GIMP :: How To Batch Colorize Images

May 11, 2012

I am starting a decal business and i have jpg's of all the decal designs in black on a white background. I need to batch colorize a bunch of images, i figured out how to do it individually and save but i need to colorize all the images in a folder and save with a different name. i found a great script to batch convert jpgs to pngs, and am trying to edit it to work.

i think just the line in red needs to be written correctly.

(define (colorize it DirectoryName)
(fileExtension ".jpg") ; we are looking for .jpg files
(varFileList (cadr (file-glob (string-append DirectoryName DIR-SEPARATOR "*" fileExtension) 1) ) ) ; find them all

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GIMP :: How To Colorize Image

Jun 17, 2013

I am having trouble colorizing a greyscale image. I actually did manage to do it earlier but can't remember how I did it. See attached the greyscale original image and the colorized pink image that I had created earlier. I tried inverting and colorizing but I can't seem to find the right setting. I also tried to create a pink layer and change the blend mode to color.

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GIMP :: Using Colorize On Image - Cannot Add Lightness

Jul 8, 2012

I'm trying to use colorize on an image, but it gets a strange color when the colorize window pops up and I cannot add lightness to it.

Without the colorize window.

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GIMP :: How To Colorize Graphic Correctly

Oct 29, 2013

i have this black and white graphic below.

And I would like to change the white background to a particular shade of colour, say pink. Now because I'm not 100% sure how to do this I've just been using the paint bucket fill tool to change the colour. But as you can see below, that is not 100% correct as the shades of black that make up the graphic do not "add" to make up pink shades.

I would like the result to be this:

I know I have to use something under the "Colors" menu but am not sure where to begin.

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GIMP :: How To Colorize Greyscale Image

Jun 17, 2013

I am having trouble colorizing a greyscale image. I actually did manage to do it earlier but can't remember how I did it. See attached the greyscale original image and the colorized pink image that I had created earlier. I tried inverting and colorizing but I can't seem to find the right setting. I also tried to create a pink layer and change the blend mode to color.

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GIMP :: Changing Colors With Colorize?

Jun 28, 2013

Somebody want me to edit their picture where an orange tank top has to be changed for a dark blue color. That person did provide the specific HTML code # for the color wanted. Once the tank top is selected, how do you manage to colorize it to that very specific HTML color. Unless I'm wrong, "colorize" is the only function that add color to something without losing the detail of the original picture. All other thing you can use to change the color only add a solid opaque color. You can desaturate the tank top,open a new layer and add the specific HTML color to that layer and then reduce the opacity but...even thought the details that were lost are now visible, the color has changed.

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GIMP :: How To Set Colorize To Have Certain Part End Up At Given Color

Aug 29, 2012

I have a greyscale image that i would like to make different version of and i need to know how to set Colorize to have a certain part end up a given color.

as an example i have a spot that is HSV 0 0 51 and i would like it to land up as 24 60 82 (with the other colors in the image moving in similar fashion) what do i set the Colorize dialog at to do this??

part of my problem is the values in the dialog do not match hsv values (V runs from -50? to +50 i think)

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GIMP :: Batch Conversion Of Images

Jan 25, 2013

I need to convert from bitmap images to PNGs with the command line. I've tried looking into script-fu, but lisp is one of those languages I could never figure out.

I've tried using imagemagick, but it did not properly convert the images. The images are apparently 32bit Windows Bitmap V3 files with an alpha channel; according to a page I found on google, imagemagick will not preserve the alpha channel in this particular case. I don't know for certain if that's the actual reason why imagemagick isn't working, but it definitely isn't working. It does, however, work if done manually in gimp.

This is going to be part of a python script, so I need it to convert a specific bitmap file rather than all the ones in a directory.

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GIMP :: Curves Spline Batch On Set Of Images (2011)

Feb 10, 2009

I am attempting to set up a batch that automatically runs gimp-curves-spline on a set of images. However, I have never used Scheme before and therefore am not sure why my script is returning "batch command experienced an execution error"

Here is the command I am using to call the script(via a windows .bat file)

gimp-2.6.exe -i --verbose -b "(color-curve "C:\gimpbatchtest\*.tiff")" -b "(gimp-quit 0)"

And the script itself:

(define (color-curve pattern) (let* ((filelist (cadr (file-glob pattern 1))))
(while (not (null? filelist)) (let* ((filename (car filelist))
(image (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))
(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-layer image))))
(gimp-curves-spline RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image HISTOGRAM-VALUE 3 '(0 0 64 200 128 46))
(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable filename filename)
(gimp-image-delete image)) (set! filelist (cdr filelist)))))

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GIMP :: How To Batch Rename About 100 Of Images To Prepend 0 To File Name

Jun 21, 2013

I have about 160-ish images I scanned in as .tif's (my scanner offers .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tif for saving scanned images as) @ 300-dpi. I'd like to batch export them all to .xcf (for future working with) and .png (I know I could have chose png to start but I thought .tif would be the better choice as a first format). Is it possible to do this with a shell-script? I'm fairly certain I could concoct something to .tif -> .png using ImageMagick (I don't think it supports .xcf) but I'd like to use The GIMP for the whole process if possible, and I'd rather not do it by hand. As it is I'm going to have to figure out how to batch-rename (well, I know how I'm going to do it, a shell script, but how to write it is going to be the tough part for me) about 100 if the images to prepend a 0 to the file name (I started with a two-digit numbering system not realizing I had so many images and would like to keep all the names listing properly on FreeBSD).

Anyway, If such a shell export-to-xcf-and-png script is even possible (I really, really do not want to do this manually).

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GIMP :: Batch Process Of Converting JPG Or TIFF Images From RGB To CMYK?

Sep 20, 2012

Is there a way to do batch process of converting .jpg or .tif images from RGB to CMYK?

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GIMP :: Automatically (batch) Replace A Colour In Hundreds Of Images?

Oct 2, 2013

I have hundreds of images that all have the same watermark (more or less but not exactly in the same place). It can easily be removed with the paint bucket with the default settings, the watermark is light grey, the pictures (JPGs) are black and white (a scanned book). But the sheer number of images makes it a gigantic effort to do it by hand.

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InDesign :: Colorize Image With Transparency?

Feb 23, 2014

is there a way I can colorize just the image inside an image box and *not* the box itself?
said image is PNG with, lets say it's a photo of a zipper..I'd like to be able to colorize just the zipper.

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Photoshop :: Batch For 2 Images In A Set

Aug 27, 2013

I created a nice action to work on 2 (currently loaded) images in combination.

Now I would need support on how to apply this existing and successful action in a AUTOMATE/BATCH process on a folder full of files. So instead of just loading 1 (one) picture at a time and applying the action within a standard batch to a single picture -  I would need that photoshop loads 2 (TWO) images from my source folder at the same time - applies the action-batch - and then continues to load the next 2 pictures, then the next 2 etc....  

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Photoshop :: 200+ Images To Batch...

Nov 1, 2007

I have a set of JPG images of stock. What I want to do is to resize the original picture to 153 pixels high then place an layer on top of the resized image of a Jar with a transparent centre.

That will make it look like the stock image is inside the jar.

I've tried recording an action and doing a batch, but it didnt work.

How can I do this so that I dont have to do every image one at a a time, I must be able to automate it....

I'm running Photoshop CS3

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Photoshop :: Colorize Setting For Specific Color?

Apr 20, 2013

Occasionally I select part of an image, apply a hue/sat adj layer, check colorize and attempt to re-create an RGB color on that selection....but it all seems to be trial and error, hunt and peck method of moving HSL sliders or entering numbers.
I tried matching the "numbers" to an HSL equivalent of the desired RGB color but not much better/faster desired results.
I realize the image has a range of tonal values so hitting the exact number overall is not do-able using this method, nor is it the goal (otherwise a simple paint bucket fill would work). But at least somewhere in the selection image I'd want to be sure my color is very close.
I tried using eye dropper color sample spots (up to 4), which works, but the process is slow and fiddly.
My goal is to be able to re-color/colorize part of an image to match an RGB sample color, yet leave the tonal range in the image still looking like it is part of the scene; including shadows and highlights and midtones.

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Photoshop :: Getting Batch Of Images Into Folder?

Jul 21, 2013

I have some images selected in Bridge. If I use image processer it's fine, the images get processed (using my action at the bottom), and ends up in a jpeg folder within my designated folder on the desktop. Unfortunately PS is also creating a duplicate image on the desktop, which gets real cumbersome with 200 images strewn across the desktop.
If I go batch route, nothing works becuase it's stops at the ACR window as these are DNG. (whether the override save as is checked or not)

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Photoshop :: Batch Resize Images In PS CS3

Mar 23, 2008

I'd like to resize all the JPG files in a folder to the same size, keeping the filenames the same. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing HDR Images

Jul 31, 2008

Is there a tool/script that will select the HDR triplets and automatically merge them to single output HDR files?

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Photoshop :: Batch Cropping Many Images

May 19, 2009

I am familiar with running actions and running an action on a batch of images. Can someone give me an effective technique for cropping a batch of photos? I need to take a bunch of photos in vertical and horizontal orientations and crop them to a specific size and resolution to fit on a screen for a slideshow.

The problem is there is no way to ensure that the photos crop correctly (e.g. cut off faces or important parts). Is there a technique or plugin, perhaps, that could at least ensure that MOST photos don't crop incorrectly?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Images

Nov 7, 2006

I shoot all my photographs at 7.1MP and would like to batch process them to a smaller size for e-mail. I have a folder with 100 7.1MP images and want to copy then resize them in a new folder keeping the image name the same. I'm hoping to resize them to 100K in size.

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Photoshop :: Did A Batch Action, But Where Are My Images Going?

Oct 5, 2006

I ran a batch action. The action performed on all the images, I did a save and close, but then I open the folder and the change did not happen. Tried twice. So next time, I choose instead of save and close to save to new folder. the batch ran action on all images ,and the new folder is empty. I've tried the override save as checked and unchecked.

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Photoshop :: Batch Splitting Images And Getting...

Jun 8, 2009

In making an ebook from scans, I need to do a double page scan, then split the image into two images, one for each page.  I've had no problem with the splitting into right and left sides of the photo, but the output numbers MUST be such that a left image might have name of image0001 and the left side 0002.  In other words, the left numbers must be odd consecutive numbers, 1, 3, 5... and the right numbers must be even consecutive numbers 2, 4, 6... - this I've been unable to do with the automate batch options.  Is there any way to do this?

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Paint.NET :: Resize Images In Batch

Sep 15, 2012

I have a collection of images that vary from 2.5 x 2.5 to 8.5 x 8.5 ( all square ) i need to rezise all of them to print 2 x 2 , its about 3000 images and would take me a few days manually is there any way to do it in a batch ?

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Paint.NET :: Batch Resize Images

Oct 22, 2011

If you can re-size batch images in, I'd like to know how you usually go about doing that. Just today I downloaded from a blog a some odd 40 game screenshots, in what looked like a standard widescreen resolution. After checking the dimensions on the pictures, I found that they were all 1920x1079...... Being off by 1 pixel is bad, enough to make me go crazy, so I opted to edit them into the 1920x1080 resolution. I found a plugin that would add in a batch re-sizer and it worked. But upon closer inspection, it blurred my original image just slightly. Thats even worse than being off by 1 pixel.

So, I came across this layer saver executable.. I opened all the images in one canvas as layers, re-sized the canvas by 1 pixel, saved the lot as a PDN, then extracted all the layers as a brand new perfect image except for 1 column of pixels. Other than re-naming everything in ordered numbers, it works perfectly. But still, I have to know, is there anything just as good that can be within

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Lightroom :: Batch Cropping Of Images

Feb 20, 2013

Just wondering if I could use Lightroom as I would Photo Shop- for batch cropping of images.

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Lightroom :: Import Batch Of RAW Images Into 4.4

Jan 10, 2014

I imported a batch of RAW images into Lightoom 4.4 and see that a number of the images are displaying the icon warning that metadata has been changed in Lightroom although the affected images have only just been imported into the catalog and I have not made any changes to them. 130 images out of a batch of 300 are being affected.

I have selected the affected images and re-read the metadata using Metadata / Read Metadata from File, but within a couple of minutes of being re-read, the metadata changed icon has reappeared.
My initial thoughts were that I had changed one of the preferences and something was being automatically applied, but if that was the case then I would have expected it to be applied to all 300 images in the batch which were taken on the same day on a single camera. I've created a smart collection to identify images with metadata changed in Lightroom and find that they appear to be randomly spread through the catalog affecting both RAW images and jpegs from 3 different cameras.
In order to exclude any changes to Lightroom preferences I may have made, I installed Lightroom 4.1 on another PC and created a new catalog using the default settings. I then imported the same batch of 300 RAW images and confirmed that the same ones displayed the warning icon that metadata was changed in Lightroom .
The PCs are Windows 7 Professional, Lightroom 4.4 (Lightroom 4.1 on the test PC), RAW files are from Nikon D90 and D7100 cameras.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Colorize Black And White Photos

Jun 28, 2011

Tried a search in the help file in Paint Shop Pro X3, but could not come up with anything. Is that an option/tool it has?

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Photoshop :: Shadows/Colors? [Curves>Masking/Hue&Sat>Colorize]

Feb 11, 2008

how the shading/blending/colouring is done?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Colorize A Black And White Photo

Dec 21, 2012

I have an old black and white photo of a family member I would like to colorize. how is this done? ? I am new to photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Batch Resize Images With Different Sizes

Mar 15, 2012

I have several hundred images with various sizes, and now I want to batch resize them into a certain height (1600 px). The width must be proportional to that pixel height.
When trying Automate --> Batch, it refuses to let me fill in only the height (since the images are various sizes I can't fill in the pixel width).

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