GIMP :: Open Clipboard Image In Batch Mode

Jun 20, 2012

Is it possible to open an image in the clipboard with batch mode?

i.e. File > Create > From Clipboard

GIMP 2.8

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GIMP :: Using Scripts In Batch Mode?

Jan 19, 2014

I am wanting to make a batch file that automates the task of scanning in photos.

Here is what I currently do: I scan in one or two pictures into the same file. I then open the scanned in image in GIMP, and then use the Divide Scanned Images plugin in combination with the Deskew plugin to create an output of two seperate image files.

This is quite a tedious task, especially with the 1000+ stack of photos that I have.

I already have a script that automates the process of scanning in the image for me, but I really need a script that opens GIMP, and runs the Divide Scanned Images plugin, preferably without the GIMP user-interface.

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GIMP :: Display Output In Batch Mode

Sep 22, 2012

Where the output of (display ...) in a script goes when running in batch mode?

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GIMP :: Paste A Layer From Clipboard Into Image

Nov 20, 2013

I'm a relative noob to GIMP. Long time Paint Shop Pro user who has gone over to a Mac Book. I'm very frustrated by my inability to paste more than one layer at a time. Meaning, that I paste a layer from the clipboard into an image I am building, but I cant copy a new image to paste in without shutting down the program & reopening....Otherwise the same image keeps trying to repaste.

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GIMP :: Impose Clipboard Dimensions On New Image

Sep 6, 2011

I know from previous versions of GIMP it was possible to use the dimensions of the clipbaord data for a new image. I dont know which version this was, but I miss this behaviour. I couldnt figure out where to set it (if still possible).

So if i had made a selection of 123x456 pixels, copy selection, file -> new, then image dimensions were already set to 123x456 in the "new image" properties dialog,.

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GIMP :: Create Image From Clipboard Via Command Line?

Mar 13, 2013

I'm thinking about some new feature which I'd love to see in GIMP but can'tadd it myself. Maybe there's a way to achieve it.

To the point. I'd love to be able to create new image from clipboard from acommand line. There is such function so I guess it wouldn't be a problem toadd it. Having this one could make a shortcut (e.g. in Unity's launcher RMBmenu). It's useful when some app (e.g. screenshot taking) puts image inclipboard and you want to quickly edit it.

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Photoshop :: Clipboard Mode

Oct 19, 2008

I have installed Photoshop CS3 on my computer but some how I find that when I try to open a new file in Photoshop in Clipboard mode only it is disabled other modes are on.

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GIMP :: Image Won't Save As GBR After Changing Mode To Grayscale?

Oct 3, 2011

i'm using gimp 2.6.11 on a windows 7 enterprise machine. I made some brushes in rbg mode and saved as gbr, and also converted some ps brushes by exporting an abr as a png in rbg mode then saving as gbr. my goal is to get a gbr brush that i can change the color to the foreground color. I tried changing the mode from rgb to greyscale but when i try to re-save as gbr i get an error message that brushes can only be saved in greyscale or rgba (!).

i've tried saving the gbr as a png, changing the mode to greyscale and then saving as gbr but i get the same error message.

Any good skin texture brushes for gimp that can be used with foreground color? It's for a digital portrait of a male so I need an orangepeel texture and some other skin textures that aren't too airbrushed.

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GIMP :: Indexed Mode Is Reducing Image To Only 2 Colors

Jul 13, 2012

I created a new palette in gimp using my original RGB image (containing shades of yellow and black) which gave me about ~200 colors (with interval=2 in Import dialog). Then I changed the mode from RGB to Indexed using the palette I created above, but the resulting image contains only 2 colors - black and yellow. All the dark-greys, light-greys and different yellows are absent.

I want my indexed image to resemble the RGB as much as possible but the result looks disastrous.

Visual illustration of my problem : [URL].......

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GIMP :: Batch Processing - Small Plain Border Around Original Image

Jan 18, 2014

I would like to repeat the following procedure on a large number of images but I am unable to find a way of batch processing to do this for me. The idea is to end up with a small plain boarder around the original image. This is to prevent any image being lost when I order prints due to cropping.

1) open image
2) copy the image
3) create a new image 0.5" larger than the original
4) paste the copied image into the larger new image
5) resize the new image to a given size for example 10x8 for printing
6) Save the image under new name or in a different folder to the original.

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AutoCad :: Lost Toolbar With Copy To Clipboard And Paste From Clipboard Icons

Nov 8, 2012

I somehow lost the toolbar with the "copy to the clipboard" and "paste from the clipboard" icons.. which tool bar i need to turn back on?

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GIMP :: Open First Image And Then Open Other Two As Layers

Jan 23, 2014

I'm using Gimp 2.8.6.Try as I might, I'm still trying to figure out how to effectively 'merge' 3 shots of the same scene taken at 3 different exposures (using the exposure bracketing feature on my camera).The idea is to end up with the equivalent of an HDR image.

I assume that I open the first image and then open the other two as layers . .

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GIMP :: Ability To Copy / Cut Image Or Part From One Open Image Into Another

Nov 25, 2013

I have been using gimp now for about 2 months and have just upgraded my OS to Mavericks and upgraded Gimp to 2.8.8.

Upon doing this I seem to have lost the ability to copy/cut an image or part thereof from one open image into another... Example:

I have an image window open with a picture a car and I have an image window open with a race track back ground.

I want to copy the car from image 1 into image 2, but for some reason I cannot do this function anymore. When attempting it, once the item is copies to the clipboard and I then swap to the second image, when I paste as a new layer it pastes the clipboard from that image and not the image from the first window...

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GIMP :: Clear Clipboard Without Shutting Down Entirely

Aug 12, 2013

Is it possible to clear the clipboard without shutting down entirely? How?

I tend to multi-task to excess and this is causing me to mess up more than usual.

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GIMP :: 2.8 - Can't Copy And Paste / Selection Doesn't Go To Clipboard

Jun 11, 2012

I just got Gimp 2.8 for Mac. I can open a picture, do a blur and export. The copy paste is giving me problems. It worked once. I make a selection with the rectangle and do a control c. I also tried the menu. The selection doesn't go to the clipboard. After 6 tries, the same original copy was the only one in there.

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Photoshop :: Changes To All Icons Via Batch Mode

Mar 21, 2013

I'm making some icons with different styles to them, via the actions, so just before I apply my changes to all the icons via batch mode, I`d like to have one saved as PSD, just in case a customer would like a variation in it, but how do I save it without saving them all as PSD`s, I`d like to save them as PNG`s.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Actions Batch Mode Bug?

Jun 12, 2009

I posted this in the Mac forum but received no responses after a couple of days, so I am trying it here. Photoshop CS3 Actions seem to have a bug such that when used in Automate > Batch mode it will use the name of the first file opened in the batch session for every file processed in that session. Since that name is used in Save step, this means having to deal with the "File Already Exist" dialog for every file in the batch because it is attempting to save at the designated location with the same file name. If the continue option is chosen each time, the final result is one file with the first opened file name, but with the contents of the last processed file. To confirm that this is a problem particular to the opening step, I have disabled all processing steps as well as the saving step by toggling them in the Actions panel. I then ran the action in batch mode on a folder containing 4 files. This resulted in 4 opened files all with the same name but different image content. This was with the "Override 'Open' Action Commands" checked/not checked, and the "Suppress File Open Options Dialogs"  checked/not checked. The  problem described also occurs when using a Droplet. By comparison, Photoshop CS exhibits the expected behavior: when an action is used in batch mode to process an entire folder of files, the name of each file is retained after opening and used after processing in the save or export step. The above described behavior of CS3 is a change acquired along the way to the CS3 version (I do not have the CS2 version to test). But more importantly, can someone please report if the CS4 version behaves as I described for CS3, or if it has been returned to the CS behavior? OS X 10.4.11G4 800 MHz 2 MB L3/processor 1.25 GB SDRAM Is this a known bug?

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GIMP :: How To Open A New Image

Feb 13, 2013

How do I open a new image in Gimp?

I open Gimp

I drag an image file into Gimp

That's OK. Image is opened

Now, I want to open another image Dragging into Gimp doesn't work - wherever you drag it?Why is this?

Another way I like to open is to press 'Ctrl O' and then paste the path of a folder and press return This then takes me to that folder and shows me all images inside(The same behaviour will work with any other program on WIndows) With Gimp, this is not possible .There is no path displayed when you first click Ctrl O.I've found how to get the path: click on one of the locations on the left pane and then click on the 'Type Name Field' icon - this then gives you a location in which you can type the path

it only takes a second or two to do, but it would be nice if we just could past the path name or start typing the path name after pressing 'Ctrl O' - like ALL other Windows programs!

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Lightroom :: How To Copy Image From Library To Clipboard

Aug 8, 2012

I can't find the option to copy an image from LR's library to the clipboard - I'm sure I'm just overlooking it -

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Maya :: How To Detect Whether Program Is Running In Batch Mode

Nov 19, 2013

Situation: Rendering a sequence of frames with different image dimensions (photos of 3D scene for printing, different image dimensions needed for different purposes). Changing image width/height in pre-render frame MEL script. Therefore, need to know what frame we are on.

Unfortunately, mental ray batch render returns frame number (currentTime) of PREVIOUS frame when called during pre-render frame script. I have to add 1 to get the frame that is about to render, to determine needed image dimensions.

This is different than rendering current frame within Maya to preview what will happen -- currentTime is already on the correct frame.
So, in my frame mel script, I need to know whether in batch mode or not, to know whether to add 1 to time.
How do so?
I searched docs and googled.  All I found is a mention "Implementors of render traversals may wish to check whether they are running in batch mode", that did not say how to do so. And a mention in 2006 of "about -batch" that supposedly gives documentation that mentions how to do so. But the about command must be obsolete.

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Maya :: Batch Render In Software Mode Keeps Resizing?

May 4, 2011

Maya keeps resizing the height of an animation during a software batch render to 180px. Rendering a single scene, the size is as specified in the settings.

I've got an animation I need to render. I'm trying to render at 640x480. I can render single scenes or the entire batch in Hardware mode and it renders at 640x480 no problem. I can render a single scene in software mode and it renders at 640x480. If I try to batch render the animation in software mode, Maya resizes the height to 180. If I reset the size of the render to 1024x748 Maya once again resizes the height to 180.

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GIMP :: When Open It Image Window Size Is Way Too Big

Feb 3, 2012

When i open Gimp, the image window size is way too big.

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GIMP :: How To Move Open Layered Image Around

Nov 20, 2013

I've created a New image and selected Open Layer to bring another image in, however the 'other' Open layer image' appears in the center of the newly opened image space. How can I move the Open layered image around?

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GIMP :: Can't See Real Image When Open With Photoshop

Nov 8, 2011

If I open with Photoshop I can see the real image, but whit gimp this is how it looks like.

Uploaded with

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Files IPT IAM In STEP Or SAT In Batch Mode

Oct 28, 2011

Can we convert the Inventor files IPT IAM in STEP or SAT in Batch mode

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Paint Shop Pro :: Assign Creation Date To Picture In Batch Mode

Jan 13, 2012

I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.

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GIMP :: Open Multipage TIFF As Multilayer Image

Dec 7, 2012

Gimp open a multipage tiff as a multilayer image and i can edit it. But wheni save it, all layers are merged into one and i've get a onepage tiff. Howcan i save a multipage tiff?

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GIMP :: Cannot Open Image (premature End Of JPEG File)

Oct 20, 2013

I am trying to open this image [URL] ... that I downloaded the full sized image and it doesn't matter how many times I download it or open it in Gimp it shows up in Gimp corrupt and gives me the error "premature end of jpeg file" but Windows Photo Viewer views the image just fine! what is wrong when I open it in Gimp???

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GIMP :: Open AI File Not Loading Full Image

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to open an .AI file, and am having almost success. Instead of loading the whole image, it cuts off about 50% of the image, leaving just the center. I altered the rendering width and height in the Import from PostScript window and it successfully extended the image to include the right side, but the left is still truncated. How can I get this whole image to open?

I can resort to just mirroring the left and right sides to fill in the blanks, but I would really rather not do that if it is possible.

I am running Windows 7 64-bit, with Gimp ver 2.6.11

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GIMP :: Lost Cursor When Open Create New Image

Jul 29, 2013

Gimp 2.8, Windows 7

After I open a create new image, the cursor disappears and the last tool I choose (rectangle...) appears and the cursor (arrow) disappears. Is this standard or is there a way to exit from the tool box and use just the arrow cursor?

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GIMP :: Move Theme / Logo Onto Another Image / Window That Is Open?

Apr 9, 2012

I make a text logo from a gimp theme, but cannot move it to another seperate gimp file/ image that is open. For example, I have a webdesign template in progress in gimp, but then open a new gimp window/file, get a logo, put the text in. Then, I cant get this image out of the gimp, even if I want to put it in the other window onto the template. Also, I cant get the image out of gimp program, and onto the desktop.

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