GIMP :: Get Single Window Mode In 2.6.11 For Windows?
Nov 30, 2011I know that Gimp 2.6 has single window mode, is there way to get single window mode in 2.6.11 for Windows?
I have windows 7 x86
I know that Gimp 2.6 has single window mode, is there way to get single window mode in 2.6.11 for Windows?
I have windows 7 x86
As a new user I really prefer the single window mode but have a real problem in that every time I open a filter the window/box that open opens up underneath the single window and I cant see it without minimising the main gimp window. I've played with the preferences windows management options and seem to have all the file options curves etc on top now (these were opening under the single window at one point) but nothing I do seems to want to make the filter boxes open where I can see them - It's making GIMP quite unpleasant to use.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've lost the layer box in single window mode. I can get it back if I re-install, but I do not want to loose and the added scripts. How does one get it to load back into the window. (running mac).
View 4 Replies View Relatedos windows 7, upgraded to Gimp 2.8.4 I open an .xcf file and go to single window mode. everthing looks ok the zero offsets on the rulers are where they should be and I can see the bottom of the gimp window where the % size change is. I then ask for a new tool bar which is provided and locked to the widow. if i go to full screen and then back the picture is pushed down as are the ruler zero's and i now can't get to the bottom of the screen. this annoying behavior does not seem to happen in multi window mode. attached is a screen capture.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm using GIMP 2.8 on a windows machine. In single window mode I accidentally dragged the edge of the toolbox across my window and now it won't drag back. I get the resizer double-headed arrow but the edge won't move. I don't know what to do. It's entirely unusable in single window mode now, which is what I usually use.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I change Gimp from a Multi-window view to a single window view?
View 7 Replies View RelatedNot sure what I did but Gimp is now showing up as 3 separate panels as it did in versions pervious to 2.8. How do I get it back to a single window?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am running photoshop CS on my laptop which is a Compaq presario 1503 AP.
I have had this problem since I used Photoshop 7 and now Photoshop CS. When I want to go to a new paragraph or the next line using the enter key, it just doesnt work.
When I hit enter, the text just exits the text entry/edit mode.
I am trying to rotate and translate some points I imported in LD04. When I go to points-->edit points--> rotate points it asks me:
"autodesk point database setup must be in single-user mode to use command" How do I change to single mode? since I'm the only one using this computer at home.
I'd like to know if i can put Autocad 2013 in SDI mode(Single document interface).
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes AutoCAD Architecture 2012 have a single drawing mode?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhere is the setting to enable Single Drawing Compatibility Mode in 2013? It used to be under the system tab in the options and is not there in 2013. Is this option still available?
I want to open multiple drawings in the same AutoCAD window by double clicking a dwg file like I have always done. Is this still possible in 2013?
I would like to request that a single key binding is provided for toggling on/off all four windows (tools, history, colours, layers) at once. In essence this would be a shortcut for simply pressing F5-F8. (The implementation is of course more complicated since at any time the windows could be in one of 16 different states, and how do you know if the user wants everything on or off?)
Perhaps F9 is suitable as it doesn't have any current binding and is a logical continuation of the F5-F8 series.
My rationale behind this request is that I frequently find myself closing all windows when working at high zoom levels and it 'breaks my flow' when I have to remember which F key I need to activate a particular window (my memory is not what it used to be).
I have never been able to use Full Screen Mode / Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar because my Window Tabs disappear.
Until now I have ignored this but I really want to start making the most of my screen space. I don't understand how people can go into full screen mode without tabs of their open documents. It makes the experience completely useless to me and I can't believe I can't find any solutions online. I feel like I am overlooking a simple button somewhere on the screen thinking "surely Adobe would include this!?"
I am currently on 13 inch MacBook Pro using CS6 beta.
I have a large image, and want to use the new generator feature to automatically extract two specific areas of this image (which is on a single layer) to two separate files.
Simple enough to do the first, using a layer mask, and works beautifully. But I can't work out how to do another, without copying the main image layer.
I'm using Photoshop CS3 on an old Windows XP computer, which needs to be replaced soon.
Would like to run CS3 on a new Dell with Windows 7 Professional operating system. Dell says that Windows 7 prof. is "Windows XP Software compatible" if I download and use software called Windows XP Mode.
What do I do to get CMYK color mode with Elements 12 for Windows?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a new desktop computer with Windows 8 on it with a 1 TB hard drive and about 12 gb of RAM. I installed PS CS6 and it works but for some reason the application windows blinks off and on when I am using it.Â
View 6 Replies View RelatedUpon upgrading to CS4 for Windows, I find a new, fatiguing "feature" of PS. Any time I drag a file from a Windows directory into Photoshop, it immediately opens as a maximized window. Only by right-clicking on the tab and choosing "Open in New Window" option can I get the document open in a free-floating window. I've looked into preferences, but can't seem to find an option for having documents open in scaled view. In that I work with dozens of images at once, this feature is a pain.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMost of the posts I have seen about this related to mac and I am on a Windows 7 machine. Required for importing video as layers (or as least Photoshop told me so)
View 12 Replies View RelatedI know this is a very ignorant question, but when I minimize a window (that contains, say, 1 particular image that I'm putting on the "back burner" for a moment while I work on another image), there is no apparent way to re-open it.
Don't know if it matters or not, but I'm in "Photography" view.There is no "status bar" (as on a web browser) at the bottom. In fact, there are no tools or anything else at the bottom of Photoshop when it's open.
Well, I take that back, there are the ones at the very bottom right that look like a "chain", an "fx", what looks like a "camera", a circle split with black and white, a "folder", a piece of paper, and a trash can, all of which are grayed out.
I know that Paint Shop Pro and previous versions of Photoshop had tabs at the very bottom left of the window, representing windows that were minimized and clicking any one of them would bring the image to the forefront.
I have found that with windows 7 64 bit (not sure about other versions) when inventor 2012 pro is installed, it causes windows safe mode to reboot at logon screen after like 3-4 seconds. I have found the cause to be a window service that it inventor installs called "Autodesk Moldflow Inventor Tool Suite Integration 2012 Job Manager". I disable this service via "msconfig" tool and windows safe mode works ok.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThis just started happening quite recently and it's really annoying me, but I can't find a preference where I can switch it off.
If I'm working on an illustration and zoom in on a detail, I'll find that any other open windows (within Photoshop CS2) have zoomed with exactly the same amount too, and I have to resize them all. Very time consuming when I'm zapping between open windows. Is this a setting I've inadvertantly clicked or a bug in the software?
I'm running PS CS4/mac on a Apple 30" display and have all my tool windows set up on the left side of the screen in three columns. When I open up a file, it is placed BEHIND my tools in the upper left hand corner so I have to keep moving it over to the right - is there a way when you open or create a new file that the window opens to the right of my tools?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI recently started using Maya on Mac OSX, after having always used it on Linux, and I'm really baffled by the child windows behavior (think Hypershade, Graph Editor, Script Editor, etc...)
The shortcut Cmd+~ does switch focus between the windows, but the child windows always stay on top of the main one. That means that if I open one of these, but need to work in the main maya window, I need to click on the minimize button or double-click the title bar (because Cmd+M doesn't work on these!!!), then need to click in the dock to recall them...
Surely I must have missed something, didn't I? Is there a way to ensure the child windows are hidden by the main window when I switch focus using Cmd+~? On Linux I remember we had a way to set the environment variable MAYA_SET_PARENT_HINT to change this. For sure it's possible under OSX, since that's how firefox / safari and other applications work (switching focus between the different child windows correctly manage which one are in the foreground / background)
why Autocad 2012 opens one window per drawing as opposed to Autocad 2007/2008 opening one window for as many drawings as you have open. Â (I also don't care to group/ungroup similar programs through Windows 7.) Â This must be an Autocad 2012 program default that I can't figure out to change. Â
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe title just about says it all. I usually edit in Full Editor mode, but normally there is an Explorer-like ribbon running across the bottom, much like the one in Express Lab. I opened PSP ProX3 today and it was gone. I'm guessing it disappeared when i did some editing for my daughter in a non-standard (for me) mode.
How do I get it back? I swear I have hunted and even RTFM'd.
I am working on my first real Revit project. Â i need to modify a windows family and in particular i want to change the axis of insertion of the window in the wall. I mean... my window should be placed on the outer edge of my wall. i try to unlock the dimensions that define its position and then i lock the dimension in the new position; the window seems to be ok but only in the RFA file. When i imported it in my project file, the windows moves in the wrong way in my real wall.Â
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've created a picture with a layer of lava underneath a stone wall which is visible through some of the cracks in the stone. I'm looking to use the rippling animation on ONLY the lava layer while keeping the rest of the layers, i.e. shadows,drop shadow, background, etc. in tact.
Is this possible? I tried several different ways but couldn't make it work. So in other words, I'm only trying to animate only one layer.
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.
I want to do for X plane 10. As x plane uses only a single texture per object i need to create a texture which would contain all faces of a building e.g. the roof / front / back etc.. , i tried one by making a 1024x1024 area and imported the other images and saved them as a single jpg. but the texture is not showing up.
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