GIMP :: How To Batch Unsharp 0.1 Radius

Jan 6, 2013

Gimp does unsharp mask of 0.1 radius, but unfortunately the batch processors only allow 2+ pixel radius. E.g. upres.

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GIMP :: Batch Script For White Balance / Color Enhance And Unsharp

Aug 19, 2012

I am trying to come up with a script for batch processing since i have 800 pictures that need editing.

(define (do-many dir) (let* ((files-list (car (cdr (file-glob dir 0)))) (do-one (lambda (f) (gimp-color-balance)))) (plug-in-color-enhance RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable) (plug-in-unsharp-mask RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image drawable 5.0 0.5 0) (map do-one files-list)))

Now i tried this in the console but the script stops no matter what part i try to fix.

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GIMP :: How To Set Radius In Gaussian Blur

Sep 3, 2013

I was using the Gaussian Blur around letters to contrast the background and getting a very wide radius with a very gradual but complete shift in intensity from the edge of the blur to the edge of the letters. That is to say, the blur effect would extend all the way out to the Blur radius fading to nothing and the brightest part of the blur was very near the edge of the letters and not far inside the middle of a letter. That was great!!! Exactly what I wanted!

Then I went to do it again and got the default behavior:

No matter how wide I set the radius in the Gaussian Blur it is still the same width, it is just more faded. And the range of the intensity is dramatically reduced, with the brightest part of the blur far inside the edges of the letters, no matter how much I grow the Alpha to Selection of the letters. Now I am very unhappy.

I tried Reset all Filters, but the 2nd behavior is obviously the default. So how did I do that??? How did I get the 1st behavior? How did I get the Gaussian Blur to extend out so much farther without overwhelming the background? The default behavior of a Gaussian Blur of an Alpha to Selection of letters that are substantially grown is that they completely overwhelms the background and there is hardly any gradient, it is just a uniform halo with little change in intensity.

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GIMP :: Brush Radius Was Measured In Pixels

Jan 5, 2014

Here are some brushes at radii 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1, 10, and 50.I thought brush radius was measured in pixels, or would at least scale in a linear fashion, but this shows otherwise. Why the maximum brush radius is set to a (small) fraction of the full slider?

I just found the Size slider that's separate from brushes... Woops. Radius slider still confuses me, but it's not a problem anymore. I don't see a delete button around, either. :/

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask?

Feb 17, 2003

in another thread, spectra mentioned to set the radius at the resolution/200. so i assume this means if its 72, then divide it by 200 and set the radius at .36. I was just curious as to whether or not anyone knows where this number comes from? I tried it, and it works great. Just not sure why it is so.

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Nov 10, 2006

I am using photoshop cs. After layer adjustments I have tried to use the unsharp filter, but nothing shows up in my unsharp mask window. By trial and error I have found that I can do unsharp if it's the first thing I do, i.e, no adjustment layers. Is there a reason for that or am I doing something wrong ?

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Feb 18, 2007

Most of the photos I shoot end up getting resized for the web. I have heard it said that it's best to use unsharp mask, after you do the resizing. Still others have told me to unsharp mask, then resize for web.

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask

Feb 7, 2006

I'll use the unsharp but Is the best number amount? Is the best raduis number? Is the best threshold number or is it diffent every time?

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Illustrator :: Where Is The Unsharp Mask In CS6

Nov 29, 2012

Is there any third party plug-in that recovers this functionality? Why is this effect removed? Is there another way of achieving an unsharp mask effect applied to bitmap images?

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GIMP :: Batch Convert XCF To PNG?

May 19, 2010

I have a lot of xcf's which I want to save as png's and do not want to do this manually in Gimp.

How do a batch convert xcf to png using the terminal (linux)?

Needs to be through Gimp CLI as ImageMagick convert won't handle the files properly and i can't get xcf2png to work.

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GIMP :: How To Do Batch Processing

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to use gimp in batch mode. I can't find any examples of how to do _real_ batch processing. All the examples on the net show how to integrate into the gui.

I see that I can use the -b flag to invoke script-fu functions. But AFAICS,the script with the function definitions needs to reside somewhere in~/gimp-x.y/scripts or something.

In addition, I can't find a way to pass command line arguments to the called functions. Is there any way to define/execute functions? For example, I'd like to callsimple-unsharp-mask from [URL]........

like this:

$ call-gimp-function script.scm simple-unsharp-mask file.png 5.0 0.5 0

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GIMP :: Batch Plugin For 2.6.10?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a folder of lots of images i want to resize for the web. Is there a decent batch plug in for gimp 2.6.10. I am using ubuntu.

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Photoshop :: Presets For Unsharp Mask In CS6?

Dec 21, 2012

I use Unsharp Mask quite often. I find these presets from Kelby very useful:

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask Loupe

Jun 21, 2012

My PS 5.6,  Ver 12.1, 64 bit doesn't show the unsharp mask loupe area of image, everything else with the program appears OK, is there a known problem? 

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Photoshop :: Settings For Unsharp Mask

Aug 5, 2005

Does anyone have any advice on what Unsharp Mask settings I should use? Percent, Threshold and Radius? I use settings of 75% on images taken with my digital camera, but what about Theshold and Radius? Where do they come in?

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Photoshop :: Fade Unsharp Mask

May 20, 2008

This tutorial applies the filter 'unsharp mask' on the 'stone texture copy' layer (pic 1). After that the same filter on the layer beneath 'stone texture'(pic 2). After this: Edit-Fade Unsharp Mask (pic 3+4). I'm doing exact the same steps but I don't get this 'Fade Unsharp Mask' but only 'Fade..' and this is greyed out. If you notice he uses the unsharp filter on the stone texture and not the masks.

I tried this in cs3 and cs2 and both give the same result.

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GIMP :: How To Batch Compress TGAs With RLE

Jul 20, 2011

I have a ton of TGAs that could use RLE. I was looking for a batch conversion option in the GIMP file menu that I could use to convert uncompressed TGA's to compressed TGA's, but I couldn't find one. How would I batch compress TGA's then?

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GIMP :: How To Batch Colorize Images

May 11, 2012

I am starting a decal business and i have jpg's of all the decal designs in black on a white background. I need to batch colorize a bunch of images, i figured out how to do it individually and save but i need to colorize all the images in a folder and save with a different name. i found a great script to batch convert jpgs to pngs, and am trying to edit it to work.

i think just the line in red needs to be written correctly.

(define (colorize it DirectoryName)
(fileExtension ".jpg") ; we are looking for .jpg files
(varFileList (cadr (file-glob (string-append DirectoryName DIR-SEPARATOR "*" fileExtension) 1) ) ) ; find them all

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GIMP :: Batch Processing - Possible To Use JPG As File Name

Apr 21, 2013

When using command line gimp, is it possible to use *.jpg as the file name to have it process ALL the JPEG files in a folder? I'm really actuallyinterested in a simple file format conversion with no image processingapplied, specifically svg2png conversion. I know Gimp can render svg andcan save png, and unlike the next best program ImageMagick, the Gimpactually DOES NOT GLITCH the resulting image! So I've got a folder FULL OFSVG FILES, and would like to be able to just type "gimp convert -i *.svg-outputformat png" and have have it AUTOMATICALLY convert all my svg filesto png files. Is it possible to do this with such a simple and shortcommand line? I know the above exact example command line doesn't work,cause I tried it. But is there some simillarly simple command line code Icould use with gimp to convert svg to png via rendering the svg and thensaving the image as a png?

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GIMP :: Batch Numbering Over Pictures?

Sep 7, 2011

How can do batch numbering over my pictures?

Like this

to put numbers(1,2,3...22,23) on the photos.

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GIMP :: Batch Convert PDF To TIFF

Sep 16, 2011

I have over 200 pdf files that I need to batch convert to tiff format. From what I've gathered, this can be done simply using Ghostscript. Unfortunately, I have no experience running GS as a command line program, and only installed it as part of Gimp. Any tool for gimp that could do this? or step by step, through the process of using GS to perform this task?

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GIMP :: Batch Conversion Of Images

Jan 25, 2013

I need to convert from bitmap images to PNGs with the command line. I've tried looking into script-fu, but lisp is one of those languages I could never figure out.

I've tried using imagemagick, but it did not properly convert the images. The images are apparently 32bit Windows Bitmap V3 files with an alpha channel; according to a page I found on google, imagemagick will not preserve the alpha channel in this particular case. I don't know for certain if that's the actual reason why imagemagick isn't working, but it definitely isn't working. It does, however, work if done manually in gimp.

This is going to be part of a python script, so I need it to convert a specific bitmap file rather than all the ones in a directory.

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GIMP :: Batch Processing Of 460 PNG Files

Oct 17, 2011

I want to do batch processing of 460 .png files. It includes rescaling their width to 50% without interpolation, changing color mode to indexed based on a specified palette, changing color mode to RGB and rescaling their width to 200%.

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GIMP :: Batch Numbering Possible Over Pictures?

Sep 9, 2011

Ιs possible batch numbering over my pictures?

like this:

How do I get on the images progressively numbered (1,2,3,4...35,36,37 .... ).

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GIMP :: Using Scripts In Batch Mode?

Jan 19, 2014

I am wanting to make a batch file that automates the task of scanning in photos.

Here is what I currently do: I scan in one or two pictures into the same file. I then open the scanned in image in GIMP, and then use the Divide Scanned Images plugin in combination with the Deskew plugin to create an output of two seperate image files.

This is quite a tedious task, especially with the 1000+ stack of photos that I have.

I already have a script that automates the process of scanning in the image for me, but I really need a script that opens GIMP, and runs the Divide Scanned Images plugin, preferably without the GIMP user-interface.

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Photoshop :: Drag Unsharp Mask Dialogue Box?

Nov 8, 2013

When I use Unsharp Mask, the window pops up across part of my image. Cannot drag it away from the image. I noticed the title "Unsharp Mask" is not highlighted which is a clue that it can't be moved.  Are there any particular settings I should look into? 

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Photoshop :: Default Setting For Unsharp Mask...

Feb 2, 2009

Was attempting to clean up a photo enlargement last nite utilizing 'Unsharp Mask'...inadvertantly changed the 'Threshold' setting in the dialog window...& failed to notice what this setting was previously engaged at.

[this happens to me every so often, aamof.]

so...I'm using Photoshop CS3. What is the default number for this setting ???

(or...perhaps more does one return *all* such dialog settings in Photoshop back to factory default ???)

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Photoshop :: Unsharp Mask Settings In PS7 (windows)

Jul 25, 2005

I had taken a photoshop class and learned that there were some "works most of the time" settings for unsharp mask in photoshop. Unfortunetly for me, I not only lost the book that came with the class I've forgotten the settings entirely. If there is a thread pertaining to this or if someone can help me out I would appreciate it. I did look and even searched (twice!) first, but with the wealth of info here I may have passed by it.

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GIMP :: Created Script To Convert In A Batch

Oct 15, 2012

I have created a script to convert in a batch, about 2000 images, the problem is that gimp-file-save ignores image settings and uses its own defaults, so the image that has 6 layers, after being scaled, has only one layer!

the image is in format dds I am using gimp 2.8.2

the script:

(define (SECresizeTexture filename width height)(let* ((img (car (gimp-file-load RUN-NONINTERACTIVE filename filename)))(drawable (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable img))))(gimp-image-scale img width height)(gimp-file-save RUN-NONINTERACTIVE img drawable filename filename)))

as you can see, this is a generic script, I would like to avoid using the specific dds load/save because of increased complexity and for being specific to dds...

is it possible to set some format based on the original file? I could use the dds file save, parsing output from "identify -verbose filename" (imagemagick), but that will be a lot of trouble...

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GIMP :: Batch Convert - Scale All Photos To 300 PPI?

May 23, 2012

I have done LOTS of detailed research into ppi, dpi etc.

I believe I do understand the difference. Whenever I open a picture in gimp it opens at 72ppi. I wish to scale all my photos to 300 ppi so i can use a template I made of the exact same size paper as my printer uses without having to worry about the printer rescaling my photos from 72 ppi to whatever dpi it needs.

I have converted lots manually and am assured that this works for my purposes (not professional just scrapbook and photo album prints)

I have two questions though;
1. Is there a freeware program, or a way through gimp, that I can batch convert multiple files up to 300ppi.
2. Why when I change the ppi of a photo does the filesize become larger? Surely the ppi is just a reference number to know how many pixels to display and to convert for printing?

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GIMP :: Display Output In Batch Mode

Sep 22, 2012

Where the output of (display ...) in a script goes when running in batch mode?

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