Photoshop :: CS Batch And Images Sorted By File Browser
Sep 16, 2004
I've read that among the new functions Adobe added to the CS File Browser is the ability to sort selected images on a number of fields, for example date/time created, file size, image width, height, etc.
Question for CS users who use Batch...
Once images are selected and sorted in the desired sequence using the CS File Browser sort function, does this mean that when one invokes the Batch dialog (either from the FB menu or the File > Automate menu and Source=File Browser) the images will be batch processed in the sorted order?
In PS7 (and earlier versions) the order of batch processing has always been in alphabetical file name order.
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Jun 21, 2013
I have about 160-ish images I scanned in as .tif's (my scanner offers .bmp, .jpg, .png, and .tif for saving scanned images as) @ 300-dpi. I'd like to batch export them all to .xcf (for future working with) and .png (I know I could have chose png to start but I thought .tif would be the better choice as a first format). Is it possible to do this with a shell-script? I'm fairly certain I could concoct something to .tif -> .png using ImageMagick (I don't think it supports .xcf) but I'd like to use The GIMP for the whole process if possible, and I'd rather not do it by hand. As it is I'm going to have to figure out how to batch-rename (well, I know how I'm going to do it, a shell script, but how to write it is going to be the tough part for me) about 100 if the images to prepend a 0 to the file name (I started with a two-digit numbering system not realizing I had so many images and would like to keep all the names listing properly on FreeBSD).
Anyway, If such a shell export-to-xcf-and-png script is even possible (I really, really do not want to do this manually).
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Nov 4, 2012
I would like to resize and watermark all of the image in a particular file. I understand that I can do this with Lightroom, but I do now know how.
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Mar 21, 2009
I'm using CS2, and images look different between photoshop and firefox 3. I'm sure this has something to do with color profiles,
I'm not very concerned about how the images compare across different computers, but I need the same image to look the same in photoshop and firefox on my computer.
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Nov 1, 2012
So, after many trials and studying websites that take images seriously on different monitors I'm considering giving up trying to get converted sRGB images from my wide gamut monitor to look good in my browser. Sure if you convert to sRGB, in a wide gamut setup, the image will look good on old monitors.
BUT it won't look good on the new ones. Nobody talks about that. It really seems that some of the high end coporate sites are already converting to adobeRGB and putting images on the web that are converted to AdobeRGB and not sRGB. The photos look great in my browser on my wide gamut monitor and those sites' photos seem washed out on the sRGB monitors I used on the same sites.
There is no way for me to know for sure sinced the images are untagged but when I download them and apply the AdobeRGB profile to them, it looks just like in the browser. The sRGB profile washes out the image. Look at [URL] ....
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Apr 20, 2005
I got the file browser up too high in Photshop 7 and can't figure out how to get it down so I can get to the flyout menu, etc.
I use 800x600 screen setting.
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Jan 10, 2009
I can't get my file browser to work correctly. It was working great before. On the top right, all I see is the plus sign and the work Desktop, where is used to see the whole tree structure of folders and such. The other windows in the browser are working...just not the top left. I can't expand the + sign when I click it. When I do, I get a Photoshop error message that says "Could not complete your request because of a program error". I have WIndows Vista Home Basic. I know that sucks but it was working for a long time with it. Also 2 gigs of ram.
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Nov 20, 2005
I have a question concerning the file browser in CS. I have been using two monitors for some time, having all my tool palettes on one monitor and using the other monitor for photo editing. I would like to have the File Browser on the second monitor with my tool palettes, so I could leave it open all the time. I haven't found a way to move the file browser to the second monitor.
I can click and drag the tool palettes from one monitor to the other with the mouse, but when I click in the title bar of the file browser and try to drag it to monitor no. 2, it will only move off the edge of one monitor, and not move over to the next. Anyone have a suggestion of how to move the file browser from monitor one to monitor two?
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Aug 10, 2011
I use a variety of programs to edit the xmp data (mostly Lightroom and exiftool right now), so I know the importance of the "Automatically write XMP data to file setting" (ON in my case). After a few days (actually more like a week) of writing xmp data and then reading into (or synching folders in) Lightroom, I found a number of "metadata conflicts" in my catalog. Since these are basically impossible to fix for a large catalog (since there is no way to show the files that have conflicts), I started over and created a new catalog, and imported all 40,000+ images into it.
However, with my new catalog (with presumably no metadata conflicts), the first image that I tried to change the metadata on gave me a metadata conflict (presumably when Lightroom tried to save the xmp data after I changed it). This was a jpg file, so the metadata is being (or not being) written into the file. Reading the metadata from the file into Lightroom did not fix the problem. The Metadata Status field in the Lightroom Metadata panel says "Unknown" and clicking on the word "Unknown" brings up a panel saying "There was an unknown error while writing metadata to this photo. Retry?", and neither retrying the save nor importing the settings from disk resolves the conflict.
I think that the problem is that the jpeg is somehow corrupt, because if I save a copy in Photoshop, I can read and write the metadata in that copy. And, the copy has, I think, the same metadata as the original. (Of course, the image is probably imperceptibly degraded because I re-jpeg'd it).
There is no message in Console (I'm on Mac). (See PS)
I am worried that I have a number of files with this kind of problem, I guess I could "Save Metadata" for all files in my catalog (thus updating the file modified date for all 2 TB of data, and causing a massive backup issue), and then look through my catalog for those elusive exclamation points. But I'd like something the jpeg could have gotten corrupted, but I do have an archived version that I could look at.
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Jul 17, 2005
Upon boot, the file browser opens, adding about 20-30 seconds to my load time.
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Jan 19, 2005
In application data (docs/settings) there are Adobe file browser caches, I know you can delete these without any problems, but what are the files? and do they have any use's (can you use them for anything) and why arn't all the photos that go through PS in there, only some of them.
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Sep 12, 2011
I created a couple of files and saved each in SHP and SDF file formats. The only problem I am having is that when I reconnect to these files (in a different autocad file) using FDO and viewing the Data Table the columns are all displayed in alphabetical order, not the order in which they were orginally created.
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Aug 27, 2013
I created a nice action to work on 2 (currently loaded) images in combination.
Now I would need support on how to apply this existing and successful action in a AUTOMATE/BATCH process on a folder full of files. So instead of just loading 1 (one) picture at a time and applying the action within a standard batch to a single picture - I would need that photoshop loads 2 (TWO) images from my source folder at the same time - applies the action-batch - and then continues to load the next 2 pictures, then the next 2 etc....
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Nov 1, 2007
I have a set of JPG images of stock. What I want to do is to resize the original picture to 153 pixels high then place an layer on top of the resized image of a Jar with a transparent centre.
That will make it look like the stock image is inside the jar.
I've tried recording an action and doing a batch, but it didnt work.
How can I do this so that I dont have to do every image one at a a time, I must be able to automate it....
I'm running Photoshop CS3
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Oct 25, 2013
I have photoshop 7 and all of a sudden it will not display my file browser properly, and if I try to expand it by clicking on the cross next to desktop it says there is a program error, is this due to a virus ??
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Oct 30, 2004
At work i use ps 7 and have my file browser docked in the pallet well.
At home i use cs,
how to dock the file browser to pallet well in cs
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May 20, 2009
is there any way to have previews of psd images instead of the icons in the File Browser? (I have windows XP).
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Nov 15, 2008
When I tried to use file browser in PS7 this morning, it opened and, instead of showing the directory tree structure that I last left it in, it only showed the desktop with the + sign to expand that folder. When I click the + sign, I get the following error message:
"Could not complete your request because of a program error."
What could have happened and how can I fix this so I can use my file browser again?
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Aug 27, 2012
Does PSE 10 have a file or photo browser?
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Jul 21, 2013
I have some images selected in Bridge. If I use image processer it's fine, the images get processed (using my action at the bottom), and ends up in a jpeg folder within my designated folder on the desktop. Unfortunately PS is also creating a duplicate image on the desktop, which gets real cumbersome with 200 images strewn across the desktop.
If I go batch route, nothing works becuase it's stops at the ACR window as these are DNG. (whether the override save as is checked or not)
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Mar 23, 2008
I'd like to resize all the JPG files in a folder to the same size, keeping the filenames the same. How do I do this?
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Jul 31, 2008
Is there a tool/script that will select the HDR triplets and automatically merge them to single output HDR files?
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May 19, 2009
I am familiar with running actions and running an action on a batch of images. Can someone give me an effective technique for cropping a batch of photos? I need to take a bunch of photos in vertical and horizontal orientations and crop them to a specific size and resolution to fit on a screen for a slideshow.
The problem is there is no way to ensure that the photos crop correctly (e.g. cut off faces or important parts). Is there a technique or plugin, perhaps, that could at least ensure that MOST photos don't crop incorrectly?
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Nov 7, 2006
I shoot all my photographs at 7.1MP and would like to batch process them to a smaller size for e-mail. I have a folder with 100 7.1MP images and want to copy then resize them in a new folder keeping the image name the same. I'm hoping to resize them to 100K in size.
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Oct 5, 2006
I ran a batch action. The action performed on all the images, I did a save and close, but then I open the folder and the change did not happen. Tried twice. So next time, I choose instead of save and close to save to new folder. the batch ran action on all images ,and the new folder is empty. I've tried the override save as checked and unchecked.
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Jun 8, 2009
In making an ebook from scans, I need to do a double page scan, then split the image into two images, one for each page. I've had no problem with the splitting into right and left sides of the photo, but the output numbers MUST be such that a left image might have name of image0001 and the left side 0002. In other words, the left numbers must be odd consecutive numbers, 1, 3, 5... and the right numbers must be even consecutive numbers 2, 4, 6... - this I've been unable to do with the automate batch options. Is there any way to do this?
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Apr 11, 2005
I have my PS CS file browser preferences set to "High Quality Previews" and the previews look great--sharp and crisp! However, when I actually open up the image it doesn't seem as sharp--it's a little soft.
What is the "high quality preview" doing to make it look so sharp? Does anyone know what settings the preview is using?
I want my actual images to look as sharp as the previews! It seems like a major teaser that the preview looks BETTER than the opened image.
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Oct 3, 2013
In Photoshop Elements 2 the file browser has got stuck and is obscuring the tool bar above (used for instance when using Text) - also the File Browser More Button is missing.
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Mar 15, 2012
I have several hundred images with various sizes, and now I want to batch resize them into a certain height (1600 px). The width must be proportional to that pixel height.
When trying Automate --> Batch, it refuses to let me fill in only the height (since the images are various sizes I can't fill in the pixel width).
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Aug 11, 2012
I have a batch of 1000 images that all need to be processed with the exact same levels adjustments and the exact same crop command. I recorded the necssary actions in photoshop, and I can now open up approximately 20 of my images and batch apply the actions to all 20 images automatically. The trouble is that I have 1000 images to process like this, and I can't open all 1000 in photoshop at once; it just kills my machine. I don't want to do the whole 1000 in little batches of 20 either. I'll be getting a new pile of 1000 images to process like this every day or two, so I need a way to do the whole 1000 automatically without user intervention.
Is such a thing possible?
I'm a software develoeper by profession, so if doing this sort of massive batch processing requires any command line work or scripting then I would totally be up for that.
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Apr 23, 2012
Takes a jpg draws a shape masks the image adds another shape . So I can batch process a ton of images. I managed to do something like what I'm after but the thing I'm having trouble with is that the original images will have different dimensions.
I have attached (via link) an example image which would be the original (start.jpg), one which would be the desired end result (done.jpg) and the .psd
IF there needs to be a step in the middle of the action where I need to intervene and resize the flat image slightly to fit the canvas it'll still save a load of time.
I know that opening and saving will be taken care of using the batch feature and the result only needs to be a jpg.
Here are the working files -
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