CorelDRAW X6 :: Slow Movement Of Text In CD

Apr 2, 2012

Starting in X6, I have seen that a group of artistic Text when selected and moved with the Arrow keys is slow and choppy to move to the new location. It seems like it may be trying to do too much calculation. It gives me concern because this is how a program would act just before it crashes. However CD X6-64 has not crashed on me yet.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Snap Mode Slow Down Movement Of Cursor

Apr 5, 2013

Using an old version of autocad 2012 in my laptop as backup loaded on Window 7. Everytime I used the snap mode it slow the movement of my cursor to move to specific location, but no problem using the Window XP.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Slow Jerky Mouse Movement After Accessing Block Editor Or Xref-editing

May 19, 2009

This was originally posted under 2009 - but I have this issue in 2010!

The old post was: Block Editor Posted: Aug 1, 2008 7:01 PM

When I go into block editor, edit the block then close it out. My cursor is really jerky in model space. Especially bad when I go into a command and try to select something. The only way to get rid of the jerkiness is to close auto cad and restart it. Is there anyway to cure this?

I have 2010 and am experiencing this exact same problem. It is intermittent and will sometimes 'go away' after a few minutes. Block editing is definitely related as a cause. I use SDI = 1 predominantly and it seems to be session independent. In other words one drawing session is experiencing the problem but jumping to another concurrent session exhibits no issues.

Task manager shows off the chart 99% plus on process ACAD when it is occurring.

Palette transparency is off globally. I have installed the latest NVidia driver for my Quadro NVS 285 video card. I am running a 3GHz P4 with 4 Gigabytes of ram - Dell Precision 380 workstation. Block Editor background color is default.

Restarting AutoCAD does make it go away - for the moment - but it is soon back. Even closing all tool palettes has no effect.

This does seem to be drawing specific - 2010 seems to be sensitive to something in older drawing blocks - prototype drawings from hotel vendors for instance - most likely inherited from a third party DXF process exhibit the issue heavily - and blocks from these drawings to a lesser degree. I have to constantly purge, audit, and wblock/replace my drawings to keep them clean. My default file type is 2010 which 'seems' to work, but it still happens. Audits show constant drawing errors cropping up, and repeating an audit, shows the same errors until a wblock replace is performed.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Text In Frames Very Slow To Refresh?

Mar 28, 2012

Just started with CDRX6 (Upgrade) and find a frustrating feature with text in text frames. If you import text into a frame and then move the position of the frame in the layout, the text repositions in a waterfall motion within the frame. It takes a second or two to settle down, and the frame also jumps position somewhere else en route before reaching the point you are dragging it to.  It can be moved more smoothly using the arrow keys, but that is painfully slow.

I do not have this problem with X5. Is it a symptom of some new feature in X6, or is it a fault in installation?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Slow (Paragraph / Artistic) Text Content Editing

Apr 20, 2012

Coreldraw X6 seems to be much much slower when editing text content.

When I work on a product brochure with a lot of text involved, CorelDraw become very low responsive when I edit the text e.g. select, move, typing, etc etc. It happens to both paragraph text and artistic text. 

Btw I'm running X6 on an old XP machine.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Slow In A Long Text File

Jul 5, 2013

So since we installed CorelDraw x6 the one file we have been working on is a long text file and it slowes every thing down drasticly.We did think updating would work so we did that and  it still lags.

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Illustrator :: How To Prevent Text Movement When Changing Alignment

Dec 14, 2012

when I align a piexe of text to the right, the text moves to the left..I'm changing the alignment, NOT the position.Ok, if I have 150 different texts, every single text moves to the right. This is because all the text are imported, so by default they are left aligned. So I have to re-align every single text's postiton again, one-by-one, to put back in it's place.Is there a way to prevent this annoying  behavior?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Cut And Paste Very Slow

Aug 4, 2008

why the system performance of X4 slows down considerably to a crawl.Cutting and pasting take longer each time they are used. I have 3 XP Pro computers running Corel X4. The fastest is a 3.2Ghz dual core, 1.3K FSB, fast video, All are fully updated to XP SP3.X4 has been updated. 

All systems run Norton antivirus, Have added .cdr to Norton exclusion list. Windows server 2003 environment.Problem exists even when working on desktop. They do have 500 or so fonts loaded.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Running Slow On HP TouchSmart 610?

Dec 17, 2012

CorelDraw X4 seems to run slow on my new system.

I used X3 on a very low grade business computer at my last job and it worked flawlessly, now I have a stacked HP system with X4 and it runs doggie. I notice it most when cropping bitmaps with the node edit tool. I will get an hour glass (blue ring) when I do this.

I have my memory allocation at 75%

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Slow When Using File Located On Network Server?

Jan 24, 2012

I've been having a problem with Draw X5 freezing for a few seconds every minute or so. Quite often when I try to drag an object around the page everything stops (program freezes) and I have to wait a few seconds till it starts again.  Also happens sometimes when I drag an object to a new layer.  Actually it can happen on any action.

All the .cdr files are located on a network server, but today I've come to the conclusion that Draw is somehow referencing the file every few minutes (usually something like just one minute between pauses).   And because it's a bit of a slow connection speed between the network and my pc, the program hangs (like its slower to save and load from the network, than my local drive). I've got the Save Backup set to 30 mins so would have thought I'd only get an odd pause every 30mins (and turning off auto backup). 

I thought I'd see what a file was like which was located on a local drive and so far no pauses.  While I can obviously save to my local drive to work on, then save back to the network, it's a hassle and not ideal as it's harder to track the up-to-date file versions.  This doesn't happen with any other program I use, and they're all saved to a network server.

how I can stop Draw X5 looking at the file location until I save or auto save?  My system is Win7 64bit 12GB i7 core, Nvidia GTX 460.  The program has all the service packs etc.  I've turned off the live text to no avail.  There is no added junk (colour spaces etc) in the files.  It happens no matter what the file size.  And it's not my antivirus, as I turned it off and the odd pauses continue.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Slow Screen Update With Thick Pen Objects?

Nov 21, 2011

I have 2000 objects in my drawing and they all have outline pen widths that are abnormally thick, say 5000 mm. I'm using that method to export additional info with the AI file. Of course, I use Simple Wireframe view model. 

Whenever I change an object, X5 takes about 90% CPU for about 8 seconds,and during that time I can't do anything else with Corel Draw.

I suppose it is drawing somewhere and thick lines take too much time.If I change all the objects to Hairline, or I enable Manual refresh, things work smoothly.

Is there anything I could do to prevent X5 from drawing all objects somewhere? I've tried disabling Use Off-screen image, but that doesn't work.

I thought it was Windows Aero, creating taskbar thumbnails, but I suppose that happens only when the thumbnail is actually visible on-screen.

BTW, Corel 11 and Corel 7 don't care about pen thickness...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Opens Files Very Slow?

Dec 11, 2010

When I open a file it takes about 3 to 10 min, even more. I make rubber stamps so my files contain circles with text fitted on it and no more than 10 rubber stamps models.

I reinstalled Corel Suite but no hope.

If I create a new file, draw a rectangle (or a rubber stamp) and save it, the next time this file opens instantly. If I open an old file, after finally opens, I delete everything in it and save it, the next time it will take several minutes to open. Also, the empty file is about 700 KB long, comparing to a new empty file which is about 12 KB long.

The Corel stuff no longer supports Corel 12 (even if I've seen the same problem on other forums, reported  for higher versions, with no real solution).

NB: Old files are the files created before reinstalling Corel Suite; and they are a lot

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Freezing Or Working Really Slow?

Nov 5, 2013

I upgraded my Corel Draw to X6 version about 3 months ago. It worked perfect until a few days ago, since in started to freeze when doing simple operations as copying a vector image or a text or exporting a document (for example a vector image to .png or .pdf)

The funny part is that we have two computers in our office with Corel installed, and both of them have the same problem. We checked with our IT department, did all the upgrades to Corel and Windows, did a repair to Corel, and still, same problem.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Working Slow On Windows XP?

Nov 11, 2013

We purcased X6 and installed on 3 PC. two are Windows XP and one has Windows 8 operating system.

X6 work fine and fast on Windows 8 system.

But both X6 on both Windows XP are nightmare. Just creating new document can take up to 10 sec. Printing is also very slow, but exporting simple JPG file knock-me down. It take half minute or more...

Previous we worked many year's with X4 on same PC's, now we format PC's, Install Windows XP with all service pack's and updates, reboot machine and install X6.

It is not possible to install Windows 8 on those two PC's, because they drive two machines, that only support Windows XP...

Windows XP are 32 bit, Windows 8 is 64 bit

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Copy And Paste Suddenly Slow

Oct 26, 2012

the speed of cutting and pasting, as well as saving a drawing in CorelDraw X5 has drastically slowed down.Could it be a Windows issue and not a Corel issue?  I have plenty of RAM and I've defragged.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Glacially Slow To Save And Close

Sep 22, 2013

CorelDRAW X6 has been lovely and fast for me these last few months but the reason I quit Corel for a number of years was that, after a while it seemed to slow down. Now, suddenly, when I save a file of exit the program freezes for approx 35 seconds before finally closing. It makes no difference where I save the file (on my SSD C Drive or elsewhere). I have a 6 core, 32gb RAM etc and, as I was saying, it worked until today but suddenly this.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Font Selection Really Slow Compared To X3

Feb 24, 2012

I have just upgraded from X3 to X5.  In X3 when I would type some text I would then scroll through the different fonts and see which one I wanted to use.  This was really quick.  I simply cursored down through the list.  X5 is very slow in changing from one font to the next.  I'm having to match and select fonts in X3 and then paste them into X5 and continue my artwork. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 :: Double Cutting And Slow Running?

Sep 20, 2011

Have recently upgraded to corel 11, from 9, but at the same time upgraded my computer.

When I try to plot a simple circle shape on my Roland CM24 the image cuts twice and is extremely slow (juddering).

I believe the double cut is caused by the hairline & fill but messing around have only gone from double cutting each shape individually to do double cutting the whole image.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Slow To Open And Save Files Across Network

Apr 23, 2012

I have recently installed Corel X6 and have found it to be painfully slow when opening files. At first I had thought it might be a network issue so I copied the file to a local drive and experienced the same problem. 

The file is only 819Kb but it takes about 3 minutes to open the file. When I first select the file in the File Open dialogue window Corel just hangs for about 1 minute. It finally responds then takes a further 2 minutes to process and open the file.

I have turned off my antivirus software as I thought this might be a file scanning issue but still the same result.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Copy / Paste Slow With McAfee Real Time Scan On?

Aug 27, 2012

slow copy to clipboard?  I have pinned it down to my virus protection.  I use McAfee and I notice that my CPU goes up considerably when I do a copy to clipboard under mcshield.exe.  When I turn off the McAfee, copy to clipboard in X6 works fast and perfectly.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Screen Redraw Rate Real Slow?

Sep 11, 2013

Windows 7 64bit
i7 -3770 @ 3.40
GeForce GTX 550 Ti 
16gigs ram
SSD Primary drive

Since running x6 my system takes an unrealistic time to refresh graphics.  I am working with a simple file and it takes 3 to four seconds to refresh after zooming in. My processor on CPU and Video card barely take a 20% hit. 

Is Corel not setup to use the resources available? Is there some sort of Mad Hatter trick to fix it?

Here is a shot of the file I am working on after a fresh restart. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Slow When Opening / Browsing Files On Samba Folder?

Mar 21, 2012

I set up for a client of mine a new file server using samba.

Everything is working OK except the browsing/opening of files directly from the network drive,  using both  X4 amd X5 versions on windows XP and 7.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Copy And Paste And Opening / Saving Files Really Slow?

Aug 28, 2013

I am using corel X6 64 on a Dell optiplex 9010 intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz. 8.00GB of RAM. Its taking about 1-2 minutes to copy/cut/open a file/save a file or even publish to PDF. On the same machine Same circumstances but different User i have no problem. I have to use my user because its connected to my email and at this company i cant change that. I have researched many forums and its not color styles or object styles. It does it on a new file with only one object created. I got a new computer signed on to my user account and the problem persists.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Changing Large Amount Of Characters Crashes / Too Slow?

Apr 13, 2012

After fairly smooth sailing for using X6 I ran into a problem that's caused me to switch back to X5 for the time being :(

I work in files that have thousands of individual characters in them.  In X5 if I wanted to change the color of about 10,000 individual characters it would take about 3 seconds to do so.  If I do the same thing in X6 I takes at least 30 minutes (or longer, I just killed it by that time).

Working with large amount of texts is incredibly slow X6, not just 5 or 10% or slower, doing somethings takes up to 10x times as long.....

I know there is a lot of features for text in X6 but this decrease in speed puts a complete block in my workflow.  Maybe Corel could have a feature that individual text characters have minimal properties associated with them or something?

Here are my specs:

windows 7 64bit with office 2010 installed
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
16.0 GB ram

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extremely Slow After Changing Text Engine To Middle Eastern

Aug 28, 2013

I'm using PS CS6 13.0.5 x64 on Snow Leopard (iMac 27" late 2012). I tried to change the text engine to Middle Eastern, but after I restart PS, the program is nearly non-responsive, and it takes forever to edit text. Changing it back to East Asian solves the problem, but then again, I want to use the Middle Eastern feature...
When I use Illustrator CS6 I don't have such problems (although I have to write backwards, since there is no support for right-to-left in Illustrator in my version)

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CorelDRAW / DESIGNER SDK :: How To Wrap Text Inside A Text Field / Paragraph Text Using C#

Feb 1, 2013

I have designed a C#  application to To Print I Cards  Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .

I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....

s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...

This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.

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Photoshop :: Slow Computer Makes CC Slow

Aug 23, 2013

how to make my photshop application fast few days ago it was working good but now its performance is slow and my computers speed is also slow. How to fix it?

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Photoshop :: Brush Movement

Apr 11, 2005

when i use the brush tool the brush is on the canvas, now i want to rotate just te brush not the canvas, someone had done it before and they hit like shift + R but it doesn't work, anyone know how to rotate a image/brush without rotating the canvas?

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3ds Max :: Getting Flex Modifier Movement

Feb 3, 2012

I have an object that moves right-to-left on the X axis. I've applied a flex modifier to the object and disabled "Use Weights". So now I have an object that moves with a slight sway/spring behavior.

But what if I want another object to be linked to this object and thus inherit it's flex behavior?

It seems that the flex modifier doesn't affect the object's Gizmo at all, even though it moves the object from it's original position.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Cursor Movement Locks?

Aug 2, 2013

I have just got CS6 and I am having problems with the brushes tool when drawing, moving a cursor values, moving images and so on. Although I am moving the brush, on screen it appears as if it wasn't moving at all, and the circle around the brush appear, as if the brush was stationary, and a line starts to appear around the brush cursor creating a circle, when this circle is complete, it bring the left-click menu (when using brush tool).

It's frustrating, becase a 5 min job ends up taking 20mins instead. I'm having to do really exaggerated cursor movements for the circle to not appear around the cursor and actually register movement, but by that point, the movement is so exaggerated that it messes up the drawing or piece I am working with..This didn't happen with CS3 when I was using it yesterday, but has been happening since the beginning with CS6.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Menu Font Movement

Jun 6, 2013

Noticed that after creating a DVD menu via Videostudio (x6 installed), that when the Main Menu appears on your TV (or preview box in the DVD maker) that the wording you have created has a slight judder as it settles into its place? The same happens when you select to play or leave that menu page, that it always has a slight judder moving off again.

I tried turning off motion menu, but the font seems to always judder slightly out of position on arrival or exit.

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