No Clean button or command in document palette settings.. Of course there are reset command but not to positive results.. I want to delete the colors in document palette but no clean or delete colors command... Also color styles is not useful and very sophisticated.
Now that SP2 is out and we can delete all in one sweep, is it possible to create a macro that would automatically delete all color styles as soon as any file is open? I never use that feature and would gladly pay for such a macro.
Is there a way to clean up an old newspaper picture in corel?
I'm not that good working with images i'm more of a vector man but I have been playing around with it but the results are not great.
The image itself is a typical grayscale newspaper image with halftoning and its gone a bit yellow over the years, all I want to do is get rid of the yellow and brighten it up a bit.
I have attached a file, I need to clean up and populate with objects: room names, furniture and etc. This file will contain the object library as well.
I'm using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3
It should be.
a. Clean up: If you zoom in 800% this file you will see the corners have spikes. They are not clean.The best way to check it is to extract to a pdf file and check it.
1. Select a piece of a wall. Press "No outline" button. Done. CorelDraw will squeeze a wall a little bit and remove all rubish. The floor plan will still be ok.
way to create an outline contour cut for decals? Iv'e been doing this for years and it's been a headache. I have the graphic/text, duplicate it with a thick outline. Say .25". Then Convert Outline To Object. The problem I have is that if it's a complexe graphic or line of text, a number (sometimes a large number) of the nodes are broken and I have to join them. And CD sometimes adds way too many nodes. So I have to spend a long time deleting unnessesary nodes to clean it up.
Iv'e had people suggest to use the Arrange, Shaping, Boundery function. But that doesn't allow me to make the boundery any further away from the art.
Sometimes in CS6 the delete command just acts as a non-optional "clear" command, and does not show a menu providing the content aware option. Sometimes this cures itself by closing and reopening the program. Sometimes not.
At my job, we are 15 drawers using acad 2008 and 2006. For some reson, on 1 computer, when the guy explode a block, acad delete that block insted exploding it. It make the just for some block, not all block. It make this with acad 2006 and acad 2008 but just with that computer.
how to draw a certain line and be able to delete part of it.
Example 1: I would like to draw a bunch of seried resistors, so I made a bunch of rectangles and draw a wire across them. But there are wire crossing through each one of them, how do I remove/erase that part in between each of the resistor? The line is made by using command: LINE
Example 2: Drawing some polygon and random shapes. Simplest example, drawing a half circle, so I draw a circle and want to remove the other half, how do I do it?
Yes, I know in example 1 I can do one object first then copy paste... But that is not what I am asking. I am seeking the command how to remove the lines or object in between.
I'm trying to delete a unused layer. But when I do that I get the following error (see attachment). I googled a bit and figured out that the LAYDEL command might solve my issue, but as I'm using Autocad 2013, that's not possible, as it doesn't have this command...
The block that causes the error can also be deleted, I tried with the purge command, but must be doing something wrong cause it didn't work. Oh yeah, with regard to the purge command, I see it this way (attachment 2), how can you display it in a window kind of view to get a better overview?
I'm working on a project that details with topo lines. I have the contours, however because I imported them as DWG's from sketchup they're a bit messy. Basically, instead of being one continuous line, their endpoints intersect and overlap, making it look very messy. Is there anyway I could delete these extra lines? I tried the overkill command to no avail.
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
Is there a way to permanently delete a color from the layer options? Let me explain. When you open Illustrator or add layers the program seems to randomly select an "edge" color. So when you click on an object the outline is highlighted in that randomly selected color. Now I know that you can double click on the layer and get the layer options pallet and then select what ever color you want. But I have been using AI for over a decade and the straw has finally broke the camels back. If yellow shows up one more time….
I see I can make my own colors but can I delete yellow and half the other colors, from the pallet, for ever?
I think it is a setting error because it wouldn't work on my PC before or after reinstalling. So installed to laptop and no difference.
If I select an object - I cannot use the delete key. It won't do anything. I have to right click and delete.
I can't copy and paste or cut using keyboard short cuts (ctrl + x / c / v ) and a few others don't work.
BUT - when I type into corel - using the text function - and delete some of the text. It works there - and after doing this, for a few minutes, I can delete and copy paste to my hearts content within the programme. Then it stops again.
These shortcuts work as normal within windows and other programmes.
I'm learning to use Coreldraw for artistic metal cutting using a plasma cutter, so the file itself is important and not just what appears on the screen (or what prints out).
I've used the blend tool to draw some circles along a wavy path. I want the circles but I don't want the path. I remove the outline and the path dissappears on the screen but it's still in the file and when I export as a dxf file there is the path cutting right through the circles.
If I use Detach from Path then the circles simple come of my wavy path and end up in a straight line.
Are there any other techniques to give the same result but one where I can keep the circles/objects in their locations while removing the path at file level.
I know of a plugin available for Coreldraw that can take a bunch of dissimilar objects and place them on a path but at this point don't know if it can do what I need and delete the path afterwards.
Or is there any way I can copy the circles without copying the path.
I have a few hundred page CorelDraw document that has one line of text on each page about 6-7 characters long. I need to delete the first 3 characters of text from each line on each page.
I saved up for several months to buy a full version to replace my student version, however now I have the full version it seems to lack a feature that is vital to the work I am creating.
in student I can right click add node to existing line and right click add a second node to the same line then right click anywhere on the segment and right click delete.......... I can't do this in the full version as delete is grayed out.
I have to repeat step one and two and then right click on each new node and break apart THEN zoom in so I can see the node close up and click on it to delete the segment.....could this really be correct? I have saved and waited so long to get the full version and now it will take me 5 steps to do what only took 3 in the student version....I need this to be simple as this is what I do all day so I can create designs to be laser cut... I need a method to delete segments so I can join others in very very complex organic shapes.
How do you get rid of a lens effect? I've looked throughout the program and cannot find how to get rid of the stupid lens. I want the object to be solid.
I recently had to buy a new computer and re-install CorelDraw X5. I've been using the software for about 3 years now to run a laser engraver, so I'm not new to dealing with vectors. For some reason though when I draw something like a square, click "convert to curves", then right click the segment I was to delete, the delete option is grayed out and the only thing I can do is add a node. I'm not too sure what I'm doing wrong or if it's a setting somewhere they didn't get checked off when I installed the software.
A customer brought me some DWG plans, five files' worth. He wants pricing on cutting it out of wood. The cutting part won't take long, but fixing the file will. I could see that there were multiple lines because some lines were thicker.When I select one of the thicker lines and delete it, it's gone. So I knew there wasn't a second line below it. Then I tried Ctrl-K, to break apart the curve. Wow, some of the lines had 23 copies! So I would hold Ctrl, de-select one of the lines, then hit the Delete key to erase the other 22. This will take a lot of time to clean up like this. Do you know of an easier way to remove these excess curves?