GIMP :: Using Scripts In Batch Mode?

Jan 19, 2014

I am wanting to make a batch file that automates the task of scanning in photos.

Here is what I currently do: I scan in one or two pictures into the same file. I then open the scanned in image in GIMP, and then use the Divide Scanned Images plugin in combination with the Deskew plugin to create an output of two seperate image files.

This is quite a tedious task, especially with the 1000+ stack of photos that I have.

I already have a script that automates the process of scanning in the image for me, but I really need a script that opens GIMP, and runs the Divide Scanned Images plugin, preferably without the GIMP user-interface.

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GIMP :: Display Output In Batch Mode

Sep 22, 2012

Where the output of (display ...) in a script goes when running in batch mode?

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GIMP :: Open Clipboard Image In Batch Mode

Jun 20, 2012

Is it possible to open an image in the clipboard with batch mode?

i.e. File > Create > From Clipboard

GIMP 2.8

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Photoshop :: Changes To All Icons Via Batch Mode

Mar 21, 2013

I'm making some icons with different styles to them, via the actions, so just before I apply my changes to all the icons via batch mode, I`d like to have one saved as PSD, just in case a customer would like a variation in it, but how do I save it without saving them all as PSD`s, I`d like to save them as PNG`s.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Actions Batch Mode Bug?

Jun 12, 2009

I posted this in the Mac forum but received no responses after a couple of days, so I am trying it here. Photoshop CS3 Actions seem to have a bug such that when used in Automate > Batch mode it will use the name of the first file opened in the batch session for every file processed in that session. Since that name is used in Save step, this means having to deal with the "File Already Exist" dialog for every file in the batch because it is attempting to save at the designated location with the same file name. If the continue option is chosen each time, the final result is one file with the first opened file name, but with the contents of the last processed file. To confirm that this is a problem particular to the opening step, I have disabled all processing steps as well as the saving step by toggling them in the Actions panel. I then ran the action in batch mode on a folder containing 4 files. This resulted in 4 opened files all with the same name but different image content. This was with the "Override 'Open' Action Commands" checked/not checked, and the "Suppress File Open Options Dialogs"  checked/not checked. The  problem described also occurs when using a Droplet. By comparison, Photoshop CS exhibits the expected behavior: when an action is used in batch mode to process an entire folder of files, the name of each file is retained after opening and used after processing in the save or export step. The above described behavior of CS3 is a change acquired along the way to the CS3 version (I do not have the CS2 version to test). But more importantly, can someone please report if the CS4 version behaves as I described for CS3, or if it has been returned to the CS behavior? OS X 10.4.11G4 800 MHz 2 MB L3/processor 1.25 GB SDRAM Is this a known bug?

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Maya :: How To Detect Whether Program Is Running In Batch Mode

Nov 19, 2013

Situation: Rendering a sequence of frames with different image dimensions (photos of 3D scene for printing, different image dimensions needed for different purposes). Changing image width/height in pre-render frame MEL script. Therefore, need to know what frame we are on.

Unfortunately, mental ray batch render returns frame number (currentTime) of PREVIOUS frame when called during pre-render frame script. I have to add 1 to get the frame that is about to render, to determine needed image dimensions.

This is different than rendering current frame within Maya to preview what will happen -- currentTime is already on the correct frame.
So, in my frame mel script, I need to know whether in batch mode or not, to know whether to add 1 to time.
How do so?
I searched docs and googled.  All I found is a mention "Implementors of render traversals may wish to check whether they are running in batch mode", that did not say how to do so. And a mention in 2006 of "about -batch" that supposedly gives documentation that mentions how to do so. But the about command must be obsolete.

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Maya :: Batch Render In Software Mode Keeps Resizing?

May 4, 2011

Maya keeps resizing the height of an animation during a software batch render to 180px. Rendering a single scene, the size is as specified in the settings.

I've got an animation I need to render. I'm trying to render at 640x480. I can render single scenes or the entire batch in Hardware mode and it renders at 640x480 no problem. I can render a single scene in software mode and it renders at 640x480. If I try to batch render the animation in software mode, Maya resizes the height to 180. If I reset the size of the render to 1024x748 Maya once again resizes the height to 180.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Files IPT IAM In STEP Or SAT In Batch Mode

Oct 28, 2011

Can we convert the Inventor files IPT IAM in STEP or SAT in Batch mode

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Paint Shop Pro :: Assign Creation Date To Picture In Batch Mode

Jan 13, 2012

I need to assign the same creation date to several pictures. On the modify file format (batch process) window there is the possibility to include date but I cannot find a method to modify the date only.

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Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite X5 :: PhotoPaint - Cannot Select Multiple Files For Batch Mode

Jun 19, 2012

PhotoPaint: Cannot select multiple files for batch mode

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GIMP :: How To Get 2.8.2 In Win XP Mode

Jan 31, 2013

I've been running earlier versions of GIMP without issue up until recently updating .. er, trying to update to GIMP 2.8.2 in Windows XP Mode. But now in 2.8.2, installation is halted with the message that there is a problem:

"Setup has detected that your Windows is not running in 32 bits-per-pixel display mode. This has been known to cause stability problems with GIMP, so it's recommended to change the display colour depth to 32BPP before continuing."

I have gone through the procedure in changing the Group Policies (GPEdit.msc) increasing the maximum allowed color depth limit, but the highest allowable setting is 24 bit.

I'd like to try and do the correct thing before simply clicking Continue and try heedlessly installing it.

My only reason for needing GIMP running in XP Mode and not on my regular Win 7 64-bit PC with its full 32-bit True Color is that GIMP allows me to use my perfectly excellent (10 year old) scanner as Epson won't update its drivers for Win 7 64-bit.

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GIMP :: Batch Convert XCF To PNG?

May 19, 2010

I have a lot of xcf's which I want to save as png's and do not want to do this manually in Gimp.

How do a batch convert xcf to png using the terminal (linux)?

Needs to be through Gimp CLI as ImageMagick convert won't handle the files properly and i can't get xcf2png to work.

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GIMP :: How To Do Batch Processing

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to use gimp in batch mode. I can't find any examples of how to do _real_ batch processing. All the examples on the net show how to integrate into the gui.

I see that I can use the -b flag to invoke script-fu functions. But AFAICS,the script with the function definitions needs to reside somewhere in~/gimp-x.y/scripts or something.

In addition, I can't find a way to pass command line arguments to the called functions. Is there any way to define/execute functions? For example, I'd like to callsimple-unsharp-mask from [URL]........

like this:

$ call-gimp-function script.scm simple-unsharp-mask file.png 5.0 0.5 0

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GIMP :: Batch Plugin For 2.6.10?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a folder of lots of images i want to resize for the web. Is there a decent batch plug in for gimp 2.6.10. I am using ubuntu.

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GIMP :: How To Batch Compress TGAs With RLE

Jul 20, 2011

I have a ton of TGAs that could use RLE. I was looking for a batch conversion option in the GIMP file menu that I could use to convert uncompressed TGA's to compressed TGA's, but I couldn't find one. How would I batch compress TGA's then?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Colorize Images

May 11, 2012

I am starting a decal business and i have jpg's of all the decal designs in black on a white background. I need to batch colorize a bunch of images, i figured out how to do it individually and save but i need to colorize all the images in a folder and save with a different name. i found a great script to batch convert jpgs to pngs, and am trying to edit it to work.

i think just the line in red needs to be written correctly.

(define (colorize it DirectoryName)
(fileExtension ".jpg") ; we are looking for .jpg files
(varFileList (cadr (file-glob (string-append DirectoryName DIR-SEPARATOR "*" fileExtension) 1) ) ) ; find them all

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GIMP :: Batch Processing - Possible To Use JPG As File Name

Apr 21, 2013

When using command line gimp, is it possible to use *.jpg as the file name to have it process ALL the JPEG files in a folder? I'm really actuallyinterested in a simple file format conversion with no image processingapplied, specifically svg2png conversion. I know Gimp can render svg andcan save png, and unlike the next best program ImageMagick, the Gimpactually DOES NOT GLITCH the resulting image! So I've got a folder FULL OFSVG FILES, and would like to be able to just type "gimp convert -i *.svg-outputformat png" and have have it AUTOMATICALLY convert all my svg filesto png files. Is it possible to do this with such a simple and shortcommand line? I know the above exact example command line doesn't work,cause I tried it. But is there some simillarly simple command line code Icould use with gimp to convert svg to png via rendering the svg and thensaving the image as a png?

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GIMP :: Batch Numbering Over Pictures?

Sep 7, 2011

How can do batch numbering over my pictures?

Like this

to put numbers(1,2,3...22,23) on the photos.

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GIMP :: Batch Convert PDF To TIFF

Sep 16, 2011

I have over 200 pdf files that I need to batch convert to tiff format. From what I've gathered, this can be done simply using Ghostscript. Unfortunately, I have no experience running GS as a command line program, and only installed it as part of Gimp. Any tool for gimp that could do this? or step by step, through the process of using GS to perform this task?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Unsharp 0.1 Radius

Jan 6, 2013

Gimp does unsharp mask of 0.1 radius, but unfortunately the batch processors only allow 2+ pixel radius. E.g. upres.

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GIMP :: Batch Conversion Of Images

Jan 25, 2013

I need to convert from bitmap images to PNGs with the command line. I've tried looking into script-fu, but lisp is one of those languages I could never figure out.

I've tried using imagemagick, but it did not properly convert the images. The images are apparently 32bit Windows Bitmap V3 files with an alpha channel; according to a page I found on google, imagemagick will not preserve the alpha channel in this particular case. I don't know for certain if that's the actual reason why imagemagick isn't working, but it definitely isn't working. It does, however, work if done manually in gimp.

This is going to be part of a python script, so I need it to convert a specific bitmap file rather than all the ones in a directory.

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GIMP :: Batch Processing Of 460 PNG Files

Oct 17, 2011

I want to do batch processing of 460 .png files. It includes rescaling their width to 50% without interpolation, changing color mode to indexed based on a specified palette, changing color mode to RGB and rescaling their width to 200%.

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GIMP :: Batch Numbering Possible Over Pictures?

Sep 9, 2011

Ιs possible batch numbering over my pictures?

like this:

How do I get on the images progressively numbered (1,2,3,4...35,36,37 .... ).

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GIMP :: Created Script To Convert In A Batch

Oct 15, 2012

I have created a script to convert in a batch, about 2000 images, the problem is that gimp-file-save ignores image settings and uses its own defaults, so the image that has 6 layers, after being scaled, has only one layer!

the image is in format dds I am using gimp 2.8.2

the script:

(define (SECresizeTexture filename width height)(let* ((img (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable img))))(gimp-image-scale img width height)(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img drawable filename filename)))

as you can see, this is a generic script, I would like to avoid using the specific dds load/save because of increased complexity and for being specific to dds...

is it possible to set some format based on the original file? I could use the dds file save, parsing output from "identify -verbose filename" (imagemagick), but that will be a lot of trouble...

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GIMP :: Batch Convert - Scale All Photos To 300 PPI?

May 23, 2012

I have done LOTS of detailed research into ppi, dpi etc.

I believe I do understand the difference. Whenever I open a picture in gimp it opens at 72ppi. I wish to scale all my photos to 300 ppi so i can use a template I made of the exact same size paper as my printer uses without having to worry about the printer rescaling my photos from 72 ppi to whatever dpi it needs.

I have converted lots manually and am assured that this works for my purposes (not professional just scrapbook and photo album prints)

I have two questions though;
1. Is there a freeware program, or a way through gimp, that I can batch convert multiple files up to 300ppi.
2. Why when I change the ppi of a photo does the filesize become larger? Surely the ppi is just a reference number to know how many pixels to display and to convert for printing?

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GIMP :: Set The Fusion Mode To Grain Merge

Jul 25, 2013

While trying to complete a Gimp tutorial I've come across this line:

Set the fusion mode to "Grain Merge".

What fusion mode is? And where do I find "Grain merge".

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GIMP :: Switch To Index Mode Changes Colours?

Jun 18, 2012

when saving images for the web i try save them as indexed png's to save space.

however, when switching to indexed mode GIMP will alter my colours if i choose to use a palette with less colours than i have in the image. This is the most noticable if for example i have an image with bacgkround #ffcc00 and a multicoloured icon in the middle. due to the icon the image probably has over 100 colours. if i then choose 64 colours not only will it affect the colours in the icon, but change the entire, large, unicoloured background area to maybe fec50a (just an example). is there anyway to force GIMP to only use colours already present in the image?

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GIMP :: Changes Colour When Switching To Index Mode

Oct 28, 2011

I have been using indexed mode to save 8-bit png files for the web, just as one would through the Save For Web interface in photoshop. sometimes it works brilliantly, usually when very few colors. but sometimes it changes some of the most dominant colors in the image. for example, if i make an image with background in #f3f3f3, two antialiased type layers in different colors, flatten the image and switch to indexed mode the background will change to something like f3f201 or whatever depending on the colors of the type layers (even if i choose 256 colors...).

EDIT: ok those exact instructions didn't actually replicate the problem this time that i tried it, but nonetheless the problem exists. if no one recognises it i will save the file it occurs to next time so you can all replicate the problem.

EDIT 2: happened immediately. i have attached a png of the file, even if you set it to 256 colors, switching to indexed mode will change the white background to #fefffc. once again, one could go into the color map and change it back to pure white, but to be completely correct one needs to change every color in the shadows (and antialiasing) that fade into the white, which will also have been offset by the switch to indexed mode.

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GIMP :: Get Single Window Mode In 2.6.11 For Windows?

Nov 30, 2011

I know that Gimp 2.6 has single window mode, is there way to get single window mode in 2.6.11 for Windows?

I have windows 7 x86

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GIMP :: Layer Blending Mode To Colour?

May 27, 2012

I was looking at a Photoshop tutorial, it's for building a galaxy and mostly works for gimp, but there was a mention of "layer blending mode to colour." I was wondering what the equivalent is in gimp, or even if there is one.

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GIMP :: Convert To CMYK Mode (2012)

Jun 18, 2012

How do I convert to CMYK mode? It is a requirement for a banner I need to get printed.

I go to Image->Mode and select a CMYK profile but it just prints an error'Destinatin Profile is not for FGB color Space' when I press OK.

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