I had a road map drawing in Draw X3, mostly lines and text, and used to export to pdf for smartfphone compatibility, getting typically an adequate quality 204 kB file using "export for editing" export setting. After upgrading to Draw X5 the same file gives a 1508 kB pdf file which is too large. If the export setting is turned back to "web" I get a small 40 kB file but the quality is not so good. How do I compromise between "web" and "edit" settings for exporting to pdf.
Several days ago I noticed my files sizes were enormous. I was unable to even open them to work on them. Something that was once 517KB becomes 161MB the next time I save it.
After I installed the Corel update this morning, things were back to working as usual. But tonight it's back to the huge files. I saved a simple greeting card file - no halftones, no gradients, etc. It saved at 19.7MB. A few minutes later after making some small changes - saving again it was now 118 MB.
I tried saving to a lower version of Corel and ver 15 it was the same scenario. When saving to 12, 13, & 14 the files were normal, small sizes. But after a few hours even those versions were saving at huge sizes.
I've had a friend check her computer using the same file - she has the exact same computer & on Corel X6. All of her files are nice and small like they are supposed to be.
I've run virus checks and nothing is coming up. I am on Windows 7 64 bit.
Other than recreating all of my files every time I use them - I have no way of saving usable .cdr files.
I am trying to produce video files for a website video player that requires either FLV or MP4 videos in a non-HD resolution with a widescreen aspect ratio. I am using VisualStudio Pro X5, and the source video files were shot in 1280x720. The project files are in the VSP format (not HTML5).
I might be missing something, but I do not see any options to render any type of FLV file... is this correct?
Regarding MP4's, I only seen one option for a non-mobile MP4, and that is the MP4 HD which will not work as I need a lower resolution. All of the other MP4 options are various iPhone / i Pad / mobile phone files and do not work with standard web browsers. I am looking to produce a non-mobile MP4 in something like a 480x720 resolution, but that doesn't appear to be possible.
I'm creating a huge Illustrator file, 16383 by 12288 pixels. This happens to be the maximum width that Illustrator will allow.I can export this size as a TIF, no problem. But I'd also like to export this file at 2x size, 32766 x 24576.
we use CorelDraw X5 to make cartographies on building plans with several layers of - mostly - polylines drawings (one layer = one building material type or one weathering form type) and we must give them back to architects who use AutoCAD.
We already tried several times to export the .cdr to .dxf or .dwg files, but till now, the architect seems to be able to open the files, but our cartographie is quite illegible: only some parts of the layers are visible and it seems that some layers are not visible at all...
I was asked to make a big banner 525cm x 250cm. After completing it in few minutes I tried publishing it to pdf but i constantly get an empty white pdf file.After few tests i figured out that I can correctly publish any file that is smaller than 500cm but anything above gives me an empty pdf.
I could really use some help. I have to work on a vergy large photo (a 2x2.5 metters print, in 300 dpi). Someone told me that I should work on a small version of the file, and then copy and paste the history from the small to the big file
The thing is: how do send the modifications from one file to another?
Shooting with Canon 5DmkII DSLR, which provides 1920x1080 .MOV files at 29.97 fps. Data rate on the files is about 45Mbps, with a total bit rate marginally higher.I have been asked to output .MOV at 29.97, 1920x1080 progressive with PhotoJPEG compression at 90%, square pixels.
In Proj. Properties, I seem to need Microsoft AVI (MPEG doesn't allow 1920x1080 option). No compression, and have obviously kept 29.97 fps. Whether I want to perform non-square pixel rendering at this point, and haven't yet found any info on whether the camera shoots square or non-square pixels. Or I want frame-based or upper or lower fields first. I haven't found any explanation of what this means in the product documentation.
I've created an output template to give 1920x1080 at 29.97 fps, 24-bit colour. Again don't know whether to pick frame-based or upper or lower field first. Using PhotoJPEG compression (100% seems the only setting available, but that's OK).
In the final Create dialogue box Options, there is another chance to render non-square pixels (I'm assuming "no" here since I want square), as well as a checkbox for Smart Render, but again no explanation as to why I would need it.
So I've been practicing with 10sec clips to see what happens. With the above settings, the creation takes a couple of minutes and I have been able to generate a huge 1.6GB output file. Play is somewhat jerky since I don't think my computer can keep up. The input files are e.g. 233MB for 44sec, or about 5.3 MB/sec. Am I wrong to expect the output to be about the same size? Curiously, I have been able to generate 50MB files for two of the videos, and the rendering only took a couple of seconds. Unfortunately I have not been able to repeat this, but rather get these 1.6-1.7GB files as the routine. I have tried different input files with the same result.
I have hundreds of web galleries that I need optimized. I need each photo opened and resaved. However, I need the photos to be saved via "save for web" so that the files end up being about 20-30 k. If I use just "save as > jpg" the files end up being about 100-130k. IMPORTANT NOTES: I want the current files to be overwritten (partly because, if I designate a destination, they will be unorganized, and partly because each photo comes in 4 diferent versions: bwlrg, bwsml, clrlrg, clrsml.
merging mesh and group from other file (i do this in every new project) i see file size growing (120MB to 700 Mb for example!!)Now, if i try to "save selected" some object,
- from the scene1 in which i've merged object2
- from the scene2 that i have merged in scene1
the file saved have the same big size, and if i delete from scene 1, merged object and resave it, the filesize is just a bit less of 700..
I do beer signs for a living. Sometimes I like to import other coreldraw files into my current work to take designs off of them, such as a curve or a portion of text. I then delete the unused parts. The problem is that whenever I do this, it makes the save file huge!
You can test this. Open an empty coreldraw file. Drag a few .cdr's into it. Delete everything you imported. Save the empty file. It will be the size of all those .cdr's combined!
I'm using Coral Draw X5 and Sign Cut Pro with a Vinyl plotter and Im trying to import files into X5 and export them to Sign Cut. Which file formats should should I be using?
When I export a jpg file from my laptop with windows 7, the file has a lock on it. I don't have the drawing locked but the file shows up locked when I try to email or view and the clarity of the jpg is fuzzy. I don't have this problem when working on my computer with windows xp. Also when the jpg is locked, it does not read on my mobile phone. What do I have set wrong?
Also on my XP computer when exporting the page is black but exports fine. I would rather see the file I am exporting, I have looked at all the settings but don't see why this is happening.
I just purchased and installed X5 on my Win 7 Pro system. I work with large files (8-10MB) using multiple OLE linked CDR files and bitmaps. When I export to PDF using the built-in exporter, most of the OLE files do not print and the ones that do are corrupted. I have made a work around using doPDF V7, but believe this should work out of the box.
We are experiencing an almost virus-like situation with some of our dwg files. Massive file sizes that grow exponentially - even with very few entities and no xrefernces. Said files also have issues with copy-to-clipboard and paste from one dwg file to the next: objects do not paste, but dozens of sequentailly named phantom blocks are generated.
After doing some searching around we feel this is occurring when clients send us files exported from microstation.
I create a document with multiple artboards whereby every image I place in the document is linked, however the size of the document is still enormous (around 350mb). It's a big document with a lot of clipping masks on images but surely it shouldn't be so big.
Is there any way for CorelDraw X6 to export very large TIFF files? e.g. greater than 30,000 pixels in each dimension? I am currently running X5 on XP 32-bit and it cannot seem to handle it, even though Photo-Paint appears to have the ability.I finally manage to get our IT guys to give me a Win7 64-bit test machine for me to trial X6 64-bit, but seems to only do marginally better than my X5 installation. The test machine already has 7GB RAM installed plus a very, very large drive.I also had to run the same test on Adobe Illustrator and it was able to deal with this very quickly and smoothly, no troubles at all.You may find it hard to believe, but I actually like using CorelDraw :-), which is so far the standard package for our company, but if I cannot get X6 doing what we want, I'm afraid it's the end of the line.
I started this exercise off using New from the File menu and then Imported a .png photo. I then feathered out the edges of the photo.
Now I have spent many, many attempts to try and Export this photo (in Corel Photo Paint) as a new .png file so that I can then use it later with other packages e.g. with the hopeful intention of it having a completely transparent background for use with say Power Point. I want the ability to take the new image with a transparent background and place it over an existing background in say PP so that the background "bleeds through" the feathered edges. What is happening is, the feathered edges that I created are no longer transparent when the image gets exported out of Corel Photo Paint as a .png file. They show up as a white glow. I was successful if I followed the steps as given by "Hunter" but I had to create the image wholly in Corel Draw using the transparency tool which does not seem to allow for feathering of the edges of an image. The only way I can see to feather the edges is by using Corel Photo Paint but then I don't get them transparent when I export the file. If I was to create an image with say a circular hole in the middle of it with NO FEATHERING ...sharp edges, all would be fine.
I am printing super high res images onto fabric. My print guy has instructed me to create my images in 1440 dpi and my fabric is 58 inches wide and about 80 yards long. I need to create ONE image so they can just print it continuously along the whoe piece of fabric. So I need to create a REALLY BIG image. They have recommended Adobe Creative Suite, but of course I want to do it with GIMP.
Just today, I installed the latest GIMP, and it doesn't seem to be letting me create even a 58x72 inch image in 1440 dpi. Is there an add on or a way that I can create huge tiff files in GIMP?.....or do I have to shell out the cash and get Creative Suite?
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
I just started to try to clean up my hard drive and using CCleaner I found that I had 70 GIGS OF FILES IN TEMP! most of this is made up of a 55 gig photoshop temp file and a bunch of 300-750 MB photoshop temp files. I am just wondering why these are in there, why they are so big, and if I can safely delete them.
Client supplies me with word document, I make a PDF from it and then from Acrobat create an ESP file, this is done as an eps file is much less likely to cause probs then importing a PDF, I then print from the Coreldraw file with the EPS pages no problem. The problem then arises when I have to then create a PDF file from COreldraw for the client - any EPS files in the document do not appear in the PDF - so there lies the problem.I cannot alway directly import a PDF file (often screws up) even if I save fonts as outlines. Saving as EPS overcomes most/all issues.
Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.
My current work around is to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.
In trying to produce out an .mp4 file (H.264, 5000 data rate, 30fps frame-based, 1280x720) at some point in the file creation, usually around 70%, the screen goes black, I have no keyboard or mouse response and the only sign of life is the blue light on the CPU. The only way out is a hard shutdown and reboot. Needless to say nothing gets produced out.
Work has finally given me a machine that can run AutoCAD properly and I now also have the office license of full AutoCAD 2011 (vanilla AutoCAD not architecture etc.)
I am about to start placing a lot of setting our coordinates onto some drawings and was wondering what the easiest/fastest way to produce setting out coordinates utilising all the fancy stuff AutoCAD has.
On LT I used to place points where I wanted the coordinates from, copy a peice of MText around say E:XXXXX N:XXXXXX with a leader from the point to the text. I would then go around listing each individual point and copy and paste from the AutoCAD text window to the MTEXT correcting the decimal point manually.
My director on this job hates tables of coordinates so I can't use them. Also the datum of the drawings is not world UCS, would this be a problem? I have looked at the LISP tutorial but have never used any LISP beyond this.
Running CS6 Basic on W7-64bit. I'm not a frequent user of CS6, mostly Photoshop Elements does all I need, but I've been reworking the CS5 Classroom in a Book exercises to refresh my CS6 knowledge.
I've reached the exercise (page 139) where multiple images of a model are merged using File> Automate> Merge to HDR Pro... but getting a weird result in CS6 64-bit. I've tried (resetting preferences, ensuring images are displayed in tabs) but neither has worked. My graphics drivers are up to date as are all Windows updates.
If I run the same images through Merge to HDR Pro in the 32-bit version of CS6 its perfect.
I am looking for producing Blu-Ray compliant output from VideoStudio. I have VS PRO X4 with SP2. The input is AVCHD from a Canon HF200 and the target is Adobe Encore.
The reason for Encore is that I need a good navigation solution. VS’s menu and navigation is somewhat primitive. But Encore is notoriously zealous about compliance. An had given up on getting Encore to recognize anything from VS as compliant but took another look and now I’m even more confused.
As a baseline, if you take the raw clips from the camera and put them into Encore it accepts that they are Blu-Ray (H.264/AC3) compliant and will not attempt to transcode them. This is what I want since the output will be essentially the same as the input so no loss and the time to output is quite fast. The exception to this is when something like a transition occurs then it must be rendered. What I was not expecting is that VS does not appear to render the whole clip. It renders the bit that has the transition or effect or title etc. up to the next GOP then appears to revert back to not transcoding again. I can’t be 100% sure of that but carefully watching the CPU and disk activity and showing the render progress it is quite obvious that when it gets to raw footage again it starts behaving like a file copy rather than a render. This suggests that SmartRender actually does try and do the right things.
I did try to put a clip at the front of the project then tell VS to render as per first clip. This did not work, the output was compliant but it decided to render everything. I would expect this to be the ideal case for NOT rendering but something went wrong. If you put an item that does need rendering followed by the raw clips it renders than flips into just copy. There seems to be a logic fault here somewhere. Then I found that if disabled SmartRender the output for was compliant but it rendered all the clips.
If I output the project as Blu-Ray (MPEG-2) it come out as fully compliant and Encore won’t touch it. Of course it is twice as big as the original and some degree of rendering must have taken place, although it takes only a fraction of the time for other renders. I am not sure why this is the case either. If I use the other options (like 1440x1080i) it is also compliant (although the scenes are totally distorted as you expect).
I also tried a custom preset setting the video to 1920x1080i with a max bit rate of 20000 H.264 and the AC3 to 384kbps. I know there are quite a few more factors in Blu-Ray compliant video but this is all I can set.
It seems no matter what I do I get compliant Blu-Ray output EXCEPT for the one I really want with SmartRender doing it’s thing.
All I can conclude from this is that VS can produce compliant Blu-Ray and SmartRender short circuits the render but for some reason already fully compliant video gets turned into non-compliant video.
I am getting unwanted artifacts when I work with medium to large size brushes in Liquify. The artifacts look like lines of a few pixels width that are offset from the surrounding image area -- almost like pulling a couple of threads in a woven patterned fabric. This has happened with both large and small file sizes. It necessitates way too much retouching.
I use liquify extensively on images and didn't have this problem when I used Photoshop 7. It began with CS. I am now using CS2 on a G5 with OS 10.4. Any ideas how to solve this?