CorelDRAW X6 :: Make It Default For All Documents?
Sep 14, 2013
is this possible to make it default for the all the documents of coreldraw something like gray tone despite of white. option existed in the options command but i have to go and has to choose the color. Its not like that, at once by default that white color is changed to the gray tint.
I use CorelDRAW X4 exclusively (90%) for Laser work. I have a Page saved as Laser Page. It use to open with a 24 x 12 page area and Horizontal and vertical guidelines in place. It is set to "show guidelines."
However, every time I open a new document, the page layout and guidelines are not there. I always have to rebuild the page and add the guidelines. What has changed so that all I get is a blank page anymore? Or how to reestablish my defaults? I have re-saved it as my new default countless times but nothing sticks. It's a pain to have to always reestablish the layout I want to work with..
how to change the default font for new documents, but how to make it so that you have a preferred default font that overrides Myriad for any document you open. Is that even possible? I receive files from many different sources and most people just stick with Myriad. I need to change that font constantly in documents to Helvetica Bold and want the type tool to just stay there unless I manually change it myself.
It seems as though the axes in my Illustrator CS4 installation are rotated. Whenever I create a new object, the new object is rotated about -5.2º. When constraining the rotation of objects, the rotation is never square to the document edge. How do I fix this?
Sometimes I need to make corrections to pdf documents that are protected. The way I do it is printing them with bullzip printer and then I open the converted pdf document in Adobe Illustrator to make the corrections. But sometimes when I open the document in Illustrator most of it is blank or with very strange characters. You can see an example of these strange characters in URL...
How accurate is the Document Properties information. I have several files that report containing various fonts only I can't find the fonts in the documents. What's the best way of locating particular fonts within documents. The Find dialogue is tedious to use given that we need to manually move from one page to another. Is there an alternative?
Is there a way to increase the number of documents shown in the Windows menu? Sometimes I work with more than 9 docs and it's a pain navigating to and from "More..."
I have several multi-page X6 documents, all with the same layout (chapters of a booklet), which I would like to combine into one document. Is there an easy way to do this?
I just wrote about the crash on scroll. Now when I try to open the file draw goes through the motions of opening it and end up with an untitled document. The entire file has been destroyed. I've had this kind of trouble before but not since I upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7. It makes Draw almost impossible to use since any action even saving might trigger a crash and with the crash comes the possibility that the file is lost. Does this behaviour was specifically addressed and fixed with any of the service packs? I'm still using the original build.
When working on a document with facing pages, with previous versions of CorelDraw htting the page up or page down keys on the keyboard would change to the next set of pages.
With Draw X5, you have to hit page up or page down twice to switch to the next set of pages.
Not a huge deal to hit it twice now, but is there a way to set X5 to the previous behavior where with facing pages one page down would take you from page set 1-2 to 3-4?
When trying to open a coreldraw document sent to me containing fonts that I do not have, I cannot seem to open only as curves and it always wants to replace missing fonts. I am sure I could do this with X3, but not X5.
I just want to import as curves and not substitute fonts.
When copying text from web pages to CDX6 it will often crash on paste. A workaround is to copy to Word first but I'd rather CDR worked properly. Is there anything I could look at within CDR to stop this from happening?
I have a problem with printing in X5. All the documents I've worked in X4when I print the X5 have a problem with the colors, they are not the same with X4.
We have an issue happening on many of the documents that we have that include a transparency or gradient. We did not have these issues in Draw12. (but did have printing issues)
1st issue: Opening these gradients will randomly flip them. Like so:
The bottom image is correct. Now when we print them from Corel Draw X5 to either of our printers (Bizhub C250, or Biizhub C360ps) we get the following (this is created from the same master file, same settings):
Notice the lens effect color replacement is gone, and the bottom gradient is barely visible, the top one not working at all.
Same document, saved to 12 and printed the same way:
Both sent with identical printers settings, same print driver, and as close as possible settings in the X5 and Draw 12 dialog print boxes.
I will create artwork in Corel Draw, save it and then export some elements out to another format.
Then I try to close the drawing and exit.
I get an error that says 'Some of the documents could not be closed because some tasks..background. See status bar for....'
What the heck is going on here? I cannot close the file. I cannot exit the program. The only way to get out of Corel Draw is to end the program through Task Manager.
This update is bad news. I don't know how to go back to 6.1.
I noticed over the last few days that Corel was taking a while to open files. Like, if I had one open already it was usually fast enough, but if Corel wasn't open I'd get an error from the file manager I use saying it couldn't execute the program. Every time though, if I closed CorelDraw, and open a new instance of the program I'd be fine again.
Today has been different. Today I've had to restart corel practically every time I've tried to open a document. A few minutes ago I couldn't even get corel to open.
Right now where I'm at: I can open corel, I can change workspaces, but I can't open any file or even a 'new blank document' It freezes/hangs with the processing bar at about 80 %.
I'm going to try a restore point. I brag about how stable my system is, this makes no sense, I don't think it is a corel problem, I've noticed a ton of updates from Windows starting middle of last week. I just figured it would work itself out. I'll post every step I take. Oh, and by the way, I can open PhotoPaint Just fine.
I've removed update KB2853952 - Improvement only in that I can open corel, but can't open a new document or an existing document. I've done an F8 while starting up Corel Draw and reset to factory specs. No change. Deleted all 10,006 items in my temp folder. No change. System restore back to 9/10/2013 worked. Corel functions as expected.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
How to add my all regular usage documents as a templates. I tried in different ways to display my files in preview dialog box, but no use, only one file is appeared always that is only when the file exist in the desktop. How to display all of my fav. documents in the template preview when new from template command is used .
I"ve just recently upgraded to CDGraphics Suite X5 (from 12), along with Windows 7 and M.Office 2010. When trying to export jpg's I've got 2 problems:
a) Jpg files that I"m now exporting seem to have so many more "options" for exporting and are automatically exporting colours as CMYK. Some of the software programs that I use (for programming digital signage) require jpg files in RGB. Is there a way to set this as a default instead of having to change this everytime I export? (note that I have "checked" the embed colour profile option for my US Web Coated Pantones).
b) The default for exporting is also set at "custom" - should I always be changing this to either medium or large, or can I just leave it at custom. Often I am just emailing jpg's for approval purposes, so I don't always need large file sizes. Does custom set it to the largest possible file size?
I found a tab at the top of the export window that says "Load Presets" and lists for example "low quality jpg.xml" what is this for?
c) when I look at my jpg files in my documents folders they appear "locked" with a little lock on them. Old jpg files created in CD12 don't have this little "lock" icon on them. I have checked the properties and see that these files give full access for modification etc, so I can't figure out why they may be locked.
I had no problem with CS5 however with CS6 when I try to do it with the CS6 version it will not work. I'm using windows 7 and find the .exe file and click on it like I done before however nothing happens.
It was a bit of a surprise to find that none of my 32-bit plugins would work with Photoshop CS4 x64. Most seem to work fine in the 32-bit version of PS though. Is there a way to make the 32-bit version launch by default from Bridge or when opening a PSD file instead of the 64-bit version?
I have a layer that I used in every project of Adobe Photoshop and in that case I used to re-design that layer or copy the image of layer from another project. Is there any way to make that layer default that when I shall start a "new" project, that layer automaticaly fix at layer panel (same as first layer) ?
I use the ruler tool a lot more frequently than the eyedropper, but PS keeps defaulting back to the eyedropper. Is there any way to make the ruler the default tool for that group?
have most versions of PS but I prefer CS4. I am a photographer. Forever CS4 was the default when opening photos. Something happened yesterday and now when I double click on a photo to open it it opens but not in CS4. Not sure what version it's opening in. But I want it to open in 4.
I can right click each and every time to open in 4 but I open tons of photos all day long and that takes too long. How can I again make it so that CS4 is the default?
Windows 7 64 bit.Worked fine until a couple of days ago. Now suddenly the only way I can open files in CC instead of CS6 Extended is if I open PS CC through the icon I had on the taskbar and then use File Open.
When I try to set the file types to open in PS CC, the CC icon no longer appears on the list and if I browse to it and click on the exe file, it opens CS6 instead. Windows Explorer seems to not know it's there and treats it as PS CS6.
I have no idea if there was an update that started this as the CC control panel keeps resetting and I loose the history on it.Minor, but it adds maybe 30 minutes a day which is a problem. I need CS6 installed for the Plug-Ins I use so I can't remove it yet. I'd consider this a meaningful bug.