Photoshop :: Batch For 2 Images In A Set

Aug 27, 2013

I created a nice action to work on 2 (currently loaded) images in combination.

Now I would need support on how to apply this existing and successful action in a AUTOMATE/BATCH process on a folder full of files. So instead of just loading 1 (one) picture at a time and applying the action within a standard batch to a single picture -  I would need that photoshop loads 2 (TWO) images from my source folder at the same time - applies the action-batch - and then continues to load the next 2 pictures, then the next 2 etc....  

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Photoshop :: 200+ Images To Batch...

Nov 1, 2007

I have a set of JPG images of stock. What I want to do is to resize the original picture to 153 pixels high then place an layer on top of the resized image of a Jar with a transparent centre.

That will make it look like the stock image is inside the jar.

I've tried recording an action and doing a batch, but it didnt work.

How can I do this so that I dont have to do every image one at a a time, I must be able to automate it....

I'm running Photoshop CS3

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Photoshop :: Getting Batch Of Images Into Folder?

Jul 21, 2013

I have some images selected in Bridge. If I use image processer it's fine, the images get processed (using my action at the bottom), and ends up in a jpeg folder within my designated folder on the desktop. Unfortunately PS is also creating a duplicate image on the desktop, which gets real cumbersome with 200 images strewn across the desktop.
If I go batch route, nothing works becuase it's stops at the ACR window as these are DNG. (whether the override save as is checked or not)

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Photoshop :: Batch Resize Images In PS CS3

Mar 23, 2008

I'd like to resize all the JPG files in a folder to the same size, keeping the filenames the same. How do I do this?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing HDR Images

Jul 31, 2008

Is there a tool/script that will select the HDR triplets and automatically merge them to single output HDR files?

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Photoshop :: Batch Cropping Many Images

May 19, 2009

I am familiar with running actions and running an action on a batch of images. Can someone give me an effective technique for cropping a batch of photos? I need to take a bunch of photos in vertical and horizontal orientations and crop them to a specific size and resolution to fit on a screen for a slideshow.

The problem is there is no way to ensure that the photos crop correctly (e.g. cut off faces or important parts). Is there a technique or plugin, perhaps, that could at least ensure that MOST photos don't crop incorrectly?

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Images

Nov 7, 2006

I shoot all my photographs at 7.1MP and would like to batch process them to a smaller size for e-mail. I have a folder with 100 7.1MP images and want to copy then resize them in a new folder keeping the image name the same. I'm hoping to resize them to 100K in size.

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Photoshop :: Did A Batch Action, But Where Are My Images Going?

Oct 5, 2006

I ran a batch action. The action performed on all the images, I did a save and close, but then I open the folder and the change did not happen. Tried twice. So next time, I choose instead of save and close to save to new folder. the batch ran action on all images ,and the new folder is empty. I've tried the override save as checked and unchecked.

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Photoshop :: Batch Splitting Images And Getting...

Jun 8, 2009

In making an ebook from scans, I need to do a double page scan, then split the image into two images, one for each page.  I've had no problem with the splitting into right and left sides of the photo, but the output numbers MUST be such that a left image might have name of image0001 and the left side 0002.  In other words, the left numbers must be odd consecutive numbers, 1, 3, 5... and the right numbers must be even consecutive numbers 2, 4, 6... - this I've been unable to do with the automate batch options.  Is there any way to do this?

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Photoshop :: Batch Resize Images With Different Sizes

Mar 15, 2012

I have several hundred images with various sizes, and now I want to batch resize them into a certain height (1600 px). The width must be proportional to that pixel height.
When trying Automate --> Batch, it refuses to let me fill in only the height (since the images are various sizes I can't fill in the pixel width).

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Photoshop :: Batch Process 1000 Images

Aug 11, 2012

I have a batch of 1000 images that all need to be processed with the exact same levels adjustments and the exact same crop command. I recorded the necssary actions in photoshop, and I can now open up approximately 20 of my images and batch apply the actions to all 20 images automatically. The trouble is that I have 1000 images to process like this, and I can't open all 1000 in photoshop at once; it just kills my machine. I don't want to do the whole 1000 in little batches of 20 either. I'll be getting a new pile of 1000 images to process like this every day or two, so I need a way to do the whole 1000 automatically without user intervention.
Is such a thing possible?
I'm a software develoeper by profession, so if doing this sort of massive batch processing requires any command line work or scripting then I would totally be up for that.

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Photoshop :: Batch Processing Images With Different Dimensions

Apr 23, 2012

Takes a jpg draws a shape masks the image adds another shape . So I can batch process a ton of images. I managed to do something like what I'm after but the thing I'm having trouble with is that the original images will have different dimensions.
I have attached (via link) an example image which would be the original (start.jpg), one which would be the desired end result (done.jpg) and the .psd
IF there needs to be a step in the middle of the action where I need to intervene and resize the flat image slightly to fit the canvas it'll still save a load of time.
I know that opening and saving will be taken care of using the batch feature and the result only needs to be a jpg.
Here are the working files -


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Photoshop :: Renaming 4000 Images As A Batch

Oct 25, 2013

I have a 4000 images (spread across 5 folders) who's file names are all prefixed with 'Rex_'. I need to remove this prefix but would rather not do it manually. Is there an automated way to do this, where the existing file name remains the same, but the Rex_ is deleted?
I have looked into the Batch Rename element of Bridge but that doesn't seem to cover the deletion of existing file name sections. I am working on a PC using CS6.

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Photoshop :: Batch Overlay Multiple Images

Sep 3, 2013

I'm an architect and would like to automate a process we do all the time: shadow studies.

Here's a typical scenario: we render a view of a building, same camera angle, just changing the time of day for each rendering. Then we take those renderings and overlay them in Photoshop setting each layer to "Multiply", add a Brightness/Contast or Levels adjustment layer, and save said image. We do this for three times a year (one equinox and each solstice), often a few views of the building for each.

So a typical shadow study might be 4-5 views, three times a years, so that's 12-15 composite images. This process gets repeated multiple times for each project as we change the design, so there is a lot of repetition.
I know how to create simple Actions. I know how to run a batch. What I don't know how to do and would like is a way to run a batch where I select some files and it creates the composite. The hurdle is making the Action and Batch be "generic" so that when I run the batch, I can select the images I want and the place to save it. That's the part I don't know how to do.
The Action I created is limited by (a) files open and (b) therefore only applicable to a certain number of open files (if I create the Action with 4 open files, it will only work on 4 files, not 3, not 5).
If required, I could probably script something. I know some programming/scripting, but have never done it for Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Action / Batch To Resize Images

Feb 3, 2005

I have approx 200 gifs - all 32 x 20 pixels - that I would like to increase in size to 60 x 38 pixels.

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Photoshop :: Batch Layer Actions (like Images)

Dec 3, 2008

Is there a way I can perform an action to similar images?

For example, lets say I have one big circle, and another circle that's smaller. Is there a way I can resize the two circles so they scale together?

Goes the same with colors. Is there a way I can apply the same color effect to multiple layer images at once? Or do I have to go manually one by one if I want to change something?

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Photoshop :: Batch Images Convert From Tiff To Gif

Oct 9, 2006

I need a free software to convert Batch images from Tiff To Gif?

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Photoshop :: Batch Rename / Renumber Images In Folder

Jul 31, 2013

I am trying to rename/renumber a folder of 100 pictures, so they are all in 3 digits, but remain in the order & have the same number associated with the same file.  Right now the folder is numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc..  I attempted to do the batch rename through Photoshop to make the folder 001, 002, 003.etc, BUT when I did this, the first picture 1 turned into 001..which is great...but the old 2 turns into 002, but is actually what 10 used to be. 
19 turns into 011 instead of 019
40 turns into 035 instead of 040
Why is Photoshop changing the original number to a 3 digit, but changing the number it should have been.  I just want it to be 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012..

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Photoshop :: How To Batch Resize Images To Specific Size

Sep 25, 2013

I do know how to batch resize photos using adobe bridge and then tools>photoshop>image processor.... and resize but what i want to know is how to batch resize images to a specific size width and height without having to keep proportion.

Because right now i have a bunch of photos that are 2896 x 1944 pixels but i need it to resize to 1920 x 1080 for a stop motion clip. However photoshop wants to keep it in proportion and resizes it to 1608 x 1080 which is not what i want but i dont want to have to do them one at a time.

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Photoshop :: Batch Saving For Web Over 10,000 Images To Their Original Folder In CS6

Nov 18, 2013

I've been asked to work with a blogger who until now has accepted images to their size uncompressed of resized. We've got around the problem of the max image size by using the plugin Insanity. Which has done a great job however what it doesn't do is re sample the images for the web.
Usually if I blog myself, I always save for web but I'm having real trouble, real real trouble creating an action that will save for web to the original folders instead of a separate one.
The thing is that there are so so many images in so many different folders and sub folders these must be modified and replaced ready for re upload.

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Photoshop :: Batch / Automate Remove Color From Images

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to remove a very specific bold yellow from some images. I want to automate this by throwing this into photoshop's automate tool and running over hundreds and hundreds of images. I have no problem creating the macro, the problem is that my image doesn't contain this yellow color (some of them do not), the 'select' action doesn't work so any subsequent actions fail.

What I have tried:

* Select the color and fill with white. If the color doesn't exist, the entire image gets filled.
* Select the color and cut, then replace background layer with plain white -- If the color doesn't exist, get error that 'cut' action isn't available.
* Force a yellow stroke somewhere on the image to try and remove it later -- Can't record brush strokes with PS!!!

Are their 'conditional' actions? There must be a way to do this, but I can't bring up anything on the web.

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Photoshop :: CS Batch And Images Sorted By File Browser

Sep 16, 2004

I've read that among the new functions Adobe added to the CS File Browser is the ability to sort selected images on a number of fields, for example date/time created, file size, image width, height, etc.

Question for CS users who use Batch...

Once images are selected and sorted in the desired sequence using the CS File Browser sort function, does this mean that when one invokes the Batch dialog (either from the FB menu or the File > Automate menu and Source=File Browser) the images will be batch processed in the sorted order?

In PS7 (and earlier versions) the order of batch processing has always been in alphabetical file name order.

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Photoshop Elements :: Batch Watermarking Images With Logo  - 9

Apr 3, 2013

Can I apply a watermark/logo in the form of a png or by using the brush tool when batch process files in photoshop elements 9?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Actions / Batch Saving Images To Clipping Mask

Apr 14, 2013

Target a folder with xxx .gif patterns (in the same size)- Setup actions to batch open each image from the folder, copy the pattern image individually over to a .PSD file that have a silhouette of the sleeve.- Apply the individual pattern to the clipping mask- Save it out as .png
Issue:So far ive only had the automate > batch process to save out one .png with the pattern correctly applied to the silhouette.
I close down everything and initiate automate > batch process then Photoshop will complain about not being able to locate the clipping mask.In my action setup I first open my .psd containing my sleeve shape, then open an actual pattern image and then all other steps ending up with saving the .psd with pattern clipping mask to .png. URL....
In this one below, ive closed everything and run the automate > batch process, which gives me the error you can see here: URL....

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Photoshop :: How To Batch Process / Save For Web Various Images To Same Exact KB Size

Dec 11, 2012

I have a batch of 500 jpg images all in different sizes 732 KB, 634 KB, 664 KB etc.

I need to compress / save for web down to 130 KB the entire batch. I've managed to create an action which compresses them lower than 130 KB at different sizes depending on how light or dark the images are,  but still not to an exact number. Is there a way to create such an action or script? I'm working off of Photoshop CS5, iMac 10.5.8.

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Photoshop :: Batch Changing Multi Images From 1200 Dpi To Smaller Dpi?

Aug 8, 2013

OSX 6.8
Photoshop 5.5
I have over 100 image files set at 1200 dpi and 44,000 dpi. How can I batch process all of them so I end up with a new set of images that are all 200 dpi?

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Photoshop :: How To Use Same (selection) Paths In Multiple Images For Batch Processing

Mar 9, 2013

I have a whole bunch of photos I need to batch process, but, when creating an action for this, I stumbled upon the problem that the paths I selected with the pen tool, and saved under the "Paths" tab need to be in every image for to be used in the action.

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Photoshop :: Batch / Droplet Processing Images Into Separate Folders

Jul 2, 2012

I've recently finished a catalog with 700+ images and I'd like to create an index for future use.
I would like to have an action which allows me to save a general purpose size image for e-mailing to customers as well as a thumbnail size image for photo invoices. This I could do normally by making two seperate actions for the two, but there is an issue with the categories of image types.
Within the catalog the images are of products, and thus are related to a brand. I would like to index the images into a brand based folder, and then into seperate folders for thumbnails and general use.
So essentially, the workflow would be something along the lines of
Create New Folder for Brand/ Category
Open Image
Resize for General Use
Save Image As... in Brand > General Use
Resize for Thumbnail
Save Image As... in Brand > Thumbnails
Repeat for all images in category.
Create New Folder for new Brand Category
Open Image
.... Etc etc.
Also, is there a way to select a resizing of an image by it's longest/ shortest edge within an action/ droplet? I know Image Processor has this capability but it seems strange there is no ability within an action.

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Photoshop :: Text Layer To Multiple Images As A Batch Action?

Sep 6, 2013

I want to prepare mutliple  images for press release,  that include a small border wtih copyright information.   Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.

I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border.   Thats simple enough,  is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time . 

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Photoshop :: How To Batch Process Images To Place Watermark On Image

Nov 15, 2013

I know how to batch process images to place a logo or watermark on an image. Normally the image is different every time and the exact same logo is placed on all the images.

In this case the image is exactly the same every time but i need it saved in a folder 100 times each with a different logo. So essentially a reverse of the normal process. Same image different logo's.

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Photoshop Elements :: Batch Converting PSD Images Into JPEGs In Version 10 Or 11?

Feb 27, 2014

I want to batch convert the above. I know i can convert one image at a time. If not can one recommend a batch conversion program which is safe to use and free from viri  and malware.

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