flare

May 27, 2008

could not figure out a way to create the flare on a card that I saw.

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Photoshop :: Light Flare?

Sep 25, 2005

I want to make this in cs2

I will NOT be using a background image. All I want is the text & the light flare thing going over it.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare?

Dec 1, 2004

I have got a black 256x256 canvas and I want to place a single lens flare on there, but I found after doing so that lots of extra "circles" and things appear around the lens flare.

Is there a way to just have the 'bulb' and glow of the surrounding light and not all these extra circles?

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare?

Sep 11, 2006

I can't get the Lens Flare to work with step two.

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Photoshop :: CS5 / Text Engine Prevented From Being Initialized

Feb 26, 2012

I have PSCS5.1 just removed and re-downloaded yesterday cleaning up my computer. I have a PC and am using Windows 7. When I went to use Text for the first time since the download...on a project I'm working on I got the error :

"Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialized"

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Photoshop :: Text Engine Unable To Initialize

Mar 17, 2013

  I'm working with Photoshop CS6 and I'm working with a lot of layers with Masks presently (I'm not sure if this is worth mentioning or not) and I'm trying to add text to my image but I keep getting an error message saying: "Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from initializing." How do I fix this? I just had a problem where I had to re-install the software from scratch because Photoshop wouldn't open files or create any new files, but, like I said, I've already uninstalled and reinstalled it.

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Photoshop :: Preventing Text Engine From Being Initialized

Nov 11, 2012

Just starting with Photoshop CS6 and trying to enter text. Getting the following error message:
"Could not complete your request because something prevented the text engine from being initialized."
Saw this error listed in 2008 on CS3. Does it look like the same thing?

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Photoshop :: Changing Text Engine Option

May 6, 2013

when writing in a text box whenever using punctuation it always go to the beginning of the sentence. FOR EXAMPLE (?what time is it)i have tried changing the text engine option to East Asian and then restarting photoshop, but when reopening my exisitng work, the problem still remains.However when creating a new document the problem is gone, however i want to resolve the problem with my exisitng document i have been working on.

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Photoshop :: Did Adobe Change The Brushes Engine From CS3 To CS4?

Mar 4, 2009

This are mostly questions and doubts.

Did Adobe change the Brushes engine from CS3 to CS4?

Is Adobe taking "illustrators" in mind during the PS development?

We need better and realistic natural media controls, like watercolours (what about Moxi?),impasto, etc.; a colour wheel could be better than the actual color palettes, some palette to put a selection of brushes.

Could we hope that the "artistic" side of Photoshop will be improved soon?

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Photoshop :: How To Bring Sun Flare In Pictures

Jun 14, 2013

I see photographers having nice sun flares in their pictures. All warm and pretty and what not. How do I do the same? is this a feature in Photoshop cs6 or in light room?

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Photoshop :: Removing A Lens Flare

Nov 22, 2012

I have a picture with an ugly greens lens flare right in the middle of the picture. remove or lessen that lens flare for me?

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Photoshop :: Remove Red Lens Flare

Aug 27, 2012

How would you go about removing the red lens flare in front of the dark trees in the background? Maybe also the blue one below the couple... but on that I'd probably just paint over with the clone stamp. Can you spot any "bad" edits done already?

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Photoshop :: Flare Is Behind The Gradient Effect

Jan 7, 2013

I have made a tv icon and on the object that's suppose to be the screen I would like to add a Lens Flare effect.However, I cannot seem to get the Flare placement just where I would like for it to be also, I used a Gradient (on the screen) of a mid Grey color and White set to Radial but it seems as though when the Gradient Effect is turned on the Flare is behind the Gradient effect. So, I assume I cannot use both ~ together??
But, the lesson by which I followed seems to have used both effects ... ie: the Flare seems to be on top of the Gradient. Thus far I tried to Duplicate the layer and then tried to put the Flare on the duplicate and I have tried different Layer Blends, Opacity etc, but I cannot seem to achieve the desired result.
The blue one is the one I made. The red one is a partial shot of the one from the lesson. See how the screen has the Flare effect and also seems to have the Radial Gradient? The tut doesn't offer any instruction as to how the author/artist went about achieving the result.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Color

Oct 18, 2005

How can I change the color of the lens flare in PhotoshopCS2?

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Filter

May 31, 2003

Is there a way to set which color is used for the lens flare? Like for the 50-300mm, it uses a red color - can I set it to #70BC1F? If so, how?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Place More Than One Flare At A Time

May 1, 2006

its possible to place more than one flare at a time without having to goto filters>render each time, or maybe there is a plugin that allows you to do this?

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Photoshop :: Lense Flare And 3d Models

Apr 17, 2009

1) If I add a lense flare to a layer, how do I remove it short of making backward steps? (cmd+option+z)

2) Is there a place I can get 3D models to play around with? Preferebly for free.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Export

Nov 24, 2004

i want to save one of the lens flares as a transparent png (24bit+alpha) but all my attempts failed. does anybody know how to do this?

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Tribal

Nov 19, 2004

1. Create a new square document, say 500x500 pixels. Fill the background with black using the paint bucket (G) tool. Whatever size document you choose to create, it must be square for the latter part of the tutorial to work.

2. Make your self a simple design using Lens Flare (Filter>>Render>>Lens Flare) You should have something like below if you used my design.

3. Hit Ctrl + U and change the saturation of the image to -100 (Don't check colourize)

4. Head up to Filter >> Blur >> Radial Blur and use these settings. (Hit ctrl + F to repeat this step)

5. Go to Filter >> Distort >> Twirl and set it to 100. Duplicate the layer, and repeat the twirl with a setting of -200. Set the blending mode of the new layer to lighten, and merge the two. You can stop here, but if you wish to keep going keep reading.

6. It looks a little blurry doesn't it? Never fear, we're going to fix this now. Hit Ctrl + L and enter these settings

7. Duplicate the merged layers, and rotate the new layer 90*CW. Set the blending mode to Colour Burn to get a totally differen't effect. You're done. You can now use Ctrl + U to colorize the new image.

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Photoshop :: Lens Flare Is Greyed-out!

Jun 18, 2008

I have a fill layer set to 50% gray and I am trying to do a lens flare for a tutorial in the Advanced Photoshop Mag but when I go to do a "Lens Flare" it is greyed-out and unclickable.

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