CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Clean Up And Populate With Objects?
Aug 23, 2011
I have attached a file, I need to clean up and populate with objects: room names, furniture and etc. This file will contain the object library as well.
I'm using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3
It should be.
a. Clean up: If you zoom in 800% this file you will see the corners have spikes. They are not clean.The best way to check it is to extract to a pdf file and check it.
1. Select a piece of a wall. Press "No outline" button. Done. CorelDraw will squeeze a wall a little bit and remove all rubish. The floor plan will still be ok.
Is there a way to clean up an old newspaper picture in corel?
I'm not that good working with images i'm more of a vector man but I have been playing around with it but the results are not great.
The image itself is a typical grayscale newspaper image with halftoning and its gone a bit yellow over the years, all I want to do is get rid of the yellow and brighten it up a bit.
I often produce graphics in CorelDRAW, export it as en eps file and insert it inside a MS Word document as an image and finally convert it to pdf. This way my vector graphics (often linedrawings with or without fill) usually is preserved in the final pdf document. I can zoom in and the lines keep on displaying perfectly sharp. This is important, since it easily looks bad when thin lines are turned into bitmaps, even when watched from a distance.
Now, in some graphics I created today, I had a circle with fountain fill and outline (symbolizing a sphere) put behind a filled rectangle, which had a uniform transparency applied to it. In the resulting pdf file, the 'sphere' was turned into bitmap. Inside CorelDRAW everything was vector graphics, but something was loast in the process. what happens with the graphics in the different steps in the process and eventually could explain a workaround to make everything look as vector in the final pdf file.
I am fairly new to CorelDRAW and I am having an issue with layering objects that I can't figure out. The problem I am having is this:
I have two line drawings, and one sits on top of the other. Normally, the object in the back is partially hidden by the one in the front. However, I have just done a drawing where the object in the back is NOT partially hidden by the one in the front, and it looks like they are both on the same layer. What happened? I am not sure if I inadvertantly changed a setting, but I can't seem to figure out how to hide that back layer. I have tried using the 'order' function, and that usually works, but for some reason it is not working this time.
Is it possible to convert/open a CDR file to a CPT or PSD file such that the objects are editable. Specifically I need the text to be editable in the resulting CPT or PSD file. I'm using X3.
Having issues with exporting files to an .eps format - using "selected only" some of the objects that I have selected do not get exported - ie. they are missing from the .eps file altogether.
On top of that, most of my colours get washed out to a grey scale - I do work in spot colours.
So picture that you have designed something in Corel. Let's say an invitation. I go to put text or a graphic on top, and nothing is going on top. My text is behind. Nothing i do works. (ex. ctrl-pgup, object in front of.... etc.)
I have a series of images that have been designed - very basic shapes (a straight vertical line with a ball on top in which ascending numbers are placed in each one. So effectively each image is made up of 3 seperate parts and look like numbered lollipops. Each of these images are currently evenly spaced apart and formatted so the text is all properly aligned and sized etc - I would like to be able to copy certain groups of these images and paste them into a new working document which is fine, but I then need to somehow re-space them out to scale once they've been pasted in. So for example i have copied them in and they are 20mm apart to each other (as per my original drawing that i copied from) - is there a way of then altering this spacing so that for example so that they are all 33mm apart but still retail the original formatting properties so they are not stretched etc?
When I export a page as Illustrator CS4, I choose the option "Convert outlines to objects" but it doesn't seem to do what I expect. It does fix the issue of missing arrowheads on lines, but it doesn't convert the outlines to fills as I expected -- is that correct? I wish there was an option to convert lines to fills on export.
I am a screen printer making a leap into the world of CorelDraw. Loving it so far, especially the trace options. That being said, I have a piece of artwork that a client wanted me to scan in and trace to see how it would turn out. The image can be found here:
Problem I am having is the stick figure in front of the cross. The figure is being grouped with the cross...not allowing me to properly color the image and separate how I need it. The text needs to be red, the cross black, the hearts red, and the stick people white...will be going on a blue t-shirt. Am I looking at having to create my own lines...or am I overlooking/not thinking of an easy way to do this?
I love the function in Photoshop in which you can stroke a selection with a brush. Was wondering if that was possible in CorelDraw X4 as well. I know that we can put text on a path, but is that also working with objects?
Since I like making patterns, I would like to place and distrubute objects along a circle or hexagon shape (and other simple shapes).
I am practising filling objects with color. I have attached a file of a design drawn freehand, completely as a random shape. Why I am unable to fill the top left part of the design (above the dark blue) with any color?
So far as I can tell, there are no gaps. Also I have used arrange/join curves to close any gaps. Whatever I try, I cannot get any color in to that area of the design.
Print preview shows objects spaced correctly. But when it prints them, it compresses them together on the page (but the objects are sized correctly).
When I print the same file from a different computer on the network to the same printer, the objects are spaced correctly.
Which leads me to conclude it's a setting in CorelDraw on the first computer. Also, I reset all the default settings in CorelDraw using the F8 technique, but that didn't solve the problem.
I've never learned how to shade or highlight objects but I see that as the next step in my development. Where do I begin? Are there any tools or shortcuts?
I often need to move (a group of) objects on a page, but with those objects I also need to move the guidelines that belong to this object. Is there a way I can lock guidelines to an object so that if I move the object, these guidelines move with it?
This is my first post in the Corel forum and I hope I did it all right here:
First Bug -> In my last contest work I've tried to embed many transparency effects. While I designing my graphic I've used (among many others) a transparency effect that named »Behind« (in my German version of CorelDRAW it's named »Hinter«). I've applied that effect to a texture bitmap graphic and it worked correctly so long the bitmap overlaid a vector shape in an ordinary way. But after I include the bitmap into the vector shape (using the vector shape as a Power Clip) obviously the used transparency effect conflict with the anti aliasing function of the vector shape and the smooth margins of the vector shape turned into rough boarders and the vector shape looked like a bitmap in a poor resolution. I guess it is only an indication error in CorelDRAW but for a designer's eyes this bug is very disturbing and should be corrected by Corel!
Second Bug -> Often I use CorelDRAW for vector illustrations and that's why I have to integrate scanned sketches (JPEG format) to build vector illustrations bases of it. Here we have another indication error or better to say a performance problem of CorelDRAW. While I using the sketch image in extended view mode the zoom function of CorelDRAW works correctly and pleasant fast. But if I switch to simple contour mode the performance of zoom mode of CorelDRAW worsens rapidly. The performance of my computer is not the problem with this because my hardware is on a high level and I use an well arranged and clean Windows 7 operating system. It would be nice if Corel is able to fix that problem because it disturbs the work flow enormous and it minishs the fun that I have while I'm using CorelDRAW!
Im writing a script that will use the contour tool and then break the resulting contour apart, change the outline of the contoured object and then regroup both objects.
heres what I have so far:
Sub contour_outlines() Dim OrigSelection As ShapeRange Set OrigSelection = ActiveSelectionRange Dim width1 As Double Dim height1 As Double OrigSelection.GetSize width1, height1 Dim minSize As Double If width1 <= height1 Then minSize = width1 If width1 > height1 Then minSize = height1 Dim WhiteOutlineThickness As Double Dim BlackOutlineThickness As Double 'WhiteOutlineThickness = minSize * 0.33 WhiteOutlineThickness = minSize * 0.5 'BlackOutlineThickness = minSize * 0.49 BlackOutlineThickness = minSize * 0.5 'apply contour Dim eff1 As Effect Set eff1 = OrigSelection(1).CreateContour(cdrContourOutside, WhiteOutlineThickness, 1) ActiveSelection.Separate ActiveLayer.Shapes(2).Outline.SetProperties BlackOutlineThickness, LineCaps:=cdrOutlineRoundLineCaps, LineJoin:=cdrOutlineRoundLineJoin ActiveLayer.Shapes(2).AddToSelection Dim s1 As Shape Set s1 = ActiveSelection.GroupEnd Sub
So in this script Shapes(2) is the contoured object that I want to change the outline of. Im guessing however it is only called shapes(2) because there was only 2 objects in the document when I wrote this script, (starting with one). In fact, if i start with a document with more than just one object, the outline change doesnt work.
I need to either leanr how to get a count of all objects in the document and assume the highest number will be the last created object and will thus be the one I need, or perhaps there is a way to instantiate the contuored shape when i call ActiveSelection.Seperate. something like
I prints photos with some text overlaid, like title of image, copyright etc.
I select all objects and save the design then print, and sometimes only the text prints! the image/photo does not print.
well that is kind of annoying to have a 12x36 panorama canvas with only the text and not the picture, since the canvas is ruined and costs about $12 a print.
Why does the find and replace functionality have to be so sloppy to use? I have a customer that sends me cmyk drawings and I need them to be rgb. They also have lines that need to be changed to hairline from .25pt. It's frustrating how difficult this is to accomplish due to the sloppy interface that CD has had ever since I've been using it - since v12.
How hard would it be to allow you to change the palette, line width and colors on lines and outlines in one step? Right now it's multiple steps and don't forget once to change the target color palette or you'll convert everything back to cmyk...