GIMP :: Batch Numbering Possible Over Pictures?

Sep 9, 2011

Ιs possible batch numbering over my pictures?

like this:

How do I get on the images progressively numbered (1,2,3,4...35,36,37 .... ).

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GIMP :: Batch Numbering Over Pictures?

Sep 7, 2011

How can do batch numbering over my pictures?

Like this

to put numbers(1,2,3...22,23) on the photos.

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Photoshop :: Batch ~ 5000 Pictures

Feb 7, 2009

I need like around 5000 images automatically created (since doing this by hand would take a month).

I need a 90% transparent png images, which would be from 1px by 1px to 600px by 600px and they will all have my logo in the middle.

I plan on doing this 2 ways - first batch will be 1x1 to 75x75, which won't have the logo, as they would be too small... then, 75x75 till 600x600 will have the logo centered vertically and horizontally.

I also want those separated by folders... for example all images which are 20 px wide will be in folder .../images/20/ . For emaple, in this folder will be images 20x1, 20x2, 20x3.... 20x599, 20x600.

in folder .../images/44/ will be images which are 40 px wide - 40x1, 40x2... 40x600

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Numbers Onto Around 400 Pictures?

Nov 28, 2013

Is there a way of batch processing numbers onto around 400 pictures starting with 001 and so on?

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Paint.NET :: Batch Resize Whole Bunch Of Pictures?

Sep 8, 2008

It would be nice it if it were possible to batch resize a whole bunch of pictures. Could be done as follows:

1. Click on "batch resize.."

2. A window opens wherein you can select a number of images

3. Then choose by how much % you want their sizes to be reduced.


1. Find and select the images in windows explorer

2. Right-click, and select "batch resize.."

3. See 3 above

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Rename String Of Pictures

Sep 2, 2013

Is there a way in PSPX5 or X6 to rename a picture (or string of pictures) so that I can have a "Constant such as VACATION_" followed by the create date from the EXIF data as YYYY-MM-DD followed by a sequence number?

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Photoshop :: Batch Actions? Edit Series Of Pictures

Jun 21, 2006

how do i edit a series of pictures in which i want the same affect applied to each picture in the series? the answer that was given was: apply all the affects you want to your picture and record that as a batch action and use that action to apply to the remaining series.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Resize Hundreds Of Pictures In A Batch

Sep 4, 2012

How can I resize hundreds of pictures in a batch?  I need to reduce them to get them on a web site and don't want to do them one at a time.

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Photoshop Elements :: Resize Pictures In Batch Without Using Version Copies?

Nov 22, 2012

I have been going through my catalog & find hundreds of old pictures what I should delete as they will almost certainly never be looked at or used again.  If they were to be reused I could probably only need a copy that was much smaller in size. Rather than just delete them I was considering making the files size much smaller.
Is there any way yo use the batch processing tool to resize hundreds & have them saved by overwriting the old copy rather than have them as a version set?  I didn't want to do this one at a time.

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GIMP :: Batch Convert XCF To PNG?

May 19, 2010

I have a lot of xcf's which I want to save as png's and do not want to do this manually in Gimp.

How do a batch convert xcf to png using the terminal (linux)?

Needs to be through Gimp CLI as ImageMagick convert won't handle the files properly and i can't get xcf2png to work.

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GIMP :: How To Do Batch Processing

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to use gimp in batch mode. I can't find any examples of how to do _real_ batch processing. All the examples on the net show how to integrate into the gui.

I see that I can use the -b flag to invoke script-fu functions. But AFAICS,the script with the function definitions needs to reside somewhere in~/gimp-x.y/scripts or something.

In addition, I can't find a way to pass command line arguments to the called functions. Is there any way to define/execute functions? For example, I'd like to callsimple-unsharp-mask from [URL]........

like this:

$ call-gimp-function script.scm simple-unsharp-mask file.png 5.0 0.5 0

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GIMP :: Batch Plugin For 2.6.10?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a folder of lots of images i want to resize for the web. Is there a decent batch plug in for gimp 2.6.10. I am using ubuntu.

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GIMP :: How To Batch Compress TGAs With RLE

Jul 20, 2011

I have a ton of TGAs that could use RLE. I was looking for a batch conversion option in the GIMP file menu that I could use to convert uncompressed TGA's to compressed TGA's, but I couldn't find one. How would I batch compress TGA's then?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Colorize Images

May 11, 2012

I am starting a decal business and i have jpg's of all the decal designs in black on a white background. I need to batch colorize a bunch of images, i figured out how to do it individually and save but i need to colorize all the images in a folder and save with a different name. i found a great script to batch convert jpgs to pngs, and am trying to edit it to work.

i think just the line in red needs to be written correctly.

(define (colorize it DirectoryName)
(fileExtension ".jpg") ; we are looking for .jpg files
(varFileList (cadr (file-glob (string-append DirectoryName DIR-SEPARATOR "*" fileExtension) 1) ) ) ; find them all

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GIMP :: Batch Processing - Possible To Use JPG As File Name

Apr 21, 2013

When using command line gimp, is it possible to use *.jpg as the file name to have it process ALL the JPEG files in a folder? I'm really actuallyinterested in a simple file format conversion with no image processingapplied, specifically svg2png conversion. I know Gimp can render svg andcan save png, and unlike the next best program ImageMagick, the Gimpactually DOES NOT GLITCH the resulting image! So I've got a folder FULL OFSVG FILES, and would like to be able to just type "gimp convert -i *.svg-outputformat png" and have have it AUTOMATICALLY convert all my svg filesto png files. Is it possible to do this with such a simple and shortcommand line? I know the above exact example command line doesn't work,cause I tried it. But is there some simillarly simple command line code Icould use with gimp to convert svg to png via rendering the svg and thensaving the image as a png?

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GIMP :: Batch Convert PDF To TIFF

Sep 16, 2011

I have over 200 pdf files that I need to batch convert to tiff format. From what I've gathered, this can be done simply using Ghostscript. Unfortunately, I have no experience running GS as a command line program, and only installed it as part of Gimp. Any tool for gimp that could do this? or step by step, through the process of using GS to perform this task?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Unsharp 0.1 Radius

Jan 6, 2013

Gimp does unsharp mask of 0.1 radius, but unfortunately the batch processors only allow 2+ pixel radius. E.g. upres.

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GIMP :: Batch Conversion Of Images

Jan 25, 2013

I need to convert from bitmap images to PNGs with the command line. I've tried looking into script-fu, but lisp is one of those languages I could never figure out.

I've tried using imagemagick, but it did not properly convert the images. The images are apparently 32bit Windows Bitmap V3 files with an alpha channel; according to a page I found on google, imagemagick will not preserve the alpha channel in this particular case. I don't know for certain if that's the actual reason why imagemagick isn't working, but it definitely isn't working. It does, however, work if done manually in gimp.

This is going to be part of a python script, so I need it to convert a specific bitmap file rather than all the ones in a directory.

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GIMP :: Batch Processing Of 460 PNG Files

Oct 17, 2011

I want to do batch processing of 460 .png files. It includes rescaling their width to 50% without interpolation, changing color mode to indexed based on a specified palette, changing color mode to RGB and rescaling their width to 200%.

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GIMP :: Using Scripts In Batch Mode?

Jan 19, 2014

I am wanting to make a batch file that automates the task of scanning in photos.

Here is what I currently do: I scan in one or two pictures into the same file. I then open the scanned in image in GIMP, and then use the Divide Scanned Images plugin in combination with the Deskew plugin to create an output of two seperate image files.

This is quite a tedious task, especially with the 1000+ stack of photos that I have.

I already have a script that automates the process of scanning in the image for me, but I really need a script that opens GIMP, and runs the Divide Scanned Images plugin, preferably without the GIMP user-interface.

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GIMP :: Created Script To Convert In A Batch

Oct 15, 2012

I have created a script to convert in a batch, about 2000 images, the problem is that gimp-file-save ignores image settings and uses its own defaults, so the image that has 6 layers, after being scaled, has only one layer!

the image is in format dds I am using gimp 2.8.2

the script:

(define (SECresizeTexture filename width height)(let* ((img (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable img))))(gimp-image-scale img width height)(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img drawable filename filename)))

as you can see, this is a generic script, I would like to avoid using the specific dds load/save because of increased complexity and for being specific to dds...

is it possible to set some format based on the original file? I could use the dds file save, parsing output from "identify -verbose filename" (imagemagick), but that will be a lot of trouble...

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GIMP :: Batch Convert - Scale All Photos To 300 PPI?

May 23, 2012

I have done LOTS of detailed research into ppi, dpi etc.

I believe I do understand the difference. Whenever I open a picture in gimp it opens at 72ppi. I wish to scale all my photos to 300 ppi so i can use a template I made of the exact same size paper as my printer uses without having to worry about the printer rescaling my photos from 72 ppi to whatever dpi it needs.

I have converted lots manually and am assured that this works for my purposes (not professional just scrapbook and photo album prints)

I have two questions though;
1. Is there a freeware program, or a way through gimp, that I can batch convert multiple files up to 300ppi.
2. Why when I change the ppi of a photo does the filesize become larger? Surely the ppi is just a reference number to know how many pixels to display and to convert for printing?

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GIMP :: Display Output In Batch Mode

Sep 22, 2012

Where the output of (display ...) in a script goes when running in batch mode?

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GIMP :: How To Restore Old Pictures

Sep 7, 2011

I am trying to restore old pictures. Some have scratches on them that I did not noticed until scanned into the computer. There is a cloudy appearance over the subjects in the pictures that I have not been able to get rid of. Is there anything that can be done to the photo before scanning? Is there any feature in Gimp that I can use to make some correction? Clone tool is not useful as there is not a good source.

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GIMP :: How To Do Batch Chain / Unchain Or Delete Frame

Apr 19, 2013

for question A : how to chain or unchain, lets say 8 frames in 1 shot ?

for question B : how to delete frame, lets say 5 frames in 1 shot ? Any short cut key?

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GIMP :: Open Clipboard Image In Batch Mode

Jun 20, 2012

Is it possible to open an image in the clipboard with batch mode?

i.e. File > Create > From Clipboard

GIMP 2.8

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GIMP :: Curves Spline Batch On Set Of Images (2011)

Feb 10, 2009

I am attempting to set up a batch that automatically runs gimp-curves-spline on a set of images. However, I have never used Scheme before and therefore am not sure why my script is returning "batch command experienced an execution error"

Here is the command I am using to call the script(via a windows .bat file)

gimp-2.6.exe -i --verbose -b "(color-curve "C:\gimpbatchtest\*.tiff")" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"

And the script itself:

(define (color-curve pattern) (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1))))
(while (not (null? filelist)) (let* ((filename (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))))
(gimp-curves-spline RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image HISTOGRAM-VALUE 3 '(0 0 64 200 128 46))
(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename)
(gimp-image-delete image)) (set! filelist (cdr filelist)))))

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GIMP :: Batch Command Experienced Execution Error

Mar 1, 2012

I am a newbie having trouble getting the sample batch programs to run. I placed simple-unsharp-mask.scm in C:.gimp-2.6scripts and put the .bat file in the E: drive directory with the image file foo.png. When I run the .bat file on my PC running Vista, I get "batch command experienced an execution error." Here is the .bat file:

"C:Program FilesGIMP-2.0ingimp-2.6.exe" -i -b "(simple-unsharp-mask "foo.png" 5.0 0.5 0)" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"

Obviously, I am doing something wrong, but don't have a clue what it is?

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GIMP :: GGR File Created With Windows Batch Not Loading

Apr 22, 2012

I want to be able to use a windows batch file to create a gradient for gimp.

My code is: Code ........

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GIMP :: Make / Edit Batch Files Of Photos

Jun 8, 2011

I have about 10,000 photos that were taken with cell phone camera. I have to sharpen and save. They are photos of pages of books. Is there a way to make batch file of every 100 or so of the photos and edit them?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Rename About 100 Of Images To Prepend 0 To File Name

Jun 21, 2013

I have about 160-ish images I scanned in as .tif's (my scanner offers .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tif for saving scanned images as) @ 300-dpi. I'd like to batch export them all to .xcf (for future working with) and .png (I know I could have chose png to start but I thought .tif would be the better choice as a first format). Is it possible to do this with a shell-script? I'm fairly certain I could concoct something to .tif -> .png using ImageMagick (I don't think it supports .xcf) but I'd like to use The GIMP for the whole process if possible, and I'd rather not do it by hand. As it is I'm going to have to figure out how to batch-rename (well, I know how I'm going to do it, a shell script, but how to write it is going to be the tough part for me) about 100 if the images to prepend a 0 to the file name (I started with a two-digit numbering system not realizing I had so many images and would like to keep all the names listing properly on FreeBSD).

Anyway, If such a shell export-to-xcf-and-png script is even possible (I really, really do not want to do this manually).

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