In X6, I select the Text tool, then in the docker or on the tool ribbon I set the point size to, say, 12 points.
But, with the Text tool still active, when I click to deposit artistic text, the point size changes to 24 and the text is deposited in that size.
Next time I select the Text tool, the point size shows as 12. But when I click to deposit artistic text, the point size changes to 24 and the text is deposited in that size.
How can I arrange for all artistic text I deposit to have a certain point size I choose.
This seems like something that should be really easy but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I even started looking at using the Subassembly composer to create a custom SA but that seems like a ton of work so something that would seem to be a common problem.
I need to provide a v-ditch with 2:1 side slopes at the toe of a 2:1 fill slope. The flow line of the ditch should be 2 ft below the daylight point of the roadway pavement section.
My problem is that the conditional subassembly seems to evaluate the height of fill directly beneath the attachment point of the conditional SA (pavement section daylight point in my case – “Daylight_Sub” Point code). Instead I need it to evaluate the difference in elevation between the catch point of a 2:1 daylight fill slope and the conditional SA attachment point (Daylight_sub). If that difference is less than 2 feet, I need to provide the ditch, otherwise I can just use the daylight slope for the ditch foreslope and the existing surface for the backslope.
how to do this? Maybeits as easy as using a predefined daylight subassembly that I'm overlooking?
Here’s my current assembly attempt:
And the resulting behavior. It is solving the 2nd fill condition when I would like it to solve the 1st fill condition:
Text is displaying at the incorrect size in both paper space and model space. It seems that there may be some kind of global scale factor in action e.g. if I add text at size 2.5, it displays at size 2.25 and if I add text at size 1.8, it displays at size 1.62.
How do I set so that text is displayed at the correct size?
I need to find a way how to insert a point or a * on the center point of a hole and put it on a different layer. The reason for this is - I am a CAD tech for a welding shop and we cut parts out of steel and we use the dxf file format for our plasma table to cut parts. For example : if i have a 1 inch thick plate and want to put a 3/4'' hole in the plate the hole will be distorted because the hole is smaller than the material thickness. For these situation we can use the plasma table to burn a point or a dot on the center point of the hole. But to do this the point or dot must be on a different layer in the dxf.
Modifying the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale,
I’m wondering how the point size/text size assigned at particular annotation scale can be modified.
For example, in the attached screenshot, the point size assigned at the annotation scale of 1/1000 is big and I wanted to make it a bit smaller at that scale.
may have accidentally set Premiere Pro so that every out point I set, it advances 5 frames ahead, making it very frustrating to make cuts at precise points. There is now a dashed orange line next to the cursor. I can't find the setting to disable this.
Here is an example of what it looks like in the timeline:
I am trying to open a new document to make a design that will be printed.Since it will be printed, I set my resolution to 300 ppi.I need my canvas size to be 6.5" by 3.625", but the canvas size automatically sets itself to 6.5" by 3.627", and I can't change it.
Here's a quick tip where you can set the magnification of "View > Print Size" to reflect the actual physical size of your document.
1. Measure the horizontal viewable size of your monitor or laptop screen. For example: 13.75 inches. 2. Note your horizontal resolution. 1366 pixels for instance. 3. Divide pixels into inches to get your screen resolution per inch. 1366/13.75 = 99.3 pixels/in 4 In Photoshop's Preferences > Units & Rulers, enter this value under New Document Preset Resolutions shown in the screenshot. Save and close.
After that,when you select Print Size,the document and even the onscreen rulers will reflect actual size. Now with Open GL graphics cards being fairly common,the odd magnification needed for those results won't appear jagged.
As lame as it sounds, im making a Bebo Page for a competition at work. I need to make the images have certain dimensions, and a max size, eg 760x375 pixels, and max size of 40K.
I cant find anywhere that i can set the max file file size and optimise the quality of the jpegs.
Right now they are poor quality when i finally get them small enough for uploading.
Surprised I could not turn this up in the Search. Whenever I open a new image to resize it, it does not change size, but sometimes I have seen it larger than this standard size. I need more space for my work, I dont like working with Zoom, or small print. How can I fix setting new image size so the entire background will increase?
I crop all my pics at 8.5 x 11.How can I change my default to that size instead of highlighting the crop overlay and changing it to 8.5 x 11 for each photo.
Revit 2010.I'm trying to change the temp dimension size. (Can read the 8pt.?) I've looked at the .ini file and don't see where I can change it. I've also read where it can be changed via some 'option'. Under which tab and panel is the 'option'?
how to size the grid and set it to snap to the grid. I work with 96 dpi pixel art and need it to snap to each pixel which is actually 6 pixels at 96dpi.
Running Mac os x 10.8.2 and Photoshop CS6. I have an Epson R2880 and so far only used Epson paper. I was able to find all the paper settings but i decided to buy a new German paper.
I downloaded the ICC profile, copied it to /Library/ColorSync/Profiles (and actually any other path that i could find in there). When i open the print dialog i cannot set that paper in either Photoshop or the Epson dialog.
I then removed ALL the ICC files from that path and... surprise. All the profiles are still shown in Photoshop.
I'm drawing something much larger than the paper so I would like to chose paper size A(8.5x11) set the scale then print it out on A(8.5x11) paper. For example: my desk is approximately 65inch x 30inch and I want to draw and print it on A(8.5x11) paper. I want it to print with the drawing being accurate to do I do this?
I set up a new page thus (I live in a country which uses metric units, so ...):
Drawing Units Setting18-07-2013 9-24-06 AM.jpg
Command: '_limits Reset Model space limits: Specify lower left corner or [ON/OFF] <0.0000,0.0000>: 0.00,0.00 Specify upper right corner <3.5000,2.7000>: 3.65,2.74 Command: C CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 1000,1000 Specify radius of circle or [Diameter]: 250 Command:
and I get:
Range Problem 18-07-2013 9-36-57 AM.jpg
The circle was centred at x=1000 metres, y=1000 metres, yet it displays right down at the bottom left of my screen. Compare the radius of the circle to the distance from the centre to the origin - it's nothing like 1:4! Look at the coordinates for the cursor!
Zooming in and zooming out has no effect on the huge dimensions indicated by the coordinates.
I know this must be simple because it is not mentioned in any textbook or tutorial I have been able to find. Authors don't seem to think it is important, but it's driving me nuts! The question is this:
How do I set the page size and grid scale to something sane?
I am pretty sure that this scale problem is at the root of many of the other problems I am having. A14 is doing it's job faithfully but the display is so small that I cannot see what is happening !
Setting the label size for multiple thematic rules, I couldn’t figure out how the label size can be set for multiple thematic rules in one go (attached).
I have created an item made up of lines, circles and arcs. One side line distance will control all other sides, circles and arcs. I applied geometric constraints and then Dimensional constraints. D1 is the distance that will control all other objects. I have it working so that when I change D1, the sides adjust accordingly and the arcs and circles keep their geometry.
I was wondering if there is a way to add a range of distances for D1 so that if someone goes below the minimum value, nothing happens and if you go above the maximum value, nothing happens? I know if you make a block, you can make a list of distances for D1 to move. Is there a way to do this in the design drawing? Although, I don't just want a set range, I would like any distance between, say, 8 - 12 inches.
I tried to set some parameters in the Parameters Manager with no luck. Maybe there is an expression to use? Where would you find this expression if there is one?
Is it possible to make the program to stop rounding when I try to set the image size? I'm putting in a size that is like 4.569 and it rounds it to 4.57 and I don't want it to round it.
Any way to set the character leading setting so that it auto-adjusts when you adjust font size? I think my Ps used to do that. Now, whenever I change font size, I have to adjust the leading, too.
'm using a Mac with the latest version of the Creative Cloud. I've been stuck with the sillest problem ever with the Character Tool.It started with the size tool. If I set it to 200px and press enter, it will suddently jump to 11443.91 px. It does the same thing if I use the slider (clicking the tT and sliding up and down), it will show me the right number, but the second I let it go, it jumps to a complete random number. If I put it at 300 px, it goes to 11443.91px ... again.Now, all the other character tools are doing the exact same thing. The line-height, the tracking, everything.
Here's all my system info if you need it: Adobe Photoshop Version: 14.0 (14.0 20130423.r.221 2013/04/23:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.8.4 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:58, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
I have some working code that sets the Text Style name to ROMANS inside my Mleader Style called ARROW. Here it is:
(setq dict (dictsearch (namedobjdict) "ACAD_MLEADERSTYLE") ; start setq q dict1 (member (cons 3 "Arrow") dict) ; code 3 is Mleader Style Description el1 (entget (cdr (assoc 350 dict1))) ; code 350 is dictionary entity handle er (tblobjname "style" "Romans") ; new value for MLEADER Text Style ) ; end set (entmod (subst (cons 342 er) (assoc 342 el1) el1)) ; code 342 is MmTextStyleId - write new vale to mTextStyleId
I want to modify this code so that it sets the Arrow Head Size to a specific value, say 0.125. Having a tough time figuring out the DXF codes and tblobjname to do this.
Each time I open a new image in ACR and then open image the editing screen reverts to QUICK mode and a smaller screen size. I then have to click to change it to EXPERT mode and then click to make it full screen. I never had this problem with PSE 10.
(I am bringing RAW images in from outside and not via Organiser.)
I really can't believe that it is not possible in Corel Draw.
1) How to define size of object, for example rectangle before I actually draw first time the custom shape of the rectangle? So far I draw any rectangle and then change the size which is not professional way I guess, because it causes many problems. (like for example I cant change ratioif it is going to be rectangle with rounded corners)
2) Very often in my work I need to change % size of my artwork or object because a client wants to have something 80% size or 20% smaller. I found it impossible to do because CorelDraw keeps remember all % transformations since original size was created. Now, provided that my 1) problem has no solution we end up in such a situation:
- my first rectangle is always NOT in correct, precise size
- when I amend the size it has a correct size but already has different than 100% value.
- Corel Draw forces me to choose: 100% value and not precise size or correct size and for example 113,9%
I completely don't understand what for is the feature that remembers the original size, it's not so needed in practice especially that IT IS A VALUE BASED ON ALWAYS WRONG INITIAL SIZE. Is it so difficult to place a button next to % value called RESET to 100%? (without going back to initial size of course) I know there are tricks for exampleto group the object temporary with other object but it is not a proper way, is it?
Graphic Designer, Web designer and playing with Video and Audio mixing and editing as well ;-).Working for Large Format Printing company Carrick Signs.