GIMP :: Don't Confirm Closing If Unsaved Image Was Exported / Overwrite?

Sep 14, 2012

Can we have a new option "Do not confirm closing if unsaved image wasexported/overwrited" ?(Edit > Preference > Evironment > Saving Images > Do not confirm closing ifunsaved image was exported/overwrited )

when dealing non-xcf files, afterexport/overwrite the files I can close them without clicking the confirming dialog, it will save so much working time.

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GIMP :: How To Accept (confirm) Action

Aug 27, 2011

How to accept (confirm) an action in GIMP? For example, I have pasted one image into another, but 'marching ants' are still going around pasted image. Btw, the flatten image option is grayed out.

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GIMP :: Exported Image Can't Be Read By Mobile

Apr 18, 2013

I exported an image into a smaller JPG image to be wallpaper of my mobile phone (Nexian G315). But then the image can't be read, the mobile just said "Unsupported format". As I remember,previous version of GIMP I used in Linux (I forget the version) would create supported exported image. But not now, with GIMP 2.8.4 in my PCLinuxOS.

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GIMP :: Unable To Overwrite Images?

Sep 16, 2012

Ever since transferring all my files to a new computer, I have been unable to permanently overwrite any images opened in Gimp 2.2 nor 2.6. Worse, any image or even folder created through Gimp does not show up in the Windows directory folder. (but, strangely does if viewed through Gimp itself...)

The images are still changed from the last time were I last left off, but on rare occasions, usually after altering Windows User Controls, the images revert to the appearance of when they were uploaded to the computer(around 12/17/11 according to the files). Luckily, they revert back to my last known save (Yesterday) if a System Restore is initiated.

The images in question are .GIF images and they were imported from Windows Xp to 7.(whom I highly suspect is the problem) The Gimp version I use is 2.2.

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GIMP :: Cannot Edit Text (confirm Text Editing)

Jan 3, 2013

I am clicking on a layer in GIMP, and when I click on the text tool, this dialog pops up "CONFIRM TEXT EDITING" "the layer you selected is a text layer but it has been modified using other tools. Editing the layer with the text tool will discard these modifications. You can edit the layer or create a new text layer from its text attributes."

with 3 options, Create New layer, Cancel, and Edit however, no matter what I click, it doesn't let me create new text anywhere.ALSO, it seems to jump from the layer i selected to another layer whenever I click "EDIT."

What is weird is that I was able to create new text prior to this, but not anymore. it's gimp 2.8.0

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Photoshop :: CS 5.1 - How To Overwrite Image

Nov 29, 2012

This is with Photoshop CS5.1.  It goes through the process as usual, I save it, it asks if I want to overwrite the prior one, I say yes -- but when I go to upload the new image -- it hasn't changed!  This just started happening last couple days --

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GIMP :: Refuses To Open After Closing All Projects

Sep 22, 2013

Gimp refuses to open after closing all projects and reopening gimp! it always freezes INSTANTLY on the start-up screen! it doesn't matter how many times I force close Gimp and restart Gimp! it always freezes 1 second after opening!

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GIMP :: Preventing Closing Dock By Mistake?

Sep 13, 2012

Sometimes Iwould close by mistake a tool dock by clicking alt-F4 a little toofast, while the dock has the focus, but I thought it was the image(and I wanted to close this image). Then the dock configuration (whichtools were set there, which tabs,size and position of the dock andtabs, etc.) is lost. So of course, I can always recreate the dock,reposition/resize it, set the right tools inside. But that's boring.

would therebe an option right now to prevent the tool docks from closing by theusual window-close event (so you could close them by the dock menuexplicitely, but not by quick shortcut for instance)?

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GIMP :: Closing Free Selection Tool

Sep 14, 2011

From GIMP:

"Revision $Revision: 2435 $2007-12-22P.P

When you release the mouse button, the selection is closed by connecting the current pointer location to the start location with a straight line."

I remember this used to be the behavior, but for a long time it only closes for me if I move the pointer very close to the start point, otherwise it just holds on and keeps selecting more every time I click. VERY annoying! At times, if I click very close to the starting point several times, but not close enough, the entire selection changes shape, destroying the selection I just drew.

This is GIMP 2.6.10 on Debian stable.

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GIMP :: Paths Disappear After Saving And Closing A File?

Jan 6, 2011

I started using GIMP on a PC a couple of months ago after developing skills in PS over the years on my Macs at home and at work.

I like GIMP and it's stable nature along with everything else... in addition to allot of standard photo editing and graphics creation, I recently used it for some of the animation filters, which are nice.

The only problem I'm having is that when I create a path, or multiple paths, and have them in the paths palette, after I save and close the file that contains the paths, the next time I open that file my paths are gone... completely disappeared.

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Photoshop :: Image Exported - Place On Image (Like Watermark) Misaligned After Save

Jul 19, 2012

I have an action in which it will place an image onto an image like a watermark, when i place the image, it is not center by center so i drag it or use keyboard arrows to center and then press enter, then i saw its on the center, but when i save it, the saved image is not on the center, how was that?
you can see that the right side of border it is not centered because the left side border is thicker than right side, here is the part of the action
you can see that i move the image after i place it because its not on the center so adjusting it makes it at the center but the Translate part is not equal.

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Photoshop :: Image Processor Not Closing Images

Oct 31, 2012

When I use the image processor from Bridge, I specify that I want it to process the images selected in Bridge, save as a PSD and run a set of actions. 

The files do get saved to a PSD folder, but they do not get closed, so they all remain open. This slows the process down dramatically and it used to close them all, as it should. 

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GIMP :: When Exported Elsewhere GIF Color Is Lost

Apr 17, 2013

I'm trying to put a GIF into a Kindle book. The GIF itself looks great, and I'm pretty darn good at formatting books if I do say so myself.

For some reason, the black in my GIF images are becoming transparent once loaded to a Kindle mobi file. Now I've used GIFs from Gimp like this before, so it doesn't really make any sense... I've not done anything (as far as I know) to make it transparent, and it's definitely not transparent in the GIF itself.

I tried changing the color of the text, but that hasn't made any difference, so I'm led to believe it's something I'm doing wrong with the text tool, but what that could be.

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Photoshop :: After Closing Image In CS6 Go Back To Bridge Automatically

Jan 4, 2013

In Photoshop CS5: when you closed an image, you'd automatically go back to Bridge, where you could open the next image.
Now you close an image, and you stay in Photoshop with a blank screen.
You have to go to the dock, and click Bridge.
How can I get the CS5 way back, so I don't have to do two unnecessary steps each time?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Image Of File Still On Screen After Closing

Jan 4, 2012

Several times when closing an IDW the image of the file reamains on the screen.  The Tab for the file in the lower left hand corner dissapears but the image stil remains on the screen.  You have to navigate to another open invnetor file in order for this image to dissapear.  If you are not paying close attention you can inadvertantly close several files by repeatedly trying to close the "image" that is still on the screen.  I am only seeing this on one of our workstations.  Coulod this be a video card error or a setting?

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GIMP :: Exported Picture As JPEG - All Layers Gone

Oct 26, 2012

I have a problem in Gimp I exported a picture as a Jpeg because it fudged up when I saved it to the normal Gimp format. After I opened it again boom all the layers had gone gimps so annoying the more I use it the worse it gets. How to get the layers back that would be good.

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GIMP :: Exported Colors And Contrast Don't Match View

Apr 14, 2013

I've noticed recently that when I use the EXPORT command to create a JPEG, the resulting image colors of the EXPORTed JPEG are deeper (certainly more saturated) and the contrast over the entire image is much higher. The image looks nothing like what it looks like in GIMP prior to export.

I've tried EXPORTing to TIFF and I get the same results (JPEG looks exactly like the TIFF, just a different file size). Is it a possible ICC Profile mismatch (i.g. not having one set specifically inside GIMP)?

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GIMP :: Unable To Rename Layer / Images When Exported

Feb 2, 2014

I seem to be unable to rename either layers or images if they are being exported. When I use alphabet letters to rename a layer, for example, GIMP toggles through tools. It is using shortcuts to open different things? . I have something checked or unchecked that will allow alphabetic renaming....where do I look ?

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GIMP :: Unable To View Exported JPEG Images

Jan 28, 2014

I exported images in JPEG format. To get a quick view, (TV Toshiba) I loaded several images on a USB key . To my suprise I could not see the photo edited with Gimp .

I made a test. I made the same action (crop) on the same images with different retouching programs. Than I exported the images in JPEG, loaded on USB key, to see them on TV screen . The software I tested

Gimp 2.8 - ViewNX2 Nikon - Xnview - Capture NX2 - Photoshop - view

I got confirmation, images from Gimp were not recognized while all the other could be seen very well.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Mask Shifts Relative To Image After Closing

Mar 14, 2011

I am creating a mask in Photo Paint and feathering the edges.  Everything works fine up until I "Finish Editing" and the object is returned to Corel Draw.  The mask has shifted up from the image and the wrong area is masked. If I save the image from Photo Paint and re-open it it's fine...just not when it's sent back to Corel Draw.

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Lightroom :: Quick Way To Confirm Process 2012 Choice For Older Images?

Dec 14, 2012

When LR4.x sees an older image it shows me the exclamation mark. OK, yes I will be updating... so the next step is a side by side. I could skip this, but it can be interesting to see where the subtle differeces will be. I know about the backslash key as a way to close the side-by-side. Up to today it always closed the *old* (2010) version and I sailed off into whatever editing was needed.
Today the backslash is always placing me in the older version "Before".as if I chosen "do not update"? ...but I *did* click "Update".My LR4 book (M. Evening). which I generally like, was written before the interface got locked down as there are some inconsistencies even with 4.0, so looking there I find nothing that works on this exact flow of events.
What am I doing "wrong" for the 4.3 interface.  Hmmm, I just updated from 4.2 and that's when LR started leaving me in the old process.

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Lightroom :: Sound Effect To Confirm Dragging And Dropping Of File Into A Collection?

Aug 7, 2013

Can I get a sound effect to confirm the dragging and dropping of a file into a collection? I can see the file count increase but a confirmation sound would be very useful.

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GIMP :: Text In Exported PDF Is Searchable And Copyable But Font Size Shrinks

Nov 19, 2012

I have recently upgraded to Gimp 2.8.3 on my Mac OS Snow Leopard, primarily for the new "export to PDF" feature that would keep text searchable within PDF.

The results are very odd... The text in the exported PDF is, indeed, searchable and copyable, but the font size shrinks drastically (see attached screenshot).

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GIMP :: Distorted Rainbow Color Bleed In Exported Transparent PNG Files

Dec 27, 2012

exported transparent png fiiles get this rainbow of color distorted bleed when previewing or importing into programs that cannot read the png's transparency!!! even program that can read the png's transparency after you check a 'make transparent' checkbox (such as Memorex Expressit label design studio) have this distorted color bleed!! like in the label program checking 'make transparent' leaves the rainbow color distortion in!!!

this seems to be ONLY happening with Gimp exported PNGs!!! other PNGs and other programs that can generate transparent PNGs don't have this issue!

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Photoshop :: Exported Image Size- In CS4

Jul 22, 2009

I have a design in PS CS4 and want to export slices for the web. In the export preview the estimated filesize for the slice is ~200 bytes, however after the export the file size is 4kb.

I have 3-4 small background slices with gradinet and size is 1x200px so the estimated size seems to be ok.

I have alos tried to export in .png and in .gif as well. In all cases the estimation is 200-400 bytes but the result is always ~4kb.

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Illustrator :: Exported Image Size

Aug 12, 2012

I have my artboard set to 700 px x 700 px. When I export as PNG the file is 2917 px x 2917 px. Why isn't it the size I set?

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Lightroom :: Get Metadata On An Exported Image

Jan 17, 2013

how to allow my metadata on an exported LR4 image?

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Photoshop Elements :: When Adding Text Shut Off Or Move Confirm Reject Button

Nov 22, 2012

Is there a way to shut off or move the confirm reject button in elements 11 when adding text? The Icon gets in the way when adding text to the bottom of a photo.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: How To Clear Image When Exported To PNG Format

Oct 20, 2011

How to have a clear image when it is exported from coreldraw to PNG format.

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Lightroom :: Difference In Exported Image Brightness?

Mar 13, 2012

When I export an image it apears slightly less bright outside of Lightroon than it does in Lightroom. This includes web browsers. Am using identically calibrated NEC 2090uxi monitors.  Most of the time upping the birghtness by +5-10 will correct this.  Occasionally the vibrance needs to be raised in addition.  What might account for this?

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Lightroom :: Why Doesn't Image In Develop Module And Exported One Look Same

Mar 17, 2014

When I export an image from the Develop Module, I'm having a problem with it being 1.5 to 2 stops darker than the original. 

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